Adapted from Behold My Servant!, by Robert B. Thompson

Copyright © 1998 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

Planting the Heavens
Laying the Foundations of the Earth
Saying to Zion: “You Are My People”
Planting the Heavens
Laying the Foundations of the Earth
Saying to Zion: “You Are My People”


1. Name the three commissions of Christ (Isaiah 51:16).

2. With what has Christ been commissioned to plant the heavens?

3. What is the one true foundation of the earth?

4. What does Divine election signify?

5. Who compose true Zion?

6. What is the Lord Jesus adding to Himself?

7. What will be given to the nations of the earth through the Seed of Abraham?

8. What is Christ always saying to God’s people?

9. What is difficult for Christians and Jews to accept?

10. What causes much suffering on the part of both Christians and Jews?

Planting the Heavens

11. What are two means by which God perfects the spiritual nature of the members of the Body of Christ?

12. Of what does the spiritual Zion consist?

13. What has been lost to the Christian churches?

Laying the Foundations of the Earth

14. For what period of time is imputed (ascribed) (assigned) righteousness intended to serve?

15. When do Christians have fellowship with God?

16. What is the Christian salvation?

17. Why is it that the Christians, in many instances, are not serving as the light of the world?

18. What is the Kingdom of God?

19. What will happen to the nation of Israel in the future?

20. What will take place when the Light of God arises on all of God’s elect?

21. Who will share the inheritance with Christ?

22. When has the work of salvation been accomplished in us?

Saying to Zion: “You Are My People”

23. What does the term “Zion” include?

24. On what basis was Abraham called out of Ur of the Chaldees?

25. What are two considerations related to the promise of God?

26. Who is the Seed of Abraham?

27. Who were the first Christians?

28. When will it be time for God to turn once again to the physical descendants of Abraham?

29. What must a Jew do in order to become a Christian?

30. What should we Gentiles be saying to the Jews?

31. Where will deliverance be available during the great tribulation?

32. Where is our reborn spiritual nature now?

33. For what purpose shall we return to the earth with Christ?

34. What is the Lord Jesus saying to His Bride today?

*  *  *


1. Name the three commissions of Christ (Isaiah 51:16).

To plant the heavens.

To lay the foundations of the earth.

To say to Zion, “You are my people.”

2. With what has Christ been commissioned to plant the heavens?

The righteousness that is in and of His own Person.

3. What is the one true foundation of the earth?


4. What does Divine election signify?

God, according to His own counsel and purposes, has called from the creation of the world certain members of mankind. They have been predestined to be changed into the image of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. Who compose true Zion?

The Jews and the Gentiles who have been called by the Lord and who have responded to their calling by giving themselves to Christ.

6. What is the Lord Jesus adding to Himself?

A body, a fullness.

7. What will be given to the nations of the earth through the Seed of Abraham?

Eternal life.

8. What is Christ always saying to God’s people?

“You are God’s people.”

9. What is difficult for Christians and Jews to accept?

We have been called to be a part of God in a unique way.

10. What causes much suffering on the part of both Christians and Jews?

Unwillingness to be a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a people separate from the remainder of mankind.

Planting the Heavens

11. What are two means by which God perfects the spiritual nature of the members of the Body of Christ?

The various ministries and gifts given by the Holy Spirit, and fiery trials.

12. Of what does the spiritual Zion consist?

The spirits of righteous people made perfect.

13. What has been lost to the Christian churches?

The vision of the Kingdom of God announced by the Hebrew Prophets, the Kingdom preached by John the Baptist, by the Lord Jesus, and by the Apostles of the Lamb.

Laying the Foundations of the Earth

14. For what period of time is imputed (ascribed) righteousness intended to serve?

While Christ is breaking the yoke of sin and rebellion in us.

15. When do Christians have fellowship with God?

When they are walking in the light of His will.

16. What is the Christian salvation?

Deliverance from Satan, our personal transformation, and complete, restful union with God through Christ.

17. Why is it that the Christians, in many instances, are not serving as the light of the world?

Many Christians are limiting God’s grace to an imputed (ascribed) righteousness and are not growing in actual righteous conduct.

18. What is the Kingdom of God?

God in Christ in the holy people (the saints).

19. What will happen to the nation of Israel in the future?

The nation of Israel will be delivered from its enemies, both spiritual and physical. Israel will be forgiven its sins and will be born again of God’s Spirit by a sovereign act of Christ.

20. What will take place when the Light of God arises on all of God’s elect?

The nations of the earth will come to that light.

21. Who will share the inheritance with Christ?

Those who, through His grace, were able to conquer the world, Satan, and their own lusts and self-will.

22. When has the work of salvation been accomplished in us?

When we have been redeemed totally from the authority, power, and effects of sin and have been brought into the image of Christ and into perfect union with God through Christ.

Saying to Zion: “You Are My People”

23. What does the term “Zion” include?

God’s kings and priests, His holy nation—those whom He has called out of the world, as He did Abraham, on the basis of foreknowledge and predestination.

24. On what basis was Abraham called out of Ur of the Chaldees?

God’s own choice, His foreknowledge and election.

25. What are two considerations related to the promise of God?

The physical offspring of Jacob, and the Messianic anointing.

26. Who is the Seed of Abraham?


27. Who were the first Christians?

The elect of the Jews.

28. When will it be time for God to turn once again to the physical descendants of Abraham?

When the full number of Gentile branches has been grafted on the good olive tree.

29. What must a Jew do in order to become a Christian?

Repent of his sins, turn in faith toward his own God, and embrace Jesus, His own Christ. He then is to be baptized in water, not as a sign he has left Judaism but in order to represent his identification with the crucifixion and resurrection of his Christ.

30. What should we Gentiles be saying to the Jews?

“You are God’s people.”

31. Where will deliverance be available during the great tribulation?

In the remnant of saints whom the Lord shall call.

32. Where is our reborn spiritual nature now?

In Christ in Heaven at the right hand of God.

33. For what purpose shall we return to the earth with Christ?

In order that the will of God, now being done in Heaven, may be performed in the earth.

34. What is the Lord Jesus saying to His Bride today, both the elect Jews and Gentiles?

“You belong to Me. Come away My beloved. Follow Me wherever I go. Receive My body and blood that you may become an eternal part of Me and forever be with Me where I am.”

(“A Study Guide For “Christ””, 3756-1)

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