Book Library

The following books, booklets, and pamphlets listed in alphabetical order below represent over 40 years of writing and are available to you online free of charge. If you would like to order any of these works in a hardcopy form, please write via US Postal Service to Trumpet Ministries, Inc. for a list of available books. These works are copyrighted © 1963-2023 by Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.

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You can find books on topics of interest in the following resources. They contain clickable/tappable links to hundreds of books and articles.

    Fifty-Two Kingdom Topics — Introductions to many topics, with a suggested reading list for each.
    Catalog of Books — Synopses of 680 books available on


Abiding in Christ

Access to the Tree of Life


Accuracy of Bible Translations (by Mark Overton)

Acts of Redemption

Actual Sons, Actual Brothers

The Administration of the Kingdom of God

After the Tribulation of Those Days

The Afterlife

The Age of Reconciliation

Amnon and Tamar

The Anointed Deliverer (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

The Anointed Deliverer, Study Guide

Another Gospel

Antichrist Revealed After the Two Witnesses

The Antichrist Spirit

The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Image

Antichrist—the Worship of Self

The Appearing of Christ (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Are We Under Any Law? (by Mark Overton)

The Ark of His Covenant

The Army of Christ

An Army of Judges

The Army of the Lord

As in Heaven Also On the Earth

Aspects of the Resurrection of the Saints

Attaining to Eternal Life

Attaining to the First Resurrection (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Attaining to the Fullness

Attaining to the Inheritance

Attaining to the Inner Resurrection

Attaining to the Out-resurrection (excerpt of Study Guide for the Book of Philippians)

The Authority and the Morning Star

Awake to Righteousness: Book One

Awake to Righteousness: Book Two

The Awareness of Evil



The Baptism With Fire

The Barren (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

A Basic Concept

The Battle for the Body

Battle for the Mind

Be Careful How You Drink the Water!

Be Reconciled to God!

Be Still, and Know That I Am God

Becoming a Son of God

Becoming the Ark of the Covenant

Becoming the Throne of God (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Beema of Christ

Behavior Matters (by Mark Overton)

Behold My Servant!

Behold My Servant!, Study Guide

Behold the Lamb!

Being Born Again and the Kingdom

Being Holy

Being With Christ Where He Is

Being With the Lord

Belief Is Not Salvation (excerpt of The Present Truth)

Belief and Faith

Belief and Righteousness

Belief, Hope, Faith, Obedience

Believing About Jesus or Believing In Jesus?

A Better Resurrection

The Big Picture

The Birth of Christ in Us

Blindness and Deafness

The Blood of Christ Protects the Believer (excerpt of Christ In You)

The Blood—Forgives and Cleanses

The Blowing of Trumpets

Blowing the Trumpet

Body From Heaven (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Body of Christ

The Book of Colossians

The Book of Ephesians

The Book of First John

The Book of First Peter

The Book of First Thessalonians

The Book of Galatians

The Book of Hebrews

The Book of James

The Book of Jude

The Book of Philippians

The Book of Revelation

The Book of Second Peter

The Book of Second Thessalonians

Bringing Every Thought Into Captivity

Bringing the Throne Into the Land of Promise

The Brothers of Christ

Building A New Person

Building the Body Into an Army

Building the House of God

Business as Usual

But For the Grace of God

But What If We—Don't?

Buying the Truth


Called to Be Saints (excerpt of John Seventeen)

Called; Chosen; and Faithful

Calling On the Lord (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Camped at Gilgal


Canaan, and the Rest of God (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)


Carrying Our Cross

Catalog of Books

Cause and Effect


Change Is the Victory Apart from Ascension

A Change of Emphasis

A Change of Theology (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Changed Into His Image

Changing Our Strength

The Chariots of God

The Chariots of God are the True Christians


Choose This Day! (excerpt of A Study Guide for the Book of Romans)

Chosen to Rule (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Christ (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ Is Everything

Christ Will Come to the Believer

Christ and His Saints Go to Work

Christ in You

Christ in You, Study Guide

Christ the Deliverer: One (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Two (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Three (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Four (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Five (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Six (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Seven (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Eight (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ the Deliverer: Nine (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

Christ, Study Guide

Christ, the House of God (excerpt of Christ In You)

Christ, the Servant of the Lord (excerpt of Behold My Servant!)

The Christian Redemption (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Christian Religion and the Kingdom of God

The Christian and Judgment

The Christian and the Ten Commandments

The Christian and the Day of Atonement (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Christian's Response to Evil

Christians Shall Be Rewarded According to Their Works!

Christmas to Come

Christ—Head and Body

The Church (excerpt of A Study Guide for the Book of Ephesians)

Church Members or Christ's Members?

The Church Within the Churches

The Church and the Sheep

The Church and the World

The Church is the Revelation of God

The Church; the Kingdom; Religion

The City to Come

The Cleansing of the Earth

Clearing the Conscience of the Worshiper

The Climax of the Conflict of the Ages (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Clock Starts Ticking Again

The Closing of the Church Age

Clutching the Future

The Coming of the Kingdom

The Coming of the Kingdom of God

The Coming of the Lord

The Coming of the Lord, Study Guide

The Coming of the Saints

The Coming of the Throne

Coming to Know the Father

Coming to the Disciple and Coming to the World

The Concept and Operation of the Body of Christ

A Conduit Versus a Tree of Life

Conformed to the Image of Christ

The Conquering Personality

The Conqueror

The Conqueror, Study Guide

A Contemporary Error

The Continuity of the Testaments

The Convergence


Corrupting the Protestant Reformation

Created to Play

Creating the Image

The Creation of the Eternal Personality

Credited And Demonstrable Righteousness And Holiness (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Cross and the New Creation (excerpt of A Study Guide for the Book of Galatians)

The Cross is the Only Entrance

Crossing the Jordan (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Crown of Anointing

The Current Heresy is the False Prophet

The Current Move of God

A Current Need


The Day of Atonement

The Day of Christ

Day of Fellowship

The Day of Redemption

The Day of Vengeance of our God (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Day of Your Power

The Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord, Study Guide

The Days of Creation

De Jure and de Facto Salvation (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Dealing With Sin Under the New Covenant

Dealing with Chaos

Death and Resurrection—the Heart of the New Covenant (excerpt of The Mainspring)

Death or Life?


The Deeds and Doctrine of the Nicolaitans

The Deeds of the Body are Put to Death (excerpt of Christ In You)

Deliberate Sin

Deliverance from Sin


The Destruction of Righteousness (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Destruction of the Last Enemy

A Destructive Concept of Divine Grace

A Destructive Doctrine

Deuteronomy 16:16

The Difference Between Religion and the Kingdom of God

The Disciple (excerpt of The Work of Restoration)

Diversity of Destinies (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Divine Concept

The Divine Fire

Divine Intervention and Human Activation

The Divine Plan

The Divine Program (excerpt of The Temple of God)

Do We Have To Sin?

The Doctrine of the Trinity

Doing Away With Sin

Doing Good, and the Resurrection


Don’t Touch the Ark!

The Drums of El Shaddai

Dying in the Lord


Eagles’ Wings

Eating the Scroll

Eight Appearances of the Victorious Saints

Eight Passages That Do Not Support the “Rapture”

The Elect

The Elect and the World (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Elect, the Sheep, and the Goats

The Emphasis on Righteous Behavior

The End Game (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The End of Rebellion

The End of the Age

The End of the Wicked

The End-time Judgments

Enduring to the End

Enforcing the Will of God

Entering Through the Gates

Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Entering the Land of Promise

Ephesians Two, Verses Eight and Nine

Escaping Through the Flames

Establishing Our Goal

The Eternal Dialogue

Eternal Judgment

The Eternal Law of God (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Eternal Life

The Eternal Moral Law of God

The Eternal Purpose of God

The Eternal Removal of Sin

Evangelizing and Witnessing

Evangelizing or Obeying?

The Everlasting Gospel

An Examination of Current Teaching

Except Your Righteousness Shall Exceed...

The Exercise of Faith

The Existence of God and the Spirit World (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Expanding the Word of God


Facing the Consequences


Faith Alone? (excerpt of The Book of First John)

Faith and Fruit (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Faith and Works

Faith or Presumption

Faithful Stewardship (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Falling Back into Sin

The False Prophet

False and True Programs of Salvation

A Fatal Misinterpretation

The Father (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Father and the Son Make Their Abode with the Believer (excerpt of Christ In You)

The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feasts of the Lord

The Feasts of the Lord, Study Guide

Fellowship with God

A Few Names

Fifty-two Kingdom Topics

Fifty-two Kingdom Topics, Workbook

Filled With the Fullness

Filthy Rags?

The Final Judgments

The Final Resurrection

The Final Witness (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

A Final Word

Finding God’s Will

Finding Out Who We Are


The Fire of God

First Corinthians, Fifteen

The First Month

The First Resurrection

First Thessalonians 4:13-18 (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The First and Second Resurrections

First the Resurrection, Then the Catching Up

The Firstfruits

The Firstfruits of the Bride

Five Kinds of Righteousness

Five Steps to the Image of Christ

The Flesh Becomes the Law

The Flesh of Man Made the Word of God

Food Sacrificed to Idols

For What are You Preparing Yourself?

For You Died!

For Zion's Sake

Forgiveness and Deliverance

Forming the Body of the Servant of the Lord

Four Aspects of Our Inheritance

Four Aspects of Righteousness (excerpt of The Stature of the Fullness of Christ)

Four Aspects of the Kingdom of God

Four Aspects of the Rest of God

Four Types of the Plan of Redemption (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

Four Warnings from the Joshua Era

Four Worlds

The Friend of God

A Friend of Jesus

The Friends of God

From Adam to Christ

From Bethel to El-Bethel

From Egypt to Canaan

From Forgiveness to the Kingdom

From Imputed to Actual Righteousness

From Justification to Glorification (excerpt of The Mainspring)

From Life to Death to Life

From Moses to Christ

From Moses to Joshua (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

From Passover to Tabernacles, and Beyond

From Survival to Attacking the Enemy

Fruit Is Change

The Fruit of the Land

The Fruit of the Spirit

Fulfilling the Vision

Full of His Glory

The Fullness of God

The Fullness of Salvation

Further Thoughts (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Future Salvation


The Gap of Lawlessness

Get People Saved or Make Disciples?

Getting "There" Now!

Getting to Know Jesus Personally

The Giant Awakens

A Giant Step Forward

The Gift of an Opportunity

Gifts and Ministries

Glorified in His Saints

The Goal

The Goal of the Church (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

God Has Needs and Desires!

God Is Building Character

God and Sin

God is My Salvation (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

God or Cattle? (excerpt of Kingdom Instruction From the Book of Joshua)

God's Two Goals

God's Grand Plan

God's King

God's Kingdom is at Hand

God's Throne Comes to the Earth (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

God's Unfolding Plan

God's Vengeance on Evil Spirits

The Godhead

Godwill Castle

God’s Purpose

God’s Will

Going to Heaven

Going to the Father

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book One

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Two

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Three

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Four

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Five

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Six

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Seven

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Eight

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Nine

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Ten

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Eleven

Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Twelve

Good, but Not the Best

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Governing Priesthood


Grace Defined

Grace and the New Covenant

Grace — What Is It?

Grace; Heaven; Change; the Kingdom

Grace—Replaces the Law or Replaces Righteous Behavior?

The Great Commission

The Great Design

Greater Than John

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Groaning for the Adoption

The Guilt and Power of Sin

Guilt and the Sinful Nature


Ham and Eggs

Handling Sin (by Mark Overton)

Have We Been Deceived?

He Will Never Die

The Head and Body of Christ

Hearing From God

The Heart of the Christian Error

Heaven is People

Heaven, or the Kingdom of God?

Helping God Out

Hidden With Christ in God

The Highest Law of God

The Historical Disaster (excerpt of The Mainspring)

The History of the Divine Plan (excerpt of The Temple of God)

Holiness (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Holiness unto the Lord (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Holy Spirit Becomes the Life of the Believer (excerpt of Christ In You)

The Hour of Testing (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The House from Heaven

The House of God

How Does One Keep God’s Laws?

How Romans 8:2 Works

How To React to Suffering

How We Are Set Free

How We Should Pray

How the New Covenant Operates (excerpt of Except Your Righteousness Shall Exceed…)

How to Escape from the Great Tribulation

The Hundredfold


I Am the Resurrection and the Life

I Can Do Nothing of Myself

I Never Knew You

I Will Be His God

I Will Come to You

If Only We Could Live Our Life Over Again!

If You Love Me...

The Image of Christ

The Image of God (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)


The Importance of Fruit

Imputation and Transformation

In Christ

In My Father’s House

In That Day (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

In What Way is Jesus the Resurrection?

In the Fire With the Lord

In the Year That King Uzziah Died (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

An Inevitable Election?

The Inheritance (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Initiative—God's or Ours?

The Inner Becomes the Outer (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Inner Resurrection (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The Inner and Outer Kingdom of God

Iron, Fire, and Stern Obedience

Is Heaven Coming to the Earth?

Is the Christian Salvation Conditional? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Isaiah, Chapter Twelve

Isaiah, Chapter Fifty-four

Isaiah, Chapter Sixty

Isaiah, Chapter Sixty-one

Israel Is the Church

Israel—God’s Conqueror

Israel—Spirit and Flesh

It Is Time To Move Forward

It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking

It's in the Past


Jacquelyn Miller


Jesus is the House of God

Jesus—the Ticket or the Way? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Joel’s Army

John 3:16 Refers to Bodily Immortality

John 6:25-58

John Seventeen, Devotional

John, Chapter Seventeen


The Judaic-Christian Salvation

Judging the Living and the Dead

Judgment Begins with the Household of God

The Judgment Seat of Christ (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Judgment Seat of Christ is in Session (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Judgment and Rewards

The Judgment of Satan

Judgment, Redemption, and the First Resurrection

The Just Shall Live by Faith

Justice for the Nations

Justified and Then Saved


Keep My Commandments!

Kept by the Power of God (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Kept from Temptation

Killing the Witness

Kinds of Love

The King of Glory (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Kingdom Age

Kingdom Concepts

Kingdom Instruction from the Book of Joshua

The Kingdom Is Within Us

The Kingdom from Heaven

The Kingdom is the Goal of the Christian

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

The Kingdom of God is Within Us

The Kingdom of God is at Hand

Knowing God and Christ

Knowing the Father

Knowing the Father and the Son

The Knowledge of Good and Evil

The Knowledge of the Lord (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)


The Lake of Fire

The Land of Promise


The Last Three Works of Redemption

The Law of Moses

The Law of the Spirit of Life

Laying Down Our Crown

Laying Hold on Eternal Life

Leah and Rachel

Learning Obedience Through Suffering

Leaving Sin Behind

Led by the Spirit

Lessons on the Road

Life and Immortality

The Life-Giving Spirits

Light and Judgment

The Light and the Darkness

The Light of the World

Listening to Jesus

A Little Boy

Living On Every Word that Comes From the Lord

The Living Word

Living and Believing in Christ

Living by Faith

Living by His Body and Blood

Living by the Life of Christ

Living in Christ

Living in Resurrection Life

Living in the Fullness of the Spirit

Living in the Glory

Looking Ahead

The Lord Is There

The Lord Our Righteousness

The Love of Money (excerpt of John, Chapter Seventeen)

Love, Faith, and Obedience


The Mainspring

Making Disciples

Making Trees of Life

Making the Glory Our Own

The Male Child (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Manifestation of Christ

Mansions in Heaven? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Manual and the Garden

The Mark

The Marriage of the Lamb

Matthew, Chapter Twenty-four

The Message of the Two Witnesses

The Ministries and Gifts of the Body of Christ

Ministry by the Spirit Rather Than by Organizational Assignment

A Missing Element: Suffering


A Model of Salvation

Moment By Moment

Moral Character, and the Rod of Iron

More than Conquerors (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The Mortal Body

Moses Brings Us to Christ

Mount Zion

The Mountains of Bashan

Moving Toward the Goal

Musings, One

Musings, Two

Musings, Three

Musings, Four

Musings, Five

My Reward Is With Me

A Mystery

The Mystery of the Gospel


The Name

The Nature of Eternal Life

The Nature of Sin (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Nature of the Kingdom of God

The Nearness of the Kingdom of God

The Necessary Orientation

The Necessity For Overcoming

The Negative and the Positive

A Neglected Clause

The New Covenant

The New Creation

The New Creation and the Resurrection

A New Day is Dawning

The New Jerusalem

A New Life in Christ

The New World of Righteousness

The Next Age

The Next Step After Pentecost

Nine Operations of Redemption

The Ninety-First Psalm

North, South, East, but No West!

Not Retreat but Restoration! (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Not Under Law but Under Grace

Not of the World

Now Is the Time



Obedience Versus Presumption

Obedience to God

The Old Paths

The Old Testament House of the Lord: One (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Two (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Three (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Four (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Five (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Six (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Seven (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Eight (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Nine (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Ten (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Eleven (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Twelve (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Thirteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Fourteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Fifteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Sixteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Seventeen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Eighteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Nineteen (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Twenty (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Twenty-One (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Old Testament House of the Lord: Twenty-Two (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

Old Thoughts for the New Day

The Olive Tree

On the Earth as it Is in Heaven

On the Same Side of the Net

Once to Die

One New Man

One Salvation

One With God

One in Christ in God

The Oneness of the Body of Christ (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Opening the Ancient Doors

The Orchestra and the Audience

Orientation to the Kingdom of God (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The Original Sin (excerpt of The Mainspring)

Our Eternal Home

Our Goal Is To Be Saved

Our Inheritance Is Conditional

Our Response to God's Gift

Out of the World or Out of the Evil? (excerpt of John, Chapter Seventeen)

Outside the Gates

The Overall Concept

The Overcomer Is the True Christian

Overcoming the Saints


Paradise and the Kingdom of God

Paradise or Eternal Life?

Participation in the Parousia

The Path to Glory

The Path to Righteousness (excerpt of Perfecting Holiness)

The Paths of Righteousness

The Pearl of Great Price Devotional

Perfecting Holiness

Perfecting and Raising the Royal Priesthood

Perfecting the Church

The Person and Work of Christ

The Perversion of Grace

Philippians 3:11

The Pinnacle (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections)

A Place For You

The Power of His Resurrection

The Power of the Potter

The Powers of the Kingdom

Praying Without Ceasing

The Preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Prelude to Revival

Prelude to the Resurrection

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Preparing To Appear With Christ

Preparing for Our Resurrection

Preparing for War

Preparing for the Battle of Armageddon

Preparing for the Last Days

Preparing for the Resurrection

The Present Truth

Presenting Our Body a Living Sacrifice

Preserving Our Redemption

Pressing Forward Into Eternal Life

Pressing Into God's Rest

Pressing Past Pentecost: One (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Two (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Three (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Four (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Five (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Six (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Seven (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Eight (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Nine (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Ten (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Eleven (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Twelve (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Thirteen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Fourteen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Fifteen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Sixteen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Seventeen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Past Pentecost: Eighteen (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

Pressing Toward the Mark (excerpt of The Land of Promise)

Pressing Toward the Mark, Study Guide


Pretend Games

The Priesthood

The Problem With Fretting

Problems and Pain

Proclaimed From the Housetops

A Prophet to the Nations

The Prophetic Sense

Psalm Twenty-four

Purifying the Church from Sin

The Purpose of Growth in Christ

The Purpose of the Great Tribulation

The Purpose of the Resurrection of the Priesthood (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Pursuing Immortality

Pursuing the Heavenly

Pursuing the Resurrection unto Life

The Pursuit of Life

Putting Off Sin; Putting On Christ

Putting an End to Sin


The Quest



Rapture or Resurrection? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

"Rapture," or the First Resurrection

Ready To March

The Real World

The Real You

Reaping Destruction


The Rebellion

The Rebuilding of Our Life

Rebuilding the Wall

Receiving Eternal Life (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Reconciliation by Fire (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Redemption (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

The Redemption Train

The Redemption of the Creation


Rejoicing Over God’s Will


The Release of the Material Creation

Religion and Christ

Religion, or the Rest of God?

Remaining in Christ

The Remnant (excerpt of The Conqueror)

The Remnant - A Study Guide

Removing Sin From the Creation (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Removing the Presence of Sin

Removing the Tares from the Wheat

Removing the Things That Offend

The Requirements and Purposes of the Two Resurrections

Rescued From the Body of Death

The Resolution

Rest In the Day of Trouble

The Rest of God


The Resurrection

The Resurrection and Eternal Judgment

The Resurrection and the Life

The Return of Christ (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Return to Paradise

The Revealing of the Sons of God

Revelation 3:10

Revelation: Chapters Twenty-one and Twenty-two

A Revival Unto Maturity

Reviving the Dead Elect

Rewards and Punishments

The Right Hand of God

The Righteous Shall Live by Faith (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Righteousness (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Righteousness Examined

Righteousness and Wickedness

The Righteousness of God

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Rivers of Life

The Road That Leads to Life

The Robe of Righteousness

The Rock of Israel

The Role of the Body of Christ

Roles and Tasks of the Kingdom of God

Romans 10:9,10

Romans, Chapter Six

Romans, Chapter Seven

Romans, Chapter Eight

The Royal Priesthood

The Royal Priesthood and the Nations (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Ruler

The Rulers of the Kingdom


The Sabbath

Safety During Calamity

Salvation Is Deliverance From Sin

Salvation Through Judgment and Suffering

Salvation and the Image of God

Salvation: One (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Two (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Three (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: An Introduction (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Eight (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Five (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Four (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Nine (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Seven (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Salvation: Six (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One)

Sanctified Schizophrenia

Saved Completely!

Saved Through Obedience

Saved by Faith Alone? (excerpt of The Mainspring)

Saved by Judgment

Saved—from Hell to Heaven or from Death to Life?

Saving Adam

Scattering the Power of the Saints (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Scepter of Righteousness

A Scribe for the Lord

Scriptural Promises of Divine Help

Scripture or Myth?

A Season of Preparation

The Second Coming, a Time of Preparation

The Second Goat

The Second Pruning

The Second Resurrection (excerpt of The First and Second Resurrections)

Security; Pleasure; Achievement (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The Seed and the Nations of the Saved

Seeing the Face of God

Seek First...

Seeking Eternal Life

Separating the Sheep from the Goats

The Sermon on the Mount

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2004

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2005

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2006

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2007

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2008

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2009

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2010

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2011

Sermons on Pastor’s Page from 2012

The Servant of the Lord (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Serving the Lord (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

Set Free from Slavery to Sin (excerpt of A Study Guide for the Book of Romans)

Setting the Creation Free

Seven Areas of Reconciliation

The Seven Feasts of Israel (excerpt of The Feasts of the Lord)

The Seven Feasts of the Lord (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Seven Furnishings of the Tabernacle of the Congregation (excerpt of The Tabernacle of the Congregation)

The Seven Spirits of God

Seven Steps to the Rest of God

The Seven Trumpets

Shaking the Heavens and the Earth

Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom

Sharing in His Sufferings

Shrinking Back to Destruction

The Simplicity of Christ


Sin, and the Kingdom of God

The Sinful Nature

Six Unscriptural Traditions

So Great Salvation

So Near and Yet So Far!

Sodom; Egypt; Jerusalem

Some Thoughts

Some Thoughts Concerning Our Salvation

Something to Think About (excerpt of The First and Second Resurrections)

The Sons of the Kingdom

Sound the Alarm in the Churches

The Source of Confusion

The Sovereignty of God in the Plan of Salvation (excerpt of John, Chapter Seventeen)

Sowing What You Want To Reap

Sowing and Reaping

Sowing the Body

The Spirit of Religion

Spiritual Darkness (excerpt of Perfecting Holiness)

Spiritual Disfigurements (excerpt of Perfecting Holiness)

Spiritual Forces of the Last Days

Spiritual Survival in the Coming Days

Spiritual Warfare

Standing in the Evil Day

A Statement

The Stature of the Fullness of Christ

Strength Out of Weakness

A Study Guide for the Seven Feasts of Israel

A Study Guide for the Seven Furnishings of the Tabernacle

A Study Guide for the Book of Ephesians

A Study Guide for the Book of First Corinthians

A Study Guide for the Book of Galatians,

A Study Guide for the Book of Hebrews

A Study Guide for the Book of Philippians

A Study Guide for the Book of Romans

A Study Guide for the Book of Second Corinthians

Suffering and Rulership

A Suitable Helper

A Summary of Divine Activity

A Summary of Kingdom Concepts (excerpt of A Scribe for the Lord)

A Summary of the “Tabernacles” Experience

Survival and Fruitfulness in the Last Days

Surviving Spiritually—A Devotional

A Symbol of Redemption (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Symbolism of the Two Witnesses (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Symbolism of the New Jerusalem

Symptoms of “Tabernacles”


Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections

Two Israels? Two Kingdoms? Two Second Comings? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume Three

The Three Temptations of Christ (excerpt of Three Deaths and Three Resurrections)

The Tabernacle of David

The Tabernacle of the Congregation

Tabernacles and the Testimony

Tabernacles, and the Coming of the Lord

The Tail of the Dragon

The Temple of God

The Temple of the Holy Spirit

The Ten Commandments and the Rest of God

The Tender Agony

The Terror of the Lord (excerpt of The Mainspring)

That God May Be All in All

That The Lord God Might Dwell There

That Where I Am...

That Which Is Perfect

That the World May Believe (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

The Theology of Robert B. Thompson

There Is One God

There's More Than Just Being “Saved”

The Thing Satan Fears Most

Things that Accompany Salvation

Things to Come

The Third Day

The Third Kind of Righteousness

Thirty, Sixty, and a Hundred

Those Whom You Have Given Me

Those Whose Walk is Blameless

Though You Were Angry

Three Admonitions (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Three Areas of Temptation

Three Areas of Worship That Nullify the Christian Witness

Three Aspects of Christ in Us

Three Aspects of God’s Eternal Plan

Three Aspects of the Rest of God

The Three Days of the Lord

Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume One

Three Deaths and Three Resurrections: Volume Two

The Three Domains of Divine Judgment

Three False Bases of the Rapture

Three Kinds of Divinely Appointed Suffering

Three Kinds of Life

The Three Natures of the Christian

Three Parables of the Kingdom

The Three Platforms of the Divine Redemption

The Three Separations of the Royal Priesthood

Three Sisters

Three Steps Toward Righteousness

Three Temptations (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

Three Temptations of Christ, A Study Guide

Three Ways We Overcome the Accuser

The Three Works of Grace

The Throne

'Til I See You Again

The Time Is Now

The Time Is at Hand

A Time To Be Born and a Time To Die (excerpt of John, Chapter Seventeen)

A Time for Repentance

A Time of Travail

To Be Like Jesus

To Eat From the Tree of Life

To Evangelize or To Make Proselytes?

To Perish or To Live

To Will and To Do


Too Hard!

Total Destruction

Total Victory

The Tragic Result of Misinterpreting Two Verses

The Transcendent Humanity

The Transition from a Soul to a Life-Giving Spirit, Part One

The Transition from a Soul to a Life-Giving Spirit, Part Two

Transportation or Transformation?

Treasures in Heaven (excerpt of Revelation: Chapters Twenty-One and Twenty-Two)

The Tremendous “If”

True Bible Faith (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The True Gospel

The True Hope: "Rapture" or Resurrection?

The True Israel (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The True Nature of the New Covenant

True Unity

Truly Man and Truly God

Trusting that God is Seeking Our Good

Twelve Results of Cross-carrying Obedience

Two Appearances of the Bride

Two Aspects of Eternal Life

Two Beginnings

Two Destructive Errors in Christian Thinking

Two Different Responses to God's Light

Two Dimensions of the Atonement, The

Two Final Levels

Two Goals of Maturing Christians

Two Kinds of Faith

Two Kinds of Works

Two Lampstands, The

Two Misunderstood Verses (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Two Parables

Two Purposes of the Latter-rain Outpouring

The Two Shall be One

Two Sons

Two Thoughts About Overcoming (excerpt of What I Have Learned From the Lord)

The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses: Preparation and Operation

The Two Years

Two Zions

Types and Shadows


Under the Authority of God or Satan

Underneath are the Everlasting Arms

Understanding the Scriptures

The Unfolding Spiritual Interpretation of the Levitical Feast of Tabernacles

The Unity of the Faith

Useful to the Master

Using Your Imagination the Right Way

Using or Being Used By the Lord?


The Valley of Baca

The Veil Over Evangelical Thinking

A Very Great Misunderstanding (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Visible and Invisible

The Vision of the Day of the Lord


Waiting for Maturity

A Wake-up Call to the Church

Walking with God

The Wall (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

The Wall Against Sin

The War Between Good and Evil

The War Has Begun

A Warning to the Backslider

The Warrior’s Prayer

Watchman, What of the Night? (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

Waters to Swim in

We Can Overcome! (excerpt of The Theology of Robert B. Thompson)

We Christians Do Not Understand the Gospel!

We Must Press Into the Kingdom of God

We Shall Be Changed (excerpt of Kingdom Concepts)

We Shall Be Like Him

We Shall Not Precede…

We Shall See Him As He Is

What Comes after Pentecost?

What Does It Mean To "Accept Christ"?

What God Is Doing Today

What House Will You Build Me?: One (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What House Will You Build Me?: Two (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What House Will You Build Me?: Three (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What House Will You Build Me?: Four (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What House Will You Build Me?: Five (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What House Will You Build Me?: Six (excerpt of The Temple of God)

What I Have Learned from the Lord

What Is Faith?

What Is God Doing To Us?

What Is Salvation? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of the Christian Thinking)

What It Means To Be Born Again

What Salvation Is All About

What Sin Is

What Time is it Now?

What We Are Shall Determine Our Resurrection

What We Are to Prepare For

What is Wrong With the Teaching of the Pre-tribulation Rapture

The Wheat and the Weeds

When a Christian Dies

When? Where? How?

Where Are We?

Where We Have Been, Where We Are, Where We Are Going

Where Will My Resting Place Be?

Which Kingdom?

White Clothes to Wear

The "White Throne" Judgment (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Who Are the Two Witnesses?

Who Is "He Who Now Restrains"? (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

Who Is Jesus Christ?

Who Will Be Caught Up?

The Whole House of Israel

The Wholesome Personality

Why Am I Doing This?

Why Another World?

Why Being Brought to Perfection is So Important

Why Has God Justified Us?

Why Have We Changed the New Covenant?

Why it is Hard to be Saved

A Wife but Not Queen (excerpt of Revelation: Chapters Twenty-one and Twenty-two)

The Will of God

Without Sin unto Salvation (excerpt of It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)

The Witness

Witnesses; Kings; Deliverers; Servants

The Word of Their Testimony

The Word to the Elect (excerpt of John, Chapter Seventeen)

The Work of Restoration

The Work of the Spirit

Working Out Our Salvation

Worldly Wealth Versus the True Riches

Worthy of the Kingdom


You Are My People

You Don't Have to Sin

You Must Be Born Again!

You Shall Not Surely Die!

You Shall Receive Power

Your Appearance

Your Redemption Draws Near

Your Role in Your Salvation

The “Grace” Mystique

The “Singles” Group


Das Töten des Zeugnisses

Der Gehorsam

Israel—Geist und Fleisch

Sieben Schritte zur Ruhe Gottes


Aguas Para Cruzar a Nado

Alcanzando la Herencia

Algo Sobre Que Pensar

Alimentos Sacrificados a los Ídolos

Apocalipsis 3:10

Aprendiendo La Obediencia A Traves Del Sufrimiento

Ayudnádole A Dios


Como Funciona Romanos 8:2

Conociendo al Padre

Creer No Es La Salvacion

Cumpliendo La Vision Eterna

Cómo Somos Puestos en Libertad

De La Vida A La Muerte A La Vida

De Sobrevivir a Atacar Al Enemigo

Deuteronomio 16:16

Dios Está Creando Carácter

Dios Tiene Necesidades Y Deseos!

Diversidad De Destinos

Doce Resultados de la Obediencia Portadora de la Cruz

Dos Hijos

Dos Tipos De Fe

Ejercer la Fe

El Amor Al Dinero

El Conquistador

El Cuerpo Mortal

El Discípulo

El Grupo de los "Solteros"

El Manual y el Jardín

El Nombre

El Olivo

El Papel Que Tu Tienes En Tu Salvacion

El Regalo de una Oportunidad

El Reino de los Cielos

El Rieno Interno Y Externo De Dios

El Salmo Noventa Y Uno

El Temor del Señor

El Tiempo Está Cerca

El Tremendo “Si”

El Vencedor Es El Verdadero Cristiano

Eliminando Las Cosas Que Ofenden

Estas Predicando Obras!

Evangelizar Y Testificar

Filipenses 3:11

Guardado de la Tentaci

Guardando La Ley De Dios

Guia De Estudio Para El Conquistador

Guia De Estudio Para El Libro De Filipenses

Guia De Estudio Para El Libro De Galatas

Guia De Estudio Para El Libro De Hebreos

Huevos con Jamón

Isaías, Capítulo Cincuenta y Cuatro


Juzgando A Los Vivos Y A Los Muertos

La Administracion Del Reino De Dios

La Búsqueda

La Destruccion De La Justicia

La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos

La Formacion Del Cuerpo De Cristo

La Intervención Divina Y La Activación Humana

La Liberacion Del Pecado

La Mentira Más Grande Que Jamas Se Haya Dicho

La Naturaleza del Pecado

La Oracion Del Guerrero

La Perversion De La Gracia

La Plenitud de la Salvación

La Rebelión

La Resolución

La Salvacion De Jure Y La Salvacion De Facto

La Venida Del Reino

La Venida Del Señor

La Vida Después de la Muerte

Librado De Este Cuerpo Mortal

Lo Negativo y lo Positivo

Lo Que Satanas Mas Teme

Los Siete Pasos Hacia El Reposo de Dios

Morando En Cristo

Morir Una Sola Vez

No Hago Nada por Mi Propia Cuenta

No Tienes Que Pecar


Para Que Donde Yo Estoy

Preparando La Invasion

Presentando Tu Cuerpo Como Sacrificio Vivo

Primera De Tesalonicenses 4:13-18

Que Es El Reino De Dios?

Que Es La Salvacion?

Que Estaba Ensenando Pablo?

Quitándonos El Pecado; Poniéndonos a Cristo


Romanos 10:9,10

Salvo Y Despues Perdido

Seis Tradiciones Que No Estan En Las Escrituras

Sobre Alas de Águila

Traigo Conmigo mi Recompensa

Un Ayudante Idóneo

Un Concepto Basico

Un Ejército de Jueces

Una Fiel Administracion

Usando Tu Imaginacion De La Forma Correcta

Visible e Invisible

¡Demasiado Duro!

¿Dios o Ganado?

¿Pero y Qué Si Nosotros No?

Él Nunca Morirá


Apprendre L'obéissance Á Travers La Souffrance


Demeurez En Christ

La Grâce—Qu'est Ce Que C'est?

Être Avec Christ Où Il Est


Adgang Til Livets Tre

Antikrist, den Falske Profet og Bildet


Blodet—Forsoner Og Renser

De To Oppstandelser Krav Og Formål

Den Kostelige Perle

Den Kristne Tro Og De Ti Bud

Den Lille Rest

Den Største Løgn

Den Troendes Forløsning og Menighetens Modning (Kaptiel V og VI)

Det Nye Jerusalem

Det Seirende Kristenliv

Det Store Bilde

Er Den Kristne Frelse Betinget?

Et Annet Evangelium

Et Vekkerrop Til Menigheten--by Bob Taylor

Evangeliet Om Guds Rike

Fire Typer På Forløsningsplane

Fordervelse - Vi Høster Hva Vi Sår



Fra Egypt til Kana'an

Frelse Gjennom Dom Og Lidelse

Gjenoppbygging Av Muren

Gjenoppbyggingen Av Vårt Liv

Gud Bygger Karakter

Guds Fremadskridende Plan

Guds Rikes Administrasjon

Guds Rikes Komme

Guds Trones Komme

Han Skal Aldri I Evighet Dø

Himlenes Rike

Himmelen - Vårt Evige Hjem?

Himmelske Skatter

Hva Du Sår Vil Du Høste

Hva Er Frelse?

Hvordan Besvare Lidelse?

Hvordan Vi Settes Fri

Israel—Ånd Og Kjød


Jesu Kristi Komme Og Den Første Oppstandelse Fra De Døde 1.Tess.4:13-18

Jesu Kristi Tredje Fristelse

Johannes Evangelium - Kapitel 17 (et utdrag)

Kampen om Kroppen

Kjernen I Den Kristine Villfarelse

Kristne Skal Lønnes Etter Deres Gjerninger!

Lea og Rakel

Livet Etter Døden


Men Straks Etter de Dagers Trengsel


Om Å Nå Frem Til Første Oppstandelse Fra De Døde

Oppstandelsen Og Livet

Sann Enhet


Skyld - Og Den Syndige Natur

Større Enn Johannes

Så Nært Og Dog Så Fjernt

To Slags Tro


Tro Er Ikke Frelse

Trygghet - Fornøyelse - Prestasjon

Trygghet I Katastrofe

Ugresset og Hveten

Vekter, Hvor Langt På Natt?

Vår Evige Bestemmelse

Å Kjenne Gud

Å Komme Til Faderen

Åndelig Ærgjærrighet


Antikrist—Uctievanie Vlastného Ja

Ceste K Sláve

Druhý Kozol

Dve Aktuálne Otázky Súcasnosti

Ktoré Královstvo?

Ocistovanie Cirkvi Od Hriechu

Odoved Krestana Na Zlo

Pád Späť Do Hriechu

Raj Alebo Vecný Zivot?

Súci Pomocník

Ten Nikdy Nezomrie


Ang Paghuhukom Ay Nagsisimula Sa Bahay Ng Diyos