Copyright © 2005 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Here are a few reflections after a long pilgrimage as a Christian. Hopefully they will help the young reader grow in wisdom and discernment. It is good to seek the wisdom and understanding that come from the Holy Spirit. God always is glad to reward us with wisdom and provides us generously with that which we ask for.


Jewels of brilliant color and luster are formed by a process of time, pressure and heat. Precious metals such as gold and silver are made under similar circumstances.

Symbolic of virtue and character, these natural elements reflect the manner in which believers are transformed into obedient disciples, and over time into witnesses of the resurrection life of Jesus Christ.

The making of a saint is no small matter. As we respond correctly to the daily pressures of life, Christ is formed in us. If we choose to pick up our cross, lay down our life and follow the Master’s will, He transforms us into His image.

When we resist, forcing our own will and way, misinterpreting things meant for our good, we corrupt God’s purposes.

Edward J. Reiter
November 2004
Escondido, California


We understand there is holiness that has to do with God’s statements concerning people, buildings, or locations, and then there is actual holiness of personality. Holiness of personality means unclean spirits have been removed from us, and Christ has been formed in their place.

Holiness is an individual matter. What is unclean for one person may not be unclean for another. In one sense holiness is an abstraction. For example, the spirit of rage must be removed from us if we are to be holy. In another sense, holiness depends on God’s decision. God can declare any circumstance or thing to be holy if He so chooses. At one time pork was not holy. At another time pork was holy.

Holiness has to do with what we are. Righteousness has to do with what we do.

Holiness is the ability to distinguish that which pleases the Lord from that which displeases the Lord, and the power and willingness to embrace the good and denounce and renounce the evil.

Using filthy language, while it may not offend people, offends God. Therefore using filthy language has more to do with holiness than with righteousness. We are holy before the Lord. We are righteous before people.

The closer we draw to the Lord Jesus the more that holiness becomes an issue; the more we understand what is clean and unclean for us personally.

God will not do what He alone can do until we do what we can do.

If you do what God wants you to do you eventually will become a happy person.

Would you rather get a house from God or be made the house of God?

The idea of entering the Kingdom of God by naked faith is a tantalizing concept, a seductive idea. However, hundreds of passages of the New Testament drive a spear into the heart of this delusion, a delusion that effectively prevents intelligent people from perceiving what actually is written in the Scriptures.

Entering the Kingdom of God involves a response on the part of our entire personality. True faith, a genuine grasp on God’s Character and will, of necessity produces action on our part. We must obey, with Christ’s help, the commandments issued by Christ and His Apostles. To not do so, trusting in our naked faith to satisfy God’s requirements, is a deception. It will never bring forth the new creation, which itself is the Kingdom of God.

Our great salvation always remains an opportunity; it never is a foregone conclusion. We must match God’s calling with a corresponding zeal if we expect to attain fully to the inheritance to which we have been called in Christ.

The Church is in a travail to bring forth Christ, not to bring forth expert Christians.

I have heard of people saying they are mad at God. Mad at God who alone is good? This must mean they feel God has treated them unjustly. If God at any time, in any manner, treats any individual unjustly it would be well if none of us had ever come into existence. Who knows who would be next to be subjected to the actions of a capricious, all-powerful Divinity?

God doesn’t always make our testings easy; but He always makes our testings possible of complete victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God always give us enough time to do His will.

It very well may be true that we are standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ right now, during our present lifetime; and we are being evaluated according to our decisions and our behavior.

How long, how long will it take us to learn that ultimate satisfaction, love peace and joy, can be found only in Christ and the Father, and not in another human being.

Legitimate power includes authority. Authority without power is useless.

Deliverance from unclean spirits is our reward for seeking Christ’s help in obeying the commandments found in the New Testament.

Righteous outward behavior flows from holiness in the inward nature. But holiness is not formed in our inward nature until we learn to act righteously in our outward behavior. Thus do righteousness and holiness interact.

Relationships are everything of importance. All else is environment. Salvation has to do with our relationships. Environment eventually follows relationships.

God examines us when we are miserable and denied what we desire. God examines us when we are joyous and have the desires of our heart. God looks to see how we respond to failure and success, to see if we will follow Him faithfully in every circumstance.

The more we turn aside from our own way that Christ’s purposes may be fulfilled in us, the more fruit we bear. We travail in spirit as we press forward in Christ. The result is that iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father are created in us and in other people.

The Kingdom is not brought into being through words but through a spiritual travail. When we travail in Christ, the Kingdom is formed and our words become spirit and life.

What fabulous wealth, what unimaginable treasures greater than ever possessed by an oriental monarch, have been traded for a glass of beer, a dollar, or a woman without integrity. We cannot have both. We will have eternity to reflect upon the choices we have made during the present life.

Where Christ is, there is the Kingdom of God.

It appears to me from the fourth chapter of the Book of Peter that we are passing before the Judgment Seat of Christ now, as is true also of those who have died physically and are living in the spirit world. All of us are being brought into experiences that reveal what is in our heart. Then we are judged on the choices we make, that everyone may receive that which that which he or she has done, whether it be good or bad. Those in the spirit world are judged as though they were alive in the body.

Darkness cannot overpower the light. The smallest light will overpower the greatest darkness. No matter how dark things become, this will only increase the power of the smallest light to illuminate. The final, total victory of the Lord Jesus Christ is assured.

Faith is moment by moment interaction with the living God.

We know that if Christ is our life we are going to return with the Lord Jesus Christ and establish the Kingdom of God, the doing of God’s will, in the earth. Since this is the case, every day of our life is one of preparation for this most awesome event. Also, we realize that the type of resurrection we attain to depends on our behavior today.

When people realize they are going to be raised from the dead and live on the earth in a sensible world, and that their position will be one they have reaped from what they have sown, and not a fantasy land they enter with their “grace ticket,” they may change from their casual attitude toward their religion to one of fervent application to what is written in the New Testament.

The image of God is not a copy of God. It is a living portrayal of the living God—of His thinking, His speaking, and His acting. This is a true image because He clothes Himself with us so we become His image and His throne, His Presence among His creatures for eternity.

Satan will do all in his power to coax us down from our high place in God. Satan does not possess the power required to tear us from the hand of God. If Satan is to gain control over us he must persuade us to love the world, or yield to the lusts and passions of our flesh, or follow our self-will and personal ambitions. We need the full armor of God if we are to remain with Jesus Christ at the right hand of God.

We can spend our life in religious work, having thousands of people whom we lead and influence, only to find in the Day of Judgment that little or nothing of eternal value has been accomplished. We are on safer ground when we wait until we are certain what God wants us to do, even though many years pass while seemingly nothing is being accomplished.

Love without integrity is worthless. If love does not proceed from integrity it is without merit. When the Lord comes His name is Faithful and True, not love. I think the modern near-death experiences of people who report love, love, love, were not the result of contact with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is my opinion at this time. What is needed in the Christian churches, particularly in the Christian ministry, is faithfulness and truth. And I say, no liar ever will eat at Christ’s table no matter how much Christian work he has accomplished, or how much he talks about or seems to reveal love. If he has not integrity, he is a destroyer.

The Ten Commandments are an abridged version of the eternal moral law of God. They tell us what sin is. The Holy Spirit interprets and expands the Ten Commandments, and guides and empowers us so we can be delivered from sin. The blood of the cross provides the authority for this deliverance.

Love is expressed in action, not primarily in emotion.

It is the flood that shows us the relative wisdom of our choices.

Going to Heaven to live as a conscious spirit is one matter. Having Christ formed in us is not at all the same thing. No doubt it is true that there are multitudes of conscious spirits in Heaven waiting for the Lord to return to the earth and raise their bodies. However, the growth of Divine Life in us begins while we are on earth and perhaps continues to develop for eternity. Those in whom this process is continuing are on their way to becoming the full image of Jesus Christ, which is the image of God. Dying physically and losing our body for a season has nothing to do with this transformation; it is independent of whether we are on earth or in Heaven.

Of all people who have lived on the earth, Jesus Christ was treated the most unjustly. He went about doing good. Yet His good was spoken of as being evil. We who have a sinful nature may do something good once in a while. But then to have someone refer to our good intentions as evil is difficult to bear. In this case we are to look to the Lord because He—and perhaps only He—understands that we were seeking to do His will, and He will deal with us accordingly.

There shall be stars who have led many to righteousness who will shine as guiding lights for generation upon generation. Musicians, playwrights, artists, singers, musicians, historians—every sort of person from majestic lords of nations to gentle friends and neighbors will compose the eternal Kingdom of God.

The older the disciple gets, the more he has to give to the believers. He began as an adamic individual. When he is at the age when most people retire he is becoming a prophet. He walks with the Lord. Sometimes he is under an open Heaven and can see dimly the people and angels dancing and rejoicing before the Throne of God.

The believer seeking to live by faith goes from moment to moment with his eyes on the Lord Jesus. It is a dance, a romance, full of surprises. Indeed there may be years of the patient endurance of various problems and dreads. But in the end the years of discipleship will prove to have been the mounting of a golden stairway that leads to a glorious new world of righteousness.

Can we by faith build our house on the rock apart from keeping the commandments of Christ and His Apostles? Is not this idea of faith apart from obedience to Christ the supreme delusion? How can we maintain that this concept is not the religion of schizophrenia?

Some Christian teachers are advising us to command angels so they will bring to pass our desires. In this the teachers are grossly mistaken. Angels obey only the Father. They obey the Son because the Father speaks through Him. They will obey us only when the Father through Christ is speaking through us. They are the angels of God. They are not on our side or Satan’s side, only on God’s side, as the commander of the Lord’s army informed Joshua.

There is a desperate courage. call it faith if you like, that does the will of God in difficult and dangerous circumstances. We see this kind of courage in the three Hebrew young men who said to Nebuchadnezzar, “We do not know if God will deliver us; but we are not going to worship your idol.” We see this courage in the Apostle Thomas when Jesus decided to go where Lazarus had died. Thomas exclaimed to the other disciples, “Let us go with Jesus that we also may die.” God grant us such desperate courage.

We Christians will be the army of judges when Christ appears. The coming Day of the Lord will be a battle to drive sin from the earth. We must prepare ourselves to fight in that day by cooperating with the Holy Spirit as He helps us put to death the spiritual darkness in our personality.

“The Lord knows those who are His. Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”

If God does not pour out His spirit on America pretty soon we will have a generation of young people who do not know the Lord but are lost in the worship of themselves. And if God does pour out His Spirit, and we do not change our doctrine from grace as a substitute for living righteously to grace as the Divinely given ability to live righteously, the wonderful effects of the revival will soon deteriorate, as it has in time past.

No prophet should ever be looking to people for approval. The true prophet thinks, speaks, and acts under the approval of God alone, of none other.

Paul’s point in stressing that Abraham was declared righteous by his faith in the promise was to prove that it is possible to be righteous apart from the Law, not to prove it is possible to be righteous without obeying God!

The key is obedience, not belief. When God commands us to believe, then we are to believe, not adding our own works so as to attempt to earn righteousness. Then when God commands us to obey the Holy Spirit, we are to obey the Holy Spirit, not refusing to do so on the basis that we have been declared righteous “by faith alone.”

If it comes to our attention that we are prone to be critical of people, to gossip about and slander our fellow believers, to make spiteful comments, then we need to recognize there is little or no eternal life in us. Our very salvation is in doubt.

The reason Christian people seek material wealth is that they are not living by the Word of God, by the Life and wisdom that always are coming from God. They are living in their fleshly appetites, and so it appears reasonable to them that they should try to use God in order to become wealthy.

If you don’t have time to pray, ask God for time to pray.

When we finish the work assigned to us we are permitted to return home to Christ. There never is a time on this earth, in this world, when we are to stop our single-minded, utterly fervent pursuit of Christ. If we do, we rapidly lose the touch of God on our life. We return to the filth of the flesh. By our example we cause others to lose their zeal also. The end of this is the rebuke and chastening of the Lord.

Prophets are wrong-way lemmings.

Salvation without a change in the character of the individual is not genuine salvation, only vain religion.

We have the blood atonement that satisfies God concerning the guilt of our sins. We have the baptism with the Holy Spirit that gives us the necessary wisdom and power. We have been born again of the Seed of God. Now it is time for God to make us in His image, which will require eternal changes in our personality such that the darkness is driven from us and Christ comes to maturity in us.

The first Man in the image of God to appear on the earth is the Lord Jesus Christ. Now Eve, so to speak, is being formed in Christ’s inner image and shall be in His outward likeness. Together they are “Man.”

Today the Bride of the Lamb is in tatters. From this point forward the Lamb will begin the process of removing the tatters and imparting to the Bride His Divine Character. When the Lamb is finished, the Bride will be without any blemish whatever.

We are not being created to live in Heaven forever. We are being created to be an integral part of the Lamb forever. God knows better than to entrust the works of His hands to someone other than Himself. God has entrusted everything to the Lord Jesus Christ because Christ is an integral part of God. When we become an integral part of Christ, then God will entrust us with the works of His hands and we shall judge and govern all.

If we are not with God, Christ, the saints, and holy angels now, we won’t be with them when we die. We will be as close to Christ then as we are now. Our doctrinal position will not affect our relationship to Christ now or then. We may be interested in the correctness of doctrine. Christ is interested in the character of people.

The purpose of the salvation which is in the Lord Jesus Christ is to make us righteous in character so we can have fellowship with God, and bring and maintain Paradise wherever we are—especially on the earth. This is the Kingdom of God. It is not, as is currently taught, to ascribe righteousness to our unchanged nature, so we can live in bliss forever in Heaven with the angels.

The current doctrine must have been conceived in the dark minds of spirits who desire that people remain as they are, that is, unrighteous in behavior, unclean in their inward nature, and disobedient to the Father and Christ.

How long will we quibble over the manual and not grow a garden? How long will we argue about the menu instead of ordering something? How long will be fuss about the details of the cookbook and not produce delicious food for God and man? The knowledge of the Bible without the fruit of righteous, holy behavior leads only to pride.

If Christ is not living His Life in us, we are not a true Christian. We may be an ardent fan of our church, but we are not a genuine Christian. Ask Jesus to live His Life in you. You were born to be His dwelling place, you know.

Whether Joel’s army primarily is grasshoppers, or Christ at His return riding at the head of His warrior-saints and driving sin from the earth, will be revealed in its time. What is important is that the saints do not thrust one another. If your heart is as my heart, let’s step up into the chariot with Christ and ride with Him as He brings righteous behavior into God’s creation.

If I am correct, the current loss of spiritual and moral strength has occurred simply because the marvelous revivals of the past have not been accompanied by a return to the doctrine of the early apostles concerning iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to God. We are chopping with a borrowed axe. The head of the axe has fallen off. It is time for the prophets to throw the stick of cross-carrying obedience to Jesus Christ into the water. Then the iron will float—that very iron by which we will govern on the earth during the coming Kingdom Age.

Scholarly inquiry into the meaning of justification does not always result in a change of character into the image of Christ. Perhaps it is true more often than not that such an emphasis and precise examination of Paul’s doctrine of justification leads to intellectual pride rather than moral transformation.

Salvation is God reaching out to man through Jesus Christ. Religion is man by means of his own mind and efforts trying to find God and use God for man’s own purposes.

Religion cries out, “Let’s get busy and get everyone saved and on his way to Heaven.” God cries out, “What house will you build me?”

A prophet thinks as God thinks; speaks as God speaks; and acts as God acts. Thus he is a true prophet of God.

Some say there is no hell except the hell we make for ourselves. But the rich man was in the place called “Hell.” Some say there is no heaven except the heaven we make for ourselves. But God, Christ, the saints and holy angels are in the place called “Heaven.”

Some say we do not have to keep His commandments, just love God. This is one of the supreme errors of Christian thinking. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Yes, or no? The truth is, it is only as we read the New Testament and seek the Lord’s help in obeying what Christ and His Apostles wrote that Christ is formed in us. It is not until Christ is formed in us that we will keep His commandments naturally and perfectly.

We must be wholly inhabited by God and Christ. This is the only freedom there is. If God’s will and our will are not totally synonymous, we are in bondage; we are not completely free and in the rest of God; we do not have perfect love, joy, and peace; we are immature as a brother of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The hunger for God is the most precious gift anyone can possibly have. If you have a hunger for God and His righteousness, you are blessed indeed. Turn the full powers of concentration of your life on developing and nourishing the hunger for God and His righteousness that has been given you.

We have been predestined to be in the image of Christ. This means we must think, speak and act according to God’s will, as this is how Christ thinks, speaks, and acts. We must be changed into His outward image, having a body like His. We must be filled with the Fullness of God; and there is to be no darkness whatever in our personality. This is what God has in store for us if we love and obey Him.

Trouble and suffering are the carburetor of life. Suffering enables us to enter the Kingdom of God by causing us to cease our sinning.

There are areas of spiritual darkness in us that are not of the image of Christ. An example of such spiritual darkness is lack of self-esteem. We see this inward disfiguration manifested at the time that God called Moses and Gideon. God desires that our lack of self-esteem be replaced with Christ’s confidence in His Father. Otherwise our lack of self-esteem, and other personality disfigurements, will cause us to disobey God.

We do well and wisely when we attend diligently to the things of the Kingdom. To not do so is to create for ourselves an exceedingly grim future. However, we will find one day that it was God who determined all things in advance, according to His own desires.

The true worth of a watch is not found in its jeweled form or gold casing, but how accurately it keeps time. So it is true that the worth of a Christian life is not found in its religious pronouncements or activities but in its willingness to obey God accurately.

It seems that in our day the teachers of the Bible are reluctant to announce clearly to the believers the awful consequences of not obeying God. There is far too much emphasis on God’s love. The idea seems to be that we are to love God passionately, and this will make up for any lack of obedience to His commandments on our part.

The idea that we can love Christ without keeping His commandments is certainly not of God. Its source is Satan, who forever is promising “You shall not surely die.”

To state we can love God passionately apart from keeping His commandments is to project an illusion. The truth is, the only manner in which we can love God passionately is by faithfully obeying the commandments found in the New Testament.

The feeling or emotion of love depends upon appropriate action to assure its validity.

We cannot be close to Christ on a permanent basis until we have been purified by Divine fire.

There is nothing else as important as strict obedience to God. When we live in obedience to God, His angels bear us up in their arms all the while.

Jesus Christ learned obedience to God from the things He suffered. By His perfect obedience we will be made righteous, be restored to fellowship with God, and be given eternal life. Who knows what God will do if He can find someone else who will obey God completely? “For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one Man the many will be made righteous.”

In these last days Satan will approach people and offer them Satan’s wisdom, power, and authority. These individuals may be Christians by profession. They then may yield and receive into themselves the fullness of that which is being offered by the rebellious cherub. The only defense we as Christians have of not yielding to this temptation is to deny ourselves, take up our personal cross, and follow Christ.

Once a deceived individual is endued with such supernatural wisdom, power, and authority there is no way another believer who has not been filled with the Presence of Christ, who has not overcome and been seated with Christ on His throne, will be able to withstand him or her. Our spiritual experiences in the present hour, such as having been forgiven through the blood atonement and baptized with the Holy Spirit, are not sufficient if we are to stand in the spiritual confrontations that are at hand.

It absolutely is true there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit composing the triune Godhead. It also is absolutely true that the Godhead has chosen to dwell in Their fullness for eternity in human beings. This clearly is scriptural. They then will constitute the Bride of the Lamb, the new Jerusalem, the eternal Temple of God. They then will be able to emerge victoriously from all confrontations with the enemy.

We could think of grace as being a bypass while our “road is under construction.” But when the construction is finished the bypass is closed and we come out onto the King’s highway.

The trouble today is, the roads are not under construction. The bypass is considered to be a permanent highway. Grace is conceived of as a new way of pleasing God rather than what it is—a dispensation of mercy that serves while we are washing the robes of our behavior and making them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Stern obedience to God and integrity are the only matrices in which faith, hope, and love are formed. Apart from obedience and integrity there can be no faith, no hope, and no love. If the Word is to bear permanent fruit it must fall on good soil.

We can approach revival in two different ways. We can draw up our plans carefully, hire ministers who are talented in music, a well-known evangelist, an outstanding teacher. Then we can organize our budget: how much are we going to spend on advertising, on door hangers? After we get all our plans laid we can ask God to send His Holy Spirit upon us so our choices and efforts will be blessed. In other words we may attempt, as much as possible, to make the Holy Spirit, who is God, our servant.

Another way to approach revival is to come before God in prayer and repentance, to search our hearts to see if there is a wicked way in us. Then if we ask Christ for revival and listen carefully, our prayer becomes a two-way street as we pray and listen for direction. We endeavor to get the mind of the Spirit; and, above all else, to be totally obedient to all that the Spirit emphasizes to us.

Praying, watching. Praying, watching. When we believe the Spirit has told us to do something we take a small step and observe the fruit, the results of our small step. If the fruit is good, we take another small step and watch the fruit.-Meanwhile we keep fixed in our mind that revival comes from Heaven, not from our efforts. We are to ask largely.

We need a great revival of repentance in America. Our country is becoming increasingly immoral. No resolution on our part will alter this slide into the cesspool, because it is sponsored by the fallen cherub—Satan. So today we must come before the Lord, watching Him carefully, and doing whatever He says to us. We must observe to see if He points out any wickedness in us, any area of disobedience. God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him. We always are to be listening, praying, listening, praying, listening, praying.

He said if we shall ask anything in His name He will do it. “Lord we are asking right now for an unprecedented outpouring of your Spirit from Heaven.” We are to pray until we have the desire of our heart.

We need—we desperately need—another Pentecost.

I think sometimes churches point people to themselves rather than to Jesus. “Look at my building, Watch my program. Learn to know and love all the people. Give me your money, your service, your attention.” Can we imagine how disappointing this is to the Lord Jesus?

The mother brings the child to church and keeps ordering the child how to respond. “Say ‘Good morning, Pastor.’” Of course, such an introduction is in order. Sometimes it might be possible to bring a person directly to Jesus and let Him take that individual to Himself. Whether he is a small child or elderly person or a gross sinner, just bring him or her to Jesus and let Jesus come to know the person and the person to know Jesus. It was sort of like that with children when Jesus was here, wasn’t it?

This is our job, isn’t it? to bring people to Jesus, not to our church or to ourselves. When we bring people to ourselves instead of to Christ we give them chaff to eat rather than the wheat and honey of Christ and His word.

If we are to sit on the highest throne with the Lord Jesus Christ, everything in our life must die and then be raised in Christ.

If God does not have absolute integrity, is not absolutely, faithful, it would be best we never had come into existence—our future would be so precarious. We Christians are called to be in His image. However, the Christian churches are filled with leaders and people who do not have integrity; who are not faithful and sincere.

The work of sanctification, that is, the making of us in God’s moral image, is accomplished by the removal of that which is not of God, and the insertion of that which is of God. It is the Holy Spirit who accomplishes the work of sanctification. Our part is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of sanctification is to make us holy as the Lord is holy. The purpose of justifying us, declaring us righteous, is to provide a foundation for the program of sanctification. If the program of sanctification does not follow justification, then the work of redemption has been aborted.

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom, a genuine kingdom, with a King, a queen who is part of the King, and lords and officials of all kinds. The Kingdom is fierce, although it has a heart of compassion. It is fierce in enforcing God’s will throughout the universe, and shall do so for eternity.

The rulers govern with a rod of inflexible iron. That iron is being created in us now as we overcome every force that seeks to remove us from the Presence of Christ. The overcomers are the rulers because during their diligent pursuit of Christ they have had the governing iron created in them.

The saints have had God’s own compassion created in them. They also have had God’s own inflexible will concerning righteousness, and Christ’s own obedience to the Father, formed in them.

There is much talk today concerning love. This is true in the world and also in the Christian churches. But it is not God’s love; it is human sympathy and sometimes is influenced by Satan. Human love always will seek to keep a little space available for sin and disobedience to God.

The Temple of God, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, must be formed in us. Then the Father and the Son come through the Holy Spirit and make Their eternal abode in the temple that has been formed in us.

There are two factors that determine our destiny. One factor is Divine election. The other consists of our decisions. How these two can interact to produce our destiny is not known to me. However I am assured from the Bible that such is the case. How this can be true must be left to the incomprehensible (at this time) wisdom and power of God. Apparently God’s foreknowledge makes the synthesis possible.

Prayer always is a major player in the shaping of our destiny. A sense of inevitability, that our life will just run its course no matter what decisions we make, no matter what prayers we offer, has no basis in truth. The thought that “what I do doesn’t matter, I cannot really change things,” must be renounced by the diligent servant of Jesus Christ. To not always keep before us that “with God, all things are possible,” is to ensure that our dreams will accompany us to the nursing home and then to the grave.

The great sewer pipes of pictures and words that originate in California from the various studios carry every form of depravity and violence to many nations. These productions bring the image of Satan, and bear witness of his person, ways, and will, to peoples of the whole earth. How long will it be before Almighty God avenges Himself of these attempts to debase His image in the people He has so lovingly created?

Divine grace is God in Christ enabling man to do God’s will.

The Kingdom of God is God in Christ in the saints governing all the works of God’s hands.

If we have been crucified with Christ and now are living in His resurrection life, in order to conquer us the enemy would have to overthrow the resurrection of Christ.

A true Christian is revealed by the godliness of his or her personality and conduct.

In order to break out of God’s prison you have to break God’s laws. If you force your way out of your unpleasant circumstances by sinning and rebelling against God’s Word and way, no matter how attractive the future you have made for yourself may seem now it will turn out to be unpleasant and barren.

If there were no God, no Christ, no Bible, it would be best we never had been born. Only a fool would desire to live in the midst of futility, corruption, pain, and self-seeking if there were no hope beyond the grave; no final meaning to the struggles of existence.

Christ will solve every problem, great and small; but you will have to keep on asking as each problem arises.

You should warn Christians in your church against marrying an unbeliever. But if a fervent believer does marry an unbeliever, you do not have to rebuke the Christian or cast him or her from you. Pray for the distressed saint, for he or she will have an abundance of trouble. You do not have to add to the believer’s problems.

In the Kingdom of God, might does not make right. In the Kingdom, authority always summons power. Power does not summon authority. The most important aspect of the Kingdom is God’s will. The saints are the judges who respond to that will. The angels exert the power to enforce the judgments made by the saints. The saints represent Divine authority. The saints direct the power that enforces the judgment as they are guided by the Spirit of God.

God has marvelous foresight. He can be trusted to take care of the details of your future, if you are looking to Him continually.

The new covenant is not primarily a covenant of forgiveness but a covenant of change, of a transformed moral nature.

We Gentiles have taken Paul’s arguments against the Judaizers to mean God’s grace is not related to righteous conduct, that righteous behavior is not an essential factor in our redemption. This would make Divine grace a substitute for righteous, obedient behavior.

“Dear Lord, control this day, this new day, to the inch, to the second, so that Your will is done perfectly and completely. I am unable to do this in my own ability, but you have the power to make it so.”

Today we are offering the wicked a free trip to the eternal Paradise apart from his demonstrating repentance by his works. Thus we are declaring the wicked to be righteous. This is an abomination to God. God says the wicked shall die. We say the wicked shall live by a mental assent to Christ apart from any change in his behavior.

Our blessings are upon her whom the Lord is chastening so severely. Yet she is maintaining an attitude of faith and hope in Christ.

It is worse than useless for us to fret about the wickedness and self-seeking of people. If we will do faithfully and diligently what Christ shows us to do, and enables us to do, the Spirit of God will take care of wickedness and self-seeking and usher in the new world of righteousness.

God has given some people intelligence, talents, and money for the purpose of helping the less gifted people live out their lives in peace and safety. The gifted often become political rulers, administrators, and employers. Because these talented people are self-seeking, the world of today is in chaos. The main purpose of the two-thousand years of the Christian Era has been to draw out from mankind a governing priesthood who will, at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, bring justice to the multitudes of people whom God intends to save from wrath. Remember the rich man and Lazarus!

The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: “When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God,He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” (II Samuel 23:3,4)
Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:42-44)

The Lord Jesus informed us we can ask anything in His name and He shall do it. This is the Word of God and it cannot be broken. Perhaps the main reason why our prayers do not seem to be answered is that we do not keep on asking and keep on waiting. We run off in another direction before God has a chance to prepare us to receive the desires of our heart.

There have been instances in America where mothers have deliberately kept their children sick so the mother would feel needed. The Lord Jesus Christ does not leave us in frustrating circumstances so He will feel needed. He delivers us from every bondage that our joy may be full.

When we emphasize our wretched condition and then keep remarking how wonderful the Lord is, “I am not worthy but He is worthy,” His response is, “Why do you call me Lord! Lord! and not do what I command? I am disgusted with this attitude! If you are not found worthy you will not walk with Me in the white robes of the royal priesthood. Awake to righteousness and quit your sinning. Your nation is wallowing in moral filth because of your sinful behavior!”

The believer who forces his way out of God’s prison may gratify his flesh for a season but his end will be grief, disillusionment, anguish, disappointment, loss of fruitfulness, loss of authority, loss of the Kingdom of God. He who saves his life surely shall lose it.

Our first personality is a living soul. It never was meant to be anything more than stock on which God grafts Christ.

Paul’s frequent expostulations about not being declared righteous by works but by grace has nothing to do with our inability to do what God has said. Paul’s purpose was to lift our eyes from the temporary restraints of the Law of Moses so we could receive without hindrance the grafting of Christ onto our personality.

These are serious words I have written to you. But then, these are serious times in which we live. The conflict of the ages is at hand. God is ready to shake earth and Heaven so all who have the tiniest bit of rebellion and disobedience in them will be shaken down from the place of power. The Divine Throne is being purified. The Kingdom of God is at hand and will drive all sin and rebellion from the creation.

Sin is disobedience to God. At one time eating pork was sin. Today eating pork is not sin. So sin does not reside in specific activities but in obedience to God at any point.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has become a plan for self-improvement instead of deliverance from the wrath to come.

Our personal cross keeps us off balance. That is its purpose—to keep us calling upon the Lord for wisdom and strength.

The atomic watch is more accurate than the more expensive watches because it derives its signal from a master clock that is more accurate than conventual clocks. So it is true that the individual who has Christ being formed in Him will become more godly in behavior than the most upright person whose righteousness proceeds from the human nature.

To enter the rest of God we must resolve that Christ direct every detail of our life. It is a question of whose will is determining our behavior. We are to approach life by seeking Christ continually to find out what He wants. In contrast to this is asking Christ to help us do what we want to do.

We keep on every moment asking, “What is your will now? What should we do now? Where are we going now?” It is a whole different way of looking at how we are to live.

We ask for wisdom and strength only within the framework of Divine guidance. When we are beginning as a disciple we should be asking for wisdom and strength to do what we desire to do. But as we mature we seek the Divine framework of guidance. Then within that framework of guidance we ask for wisdom and strength to accomplish what we are being guided to do.

Sometimes the guidance is not apparent. In this case we have to proceed carefully, meanwhile asking for guidance even though we do not perceive it. We are to acknowledge Christ in all we think, say, and do. We are to become the expression of God’s will. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”

Sometimes it seems as though our physical body is a person in and of itself, separate from our soul and spirit. The Holy Spirit will help us prevent our body from destroying itself, us, and those around us. It is likely that the new body we gain in the Day of Resurrection will, if we have controlled our present body, join with our soul and spirit as we seek to do God’s will in every aspect of life.

“Dear Lord, help me relax and take life as it comes, being guided and enabled at all time by the Spirit of God.”

The desire for sexual intercourse is a fierce hunger that God has designed to ensure the addition of people into the world. The craving for sexual intercourse is similar to the hunger for food, and is no more significant than such hunger. True love, joy, and peace are found only in the Holy Spirit, and will be ours forever after death if we in this world control our bodily passions.

A desire for sexual intercourse alone is not a satisfactory basis for marriage, and may lead to a troubled, painful relationship.

Sexual lust can lead people into destructive, grotesque, perverse behavior. The person who does not control himself regarding sexual lust plays the fool in the sight of the angels. He enables the demons to satisfy their burning desires while he himself pays the price for such ungodly foolishness. He is victimized by his own body!

To be fully in the image of Christ we must have all the spiritual darkness removed from us and all the fullness of Christ placed in us. We always must pray and obey to this end.

If we who believe are perfect in Christ, what is the basis for repentance? Yet we know that we Christians in America must repent before our land is destroyed. It is obvious, therefore, that until we realize our doctrine of grace apart from works is unscriptural, we have no sound basis for the necessary repentance to take place. The Holy Spirit may bring repentance, but we will lose it because of faulty teaching.

I have come to the conclusion after sixty years as a disciple of the Lord that only a few believers actually attain to the goal of being a king-priest of God. The requirement is that we, like the Apostle Paul, spend our life attempting to gain Christ, counting all else as garbage. Whoever will believe in Christ and be baptized shall be saved from the wrath of God. But those who actually carry their cross after Christ, dying to their most fervent desires. shall attain to life and glory not describable in the present hour.

God opens His hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing. How much more, then, those who patiently have looked to Him throughout the years of their discipleship on the earth.

The purpose of religion is to make us a better person, more in the image of God. When it does not do this it is worse than useless, because it serves as an alternative to the desired change in us.

Is it possible the majority of the Christian preachers and teachers are destroying, with their traditions, man’s normal association of righteous behavior with God’s favor? Are we, with our teachings, working against the helpful warnings of conscience?

The principle of reaping what we sow is an immutable law of the Kingdom of God. It cannot be abrogated without leaving a path of destruction. Divine grace does not violate the Kingdom principle of sowing and reaping. Rather grace helps us change from sowing to the flesh to sowing to the Spirit of God so we can reap eternal life. Eternal life is the Life of God. It is a kind of life that we reap, not a legal state in which we exist forever.

“Daddy, Daddy, we missed our turnoff back there.” “Don’t worry, Honey, just sit back and enjoy the ride and the beautiful weather. Perfect for our trip!” So it is true that American believers often are not terribly concerned about truth, just as long as they are comfortable.

When we are living in the rest of God we ask the Lord to tell us what our desires should be. “O God, put your desires in me so I pray according to your will.” We are not entirely free until our desires are God’s desires.

A prayer upon awakening. “Lord Jesus, what wonderful thing are you going to do today? I know it will be marvelous. Lift all concern from me that I may focus on the work you have given me to do.”

The atmosphere is filled with foolishness. Our adamic nature responds to the demons readily.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Priest of God after the order of Melchizedek. He is God’s Priest by the power of an indestructible life. We who are being fashioned in the image of Christ are also members of the governing priesthood, and are pursuing the crown of indestructible life. This means that under the Lord Jesus we will be kings of righteousness and of peace.

As kings of righteousness we shall, under Jesus, govern all the works of God’s hands. As priests, under Jesus, we shall represent God to people and people to God.

The purpose of the Christian Era has been to create the members of the royal priesthood. All of the people, activities, and circumstances of the world have been for the purpose of developing these brothers of the Lord Jesus. All works together to this end. God has permitted all the corruption that has taken place in the world because of this treasure He is forming. Once the full number of the king-priests has been attained, the Lord Jesus will return and install His Kingdom on the earth.

All good things shall come to him who loves and trusts God, and waits patiently for God’s blessing.

It is righteousness, not democracy, that brings God’s blessing and exalts a nation. Righteousness and democracy are not the same thing. We can see this in America where democracy is our philosophy of government; however, America is the source of the sewer lines of the moral filth that is corrupting the peoples of the earth.

If we do not have the Presence and will of Jesus, if we are attempting to use the authority of His name and the power of His gifts apart from His Presence and direction, if we are not abiding in union with Him, trusting Him and resting in Him in every circumstance, we are in danger of becoming part of the False Prophet. Divine Glory and satanic exaltation can be confused when we are not living in Christ as we should. The two forms of power and revelation, Christ and Satan, are separated from each other by the personal cross of the believer.

There will be people in whom has been created the inflexible will to rule in God. They will serve eternally as a glorious wall of defense against any spirit that would contemplate behavior contrary to the will of God.

If a person goes through life and does not begin to be changed into God’s image, does not enter union with Christ and with others to whom God directs him, does not give of himself in aiding the formation of Christ in other people, and does not learn to rule in Christ, it is of the greatest consequence. He has not made any progress in becoming “man”!

God has given us everything in Christ. All that people could desire, and eternity in which to enjoy it, are ours the moment we receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior and Lord. But we must lay hold of our inheritance, maintaining it, developing it, perfecting it. The Scriptures are clear that to neglect our great salvation is to risk disaster.

The objective of the true saint is to enter God’s perfect will and to rest in it while the fire of his passions burns itself out under the supervision of the Holy Spirit.

We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He enables us to maintain, develop, and perfect what has been so freely given to us. To not follow the Holy Spirit is to draw back to destruction, losing our gift.

Resurrection life was given to us when we received Christ. Resurrection life, the “oil” of the Holy Spirit, is in us now. But we must maintain, develop, and perfect the inner resurrection life. If we do not, when the Lord comes the door will be shut against us.

We have been given all things in Christ. Now we are required to follow the Holy Spirit until we are able to possess all things, circumstances, and relationships without their becoming gods to us.

Race, the color of skin, gender, membership in a religion, do not tell God or us anything about the worth of an individual.

Surely everyone who has had the opportunity to be made in the image of God, and chooses instead to follow his own miserable path, may be regarded as so foolish as to be unworthy of the Kingdom of God.

For man to be made in the image of God is an unbelievably glorious prospect. It is enough to make the highest orders of Heaven tremble in anticipation.

By the end of our life we have to admit: “He has done all things well!”

The only manner in which we can overcome the antichrist who is in us is by setting aside the whole of our life and seeking the Life of Christ. Only by entering into perfect, complete union with the Lord Jesus can we escape being deceived by Antichrist.

The lust for pleasure is revealed in the abortions taking place. God records every abortion as an act of murder unless God accepts the surgery as being necessary for some vital reason. Every murder of a human being must be accounted for in the day of reckoning. None is forgotten. “The earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”

Either we are choosing to be like Christ or we are choosing to become part of Christ. Either we are attempting to gain power, success, prosperity for ourselves or we are choosing to die in the Lord, to decrease continually in order that He may increase. Either we are seeking to persuade Christ to serve us or we are seeking to lay down our own life so Christ may be exalted in us.

The protection God has provided for the enormous deception of the last days is the “Tabernacles” experience, that is, the filling of the believer with the Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are kept from the deception of man making Himself God by becoming a branch that is abiding in the Vine, in the one true Christ.

Many that are last will be first. The door to glory is open and neither man nor devil can close it. But the individual believer indeed can choose not to go through that door, judging himself to be unworthy of the Kingdom of God, by neglecting that which God is offering to him. Fearful indeed is the fate of the person to whom God has entrusted much but who chooses to neglect His Divine calling and follow his own path.

Remaining in the Lord’s prison, carrying our cross and following after Christ, requires a lifetime of patience accompanied by a considerable amount of tribulation. Satan studies our personality. He sees where our areas of strong desire are. Our areas of strong desire are often the gifts of God to us, and are the places in our personality of the greatest danger and also the greatest opportunity for fruitfulness in the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not accepted by the world. The Lord Jesus warned us that the world will hate the saint as it hates Him. All attempts to make the Christian churches acceptable to the world are an abomination to God. The moment we try to reconcile the Church to the world the power of God will leave. The Church of Christ is not of the world. It is not a social institution. It is the prophet of God among men.

We need to have a deep realization of the mighty resurrection power of Christ that is saving us. When we put our faith in Him, calling on the name of the Lord, as David did, the power that works in us lifts us far above all the works of Hell, of darkness, of Satan. They cannot stand in His Presence. They flee in disarray. He is too strong for them.

Why can’t we enjoy the Tabernacles experience and still maintain our own will and way? It is because in the Tabernacles experience we become the throne of God and of the Lamb. We cannot maintain our own will and way and still be the throne of God and of the Lamb.

The Christian teaching of today presents salvation as eternal residence in a mansion in Heaven. We are saved when we assent to the fact that we are a sinner, that we cannot save ourselves, and that Christ died for our sins so we can receive His righteousness. While this is true it is not the Divine salvation, it is an orientation to the program of redemption that will work each day in our personality until we are in the image of Christ, and at rest in Christ in the Person and will of God.

This is what the Christian salvation is all about. First, God’s love, working through the atonement, pulls the man out of the garbage. God’s grace helps the individual to repent. Then God’s power and Divine Nature cast the garbage out of the man.

Current Christian understanding is that Christ has come to forgive Adam and Eve and to bring them back into Paradise on the basis of His (Christ’s) own worthiness. This is not the case. Christ has come in order to perfect in Adam and Eve a spiritual nature that no longer will rebel against God. Only after Adam and Eve, through Christ’s virtue, have been able to overcome sin will they be permitted back into Paradise—regaining access to the tree of life.

It seems not unlikely that in the future we will be able to see the demons, the fallen angels, and perhaps Satan himself when he is cast from the heaven to the earth. In that hour, people will be terrorized beyond anything we can imagine. Only those who have learned to live in Christ will have the spiritual strength and confidence needed to not fear or obey the demons, or the fallen angels, or Satan himself.

Any ritual that we perform automatically without looking to the Lord, such as an exercise routine, or practicing an musical instrument, tends to take our eyes off the Lord while we are pursuing this activity. This is the problem with endeavoring to keep the Law of Moses, or with treating the New Testament like the Law—as a set of rules. The purpose of the commandments found in the New Testament is to keep us from sin until we are able to walk before the Lord in the Spirit, looking constantly to Him for everything we do throughout the day and night. This is the rest of God, and we have to make every effort if we are to enter it.

When you pray “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” are you believing that God will work His perfect will in you right now, while you are living on the earth? It is perfectly possible, you know, that the Lord’s prayer can be answered right this minute in you and me. God’s Kingdom can come, God’s will can be done, today in the earth if we are willing to look continually to Christ for the necessary wisdom and strength.

The purpose for life on the earth, particularly for the problems we encounter, is to show God clearly how we will behave in the next life. Those destined for high rank in the Kingdom must suffer long periods of thirst, so to speak, so God will be assured of their total obedience in every situation.

The reason God subjects us to pain is that we might become humbly obedient to Him. We must bear our sufferings patiently; but we also must pray for relief continually if we are to profit from the pain. Otherwise we curse God and people, and die.

Only those who have experienced pain know what a blessed relief it is to be free from pain. We learn to give thanks for relief when it comes.

Perhaps the greatest damage that the current teaching of grace does is the substitution of a profession of faith in Jesus Christ for a growth in character, a character that obeys God under the most difficult, trying circumstances.

The disciples worried continually about having enough to eat; about drowning in a storm; about Jesus going up to Jerusalem. So it is today, isn’t it? But the Lord always takes care of every detail. How utterly marvelous!

The first duty of a man is to accept the lordship of Christ over his life. Once he does this, everything else will fall into place. “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him.”

There is no salvation apart from the doing of God’s will in every circumstance; in every location; at all times.

God will remove painful memories from us if we ask Him to.

I do not know where wicked Christians go when they die; but unless they repent they will not inherit the Kingdom of God!

People sometimes speak of a “devil’s Hell.” Why do they say this when only Jesus holds the keys of Hell. How can it be the Devil’s Hell when Jesus has the keys?

The utter wickedness of behavior that prevails in the world of today is due to the fact that people are seeking their own will instead of God’s will. God wants His will to be done in the earth as it is done in Heaven. The only solution to the prevailing wickedness is the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other solution. However, the Lord will be present only where there is righteous behavior, prayer, and repentance on the part of His saints. Righteous behavior, prayer, and repentance, do not proceed from the man-centered, unscriptural Christian teaching and preaching of the present hour. We must cease presenting Divine grace as an alternative to righteous behavior, prayer, and repentance.

If we are living as part of Christ’s crucifixion and part of Christ’s resurrection we can abandon ourselves to Christ and be without care, knowing we are invulnerable. To overcome us, Satan would have to overthrow the resurrection of Christ. This he cannot do.

Genuine faith always results in a change in our behavior. We change our behavior because we fear the consequences of not obeying the commands of Christ and His Apostles. The proud American believer will have a problem with this.

The greatest gift God gives to any of us is the determination to do His will.

Do you know, all of us are Gadarenes. We so many bondages their name is Legion. The Lord does not remove our chains in a moment. But if we follow Him diligently, the time will come when we are clothed with an unspotted robe of righteous behavior and are in our right mind.

If you have the desire to do God’s perfect will, do not boast that you have a better character than other people. Your desire to do His will is His gift to you.

How many occasions do you have each day to give thanks to God? I have thousands.

A democratic form of government is commendable when it delivers us from the tyranny of a despot. However, the encouraging of the rights of the individual tends to strengthen self-will, which is the source of all sin. The only solution to the problems of the world is the crucifixion and resurrection of the individual in Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is not a democracy, it is the absolute rule over all creatures by the Lord God of Heaven through Jesus Christ through saints who have been crucified with Christ and have been resurrected with Christ.

Part of the guiding philosophy of the American government is the pursuit of happiness by the individual. This is a fatal flaw and will lead to the destruction of our nation. It is God’s will, rather, that we pursue righteousness, which sometimes leads to unhappiness; but in the end brings us to the highest goal, which is love, joy, and peace in Christ.

One of the consequences of wicked behavior is to be thrown into Hell. There is another consequence of wicked behavior, and that is what kind of person we become when we practice wickedness. If God brought a wicked person into Paradise he would turn Paradise into Hell. Receiving Christ as his Savior forgives the sins of the wicked person, but it does not make him a righteous person unless he cooperates with Christ in becoming a new creation of righteous behavior. This ought to be preached more than it is.

In spite of current Christian belief, dying and passing into the spirit realm does not change what we have become as a person during our life in this world. Why would it? After all, sin and rebellion began with Satan his angels around the Throne of God.

Because I am crucified with Christ and resurrected with Christ, Satan cannot harm me. In order to harm me, he must deceive me so that I come down from my high place in God.

We do not earn righteousness by righteous behavior but we do exhibit the Life of Christ in us. God’s righteousness is the Life of Christ in us.

Our righteous behavior cannot possibly produce the Divine salvation. But the Divine salvation always produces righteous behavior. This is its purpose.

It is always correct to ask God, in Jesus’ name, for more of His Holy Spirit. Why don’t we do this more often?

As part of the self-seeking spirit of our times, we Christian believers are looking for some prayer, some formula, some scheme, some confession, some religious device that will cause God to move in a certain way. This is more of Antichrist than it is of Christ. God is our Father. When we seek to please Him, by keeping His commandments, He will search our hearts and grant us the desires He finds therein.

When someone kills another person in order to gain an advantage, or because of rage, or jealousy, the murderer may not realize that the person he murdered will, in the Day of Resurrection, stand in front of him and accuse him in the Presence of God. The same is true of the abortion doctor who has prevented the development of an infant. That individual will accuse the doctor of preventing him from living on the earth. It is thus with anyone we harm deliberately. Unless we have made amends in a manner that satisfies the Lord, the injured person will stand and accuse us in the Day of Judgment. There is no way in which we can prevent our being singled out for vengeance in that hour.

We may be looking to do “great things” for God. God, however, is looking for great obedience.

Wicked people hate those who are seeking to live righteously and will do everything in their power either to seduce the righteous to live wickedly or else to give the righteous a bad name. This is why Satan is the accuser of the saints. It is of great importance to the wicked to justify their behavior.

Every challenge, every trial, every lesson, every humiliation, every pain we are enduring has as its purpose our preparation for eternal service in the Presence of Almighty God.

The first people, Adam and Eve, were driven from Paradise. Jesus has not come to forgive Adam and Eve and bring them back into Paradise. He has come to destroy sin, rebellion, and unbelief from their personalities by filling them with His own virtue and Life. As soon as Adam and Eve have been conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus they will be permitted to eat of the tree of life. Paradise will be regained. This is the true Gospel of the Kingdom of God. It is the way to eternal life.

We must understand that God does not expect our adamic nature to meet the standard set by the Lord Jesus. God has assigned our adamic nature to the cross of Calvary, to extinction. God is giving us a new nature, the Nature of Christ, that meets God’s standards because it is Divine and not human.

It is no marvel that numerous Christian believers do not become enthusiastic over the concept of the perfecting of the Church, and of themselves as individual members of the Body of Christ. They do not believe the goal actually is attainable. Why try?

Speaking in tongues is an entrance into the way of life that is governed by the Holy Spirit. Christians are governed by the law of the Spirit of life rather than by the Law of Moses.

I wonder at what point in history the Christian salvation became a matter of taking four steps of belief and confession, and then resting on these as though we had purchased a ticket to Heaven. Was it ever true in the Christian Era that the believers understood salvation to be a long process of moral transformation as we develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ? We really need in our day to stress that we are not saved until we endure the dealings of God to the end of the travail imposed by the requirements of redemption.

We have been made perfect in holiness when there is nothing in us that is not found in God, and when everything that is found in God is found in us, although not mature as yet. When such is true of us we behave righteously by nature, just as does the Lord. Then we are in the image of God.

God knows the thoughts of all people at all times, whether alive on the earth or living in the spirit world.

Words come from God’s mouth continually. Some of those words are directed to each one of us as individuals, and we live by these.

Christ placed the goal of the disciple, which is possession by Himself, at the end of the program of redemption. This is because we are not ready, when we first come to Christ, to surrender our “right” to live, move, and have our being independently of Him. A young woman marrying a man might resent the idea that her purpose after marriage is to be the glory of the man, and to assist him that he might fulfill God’s purposes in his life.

We Americans regard becoming an outstanding person as a worthy goal; but such personal ambition is not esteemed by the Lord. The truth is, godliness with contentment is great gain. The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. Industry and diligence indeed are worthy values. But personal ambition, even in the ministry of the Gospel, will cause us to pursue our goal by means of our adamic, fallen nature and abilities; and this is not of God.

God demands righteousness of all people, holiness of His priesthood.

It is one matter to be in church. It is another matter to be in Christ. Sometimes these two states of being are quite different.

The donkey which Jesus rode into Jerusalem had a wonderful testimony after that and was greatly admired by everyone. She was wildly popular and much sought after as a convention speaker.

Faith is a firm grasp on God’s Character.

The natural way for a man to live is by the words proceeding from God’s mouth concerning him. When the individual is motivated by he spirit of the world, or the lusts of his flesh, or his personal ambition, he is not at rest and God is not at rest in him. All of his motivations, desires, prayers, hopes, directions, are to be proceeding from Christ, the living Word, in him.

As all false motivations are removed from him, Christ, who was conceived in him when he first received Christ, grows to maturity, until the individual is in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ and motivated solely by Him. This to say, the believer is becoming the word of God made flesh. Here is the problem with drugs and alcohol—they pervert the pure flowing of God’s word in the individual.

When we receive Christ for the first time our sins are forgiven through the blood of the cross. Christ, the living Word, is conceived in us. From that point forward, we are to be receiving Christ every moment of every day and every night. Otherwise that which has been conceived in us may perish for lack of nourishment, as in the parable of the sower.

Conflict and the development of character occur in the physical world. Also, our inheritance is found in the physical world.

Satan has no fear of church people who are vital, living in the paths outlined in the New Testament—the righteous paths that people everywhere approve. But when someone is willing to take up his personal cross of self-denial, allowing the Spirit to put to death his first personality, Hell trembles.

Hell does not love a righteous person and will flee from him when he resists temptation. But Hell trembles and is destroyed when someone is willing to be crucified with Christ that Christ might live in him.

The Kingdom of God is not found in the philosophy of Christianity, a philosophy which espouses the welfare of all people. Rather, the Kingdom of God is found only in the power of the Holy Spirit. The one proceeds from the natural human desire to be a better person and to help make a better world. The other proceeds from Divine election as the individual struggles with God. The reproach of the cross is on him.

He cries out as the Divine surgeon cuts away all that he treasures and replaces it with Christ. The world will approve of the good, righteous person, and such God accepts. But the Kingdom of God is installed when someone turns away from his own life, takes up his cross, and receives moment by moment the Person of Christ. The world will never understand or accept that individual or approve of him or her. He has chosen to cross the Red Sea of the life of Adam. Satan and the world spirit cannot follow him in his journey toward resurrection life.

There are three deaths and three resurrections we are to experience.

  1. The first death is death to the world. The first resurrection is into the Kingdom of God.
  2. The second death is death to sin. The second resurrection is into spiritual freedom.
  3. The third death is death to self-will. The third resurrection is into the fullness of fruitfulness and dominion.

It has been pointed out by investigators that the behavior of Christian people is no different from the behavior of the non-Christian people. This would be predicted by any intelligent person, given the fact that the churches are preaching only forgiveness, very little about righteous behavior. In the future, hopefully, God’s ministers will begin to preach forgiveness through God’s grace to the unsaved, and righteous conduct by the power of God’s grace to the saved. Only then will the Christian people be the lights of the world.

One way of determining God’s ultimate will for you is to think what you would like to be true if there were no pressures on you. This will reveal what God has put in your heart. However, in order for you to perceive what truly is in your heart, the Lord will have to strip away your love for the world spirit, your bodily passions, and your personal ambition.

When these have been removed by Christ’s power you will know what it is you really want. Then God, as you wait patiently for Him, and do not take a shortcut, will give you the desires of your heart. Sin is, after all, a shortcut. The problem is, it may be a shortcut to what is not truly your heart’s desire—that which will bring you lasting love, joy, and peace.

We read in the newspaper how someone murders his children or his family members, or rapes a helpless individual, or performs some other heinous deed. We wonder, “How could he do that?” But the truth is, such foulness could be true of any one of us if the Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t prevent the demons from entering him or her. In the future the bizarre crimes we see today will multiplied greatly as the demons—and finally Satan himself—are given free reign on the earth. In that day, only Christ can prevent us from performing some gruesome act.

When we show our love to God by obeying Him, He rewards us by setting us free from the bondages of sin. This is what salvation is—release from the bondages of sin, that we might have eternal fellowship with God.

When inquiring about the worth of a church, we should not be asking how many people attend but what is being preached and taught there. The number of people who attend is not a valid measure of the worth of a church.

It is a church’s responsibility to hold forth the truth. If it does not, it is worthless no matter how many people are in attendance, be they few or numerous. It is salt without flavor.

There are churches today with thousands in their congregation who are teaching how God can benefit man rather than how man can benefit God and bring glory to Him. Therefore they are not doing the will of God and are worthless in the Kingdom.

There are programs today that teach us how to be successful ministers and believers. It reminds me of an old song: “Green means go and red means stop. Be your own little traffic cop.” I believe some of these programs may really help people live better lives. But they are not related to the galactic power of almighty God, who is not asking us to conduct our own program of redemption but to take our place on the cross with the Lord Jesus and learn to live by His resurrection life, wisdom, and power.

Any individual who does not give all of himself or herself to God is extremely shortsighted.

First Timothy:1 maintains that women shall be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness. If we adopt the current definition of salvation, that is, eternal residence in Heaven gained by Divine grace, the verse is difficult to understand. But if we adopt the true definition of salvation, which is the change of the woman from a romantic, self-centered young lady to a caring individual who is giving her life for the betterment of another person, the passage becomes quite understandable.

Predestination is not inevitability.

God told Adam he was dust. We being the children of Adam are dust—somewhat intelligent dust perhaps, but dust nevertheless. Our only wisdom and power are found in the Lord Jesus Christ as He chooses to bring us into His Kingdom. We, the children of dust, can become the very revelation of Christ if we are willing to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He brings us through the crucifixion of our soul.

To overcome does not mean to “accept Christ.” Accepting Christ is the authority and power to begin to overcome. To overcome is to emerge in victory over the forces of sin and death that war against us.

Because of my age I do not have energy to spare; so my prayer is that God will take this dust and use it as He will, making it an expression in the earth of His thinking, desires, saying, and doing.

Jesus prayed for the nations and the farthest reaches of the earth as His inheritance. Jesus prayed also that those whom God had given Him would be one in Him as He is one in the Father. Then Jesus prayed that if it were possible the cup of suffering would be taken away from Him.

The first two prayers shall be answered. The third was not answered because it was necessary for the third not to be answered in order that the first two might be answered.

So it is with us. God gives us a vision, and then we pray for what He has shown us. When things happen to us that we do not want to happen, we must keep firmly in mind that the things we do not want to happen to us do so in order that the things we do want shall take place.

Mark tell us that the Lord worked with the Apostles confirming the word with signs following. But my desire is that I will work with the Lord. It seems to me that this is what Jesus did. God did not work with Jesus, Jesus worked with God. Jesus said He watched what the Father did, and then he did the same.

Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these.” (John 5:19,20)

It seems that today there are so many plans advanced to build the Kingdom of God, one wonders what would happen if some of us ceased from our own plans and just watched Christ as He watched the Father. Do you suppose if we did that, Christ actually would do something and we could come along for the ride, as it were. The elephant pulls the Log while the mouse accompanies Him, chirping merrily.

Yet I know it has to be the sword of the Lord and of Gideon; but I think we must make certain that it is mostly the Lord who is doing the work, while Gideon blows the trumpet and the jar of his earthly personality is broken so the Light of Christ within may be revealed. It must not become Gideon and the sword of the Lord. Gideon blows the trumpet of God’s Word; but it is the Lord who kills the Midianites.

“Father, we pray in Jesus’ name that Your perfect will shall be done in all matters. Make us, who are but dust, the revelation throughout Your creation of your Person, will, ways, and eternal purpose in Christ Jesus. Amen.”

There is a great multitude of people who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. From this multitude has been drawn a smaller number who have received the Lord Jesus but also have become acquainted with the Holy Spirit.

From this small number is being drawn a yet smaller group who have denied themselves, taken up their cross, and are following the Lamb wherever He goes.

I believe our passing from one group to another depends on our Divine calling, and also on our willingness to be pruned.

Religion kind of runs parallel to salvation. Sometimes religion assists our salvation, sometimes it hinders it. But we must never permit religion to interfere with our walk with God or our knowledge of God.

We must beware of overemphasizing the external dimension of the Kingdom of God, such as a place or Paradise to which we can go. The Kingdom of God is not a change of where we are but of what and who we are. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a change in location but a change in us. The Kingdom is not a saving of what we are but a slow, painful transformation of what we are.

The Kingdom of God is not the bringing of forgiven people to the spirit realm to live forever but the bringing of transformed personalities in transformed bodies to a new earth to live here forever—in a new world filled with righteousness.

The Kingdom of God, then, is the Lord Jesus coming to us individually with the sound of the trumpet, seeking out His enemies and removing them from our personality. The way is made straight in our hearts for the establishing of the Throne of God. We are becoming the Ark of the Covenant, the place of God’s eternal glory. Out from our heart will proceed the law of God to govern the nations, and the waters of eternal life to make the nations alive in God.

The way of faith, of righteousness, of holiness, came from eternity and proceeds into eternity. The Lord Jesus, the Word of God, never changes. The entire Scriptures speak of one God, one Spirit, one Christ; of loving mercy, of practicing righteousness, of walking humbly with God.

The part of our personality that has been re-created in Jesus is of the Kingdom by nature. The part of our personality that offends God will be removed from us in the last days. If we do not permit Jesus to remove from us that which offends God, we ourselves shall be removed from the Kingdom.

The Wife of the Lamb will be made holy and without blemish, not only in an imputed (ascribed) sense but also in an actual sense. We know from the Scriptures that this is a fact. We have labored in the bondages of sin for so long that it seems to be beyond the power of God to actually cleanse us from sin. But it is not beyond God’s power to cleanse us or heal us from any sin or sickness. God is ready today to begin the work of purging us from all sin and unrighteousness.

It may be true that we are going to bring more of what we have become into the spirit world than is commonly believed. The idea that once we “accept Christ” our troubles are over, and by grace we will enter Paradise when we die, does not appear to be scriptural. For this reason we ought to be concerned about what we are becoming, with God’s help, in the present hour. This may be a truer understanding of the Divine redemption than the idea that all God requires is a statement of belief in Christ.

I believe many of God’s people do not know the difference between excitement and good feelings, and the Spirit of God.

Sometimes it seems as though God has lost His watch. Actually, He always is on time—to the second. But it must be said that He does love dramatic, last-minute entrances.

I believe the Lord spoke to me recently. He said there is coming a revival of repentance in America in the midst of much tribulation. He said that after that revival there will be a war and much blood will be shed. From that point forward America no longer will be the world leader. The leadership of the world will pass to an Eastern country. Let the prophets judge.

As we reckon ourselves dead with Christ and risen with Christ, the Holy Spirit begins the lifelong work of changing our desires from the things of the flesh to the things of the Spirit. As the Spirit does this, and we cooperate with Him, the blood of Jesus Christ continues to cleanse us from all sin. This is the true Christian life.

Many of us realize that the most precious aspects of life cannot be purchased with money. So fabulous mansions in the spirit realm are not that desirable after all. The only worthwhile inheritance is people.

Because of the teaching of lawless grace, Christians—sad to say—are not known for having integrity, for behaving righteously. Their excuse is that they are not perfect, only forgiven. They appear at times to boast about this!

God is not interested in religious viewpoints, only in righteous behavior. God sent Jesus Christ into the world to turn people to righteousness, not to start another religion.

The monumental error of Christian thinking is that the initial forgiveness we receive, a forgiveness designed to make it possible for us to start on the path of moral transformation, is a new way in which God relates to man. “God used to require righteousness but now we are saved by grace,” we exclaim. I do not think it possible a more successful method of destroying the purpose of the new covenant could be devised.

We Christians have constructed a superstructure of error on the sure foundation of the blood atonement and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have come up with a system of interpretation that encourages us to ignore the commandments of the Apostles in favor of a nonexistent, unscriptural “state of grace,” a state of which the Apostles of the Lamb knew nothing.

Learning to look to Jesus constantly will be of critical importance throughout the spiritual warfare that is upon us. There can be no letup at any time or for any reason. A wise officer posts a guard twenty-four hours of every day even though every aspect of the environment appears free from threat. The one time you do not post a guard will be the one time you get your throat cut.

We are lacking in intelligence and are shortsighted when we go through life without having benefitted other people. When we live only for our own security and pleasure we forget that life goes on after death. How will we feel when we are in the next world, surrounded by people with whom we have lived on earth, and have done nothing during our lifetime to help anyone else?

God governs all people and their attitudes. He brings to Christ those whom He chooses. He works in us to will and to do according to His own pleasure.

We can never fully enter the rest of God until we understand that God is in control of the world. The whole earth is filled with His Glory. This does not mean we are not to pray or to do what is set before us; but it does rule out personal ambition and fear.

We are not marching from the earth to Heaven, we are marching from eternal death to eternal life.

Would some believers live differently if they truly believed their personal spiritual growth is their salvation?

It is important for Christians to understand that the victories in Jesus being gained now will affect our lives for eternity.

It has been said “I think, therefore I am.” It would be better said, “I will, therefore I am.” The identifying characteristic of an individual is his or her will. Our will is demonstrated in our choices.

A wedding may be an expensive, gala affair with all sorts of trappings. A marriage is altogether different from a wedding. In a true marriage, two individuals in two bodies become one person in two bodies. The two shall become one, the Scripture says. This means they have one will between them.

The Father and Christ are one Person in two forms, but not the same individual. They have one will—the will of the Father. So it is that for us to attain to the rest of God requires that we become one person, one will, with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our will is to be made one with the Father’s will through Jesus Christ. Thus all our choices come from the Father, whose wisdom, love and joy are perfect.

There is no eternal life apart from such oneness. The Kingdom of God consists of one Person, one will, in a multitude of forms. We must, if we desire to enter the rest of God, seek God through Christ until the Father’s will, the Father’s choices, are identical with our will and choices at all times throughout eternity.

Wisdom is the ability to predict what will bring love, joy, and peace to us. We are driven by many idols. We may not realize it but these things, relationships, and circumstances are not our actual goal. Our actual goal is love, joy, and peace.

The only path to the supreme goal, which is love, joy, and peace, is to be in the image of Christ; to be one with God throughout Christ; to multiply the image of Christ in ourselves and in other people; and to govern rather than be governed by the things, relationships, and circumstances of the creation.

It has been said, “What a world this would be if no one cared who received the credit.” Perhaps it would be better to say, “What a world this would be if everyone gave God the credit.”

Our Christian pilgrimage consists of a continual dying to the world, sin, and self-centeredness and a continual living to Christ. Our task is to maintain our confidence in Christ as the Holy Spirit brings us continually through death and resurrection.

If Adam and Eve merely were forgiven they would return to Paradise and eat of the tree of life—for it still is in the midst of the Paradise of God. Now they would be immortal but they themselves would not have been changed. The danger of another rebellion would be present. The Kingdom would have come externally before it had been set up internally.

The blessings of the Kingdom Age will not be poured from Heaven on the nations. The Kingdom Age will be brought to the saved nations through those in whom the Kingdom Age has been created. The righteousness, peace, and joy of the Kingdom will come through those in whom righteousness, peace, and joy are being created now.

The works of Satan cannot survive where the power of Christ is present, the power that enables a human being to practice true righteousness, true holiness, and stern obedience to God. This power enters the individual in whom Christ is being formed, and then inhabits.

Every philosophy, every religion, every doctrine that Satan advances has as its purpose to prevent people from being filled with that true righteousness. With the Jews, Satan’s device is to keep them struggling over adherence to interpretations of the Law of Moses while neglecting judgment, mercy, and faith. With the Catholics it is the doing of penances rather than repenting.

With the Protestants it is trusting in a profession of faith in Christ rather than prayerfully keeping the commandments of the Apostles. With other religions it is the adoption of any number of beliefs, practices, liturgies—sometimes including a religious kind of holiness that operates through human will power. Swing the incense. Ring the bells. Repeat the sacred phrases. Wear the special apparel on the appointed occasions. These are Satan’s substitute for righteous behavior.

In the world Satan encourages doctrines that remove God from human thinking and behavior.

Anything! Anything except behaving righteously, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God, and doing this through the Lord Jesus Christ rather than through our own efforts. The next time you consider a religion or a philosophy, see if it emphasizes the practice of righteousness through the power of Christ. If it does not it is an effort of Satan to sidetrack people from the simplicity of Christ-filled righteous behavior.

Sin is a shortcut.

A prayer: O Lord, destroy totally my sinful, rebellious nature. Fill me with the Life of God. Make me part of Your new, transcendent humanity.

Sometimes the victorious saints act like bullies toward the weaker believers. God would rather have us act kindly and helpfully toward those who have trouble gaining victory over worldliness, the lusts of the flesh, and self-will.

As we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, the bondages in our personality are revealed and dealt with over a period of time. Sometimes it is twenty or thirty years before the great kings of darkness in us reveal themselves. As they do, we now have the strength to judge and renounce them successfully. But there may be a severe wrenching of our personality and a painful death to self, as the last strongholds of Adam are given up to the Holy Spirit so they may be destroyed and replaced with the Spirit of life from God.

At the time of the Exodus the Lord made a distinction between Egypt and Israel. In spite of the commotion, “among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any man or animal.” What a miracle!

It is not unusual today for church members to slander and gossip about those who truly are serving the Lord. When God arises in our day, and He certainly is going to visit us in America, the wicked no longer will be able to criticize and slander God’s faithful saints, as they are in the practice of doing. Then it will be clear who is serving God and who is not.

Whatever you will not give back to God is an idol. God is your Creator. Don’t forget that. He can do as He will with or without your permission. He asks your permission because He wants sons, not robots, in the future.

Remember, Job was a righteous man. When we speak of God giving us our inheritance twice we are not speaking just of the destruction of sin out of us. It goes far, far deeper than the removal of sin. All we are, the good and the bad, must die in Christ and be raised in Christ. Not one mote of our personality is exempt from the process. Anything we hold back is loss for us and loss for Christ. Anything we are or possess apart from Christ is garbage—relatively worthless!

Joseph died the death before he governed Egypt. First Joseph died to the world (the pit). Then he died to sin (Potiphar’s wife). Then he died to self-will (the prison). These three tests are administered to each of God’s rulers. They must die to all three realms of the flesh and soul in order that they may receive the fullness of the inheritance.

If the cup is before you, then you are a chosen vessel. God has something great for you in His Kingdom or He would not be requiring this of you. Make up your mind and drink the cup. Cast yourself on God. Scream if you want to but not where the neighbors can hear you. Let God have it all. You will feel that your soul is sorrowful to the point of death. This is how Jesus felt.

Only the Lord knows how many hundreds of thousands—if not millions!—of Christians are professing their confidence in the Word of God but are sitting in Egypt. They are not following the Spirit of God toward the land. They have confused mental assent with a living, vital faith in God.

There can be and often is a great difference between membership in the Christian religion and personal salvation. The fundamental nature of salvation, of the Kingdom of God, of eternal life, is change in the human personality. The Bible refers to this personality change as “fruit.” Apart from the bearing of “fruit” there is no salvation, no Kingdom of God, regardless of membership in one of the forms of the Christian religion.

The goal of the Christian plan of redemption is not to “save” as many souls as possible and admit them to Heaven. The goal of the Christian redemption is to conform people to the moral image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to bring them into untroubled rest in the center of God’s will, so they can install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

The churches have made the goal that of gathering many people under one roof and getting them to make a profession of Christ. Therefore the churches continue to persevere in their inefficient, sometimes destructive manner.

When any system has a wrong goal, a goal that has not been authorized by the founders of the institution, there will be confusion and a loss of cost-effectiveness all down the line. Also there can be no valid way of administering quality control procedures.

Because the churches are pursuing unscriptural goals they are using unscriptural means. The end result is babylon.

How sadly lacking in our nation is the virtue of nobility. We have become a people steeped in the slick lies of the con artist. Each individual talks overmuch because he or she is attempting to prove the righteousness of his way, or to deceive others in order to gain advantage over them. The person who seeks to live honorably and nobly, behaving with unchangeable integrity, is sometimes scorned as a loser, so debauched has our society become.

People are continually nourished with every conceivable portrayal of murder, fornication, drunkenness, violence, witchcraft, covetousness, unfaithfulness in marriage, rebellion against authority, and so forth. Then when the young people (as well as other ages) act out what they have been dosed with practically from babyhood we are amazed. If anyone attempts to suggest that perhaps the murderer derived his plans from contemporary music, or the television, or the Internet, the cry is raised immediately: “We must not interfere with freedom of speech.”

Huge trees die very slowly. America is dying because its original source of life, the moral values of the fundamentalist Christian, is scorned as a menace to society.

The person who teaches or believes he can live according to the appetites of his body and soul and remain without condemnation on the basis of his profession of belief in Christ, is bringing spiritual death on himself and on those who are following his example.

The purpose of the eternal pardon is that we may be able to enter the transformation into righteous behavior. This is the new covenant. To walk in sin is to choose death. To walk in the Presence and will of Christ is to choose eternal life.

The wise person does not accept the first, apparent solution to a problem, that presents itself. He waits and prays for wisdom. The first solution may be a trap.

Wisdom is the ability to choose that decision which accomplishes our goals. Power is the ability to enforce our decisions. The Holy Spirit is the wisdom and power of the saint.

We may desire to live in Paradise. God desires that we first become filled with eternal life so we practice iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to Himself. We shall enter Paradise as soon as the life and laws of Paradise have been created in us.

Christ could have asked the Father for, warrior angels to be placed at His disposal. But He did not. What does this teach us? It teaches us that we need to know when to pray;for deliverance and when not to pray for deliverance.

To believe something into existence “by faith” is not faith at all. It is witchcraft. Such an attempt to use spiritual power apart from patient, cross-carrying obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ, will lead finally to participation in the False Prophet.

Antichrist is self-will in the political realm. The false prophet is self-will in the spiritual realm.

The spirit of Babylon is the spirit of religion, of man seeking God apart from obedience to the Spirit of God.

When we do God’s will, everyone benefits. God benefits. We benefit. Everyone else benefits. When we do not do God’s will, God loses. We lose. Everyone else loses.

O make my bones like the bones of Elisha so when the dead touch me they live!

It is written that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, God shall give us the desires of our heart. Therefore we are wise when we pray that God will fill us with the desire to meet God’s approval in all matters and to dwell in love, joy and peace; and that God will remove from all desires that lead away from God’s approval and love, joy, and peace.

How close to the furnace of Israel do you actually want to be? The fleshly nature cannot survive the burning. God delights in us when we pray to be in the center of His Person. to dwell eternally in His glorious Presence.

We can think of God having a Father’s love for us. However it is a far stronger, superior quality of parental love than is possible to any human father. It is far more intense and yet far stricter. It is the sternness of the Father’s love that often is not understood by the American believers of our day. The Christian martyrs are more aware of the nature of God’s love than is true of most of us.

God wounds us and then heals us. Every person whom God has called to be close to Himself shall experience this process. He is angry for a season, and then returns to us for eternity.

The most important thing in our existence ought to be God’s approval.

Faith and fear cannot dwell in our heart at the same time. Where there is fear and dread, faith is lacking. We always are to pray in every situation that God will remove all fear and dread from us.

Women are saved through the bearing of children. Abortion apart from sound medical necessities is murder and shall be treated as such before the Judgment Seat of Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ did not leave Heaven and enter this world in order to give us pointers on how to live a successful life; or even to die so we may make Heaven our home. Christ left Heaven and entered the world for the purpose of telling us we are spiritually dead; that our adamic personality is not redeemable. We must be crucified if we are to have true life and eternal fellowship with God. Christ is not the way to merry living or to Heaven. He is the Way to the Father.

I work up with the following thought this morning. I thought it might prove to be a blessing to other believers:

So much of the richness of God’s Word has been lost in today’s preaching!

Instead of the idea of a firstfruits to God and the Lamb we have the teaching that everyone receives the same reward through grace.

Instead of the exhortation to press forward to the stature of the fullness of Christ we have the assurance that we have been saved from Hell.

Instead of the goal of attainment to the resurrection from the dead we have the unscriptural doctrine of the “pre-tribulation rapture.”

Instead of the hope of the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth we have been taught to expect the Lord Jesus to carry His Church to Heaven.

Instead of faith for victory over sin we are issued lawless grace.

Instead of the vision of a new creation of righteous behavior we have eternal forgiveness.

In place of fellowship with God and Christ we have the pressure for “church growth.”

Instead of looking forward to being filled with all the Fullness of God we are presented with backyards filled with diamonds, with the possession of harps and golden slippers.

Instead of faith in Christ we are taught presumption and magic.

Instead of the new covenant we have another Gospel.

Instead of godly fellowship we have parties.

Instead of songs in the night we have a false assurance based on our unscriptural traditions.

Instead of the Body of Christ we have denominational loyalty.

Instead of the Wife of the Lamb we have charismatic ministers seeking power with God.

Instead of patient, cross-carrying obedience we have a state of grace.

Instead of keeping Christ’s commandments we have imputed righteousness.

Instead of lifting up Christ on the cross we emphasize our theological position.

Instead of behaving in a righteous manner so people can see our good works and glorify God we whine that we are not perfect, only forgiven.

Instead of coming to Christ we take the “four steps of salvation.”

Instead of holiness we have the works of the flesh.

Instead of obedience to God we have “liberty in Christ.”

Instead of an omnipotent Father in Heaven we have Santa Claus.

Instead of the Consuming Fire of Israel we have unconditional love.

Instead of the Temple of God we have Babylon the Great.

But what is the chaff to the wheat? We are in need of a reformation of Christian thinking.

If the husband insists that his wife sin in order to satisfy him, God will not be pleased. The man will be judged and the family broken up. If the wife forces her will on her husband by making his life unpleasant until he yields, God will not be pleased. She will lead her family into error. A weak husband and a strong, determined woman who dominates her husband compose a spiritually confused household.

Then there is the brutish man who seeks to conform his wife to the image of what he thinks she should be. In the process he crushes her creativity until she is a beast of burden, bearing many children perhaps, the song she was as a little girl silenced. Her hope now is that God will receive her in the spirit world where she can sing and dance once again.

It is not uncommon in America for a wife to idolize her children and find her satisfaction in them instead of in her husband. The children become “my children” rather than “our children.” The husband is left out in the cold, so to speak, not being permitted to discipline his children properly. Are we becoming a matriarchal society?

It appears to me that there only are two basic ways in which to live. We can live in material things, striving to gain as much wealth as we can, hoping to find comfort and security in the world. Or we can involve our lives in God, seeking Him in every aspect of our being and behavior—and more and more as we walk with God. I have been at this walk with God for sixty years, and I am able to evaluate now the relative worth of each pursuit. I can see that I have made the wise choice.

Holiness is spiritual cleanliness. This is why sinful spirits are referred to as “unclean.”

Eternal Paradise, the goal of our quest, is the place in which Heaven and earth are one.

Christ (and His Body) is a ladder reaching from the earth to Heaven (God’s answer to the Tower of Babel). The angels of God ascend and descend on this ladder, revealing that the point of origin is the earth.

The Scriptures are not a record of people “stepping out in faith.” They are a record of God revealing Himself to people, and of those people demonstrating their faith by obeying God.

We are not to have faith in faith. We are to have faith in the Lord Jesus and to ask the Father in Jesus’ name for the things we need and desire. Imaging is not a form of prayer but of “positive thinking” and it has no place whatever in the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Unless God brings tribulation upon us, the present generation of “Christians” in America is lost to the purposes of Christ. They are not abiding in Christ, they are not walking in the Spirit, and they are not obeying God—all because of the teaching that God’s forgiveness is unconditional. It is not reasonable or practical to teach people that it is not critically important how they behave and then expect them to meet the stern demands of the Christian discipleship.

There is much talk during the “day,” when everything is bright and sunny. But knowledge comes during the “nights” of God’s dealings.

There always is a multitude of words in the prophetic realm; but when God speaks, the rooster crows.

Heaven has not been designed to be the eternal home of people. Rather, Heaven is a place where people can be perfected so they may be able to enter and maintain Paradise when Paradise is restored to the earth. The present earth, and particularly the new earth, are the proper domain of mankind.

Now it is time for the God of Heaven to bring judgment on evil spirits. If we are willing and obedient the judgment will fall on the spirits. They will be cast out and we will be brought into spiritual freedom. It is an eternal judgment on the enemies of God.

The spiritual deliverance experienced by the victorious saints is the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth and the beginning of the redemption of the material creation.

The major reason for the prevailing disobedience may be that people living on the earth are too occupied with their security, pleasures, and self-glorification to make the effort to find what God has commanded and to do it.

Often the fulfillment of our most intense desires is withheld from us, or it may happen that we are obligated or forced to remain in situations that are distasteful to us. To get out of God’s prison we have to break God’s laws.

It is one matter to profess obedience to God with our mouth. It is another matter to have obedience beaten so deeply into our personality it is instinctive. Our obedience to the Father must be thorough, consistent, immediate. Nothing short of stern, total, instant obedience is accepted from the future rulers of the Kingdom.

When we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus we begin to notice that the whole earth is filled with His Glory.

The Kingdom of God is in us. It is an inner kingdom although it does have an outward manifestation. It is a kingdom of the heart. God through Christ rules from within us. He governs us, and through us those whom we govern. He rules and blesses from within us.

There are those who believe that in Heaven we ought to try to do good but grace will cover our sin and self-will. God will see us only through the Lord Jesus. This is a horrible thought. Let us pray that such never takes place because the believers would soon turn Paradise into Hell with their gossip, slander, jealousy, self-will, arrogance, haughtiness, pride, bitterness, immorality, love of pleasure, covetousness, love of money, seeking preeminence, and so forth. It would not help us at all if God ignored such behavior and saw only the righteousness of Christ.

In these days, as the Holy Spirit moves upon you, you will discover that several parts of your personality are not reconciled to God. They rebel against God. They become angry with the Lord. Every trace of rebellion in you must be put down. You must be reconciled to God, not just legally through the blood of the cross but actually in your being and behavior.

The Lord God never planned that we should continue in unrighteousness after we have received the gift of forgiveness. God cannot have fellowship with unrighteousness. It is impossible for light to have fellowship with darkness (II Corinthians 6:14).

The righteous behavior of the new world will be behavior in harmony with God’s law of moral-social behavior. God has left it to men to discover the laws of physics, of chemistry, of biology. But God has not left it up to us to discover moral-social laws. People attempt to formulate moral-social laws according to their own ideas but always fail tragically. Moral-social behavior must be practiced according to God’s Word.

People are not motivated by truth nearly so much as they are by their lusts. Their reasonings are not a search for truth but a device to justify their undisciplined behavior.

The extraordinary protection of the “rights” of criminals in imitation of the compassion of Jesus is an attempt to utilize those aspects of the Gospel that appear to promote the welfare of the individual. Without the iron strength and clear wisdom of the Spirit of God, such efforts lead only to chaos.

Never hesitate to ask the Lord if what you are hearing is from Him. Ask a thousand times if you wish. Christ will never become impatient with you while you are testing the spirits.

Building churches and building cross-carrying disciples of the Lamb are often not the same thing.

There is not one instance in the New Testament of an effort to build up a church in numbers. Rather the emphasis is on holding forth the Word of life; on bearing witness of God’s Person, will, ways, and eternal purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Can it be true that the Holy Spirit would prefer we turn our attention from attempting to gain numbers of people to finding out what Jesus is saying today, and bearing faithful witness to that?

A behavior is righteous when God deems it righteous. Our behavior and attitude are holy when God regards them as holy. It is the inability to flow with the flowing of the Godhead, in the matter of righteousness and holiness, that is the death that lies at the heart of religion and causes us always to err in our heart. Only the life of Christ is the light that gives us true understanding of righteousness and holiness. Religion usually operates in terms of mental understanding rather than in terms of spiritual understanding.

It may be true that our prayers continue to be answered after we die physically. For example, if we pray that God will give us desires that meet His approval, that bring us love joy and peace, it well may be true that this prayer may be answered in this world; and follow us when we die and continue to be answered in the next world.

I suppose the practical application of this is that we should pray for that which we truly desire to be answered in this world and the next also.

Frustrations make us more like God, if we approach them with prayer, patience, and a sense of humor.

Logic informs us that redemption certainly must include more than the forgiveness of our sins and a favorable attitude of God toward us. Salvation must include deliverance from the presence of sin and the effects of sin. If this were not the case, think of the consequences! The new world of righteousness would be one of ascribed (imputed) righteousness while the madness of the sinful nature continued to be exercised.

We are to live always and only to the Lord Jesus. He receives us in our foolishness, lust, and disobedience. He forgives our sins. But it is not possible that foolishness, lust, and disobedience can remain in His Body. Therefore day by day Christ changes us. He purges out from Himself, out from the members of His own Body, the foolishness, lust, and disobedience that are present when He receives us. He is transforming His Body by means of His own Divine virtue.

Are we being changed in order that we may be able to live acceptably in Heaven? No, we are being changed that we may live acceptably in Christ wherever we are.

The Christian salvation results in a new creation. That which is mortal and corruptible passes away. That which is of Christ enters in and grows to maturity. The new creation inherits all the good of the heavens and all the good of the earth. The new creation is an eternal part of God through Christ. This is the Kingdom of God.

What a thing fellowship with God and Christ is! I wonder if we really appreciate the privilege we have of walking with our Creator.

We must develop the habit of walking with Jesus. Instead of saying “I will do this or that,” say, “the King and I will do this or that.” Enoch walked with God quite successfully!

It appears to me the premier god of America is money. The premier god of England is freedom to do as one pleases. The premier god of France is physical lust. By worshiping these gods the people hope to obtain survival, security, pleasure, and achievement. But in actuality they end up as a shrub in the desert.

We can pursue life, liberty, and happiness; or we can pursue the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. These two goals are not only not the same, they often are directly opposed.

The prophets that hear from God often say things that are not pleasing to people. This is the reason they are persecuted. Such has been the case throughout history.

We are not to attempt to make the Gospel of Christ beautiful or attractive. Jesus never did. Neither are we to present a harsh, religious program that reflects our own bitterness.

I asked the Lord one time about the current emphasis on “positive” preaching. I believe He said, “The person who preaches only that which is positive is seeking his own glory. The person who preaches only that which is negative is emotionally ill.” Then Christ pointed out to me that the Bible from the beginning is both positive and negative.

One can notice in today’s Gospel preaching a tendency to attempt to make the Gospel attractive to people. There is talk about a “beautiful Jesus.” We must say nice things, and keep any negative references to an absolute minimum.

We can see in the newer translations an attempt to soften the impact of the wrath of God. The new Bible may speak of a “fearful responsibility” instead of the “terror of the Lord.” Fear becomes reverence. Why? Because of our pride!

Why are we attempting to sell the Gospel? Because the measure of success in the Christian ministry is the number of people who gather in our building or who are counted in the records of our denomination. The result is, we are bearing a false witness of God. The blood of those who will be punished because of our willingness to shield our listeners from the Words of Christ and His Apostles is on our hands.

Believe me—the minister who faithfully declares that no person is a Christian until he denies himself, takes up his cross, and sets out to follow Christ each day will be accused of not having love. So far have we fallen from the Presence of the Lord.

It appears to me that many believers in America are detracting from what could have been their inheritance, by occupying themselves with the things of the world rather than with Christ.

Jesus is a King. He is not asking that we attempt to assist Him with our pitiful resources. He is waiting to see who is intelligent enough to realize the Body is to respond to the Head, not the Head to the Body.

We cannot possibly participate with Christ in the coming resurrection until we readily and gladly surrender to Jesus Christ our stubborn determination to do as we please. We still are part of the problem, not of the solution. Actually we are the enemy of God until we place His will above our own. We are disobedient, rebellious children, although we may consider ourselves to be saved and filled with God’s Spirit.

The mystery of God that is to be accomplished is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” For two thousand years the Christian churches have emphasized “Christ with us.” Now the emphasis is on “Christ in us.” There is a vast difference between having Christ with us and having Christ in us. Christ in us is the Kingdom of God, and the demands on us are total if we are to receive and develop this particular Divine gift.

It always has been God’s will to form Christ in the believers. But the Scriptures seem to emphasize the last days as being the time during which the Body of Christ suddenly will come to maturity.

It may be true that the two most commonly expressed viewpoints concerning the removal of sin from God’s people are that we are freed from sin by physical death, or the Lord Jesus will remove sin from us when He appears at His second coming. It seems neither of these solutions is scriptural.

God will never work against our will, you may have noticed. If God worked in us so we were unable to sin we no longer would be His sons, but puppets. We always will be able to sin—throughout eternity. If Christ is formed in us we will not sin, because of the Divine Nature which has been formed in us. But we always will be able to rebel against God if we choose to do so. This is why the saints will govern the creation forever. They will prevent sin from multiplying.

The fundamental story of mankind is that of the prodigal son. We cannot maintain that which is given to us freely, and so we lose it. We must gain it back through the most arduous labor. But when we do get it back it is ours to keep; for now we know what it is like to lose it. Things that come easily go easily.

Divine grace is God in Jesus Christ enabling man to do God’s will.

To be “saved” is to be completely free from Satan and to be filled with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are not “saved” in order to go to Heaven but so we may have fellowship with God wherever we are. Salvation does not move us from earth to Heaven but from Satan to God.

We are abiding in the rest of God when God’s will and our will are identical. It is only then that we are free and can play in the Presence of God.

Every son of God is tested in three ways. Three branches of sin are examined: living by bread alone; obeying the lusts of the flesh; personal ambition.

Divine grace is not an alternative to righteous behavior. Divine grace is God in Jesus Christ enabling people to do God’s will. To view Divine grace as an acceptable alternative to moral transformation is to be deceived.

When we sin we are the slave of Satan.

We of today are in great deception concerning how God views the sins of the believers!

It never is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ that a Christian continue in known sin. But there may be a prolonged battle over some issue in our life, and we may have to ask for the help of other Christians as we seek deliverance.

You and I have been slaves of Satan, and Satan is not pleased when one of his slaves is attempting to get rid of his chains. We have to fight our way into the land of promise; and God will help us if we keep looking to Him.

The whole duty of each one of us is to fear God and keep His commandments. When we begin to strive to be rich, famous, successful, we are sinning. This is the third great branch of sin; and as long as we are bound by the need to prove we are important, or even worthy, in the eyes of people, we are not able to play—that is, to delight ourselves and be content in the Lord.

American ministers often seek power with God. Perfect power will be issued to God’s witnesses in the last days, but only to those who are without personal ambition.

We overcome the temptation to fulfill our personal ambitions by waiting patiently in the situation where God places us, in the meanwhile praying for what it is we want. When we delight ourselves in the Lord He grants us the desires of our heart.

It often is said that as long as we are in the world we must sin. But this is not scriptural. By going to the Throne of Grace when we have need we can gain victory over each temptation. God always will make a way of escape so we can bear whatever comes against us.

True faith obeys God and then waits patiently for the promises to be fulfilled.

None of the saints of the Bible ever attempted to manipulate the supernatural realm by saying, “I believe.”

As we abide in Christ His godly image begins to appear in our personality and also in the personalities of those to whom we are ministering.

True faith is a trust in God through Christ that causes the believer to live in and by the Lord Jesus.

How we respond when we are placed in a situation where in order to help someone else, we must suffer ourselves, reveals much about our character.

When sins against God no longer are crimes against the state, then the state is failing in its duty.

Today’s fascination with ghoulish creatures is Satan preparing the way for the coming of him and his demons, as soon as he is overcome by the saints, and thrown into the earth by warrior angels. That kindly dragon!

When we do God’s will, the atonement follows. When we walk in the light, the blood cleanses us from all sin. The issue is not that of receiving the atonement, it is that of doing God’s will!

The state of being we Americans treasure most is independence of thought and action. This state Is not suitable in the Kingdom of God, where God’s will and not ours is the highest good.

If you don’t wish to put God’s will above your will, fine. Enjoy the darkness!

When God says, “Be holy for I am holy,” He obviously is not referring to imputed holiness but to actual holiness of character and behavior. He can do this in us!

When the Bible speaks of “the Lord our righteousness,” it means our behavior is actually righteous because the Lord Himself is changing us.

It appears that every religion, including Christianity, regards adhering to its unique beliefs and practices as more important than acting righteously, showing mercy, and walking humbly with God.

How we respond when we are placed in a situation where in order to help someone else, we must suffer ourselves, reveals much about our character.

When sins against God no longer are crimes against the state, then the state is failing in its duty.

The covenant must be written in the mind as well as the heart. But it is not doctrine that is written, but the truth that is the understanding of God’s Way in Christ. This must be the street of gold, the way of faith.

Are you living a poised life in which you can hear the voice of Jesus? Or are you being driven here and there by enthusiasms or fear? Pray!

Godliness with contentment is great gain. Sometimes we are bound with chains of covetousness that drive us to keep pursuing that which never will bring love, joy, or peace.

In America, many of us have enough money to go from one toy to another, without realizing that we are being driven so we will not stop and think about what it will be like when we die and face Christ.

The wise person thinks often about when he will be raised from the dead. What rewards of love, joy, and peace will be his inheritance at that time?

There are those who have excellent life and health insurance; but they ignore the certainty that they will die and face God!

The world of Antichrist is one of intense concern for the needs of people. But the needs of God often are ignored.

Great multitudes of people working together cannot accomplish anything of eternal value. But one individual who is obeying God can bring forth lasting good.

How many geniuses have there been, such as Bach and Mozart, whose contemporaries did not realize the value of their contributions. Do you suppose they can see, from the spirit world, their success?

The one important question we will face after death is: “Did we do on the earth what we believed God would have us do?”

It is better to walk humbly with Christ and to live forever, than to possess great wealth and houses and lands, and then discover all this is worthless.

Our relationships with people are of supreme importance, while things and circumstances are of relatively trivial importance.

What searing pangs of conscience and agony of mind will torment those who betrayed the individuals who trusted them!

It is better to walk humbly with God than to be the wealthiest and most powerful individual in the world. There is no rest in wealth and power.

Anyone can live a perfect life in Christ, five minutes at a time.

We begin life as intelligent animals. If we walk with Jesus, as we should, we finish life on earth as prophets.

If we learn our lessons during our life on the earth, we will have a glorious inheritance in the next world.

There is a “beautiful delicacy” when applied to humans that is not of God. It is unclean. It is related to the spirit of romanticism. Nature is rough, harsh, brutal!

If someone tells you they are sorry they hurt you, and they will not do it again, forgive them immediately. Otherwise, you will not be shown mercy by the Lord.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. It is a wonderful institution, although accompanied by many difficulties. These are sent to perfect our character.

When crime figures, such as members of mobs, die, and are not wicked enough, like Adolph Hitler, to be placed in the lowest Hell. they are assigned to communities of people like themselves. Their circumstances are drab. The angels record their responses, to be brought forth in the Day of Judgment.

Although I have made mistakes, I have sought God for more than sixty years. When you realize you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is a sense of well being. I wish that blessing for everyone who reads my words.

Sometimes Christians tell “evangelistic” stories in order to persuade people to “accept Christ.” They are lying, and this is not acceptable.

The Lord Jesus Christ is faithful and true. It appears we need a lot more faithfulness and truth on the part of Christian people.

I do not know where this pressure comes from that commands every Christian to go out and get people “saved.” It is not coming from the Spirit, nor is it scriptural.

If the Christian ministry spent time teaching people to take up their cross and follow Jesus, instead of ordering them to get the world saved, the ministry would make a greater contribution to the establishing the Kingdom of God.

Evangelistic fervor often drives people away from Christ. But godly behavior wins souls to Christ.

It is taught that beliefs in Christ saves us from Hell. Rather, that true belief in Christ to changes our behavior. It is this change that saves us from Hell.

If you wish to know the truth about what is taking place in our chaotic world, you will not find it in the newspaper, but as you pray and look to Christ.

It is not wise to rebel against God’s will in any manner, because His will is leading us to love, joy, and peace.

The punishment of the wicked is that they behave wickedly. The blessing of the righteous is that they behave righteously.

Rebellion against God’s will produces wicked behavior. Obedience to God’s will produces righteous behavior.

If you break God’s laws in order to amass money, you will discover eventually that you have acted foolishly.

Our role is to build up people into the image of God so they may inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

Isn’t it God’s purpose to create people in His image? Why, then, do we teach them that all they need to do to satisfy God’s requirements is to believe in Jesus Christ?

In the present world, self-serving people are often found in families whose members sacrifice themselves to help others. In the spirit world, self-serving people are placed with other self-serving people. Then the angels evaluate their progress.

Anyone can do God’s perfect will five minutes at a time. To know we are doing God’s perfect will is the best feeling in the world.

Sometimes the dutiful habits we have acquired interfere with the mind of the Spirit, and we cannot hear and obey as we should.

The way we live our life on the earth displays our character, and directly affects our assignments in the next world. We bring our character with us!

We may win our battles and be a great success. But if we cheated and lied, our victories count for nothing in the end.

It is not who wins or who loses a contest, it is the memory of their character that lives after them.

There is only one dependable refuge in this present world, a world that is becoming increasingly chaotic each day. It is the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

The Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom are the only dependable element in our increasingly troubled world.

It pleases the Lord Jesus when we continually are thinking how we may benefit those with whom we come in contact.

If we are faithful to the Lord Jesus, He will be faithful to us. If we are not faithful to Jesus, He is under no obligation to answer our prayers.

It is necessary that we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord. If we do not accept Him as our personal Lord, He will not be our personal Savior.

People have become so humanistic, so self-centered, that many are willing to accept Christ as their personal Savior, but not as their personal Lord.

Sometimes we must seek to benefit other people when it is to our own hurt. But we must never seek to benefit ourselves when it will hurt other people.

The Lord could enjoy us more if we weren’t so determined to do things, even Christian things; or to grasp things, even Christian things.

How many Christian people are joyful at the thought of living by Christ’s Life, ceasing from their own works, rather than how to use Christ to accomplish their own ends?

My prayer is that I will think God’s thoughts, speak God’s words, and perform God’s works. I desire to cease from my own works and enter the rest of God.

If you would be perfect and entire, in want of nothing, then walk patiently hand in hand with the Lord Jesus.

Geologic time is as nothing; it is but the merest song in the night to the Lord Jesus.

A day is as a thousand years to Jesus, in that it is filled with such detailed wisdom and love.

When you are tormented with fear, it may be because you are clutching something. Let it all go and rest in Christ.

Our life and our will are closely related. Are we willing to lose our life, our will, in Christ?

When we say, “Not my will, but Yours be done,” we are saying, “Not my life, but Yours be lived.”

There are several aspects of life, such as breathing, moving, speaking, body temperature. But the aspect of life that must be presented to Christ is our will.

People suppose that death will remove their record of misbehavior. Actually, they will meet the people they have wronged, and it will be very embarrassing, or far, far worse!

Atheists and materialists do not think clearly enough about the conclusion of their position. Their death will be as though they never shall exist again. This goes against our deepest instincts.

As we see the moral collapse, and along with it common sense, in America, we should thank God that His will is being done in Heaven, along with common sense. We can look forward to righteous behavior in the next world.

We do not fret ourselves, because God will triumph over evil in the end. We have God’s promise!

There are Christians who are denominational leaders. You can talk to them about the business affairs of their denomination; but they do not seem to have much of a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus does have a playful side of His personality. But He is deadly serious in all He says and does.

The Lord Jesus Christ gave freely of what God has given to Him. He did not stress being paid for His services. This is the economic model of the Kingdom of God.

If everyone gave freely of what God has given him or her without expecting to be paid for his or her services, there would be no wars or rumors of wars. May God hasten such a day.

The good things of God always are an opportunity. We continually must declare our faith, and move forward in God’s Spirit. We overcome Satan by this word of our testimony.

To attain to the first resurrection is to enter life at the appearing of the Lord. Those who do not attain to the first resurrection will be judged, at the end of the thousand-year Kingdom Age, and may or not enter life at that time.

The greatest words in any language are found in the first chapter of the Gospel of John. “All things were made by the Word, and the Word was made flesh.”

All religion is the invention of man, and often is destructive. Eternal life is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you want to go to Heaven, or do you want to be with Jesus? He is coming back to rule on the present earth; and He will rule throughout eternity on the new earth. Where do you want to be?

Get rid of your involvement in the world system by reading your Bible and praying every day; spending time with fervent disciples; and by minimizing your television and internet watching.

Get rid of your lusts by naming them specifically, and then denouncing and renouncing each one with all your might. Ask Christ to help you confess, denounce and renounce the uncleanness in your personality.

Get rid of your self-will by staying in the prison where Christ has permitted Satan to place you. Suffer patiently the deferral of your most fervent desires until Christ releases you.

We overcome the accuser of the brothers by continually, relentlessly asserting that God’s Word is true and faithful.

Adam and Eve knew little about God’s Character. Mankind has had six thousand years to learn that God is utterly dependable and means exactly what He ways.

I didn’t fully realize how far off the track modern Christian teaching has gone until I compared in my mind the modern prosperity, faith and “rapture” doctrines with the scenes of the Christians in the arenas of Rome.

I am learning to live by every word that continually is coming from the mouth of God throughout every day and throughout every night. This is the eternal Sabbath we are to enter.

We are not to use the uncleanness in our personality to help us succeed. We do not use unclean spirits to be our hewers of wood and drawers of water, so to speak. Eventually these spirits will turn on us.

Did you ever think much about the fact that Jesus actually is God’s Son, and God loves Him and is proud of Him? God’s willingness to give His Son as an offering for sin reveal’s God’s love for people.

“Let every sacrifice be salted with salt.” When you exhort someone with one of Christ’s commandments, be sure you “salt” the Word with gentleness, compassion, and kindness.

A sincere Christian may accept pain needlessly, thinking he must bear this pain for the Lord. Always pray and hope for love, joy, and peace. Be patient but not passive.

A profession of belief in the Christian religion often is used by believers as a substitute for integrity.

The Christian salvation is the only religious experience that actually has supernatural power to break the chains of sin. But it appears such power is not always employed.

With Christ, nothing is too good to be true.

If you have tried everything, and nothing has worked, why don’t you try Jesus? You might be surprised!

I will lay down and sleep in peace and safety. The Lord is watching over me.

Religion has been created by people. God has not been created by people. There is a very great difference between religion and God.

True revival occurs when an individual who is bound in sin gains the desire and power to begin to live righteously.

I do not know how Christian leaders became seduced into believing that salvation primarily is forgiveness, and does not have the power to overcome the sinful nature.

If the Christian salvation does not have the power to overcome the actions of our sinful nature, it is worthless to God and man.

God does not prevent anyone from walking in light. Rather, it is the individual himself who chooses to not walk in the light of God’s Person and will.

We need have no fear of war or death. The fear that has a basis in reality is that we will not have pleased God by our life.

Sin is a shortcut to your desires—desires that in many instances have been placed in you by the Lord. Don’t take shortcuts! If you do, you may lose everything.

Solomon’s Temple was built on Mount Moriah, where Abraham offered Isaac. If we are to build God’s Temple, the House of God, we must surrender our “Isaacs” to God.

Doing God’s complete will is the sure foundation of all work in the Kingdom of God that will endure.

The scientists of the nations measure the artifacts of civilization. They say, “Now we have truth.” In actuality, all they have are several measurements and conclusions. Only Jesus is the Truth, because He tells us what everything means.

No one can know true love until he or she is set free from spirits of lust.

People do not cherish democracy because they want to serve God, but because they want to do as they please.

Freedom of speech in America has led to love, joy, and peace, but to moral filth and blasphemy.

In the current struggle for the office of President of the United States, I think we are beginning to see the nature of the rise of Antichrist.

The only government that will bring love, joy, and peace, to people is that of an absolute monarchy, and a righteous king who fears and obeys God.

Why do people want a democratic government and freedom of speech? Is it because they wish to serve God more fervently? Probably not!

We were not created to be saved. We were created to be the eternal house of God.

We have to be careful that we do not talk ourselves into doing, or not doing, something. We must learn to wait for Christ.

Sometimes we are forced to act. We have to pray that Christ will guide us.

Think how much you know about everything. Then think how much you do not know about everything. It should make you humble, and enthusiastic to learn more.

The will of the victorious saints is razor-sharp, having been honed through years of resisting the passions and lusts of sin.

God gave the gift of prophecy to the Christian Church so that we would not get off onto one program or another but would be in tune with what Jesus is saying at any given moment.

Knowing the facts concerning the Lord Jesus Christ is worse than useless if that knowledge does not cause us to obey Christ diligently every moment of our existence.

God prevented the people of Babylon from achieving unity, not because He doesn’t want man to learn the secrets of the universe and build a wonderful world but because God knows if man does build without God’s Presence and direction, man will destroy himself and his environment.

God has put the world in our heart so we can’t see truth, and has made us subject to frustration so one day we might be free in the Spirit of God.

Because some people go and fight wars to defend their county, it leaves other people free to dither about how wrong war is.

Pride is the opposite of faith. It is the desire of man to follow his own path instead of walking humbly with Christ.

After living as a disciple for years, I perceive that the main problem in the world and in the churches is that people prefer to conduct their own lives rather to listen to Jesus.

The leaders of Christian organizations often do not encourage the operation of the Spirit of prophecy. The leaders wish to implement their own ideas and plans.

The earth is subject to cycles of warmth and cold. If the scientists would ask the Lord Jesus, He will show them how to cope successfully with the extremes of temperature.

The Bible says, God will wipe away all tears. This must mean a good part of our memory will disappear. We will remember only that which is loving, joyful, and peaceful. We will have a new start in life.

The main point of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is not facts about the Lord Jesus, but obedience to him at all times in every detail.

In God’s House, which is Jesus Christ, there are many dwelling places. What kind of dwelling place we become depends on how obedient we are to Christ.

When we consider the size, number, and distances of the heavenly bodies, and then that He knows the number of hairs on our head, we realize God can do anything He desires.

The Christian Gospel is supposed to make us a better person. Because of the way “grace” is preached, this change sometimes does not take place.

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of belief about certain facts but about a change in our behavior.

He who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than any of the old-covenant prophets, because of the inner creation of Christ formed in us.

God was with the people of the old covenant. God is in the people of the new covenant. This is the main difference between the covenants.

When Christ is formed in us and is dwelling in us, the angel of the Lord always goes before us to remove the obstacles.

The Lord Jesus told us He must always be about His Father’s business. Let us exercise the same diligence.

When someone is dying, and we have prayed and have the sense the Lord is taking him or her, we should not resist. Remember Hezekiah and Manasseh!

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Our daily bread is to do the will of Christ.

God loves your loved ones more than you do, and has the power to protect and help them.

What happens to the individual when he or her is raised from the dead, is the most important event of his or her existence.

Each fully mature Christian is a great house for the Fullness of God, and his or her inheritance of people.

As the Father loves Christ, so Christ loves us. In the same manner, we love others as Christ directs.

The maturing Christian seeks to enter union with God, which, properly entered, will lead to union with other people.

“God is love. He who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.”

I don’t know what the day holds, but I know who holds the day. The Mighty One is on my side because I have chosen to be on His side.

No one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him or her. This is true at every level of redemption. Our task is to cooperate with the Spirit of God.

It is easy and inviting to criticize the weaknesses of people. Instead we should pray for people, as the Spirit of God directs us.

There is no eternal life except in the Lord Jesus Christ. In America we are free politically to not believe this, but we then are in error.

John:1 means if we choose to live in the Presence and will of Jesus Christ, then, in the Day of Judgment, He will raise us up and we will continue to live in His Presence and will for eternity.

There are so many useful examples in history and in the world to guide us, it is quite obvious a loving God created them all.

To dream the impossible may be commendable; but outside of Christ, dreaming the impossible may turn out to be unrealistic and impractical.

We often try to create people in some image of our own making. Doing so brings both of us into bondage.

For a person of conscience, the most important issue, when we are ready to leave this world, is: “Was I true to those who trusted me; who counted on me?”

To realize one has not remained true to those who counted on him, is an agony of conscience not easily relieved.

In the spirit world, everyone is transparent. There is no means by which someone can conceal either a wicked or a righteous motive.

The best prayers are those God gives us: “Ask of Me, and I will give you….”

The best form of prayer is communion. We are to commune with Jesus without ceasing. This is how we can understand the will of Christ at every moment.

If you permit the desires of your body to govern you, you will end up in misery.

Dust we are, and to the dust we shall return, unless we receive Jesus Christ into our personality.

A person is not “saved” until he or she is willing to let God direct his life. What the Bible means by the term “salvation” is eligibility for the change from our will to God’s will.

When we are governing our own life according to our own desires, abilities experiences, and talents, we are a rebel against God and are lost to His purposes, even though we have accepted Christ as our Savior. We must hasten to the Lord and without delay tell Him we will do His complete will in every circumstance of our life.

We may think being saved means we are going to Heaven and not to Hell when we die. It is true rather that to be saved means we have been dealt with by the Lord until we are willing to walk humbly with God.

Once we make up our mind not to save our own life, not to trust in our own desires, we then are ready to be formed in Christ’s image both internally and externally. We also are in a position to dwell forever in the center of God’s Person and will.

There is no higher goal for any person in the universe than to walk humbly with God.

If we are wise we will ask our Father in Heaven to hold our hand and to keep and guide us throughout the eternal ages that are to come.

The most destructive of all possible practices in which a human being can engage is to pursue his own way without looking to the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance and strength.

Jesus experiences sorrow when the Father has to send suffering on us. But then He rejoices, because He sees our end as a purified saint, as we pass from the animal to the heavenly.

When Christ receives us, we bring a lot of “baggage” with us. It must be removed, if we and Jesus are to live together in harmony.

Those the Father brings to Christ, Christ is willing to receive into Himself. Then Christ knocks on the door of the heart of the individual, hoping that individual will receive Christ.

Strong desires have to be watched very carefully. They can lead us into deception.

Many times during our discipleship, many of our fervent desires will be deferred. If we do not wait patiently for Christ, we will not receive the rewards that are given to the overcomer.

Passionate desires usually are not from the Lord. They are the death throes of our adamic nature.

When we wait patiently and pray, rather than acting on our passionate desires, these desires usually vanish. Whatever is of God will remain, although it may be modified.

Wealthy people are accustomed to getting what they want. Patient, cross-carrying discipleship can be difficult, or even impossible, for rich people.

We experience numerous disappointments during our discipleship. But if we endure to the end we enter the most marvelous glory.

When we delight ourselves in the Lord, we are given the desires of our heart. This is the Word of God. We may not be given them right away.

When what we want and what God desires for us are not the same, we are wise if we do what God wants instead of what we think we want.

No person is truly free until his desires and God’s desires for him are identical.

It is not important if our hopes and desires are deferred for a season. What really matters is that the Father’s will is done perfectly.

If you do not seek God’s will for your life, you are foolish and ignorant, lacking wisdom and understanding. Your end will not be pleasant.

Love always is ready to be sacrificed for the benefit of the beloved. Lust seeks its own pleasure.

In one way or another, religions, including Christianity, make Christ out to be something He is not.

It appears to me that religious activities primarily are for the benefit of the leadership. Occasionally the Seed of the Kingdom is planted in a heart, and then God determines the outcome.

If you give your life over to the doing of Christ’s will, when the hour of trouble comes to the United States, Christ will be there to help you.

Sexual activity is of our animal nature. It hardly is related to love.

I think Christians attempt to make an organization out of what actually is an organism, with the Lord Jesus Christ as the head.

Once you are “changed” in your body, the sin that was in your flesh is gone. But inner preparation for the “change” in the body requires more than “accepting Christ.”

Each day I try to be more sensitive to the Lord. “What is Jesus saying to me right now?”

The last enemy that shall be overcome is physical death. We have to overcome our sinful nature before we are eligible for the change in our body.

The moment we find unrest in our spirit we are to go to God. We ask Him to remove that fear, or idolatry, or whatever we are grasping, that we may regain our peace with God and other people..

Once redemption has been completed in our personality, we are ready for our predestined inheritance of God and people, and the appropriate environment.

In America at the present time, sexual activity, the love of money, and violence are producing a carousel of destruction and death. There are few opportunities for a human being to walk quietly and confidently with God.

Our mind become sharper and sharper while our body becomes duller and duller. Only death and resurrection in Christ give meaning to the pain and frustration we experience.

The spirit of the world is not our friend, it is our enemy. This is why the Lord said, “I have overcome the world.”

To die is like awakening from a nightmare. The fears, pressures, concerns, are now over. Your responsibilities are now in the hands of the almighty God to take care of.

If you have not obeyed Christ during your lifetime on the earth, knowing His will and not doing it, to die is like entering a nightmare from which there is no awakening.

The whole purpose of redemption is to change us from what we are into what Christ is.

Can you imagine what it will be like to die and wake up in a meadow and hear the birds singing? I can hardly wait!

It is too bad we cannot see the spirit world and understand what actually is taking place. Even if we could, the righteous would continue to behave righteously and the wicked would continue to behave wickedly.

There are those who have no plans of their own. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

To follow the Lamb wherever He goes is the highest form of obedience and love.

The Bible says we ever will be with the Lord. But do we really want to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, or use Him to accomplish our own ambitions?

If we are led away from dwelling in Christ at all times, we place ourselves in danger of being shaken out of the Kingdom. From this point forward, everything in Heaven and upon the earth is going to be shaken!

I now am eighty-two years. It has taken me this long to learn that my sole purpose in existence is to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. I have great peace with this.

The woman is the glory of the man. In like manner the new Jerusalem is the glory of Christ.

Most of us are born with the ability to see physically. However, the perception of the truth is given to us only as we obey Jesus Christ.

If we would gain the rewards offered to the victorious saint, we must put God ahead of our love for the things of the world; the appetites of our sinful nature, and our determination to direct our own life apart from the will of Christ.

Paradise shall be restored to the earth. But it will not drop down from Heaven. Paradise will come through Christ and His victorious saints when Christ appears.

There is authority and power in the body and blood of Christ to overcome our love for the things of the world; our bodily lusts; and our insistence on conducting our life apart from Christ.

It required five huge vans to move his possessions. He would have been wise to have spent more time practicing righteousness, because his character was all he was able to bring with him when he died.

When Satan and his angels are cast out into the earth, the heavens will rejoice. But it will be a season of unimaginable horror for those on the earth and sea who are not under the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When the Bible says the accuser of the brothers loved not their lives unto the death, it means they have said “not my will but Yours” in every aspect of their lives.

The Father will not empower Michael and his angels to cast out Satan and his angels from Heaven and throw them into the earth until the saints overcome Satan.

We cannot overcome Satan, the accuser, by the word of our testimony, unless we are thinking, speaking, and doing all that God Is, His will, His ways, and His eternal purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Satan is a liar. Only the truth overcomes Satan, the truth that is from God, the Truth that is Jesus Christ. As long as we are obeying our sinful nature we are bearing witness of the lie that Satan is.

Satan is the way away from the Father; a lie concerning who the Father is; and death, that is, separation from the Father.

Jesus rebuked His disciples for their lack of faith. Our proper response is not to try to believe but to pray for miracle-working faith.

Religion is of man. Salvation is of the Lord. Blessed is the person who escapes religion and finds salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The 1 thousand members of the firstfruits may be a literal number. That would mean only a very small part of earth’s population is willing to follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

Some people who are baptized in water enter into the death and resurrection of Christ. Others are able to swim–Luther(?) This is religion!

There is no such thing as a “dispensation of grace,” meaning a new manner of Divine dealing with us. When Paul referred to the “dispensation of the grace of God” he meant a dispensing of Divine enablement to him to preach the Gospel.

Make your vows, and then drive away the birds of prey. In God’s time the thick and dreadful darkness, the smoking firepot, and the blazing torch will come down on you.

We can make a religion out of Romans 1:,1 if we are willing to ignore the sixth chapter of Romans.

Do not nourish your fallen nature by becoming angry over who is left-wing and who is right-wing. Set your mind on God and His Christ. Here is where the solution lies.

How wonderful to be free from self-regimentation and to be living by every Word that is coming from the mouth of God!

When you obey God you benefit God, other people, and yourself. When you try to please people you end up benefiting no one.

Christ has set up His great Communion table. He likes to come and dine with us within our own heart. What a shame it would be to remain alone in the boarded-up little shack of our own personality!

When we do not grow in righteous behavior, our angel becomes weak and gaunt. We may profess great things, even in the name of Christ. In the end, all we will have accomplished is our own aggrandizement.

The greatest gift God can give anyone is a passionate desire to do His will in every circumstance.

It appears that Christian denominations have little interest in the spiritual maturing of their members, unless a minister or person commits some glaring sin.

It seems the Christian denominations do not seem occupied with deliverance from sinful behavior or the forming of Christ in the people.

I think that Christian teachers ought to be more aware than they are of the difference between forgiveness, and victory over sinful behavior.

A clear awareness of the distinction between forgiveness and deliverance from sin will give more insight into some Bible passages.

Christian organizations do not reveal much concern about the maturing of Christ in the believers. The primary area of their interest in the number of people who attend their services.

Why should we view the number of people who are members of a particular church as the evidence of its worth in the Kingdom. It may be true that sometimes the larger the assembly is in numbers, the weaker it is in the strength of the believers.

A Christian church is supposed to be the prophet of God in the community. When the members are immature, the testimony of the church is weak.

It seems that in America there are not a great many intensely consecrated disciples of the Lord Jesus. Do you suppose this has been the case throughout the Christian Era?

There are many millions of professed believers in Christ in the United States. But a true testimony of God’s Person and will in Christ is not always given.

The American gospel is so soft and void of the fear of God that it is not creating a true witness or strong disciples.

The understanding of Divine grace as an alternative to righteous behavior may have borne good fruit in some instances; but from what I have seen, the fruit often is moral corruption.

Christian believers often regard themselves as members of the Wife of the Lamb when they are not. This is true when they are ambitious for themselves, not for the Lamb.

Grace is not an alternative moral re-creation. Rather, it is the means by which moral re-creation is achieved.

Our present earth and firmament are crude representations of the true and eternal earth and firmament, just as our present physical body is a crude representation of the body that shall be, if we obey Christ.

Mankind is in love with itself. The name for this condition is “Humanism.”

The only thing grace replaces is the Law of Moses. Now we have to obey Christ through the Spirit of God.

We must never fret ourselves concerning those who practice evil, and thus find ourselves rolling in the mud with them.

Never try to fight fire with fire. Satan is the master of fire. Evil must be overcome with good.

It is well to pray, along with thanksgiving, for what one desires. But penalties await those who never are content with where God places them.

I have been young and now am old. I am beginning to see what God has prepared for those who love Him.

Incredible amounts of money have been spent by those people who are seeking to kill the people who are trying to kill them. The world is this way because mankind is attempting to conduct its business apart from Christ.

I never cease to marvel at God’s wisdom!

Do you want to a part of God’s Servant? I do. All the wonderful promises of the forty-second chapter of Isaiah are for those who choose to be God’s servant instead of trying to persuade God to be their servant.

The purpose for bringing the believers to spiritual maturity is that they may serve as the Body of the Servant of the Lord.

There are three ideas that work against spiritual maturity: grace is a substitute for moral re-creation; the pastor is more important in the Body of Christ than is true of the congregation; we have been saved to save others.

The pressure on the believers to go forth and make converts often is coming from religious institutions that desire to increase their wealth, prestige, and power. There are genuine burdens, however.

The Kingdom of God is neither a place nor an environment. It is the creation of Christ in the believer, and the eternal dwelling of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in that new creation in the believer. When the believer thus is filled with God, He does God’s will in the earth as it is in Heaven.

Sometimes, as in the case of the dead Lazarus, and the dead Jesus, the greatest joy follows the greatest grief.

The Christians are trying to put a nuclear explosion in a box when they attempt to control Christ and use Him according to their nations.

The Christian religion is so unrealistic! How can you put a nuclear explosion in your May basket along with your lollipops and take it where you will?

Fellowship with Christ and religion are like two sides of the Grand Canyon. There may be a meeting place at the bottom, but it is a long way down.

This cyclone named “Jesus” has perfect wisdom and irresistible power. He could have appeared in the earth at any time during the past two thousand years, and governed. But it is His will that the saints install the Kingdom with Him.

We are wise when we, as David said, “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and we be destroyed in our way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment”!

I know the Lord Jesus would far rather we be His friend than His enemy. But woe unto those who oppose Him, because His Father has given to Him all authority in Heaven and upon the earth.

Of all the gods of the Romans, Greeks, and other cultures, the only one Jesus mentioned is Mammon. No one can serve both God and money.

If you are walking with the Lord Jesus, and He is real to you, you do not need alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. You simply do not need them!

God has many traits of personality He wishes to reproduce in us. Kindness is one such trait.

There are many treasures we are to lay up in Heaven. The most important of these treasures are the possession of God’s Personality traits and aan unrelenting desire to do His complete will at all times.

It is not always appropriate to recite the facts of the Gospel to someone. But it always is appropriate for us to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ in our mind, speech, and actions.

Divine election is not a “fair” program, as we would judge fairness. But it is the way God operates, so we better get used to it!

The philosophy of Humanism is like a poisonous weed that places man above God. It is to be stamped out, completely destroyed, wherever it appears.

Are you running through the checks of the Spirit? What is God saying to you!

The more of Christ we have, the more freedom we have. The less we have of Christ, the less freedom we have. To abide in ourselves is total bondage.

Christ knows that the Father is going to permit Satan to fully express his personality in the earth. Yet, when Christ sees something as precious as a child asked if it would like to change its gender, He is thoroughly disgusted.

Someone wisely said, “What goes around, comes around.” How often this is the case. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. What we sow, we reap.

I have seen evil in the face and actions of older people. I have seen beauty and wonder in the face of a child.

When a loved one dies, we wish to see him or her again. Memories can be cruel! Therefore death becomes desirable to us. This is God’s provision for us, isn’t it?

Nostalgia can be quite weakening. We are foolish when we indulge it. In any case, it is a lie.

The death of a loved one enables us to evaluate him or her more clearly. The Gospel give us the hope of seeing him or her again in much better circumstances.

The memory of a primitive native historian is incredible. Did evolution manage to make this extraordinary ability possible? Not likely!

We always are to be thinking of others, how we may benefit them. This is a mark of maturity.

Some older people are waiting to die. They are making themselves as comfortable as possible while they are waiting. I am old, but I am making my preparations to really live after I die.

I asked the Lord this morning how He is doing. He said, “Fair to middlin’.” I said, “What’s the problem?” He answered, “I am disgusted with what I am seeing in the world.” I said, what can I do to help? He said, “Continue to be obedient to Me.”

The person who has become rich in this world’s good, but has not become rich in the knowledge in the knowledge of Christ, has behaved foolishly and is a pauper.

Genuine righteousness always is truth, and truth always is consistent. Unrighteousness always is a lie. It often is inconsistent and contradictory.

Righteousness is constructive. Sin is destructive.

Have you ever noticed that God lives in the present, while we worry about the future and the past? I think it is because there is no future or past in the spirit world. All things are present with God.

We can hear the heavy foot of the Divine elephant lumbering throughout history. If we are wise, we will abandon our own devices and rest in the Elephant.

It appears that because of our worship of freedom of expression, we of the West are going to be enslaved by more disciplined philosophies of the East.

The Western nations pride themselves on personal freedom. In actuality they are enslaved by the worship of many idols, particularly money and pleasure.

Every religion has in itself the spirit of murder. But whoever lives and has his being in the Lord Jesus Christ will prevail ultimately.

There is a Muslim religion and there is a Christian religion. Standing apart from both of these is the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is Eternal Life, that is, the Presence of God.

The pursuit of the knowledge of Jesus Christ brings us to eternal life–to life lived in the Presence of God.

The various religions have their books. But the Lord Jesus Christ is a living Person. Do you know Him? Are you living in and by Him as He lives in and by the Father?

Stop your worrying and complaining. Think how many blessings you enjoy. The Lord God is in control of all.

If you will keep committing your way to Christ, Christ will keep guiding your steps.

There are religious scholars whose interpretations of the Scripture are profound. But a simple person who lives in close fellowship with Christ has more wisdom and power than they.

There are true believers who live in contemplation in monastic cells. There are true believers who worship Christ while they are busily engaged in the New York Stock Exchange. They both worship the same Christ.

If you make knowing Christ the chief goal of your life, you indeed are a very wise person.

If you go through life and miss Christ, you’ve missed it all–George Gillies.

The Lord Jesus wants people near Him who are thrilled primarily with Him, not with some other person, thing, or circumstance.

Most people do not seek truth, they seek for that which will make them comfortable.

I don’t think children are fascinated with dinosaurs because they are descended from them. I think they have as much fun seeing dinosaurs as God did creating these hulking lizards.

“The fool has said there is no God.” My personal experience in the world and my observation of people, confirms this statement of the Scripture.

God is the God of the past, the present, and the future. He was, He is, and He shall be. He is the “I Am.” All things and events, past, present, and future, are before Him at all times.

Are you thinking about past relationships? Some day, if you ask Him to, God may make them present to you, if it is beneficial for Him and you for Him to do so.

We are bound by time and our position in space. God is bound by neither. God is able to be everywhere at all times.

It usually is not wise to tell people how capable we are. It is better to demonstrate our capabilities and let them judge for themselves.

It usually is best to shoot first, and then make light of your ability to hit the bullseye every time. People will love you for this.

God has left many things in the world for us to overcome: trust in money, unforgiveness of grievous hurts, unlawful sexual behavior. The rewards for overcoming these are astounding. The penalties for not overcoming are severe.

The people of the mega-church of Sardis received the sternest warning of all—the danger of having their name blotted from the Book of Life. They were spiritually dead but growing rapidly in numbers.

Your brain is the computer that governs your body. It perishes at death. Your mind is your conscious existence. It lasts forever.

When you die what you have learned in your brain will not go with you. But what you have learned in your mind, such as the knowledge of the Lord, will go with you.

Eternal life is not just conscious existence. All spirits have that. Eternal life is existence in the Presence of God, in Divine love, joy, and peace.

Sometimes we older Christians expect younger believers to be at the same level of maturity we have attained to through years of patient cross-carrying obedience to Christ. We must be patient with them.

The personalities of believers sometimes are disfigured because of pains and pressures. We must be patient until God has a chance of healing them.

The grace of the new covenant is not release from the requirement to behave righteously, it is release from the requirement to obey the Law of Moses. The believer now is free to follow the Spirit of God, not free to sin.

If the Christian keeps on sinning, he will die spiritually. If the Christian keeps on overcoming sin, he will live spiritually.

Because of the current misunderstanding of Divine grace, there is darkness in the Christian churches. How great is that darkness!

We win souls to God by behaving righteously. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.

If we are to attain to eternal life, we must walk humbly with Christ and faithfully keep all of His commands.

If obedience is better than sacrifice, why then we teach people they can disobey Christ and be saved by grace?

There is no greater lie in the universe than that which teaches the purpose of Divine grace is to cover the sinful life of a believer.

Terrible times are coming to the United States because of our sin. Only those who faithfully obey Jesus Christ will stand and help others to stand in the future.

If you are not willing to die completely to the desires of your adamic personality, you will not be able to attain to the ranks of the victorious saints.

God through Jesus Christ has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. It is up to us to profit from what we have been given.

When we permit animosity to enter us because of the behavior of individuals, we can’t pray for their improvement and deliverance from these traits as we should.

A pastor must learn to pray for the spiritual growth of people rather than to become angry because of their personality traits. Christ will help him do that.

When we permit animosity to enter us because of the behavior of individuals, we can’t pray for their improvement and deliverance from these traits as we should.

A pastor must learn to pray for the spiritual growth of people rather than to become angry because of their personality traits. Christ will help him do that.

In one way or another, money seems to be involved in most of the lies people tell.

Those who maintain that homosexual behavior is acceptable may never have read about what happened to Sodom. But it is abortion-on-demand that will destroy the strength of America.

You can’t have a Job experience unless you love righteousness and hate wickedness.

When you are doing the Lord’s will, if He is working with you and in you to build His Kingdom, it is to His advantage to help you and keep you going.

Enoch was translated by faith, not faith that he would be translated, but the faith that walks and talks with God continually throughout the day; faith that God is the most important aspect of one’s life.

When you are motivated by physical lust, you miss the unique good that is in the object of your “affections,” fastening instead on that which is common to all humans and some animals.

Can a man or woman who has a gender-change operation ever be a happy father or mother of a boy or girl? Have they then lost something of priceless value?

There always have been girls who like to play with boys, and boys who like to play with girls. To then put pants on the girl and a dress on the boy is evidence of the destruction of the moral fiber of America.

God is not a humanist but our Creator. This is why we do not always understand what He does, such as the catastrophes that occur in nature. But He explains His purposes to His servants.

Notice that Herod was forced by circumstances to kill John the Baptist; yet, Herod knew John was a godly man. So it is that when we are involved in the world, sooner or later we will be forced to act against our conscience.

Many techniques have been advanced to enable the Christian, in the name of Christ, to get whatever he or she wants or needs. But true faith follows the Lamb wherever He goes.

The ability to compose and play music came from Heaven. It did not originate in random movements of atoms and molecules.

God will have to roar at His Church before He can roar through His Church.

It appears most of God’s people are ignorant of God’s standard of righteous, holy, obedient behavior—so great has been the destruction wrought by the “grace” emphasis.

“Grace” is being used as a whitewash to cover the wall against sin as it crumbles.

God’s answers to our prayers are sometimes so natural that we begin to think there never was a problem, and do not give God the thanks and glory that we should.

There are signs of weakness in Elijah. But there are no signs of weakness in Elisha, the double portion of power that will rest on the Church in the near future.

I want to live in the holy Fire. I want iron righteousness created in me. I want to be sternly obedient to Christ in every detail of life.

Are we willing to obey the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, He will go on His way without us.

It absolutely is true that only Christ can redeem us. But Christ will redeem us only as we faithfully obey the commands given by Him and His Apostles.

It absolutely is true that we cannot keep the righteous commandments of Christ and His Apostles. But the solution is not the forgiveness of grace but the power of prayer.

Your body is a lazy, cowardly, sinful, glutton. If you do not take charge of it, it will take charge of you.

Who is on God’s side? Who is on man’s side? This is the issue today.

When we are living by faith in Christ, God is our shield and our exceedingly great reward.

You can’t get very far with the Lord Jesus if you try to save your life.

We do not know where Ark of the Covenant is located. It is good we do not know, or we would worship that which is dead and useless.

A husband’s love for his wife, and her love for her husband, must not run along the base of the triangle. It must go up to the apex, Christ, and then down to the partner. Otherwise the marriage may become shaky.

When we have been purged from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, we can dwell peacefully in the Holy Fire of God’s Person.

No man can see God and live. As we die in Christ, we can see more of God.

Why is it that Christian people call Jesus “Lord,” and do not do what He says? Can it be that they have been taught they do not have to keep Christ’s commandments, or those of His Apostles?

The Christian salvation often is presented as escape from Hell and entrance into Heaven. It is not this primarily. It is change from death to life, which occurs only by character transformation.

If no individual can come to Christ except the Father draw him, how can God or we blame him for not coming to Christ?

Our resurrection body will portray exactly what we are. How often we are misled by the appearance of a person’s body!

As Christ lives by the Father, is utterly dependent on the Father, and reveals the Father; so must we live by Him, be utterly dependent on Him, and reveal Him in thought, word, and deed.

Democracy is a reaction to tyrants. The only form of government that will bring justice, love, joy, and peace to all people is a monarchy governed by a righteous king who fears God.

Theologians have made Jesus Christ the same as the Father, thus making it impossible for us to have a real, practical relationship with Him.

Jesus’ sheep know His voice. They can judge what is of the Lord. The Lambs are not always that accurate.

God appoints us to a noble destiny. Whether or not we attain to that high position depends on whether or not we make our calling and election certain.

A pastor must never become angry at his flock, no matter how perversely they behave. God has called him to help them, not criticize them.

When we condemn others we condemn ourselves.

“Do not awaken my love until she pleases” means, “Don’t tell people their faults until God says they are ready to know about them.”

It is our faults that keep us going until God sees we are mature enough to be delivered from our faults.

All forms of alcoholic beverages are for people who do not have the Holy Spirit.

God makes man in two stages. First, the person is born of woman. Then the animal part of the individual is replaced with Christ.

The mold is crafted. It is filled with molten gold. The gold is engraved and the mold is removed. This is how man is made.

Denominations and carnal Christians often have this in common: they seek to use Christ rather than to be used by Christ.

The eagles will gather where the slain Lamb is. They have been chosen to complete Him. They live by His body and blood.

Whenever the Lord tells us to do something, we always must ask Him to help us do what He has commanded.

People often experience a period of suffering before they die. It may be it is part of their preparation for their life with God in the spirit world.

I hope no one feels badly when I die. I will be actively living with Jesus in love, joy, and peace, without bodily constraints.

I hope no one feels badly when I die. I will be actively living with Jesus in love, joy, and peace, without bodily constraints.

We say to the unsaved, “Receive Christ in your heart and you will be saved.” Why don’t we say, “Obey Christ at all times and you will be saved”?

We Americans look to money to give us security. The problem is, money cannot bring peace.

“The righteous live by faith” means the righteous look to Jesus for guidance and strength rather than to their own abilities in every area of life.

When human beings interpret the Bible, rather than listening to the Holy Spirit, they bring forth death.

A government that will not enforce morality, morality as defined by the Bible, will be removed by the Lord.

You may have held a belief for a long time that you were sure was of the Lord. Then one day you begin to question it. Follow the light!

“Ask, seek, and knock” is a principle of dealing with God. It is those who keep at a thing that attain to their goals in the Lord.

Because the Declaration of Independence cites the pursuit of happiness as an “unalienable (sic) right,” rather than the pursuit of righteousness, every moral abomination will soon become lawful in the United States.

When we are not diligent we pay the price for being foolish.

If a “revival” emphasizes bodily feelings and unusual movements rather than the Lord Jesus Christ and obeying His commandments, it is not of the Spirit of God but of the soul of man.

We need to pray that Christ will reveal himself to the Arab people that they will be a force for strength and stability in the world. Why should good people kill themselves needlessly?

The key to life, to understanding, to fellowship with God, is found in death to our first personality. Have you been there yet?

The Presence of Christ is righteousness, deliverance, peace, love, joy, understanding, the knowledge of God. It is the most desirable gift in the universe.

The Presence of Jesus Christ is everything of worth in the universe.

The prayer “Your will be done” is not passivity or fatalism, nor is it unbelief. It is the strongest prayer of all and brings peace in the most dire circumstances.

If we are not loyal to the relationships that occur during our lifetime, we don’t really have anything of value to bring with us to the next life.

There are many in the rooms of tormented consciences. It is best to avoid those rooms by being faithful to those who depend on us.

If God gives us a gift we must use that gift faithfully. If we do not, how will we be able to face Jesus when we are brought before Him?

Fire must be mixed in our sea of glass before we can sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.

I think denominations, churches, and many Christians worship God afar off. They talk about Jesus, but don’t talk to Him, or listen to Him, or know what He wants.

When you see a gorilla on its knees praying to God, then you will know that the hypothesis of evolution possibly is true.

The art of the rest of God is to let God carry us without being passive.

“Lord Jesus, Your life is my life; my life is Your life; it is one life.”

The true servant of God is blind, but he sees; he is deaf, but he hears; he knows nothing, but he understands everything.

When we have finished our work, then God says to us, “Go on to the end and rest, and you will stand in your lot at the end of the days.”

The faithful Christian pastor does not attempt to please you, rather He teaches you how to die in the Lord.

The new covenant is superior to the old because it removes the compulsion to sin as well as forgiving sin. It “takes away” the sin itself.

When the Bible says the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world, it means He removes the presence of sin itself, not only the forgiveness of sin.

It is my observation that Christian people are unable to understand the difference between taking away the guilt of sin and taking away the presence and power of sin.

To claim that Christians are obligated to sin while they are living in the world is to misunderstand the work and purpose of the new covenant.

The Scripture states that through Christ we are not obligated to serve the sinful nature. Why, then, do we claim Christians have to sin while they are in the world?

There is a difference between forgiving sin and removing sin. Forgiveness is a legal state. Removal is a change in the personality of the believer.

Why don’t you let God have His wonderful way? The Bible invites us to cast our burdens on the Lord that He may sustain us.

There are people who drive themselves and those around them to meet standards found only in their own mind.

We usually don’t get very far trying to force people to do what we think is right. It often is better to just keep committing them to God that He may work in their lives.

Jesus is not harsh toward people. He deals patiently with them until they absolutely refuse to yield to His Spirit.

Jesus rebukes and chastens those He loves. Don’t be surprised when you are dealt with sternly.

Remember, when you go through a fiery trial you are in the hands of the Pott. He will make you what He wishes you to be, if you will pray continually.

Many of the current Christian believers are far too soft. They may not stand during the horrors that are to come upon the world because of sin.

Always remember Jeremiah. He alone was saved when his fellow Jews around him were being killed or led into captivity. God has that kind of saving power.

Keep the promises of the 1st Psalm before you at all times. They will help you stand during the moral and physical horrors on the horizon.

If you are called to spiritual warfare you may have to go through a battle of deception. You win by steadfastly proclaiming the truth and being totally obedient to Christ.

You cannot do things halfway in the Kingdom and succeed. If you do some things right, and are careless in others, you will lead a troubled life!

Knowledge tells us what is. Truth tells us why it is. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is Truth.

Our present body does not reveal what we are. Our resurrection body will reveal what we are. It will grow as we grow.

Satan strives to keep our reasoning unclear so he can guide our emotions. A prime example is the lack of clarity about whether a fetus is a person or garbage.

Since we cannot know the transactions of a person’s heart, we must not judge the individual, unless God shows us something we should say or do, and in what manner.

A faithful pastor pointing out that a behavior is unscriptural is an act of love. It hardly could be considered a “hate crime”!

The Gospel of the Kingdom is a seed, not an invitation to join a religion.

The Kingdom of God is not Heaven or a religion, it is a hierarchy of authority.

The conquerors are pressing forward to the fullness of eternal life. The defeated are mumbling about how Christians are not perfect, just forgiven.

Recently some young people in England gave to their social worker cake mixed with a laxative. You cannot really win the hearts of young people apart from Christ.

The truth sets us free by releasing us from bondages, and opening our eyes to the will of God for us.

Resistance to sin is like resistance to disease. As you overcome, through Christ, specific behaviors, you develop a resistance to that temptation. This is the reason we were exposed to sin in the first place.

If you are being afflicted or are in some kind of pain, don’t assume you are being perfected. Keep asking God, with thanksgiving, to deliver you. You may be “surprised by joy”!

Sin is the sting of death. For the person who is living without condemnation, there is no sting in death.

It is easy to confuse religious activity with righteous behavior.

Sinful behavior produces complexity and confusion. Righteous behavior produces simplicity and clarity.

Sin is a noun, a force, a thing. Jesus Christ is strong enough to remove this force from our personality, if we desire to live without it.

Death is an August personage. But thanks be to God, Jesus Christ is greater in authority and power.

Almost universally, sin is viewed only as a legal state of condemnation. But sin also is a force. The Lamb of God takes away both the legal state and the force.

The lessons we learn while living on the earth are preparation so our life in the new world of righteousness will be happy and productive.

The guilt of sin is forgiven through the blood of the cross. The desire to sin can be cast out by the Spirit of God. The practice of sin can be overcome by instruction in the Word of God.

Spirits love to make slaves of people. Jesus Christ will set us free from them if we ask Him.

All of mankind are our relatives and friends, except for those who reject the rulership of Jesus Christ, and the incorrigibly wicked.

If you do not build your life and the life of your children on Christ, you and they will crash no matter how bright your prospects may seem to be.

Ask God to test by fire every voice you hear and impression you have. Otherwise you may be deceived.

There may be no more necessary prayer than the request that God give us His desires for us. Our desires come from many other sources, but they do not always bring us love, joy, or peace. Only God’s desires do this.

Abortion on demand, homosexual activity, the softening of punishments for crimes, the encroaching of other religions, the Hollywood immorality—the melting pot has become multicultural and largely pagan.

Religious man is quick to emphasize physical healing. But God’s emphasis is on spiritual healing, the removal of sin and the creation of Christ in the believers.

I think our task in the present hour is to build up the highway of holiness so the people of the future can walk on it without stumbling.

How many of us are ready to leave our individuality in order that we may become part of Christ, just as Eve became part of Adam? He called their name “Adam.”

Good sense often is in short supply, especially when it comes to religion.

We have to be very diligent If we are to attain to our foreordained destiny in Christ.

We have to be called. We have to be chosen. Then we have to be proven faithful in Christ.

If we are to sit on Mount Zion, the place of transfiguration, we have to be free from bondages of people, circumstances, and things. We have to be sincere, totally without guile.

When Christ comes there will be no cunning lawyers and politicians who can pervert justice. Every person will be treated fairly and compassionately.

We have to refuse to yield to our sinful nature if we are to eat and drink of the body and blood of Christ. Eating and drinking of Christ gives us strength and wisdom, so we do not yield to our sinful nature.

The person you believe can give you what you want is the one you obey. Belief is revealed in our choices. Do you really believe in Jesus Christ?

God is moving His Throne from Heaven to the earth. He will reside forever in the hearts of His saints.

Our leaders may say our first love is to “win souls.” They turn the love that Christ wants into the work the churches want.

We should not judge the actions of another person, until we hear clearly from the Lord. We usually do not know all the facts.

Whenever well intentioned theologians or translators endeavor to make difficult passages comprehensible to the natural mind, the result may be mischief.

Babylon is religion. It is confusion. It is man attempting to gain favor with God by means of his own devices.

God is perfect and good. Christ will be growing toward that perfection and goodness for eternity. So will you, if you follow Christ diligently.

The wise person considers carefully the consequences of his action. The fool thinks only about the pleasure he derives from his action.

The Christian who lives righteously, but not righteously enough, will be attacked most severely by devils and people.

The atonement made by Christ on Cavalry is an amnesty. It is the forgiveness of the sins of the past so we can get on with the work of learning to live righteously.

If we live a life of sin we can be completely forgiven through the blood of the cross. However, we still shall what we have sown. But we shall be saved from the ultimate penalty.

Salvation is a progressive work that will remove us totally from the influence of Satan and bring us totally into the influence of Christ, not move us from the earth to Heaven.

When God carries us on eagles’ wings, we have no need of anything and no dread of anything.

If we are not becoming more righteous in our behavior we are not being saved.

Since it is more difficult to lead than to follow, why would anyone desire to be a leader? Personal ambition often is a bondage and should be resisted.

Personal ambition may be a good thing in some instances. But it caused the downfall of Satan!

Repenting is not feeling sorry, or apologizing, or being convicted, or making intercession. Repenting is changing our behavior, and at times is accompanied by the other four emotions or actions.

The only truly happy, peaceful way to live is by God’s desires for us. When we pray and live this way we are free from idolatry.

The scientist who is making a case for evolution by carbon-dating and examining bones is missing the forest while examining the trees. He needs to step back and consider the entire range of human experience.

Paradise once regained must be retained.

Whether or not you and I have “accepted” Christ, God does not count us righteous if we are not doing what Christ has told us to do.

Avoid doing things impulsively. Don’t be in such a hurry! Pray carefully about every decision.

To be saved is to be given permission to participate in the program of redemption.

The Bible states that in Babylon is found the blood of all who have been killed on the earth. This means that Babylon represents man working without God, whether in religious or secular work.

What would it be like for children if there were no animals in the world!

I can do absolutely nothing of myself. Christ must be in every detail of my life.

In these days of moral horrors, if we would remain strong in Christ we must make every effort to thing about things that are pure, hopeful, and lovely.

After we grow up we have to grow down if we wish to be part of the Kingdom of God.

You can ask God to remove your bitter memories from your mind and give you happy thoughts. God will be pleased if you do this and will answer your prayer.

The first sin committed on the earth was disobedience to God. The second was the murder of a man’s brother. Thus the two greatest commandments were broken from the beginning.

To have Jesus, your Creator, as your best friend, and to talk to Him constantly, is the greatest experience in life—and may be so for eternity.

Our animal existence on the earth is temporary. If we are wise, we will treat it as such and not grasp it. Our true life is ahead of us.

When things are going well for us we hear many voices. But it is in the night of trouble that knowledge is gained.

Abortion is a primary concern of the Lord. Trouble will come on homosexuals, but abortion is the murder of the innocent. They have no freedom of choice.

For sixty-three years I have walked by faith. Today I am more aware than ever of the fellowship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

When Paul reasoned with Governor Felix about faith in Christ, Paul did not emphasize theologic belief but righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come. Felix was afraid! How different from today!

Christ had to die that God might reconcile mankind to Himself. Each individual when presented with the choice must elect to enter, or not to enter, that reconciliation.

King Agrippa and Bernice entered the room with great pomp. Paul was waiting in chains. It is difficult in the present moment to know the value of the contribution to the world of an individual.

An individual who labors diligently doing what God has called him to do, and does not betray those who trust him, will come to a good end.

God observes what we like and what we don’t like. He is interested in our opinions. We see this demonstrated as God brought the animals to Adam to see what he would call them.

A sinful desire that dwells in our flesh is a living force. It is possible that it will accompany us after we die. This is why we should put it to death as soon as we become aware of it.

Sin began around the Throne of God with a discontented cherub. From this discontent sin has proceeded, because sin results from discontent with our present state.

Waging war against evil, resisting it, appears to be a universal, never ending battle.

We must never permit discontent to grow in us. It is the source of sin.

God will put His desires in our heart, if we will ask Him to. If we will wait patiently, God will give us what we desire. Meanwhile we are to praise God for our present blessings.

The most marvelous Heaven would be ruined by the presence of one self-seeking individual. Personality transformation must come before Paradise.

God puts us in an animal body, and then says, “Act like a saint.” If we do, we eventually will receive a body that acts like a saint.

Sometimes calamities to people we love. We are to hold steady in faith in God. Such problems often are necessary operations that the individual may be better prepared for the Kingdom of God.

Asking Adam to name the numerous varieties of animals was a remarkable challenge for a young man, perhaps twelve years of age.

It is Satan, not people, who is our enemy.

The New Testament is not primarily about the grace of forgiveness but the grace of righteous behavior. Count the verses dealing with each and judge for yourself.

God keeps me praying by confronting me continually with problems. Is that the way it is with you?

When things are going too well for me, I may forget to pray. So I’ll take the problems rather than lose sight of the Lord.

Some believers in Christ strike the ground with the arrows only three times. These do not receive the inheritance that would have been theirs had they been more determined and diligent.

Every true Christian has three natures: the first adamic personality: second, the sinful nature; third, Christ being formed in him or her.

The present central activity of mankind is that of competition. When Jesus returns and installs His Kingdom on the earth, the central activity shall be that of sharing. This pattern shall endure for eternity.

When you read a commandment in the Bible, or the Lord speaks to you personally, your first response must be, “Lord, help me to do what You have commanded.”

When the Bible or the Lord tell us to do something, is the proper response, “I can’t do this, so I must be saved by the grace of forgiveness”?

Perhaps exegetes sometimes should step back from the minutia of interpretation and look up to Jesus to hear what He is saying.

There are good boys and girls, good men and women. Why are they good? Because through Christ they have become part of God, who alone is good.

Though during our lifetime we acquire millions of dollars and achieve worldwide fame, it means nothing if we do not please Christ.

God has a perfect inheritance for you, but you are going to have to wait for it. Don’t get off the bus too soon!

The believers of the first-century churches were are sinful as we are. The time for deliverance from sin had not come as yet. But it is here now!

Today’s definition of imputed righteousness is that God regards us as righteous while we do the works of the devil. Is there something wrong here?

The Bible teaches clearly that we will be saved if we press forward in Christ to the end of our life. What is this about eternal security?

I think the reason why there is so much confusion in Christian doctrine is that theologians look to their mind for understanding of the Scriptures, rather than to Christ.

If we do not serve Christ diligently with what He has given us, we will suffer greatly.

It is possible many believers of today are confusing God’s patience with a willingness to accept their laziness and disobedience.

The Scriptures can be interpreted only by the Holy Spirit. To interpret the Scriptures without looking to the Spirit for understanding causes problems and damage to the Kingdom of God.

The Scriptures are the sword of the Spirit, not of the believer who is acting according to his or her own thinking and reasoning.

If we would know the will of God, we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This requires a certain deafness to the clamor of the flesh and the world.

Righteous behavior brings clarity and singleness of purpose. Unrighteous behavior brings confusion.

A believer who gets his or her feelings hurt needs to seek Christ for a more stalwart character.

The Bible says Christ is subject to God the Father. Why then is the position maintained that there are three equal Gods?

Are you behaving righteously and purifying yourself from all spiritual uncleanness? You’re not? Then you must enjoy pain and trouble.

God looks to see how we will treat our wife or husband after they lose their appeal to us. God wants to determine what kind of person we are; how faithful we are.

When you die you will find the spirit world is a large area. You are going to be placed with people like yourself in character. Are you going to be happy with this?

I want to praise my Creator in every circumstance. But my sinful nature does not agree with this. What an abominable fact this is!

Perhaps most Christian work proceeds from human desires, not from resurrection life arising from the crucifixion of the believer. But only this is of eternal worth.

A person has to pray continually if he is to be able to keep his mind focused on that which is joyful, pure, and lovely.

Satan is pleased when we fret ourselves his antics in the earth. He does not enjoy being ignored.

The Bible says our struggle is not against people but against wicked spirits in the heavens. This is difficult to keep in mind, isn’t it?

When we attack people instead of praying against the evil forces that move them, we hurt those people and do nothing to injure the actual enemy. But Christians often prefer to battle windmills.

Sometimes we are urged to become active politically or in some other way to combat the wicked practices in the land. We are better urged to first ask the Lord if this is something He is going to work for good.

The Christian battle is not our strength against Satan’s strength. It is truth against the lie. Righteousness against unrighteousness. Holiness against uncleanness. Obedience to God against disobedience.

The will of God often is a light and subtle direction. We have to keep ourselves quietly before the Lord in all that we do, so we can sense this guidance.

I do not understand why people insist on following their own desires when they could be resting in the wonderful plan of God for their life.

If you wish to avoid deception, be willing to accept the delay of the fulfillment of your most fervent desires. But always pray for their fulfillment.

Greater is the truth that is in you than the lie that is in the world. The truth shall overcome the lie before all matters come to fruition.

If you want love, joy, and peace, do God’s will in every circumstance. You can find God’s will by asking Him to reveal it to you.

The most important job in any society is the teaching of children. This task must be assigned to people whose moral standards and practices are godly beyond reproach.

Righteous behavior is the foundation upon which all the creatures of God are built. But to know God as Job does now, requires crucifixion of one’s self.

Fornication is defined as sexual activity outside of legal marriage. All talk about love-marriages will not admit a fornicator to the Kingdom of God.

Saying to Jesus Christ, “Not my will but Yours be done,” is the most important statement a person will make in his or her entire life.

Do you ever get the feeling you would like to throw away your life on Jesus, like the lady who “wasted” all the expensive perfume? I do!

Go ahead. Satisfy the desires of your flesh and mind. But put off dying. Because when you die, you will face corruption, whether or not you profess to be a Christian.

You may be able to encourage a famous person to believe the facts about Christ. But it is doubtful this will cause him to abandon his own schemes and follow Christ in all he does.

It has been my experience in serving the Lord that diligence is rewarded amply.

Righteousness exists in obedience to God at every moment. There is no overarching imputed righteousness that exists when a person is being disobedient to God.

The belief that there is an overarching righteousness imputed to a Christian who is not obeying Christ is a destructive error.

There is an overarching righteousness that keeps a believer acceptable to God, provided he is working with the Holy Spirit in the program of redemption, that is, of putting to death the actions of his sinful nature.

When we believe there is something Christ wants of us and we do not obey Him, we are unrighteous even if we profess belief in Christ. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

When we do not do what Christ commands us to do we are unrighteous, even if we “believe in Christ.”

Religion develops doctrine that we are to believe and declare. True faith in Christ is not a religion. It is a conscious fellowship with a living Person.

As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. I think in numerous instances the Christian religion is more involved in its doctrines than it is in being led by the Spirit of God.

Circumcision is the act of cutting off the filthiness of the flesh and spirit. To observe the Sabbath commandment is to walk humbly with God at all times.

If you do not have God and Christ, your life has little significance. With God and Christ you have eternal, extraordinary significance.

We have God and Satan within and God and Satan without. We have to choose whom we love. One leads to incredible glory. The other leads to incredible corruption.

If God Himself were at a certain location, and it was publicized, almost everyone in the world would want to go there. What does this tell us about the Christian churches?

A man is a male who is more concerned about the welfare of others that he is about his own.

We humans often are very concerned if a loved one is seriously ill and in danger of dying. Why aren’t we just as concerned over his or her relationship to Christ? It is the latter that has the greatest potential for pain and anguish!

We can chose in Christ to embrace iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father. From this vantage point we are able to love God with a pure heart and our neighbor as ourselves.

Sometimes a tree will appear in the midst of your garden. Whether it brings life or death to you depends on your willingness to wait for the Lord to tell you when to eat of it.

Each of us at all times must continually lay our crown before the throne, the rule of God, declaring God’s worthiness and saying, “not my will, but Yours be done.”

Anyone who does not obey Christ and His Apostles loves pain, misery, and frustration. The one who says there is no God is a fool. So is the one who does not obey God.

We can learn to walk with Jesus now. Then we won’t have so much to learn when we die and pass into the spirit world.

When in the Day of Resurrection our mortal body is made alive by the Spirit of God, it no longer will be at cross-purposes with God.

Our own body is our worst enemy in many ways. This is why we have to control it continually if we are not to be disqualified.

It is by the act of continually controlling the desires of our flesh and blood nature that we gain the character needed by rulers of the Kingdom of God.

The current doctrine of grace removes the need to continually overcome the desires of our fleshly nature. Thus it prevents our becoming a ruler in the Kingdom of God.

The people of the Lord are being lied to by the current doctrine of grace. Therefore disaster is approaching the United States of America.

The current grace and rapture doctrines have been constructed from a few verses taken here and there out of their contexts.

Our human nature wants and does the wrong things. Christ can put in us the desire to choose and to do God’s good pleasure.

We buy wisdom with the coin of experience. This is why Satan continually seeks to create a division between the young people and older people with the Internet communication devices.

Why does religion emphasize belief in doctrine rather than direct obedience to the living Christ? It is because by stressing belief rather than obedience, man can remain in control of his salvation.

God will save and recreate a person when there is someone who has pleased God and cares about what happens to the individual. God remembered Abraham.

The Muslim people have seen the morally threadbare Westernized Christianity. They know nothing of the crucified saints struggling upward in the night to learn to live by the Life of Jesus Christ.

The Christian discipleship is a wrestling match. Our opponent is the spirit of the world. Our goal is to do God’s will for us at all times.

We have to make certain when things are going well that we remember to look to the Lord continually, giving thanks for all things.

God is the only One who can carry out His own commands. However, cooperation and stern obedience on our part are absolutely essential if God’s will is to be done in the earth.

The gifts of the Spirit are means to an end. The end is a transformed moral character that loves and obeys God in all matters.

“The just shall live by faith” means righteous people walk in obedience to Christ whether what they are hoping for appears possible, or whether it doesn’t.

The eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews is one long definition of “The just shall live by faith.”

The way in which “grace” is preached today prevents the believer from perceiving what the New Testament actually states concerning the importance of righteous behavior.

God will never break a contract. But if we do not do what we agreed on, God is not obligated to keep His end of the covenant.

I think that it is true of many Christian organizations that it is a case of the blind leading the blind. Their motives and plans are admirable, but they end up in the ditch because they are not hearing from the Lord.

When a pastor tries to please the congregation with his preaching, he is the blind leading the blind.

There is nothing marvelous in and of itself. People, circumstances, and things, become marvelous only as God makes them so to give us pleasure.

As we continue in a fervent discipleship, righteous behavior is the result. And that righteous behavior results in increasingly effective prayer.

If I have nothing, praise the Lord! If I have everything, praise the Lord!

Avoid making assumptions when at all possible. Pray continually, right up to the last minute. Wait until all the camels have been watered.

Righteousness is not produced by adherence to an arbitrary standard. Righteousness results from our stern obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Any religious work we perform that is not done in the guidance and strength of the Lord Jesus has no Kingdom value and is not of the new covenant.

No commandment of the Bible works properly except as we look to the Lord Jesus for guidance and enablement.

The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. The purpose of the Bible is to help us discern which spirit is the Holy Spirit.

I don’t want anything in my life that wars against my abiding in the perfect presence and will of Christ, that is, in God’s rest. When you lose your peace, pray.

You may up to the third floor of a store to buy the goods you want. Then you return to the ground floor so you can go about your business. There is no scriptural support for a rapture.

Don’t be afraid of death. If you are living in Christ, death will be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Do not clutch things, relationships, or circumstances. Pray until you have peace.

People who blame others for their pain have weak character. They need to look in the mirror to discover where the problem lies.

The current pattern of “accepting Christ” is too often only a religious fetish. This practice will save no one. Salvation comes only as we choose to obey Christ in every aspect of our life.

The important circumstance is not that you have “accepted” Christ but that He has accepted you; not that you “know” Christ but that He knows you!

There are realities in the spirit world, such as God, Christ and angels. They exist whether we believe in them or not. The practices of religion are man-made and exist or vanish according to our will. “Babylon,” in the Bible, is religion.

Eternal life does not come from reading about Christ but from eating Christ; not from knowing about Christ but from knowing Christ.

The only freedom in the universe is found in total obedience to God and to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sin is gnawing at the heart of America. Individuals can save themselves and their loved ones by fervent repentance, but I am not that confident concerning the nation as a whole.

Whatever He says to you, do it. Even though at the time it may not be what you desire, your obedience will bring you eternal love, joy, and peace.

Babylon is the joining together of people in the attempt to approach God and gain His favor. But salvation always is an individual matter, as God seeks out a person and reveals Himself to that individual.

I must be diligent and absolutely faithful in those matters of concern to my Father and my Brother. in the time of harvest.

It often is true that the true servant of the Lord proclaims God’s messages in the midst of the unbelieving, perverse church, as we see in the history of Israel in the Bible.

How often a servant of the Lord is found bearing a true witness of God’s Person, will, way, and eternal purpose in Christ, in the midst of religious confusion.

Wickedness strives for complexity that it may conceal its motives and agendas. Righteousness strives for simplicity and transparency that it may gain the approval of God and man.

How often do we drive away what we crave by insisting that we have it.

Sometimes there is talk about the power latent in us. It is true rather that the wisdom and power we need come from God. Jesus looked toward Heaven and prayed.

God does not want you in bondage to any person, circumstance, or thing. Pray that you may be delivered from all idolatry.

Sometimes people hope they can indulge their sinful nature and then enter Paradise at the last minute, like the thief on the cross. When we play this game with God, God wins and we lose.

The issue is not whether or not I am happy, it is whether or not God’s will is being done.

Strength to do God’s will is more valuable than strength of body.

Salvation and sanctification sometimes are presented as to separate works. How can this be, when it is the moral change that itself is salvation?

Salvation is not a journey from earth to Heaven but from Satan to God. Our journey begins right now and continues every day.

By focusing on the Kingdom of God rather than the politics of the Roman Empire, Christ brought salvation to mankind.

The task of us pastors is to build Christ, who Himself is the Kingdom of God, in people. We are not to let any other purpose distract us from this single goal.

If I am hearing the Holy Spirit, He is not speaking about saving America but about removing the sinful actions from Christian people.

When Christ tells you to do something, whatever it is, ask Him to help you to do it. Christ Always will assist you with His wisdom and power if you ask Him to. The same is true with His commands in the Bible.

The commands of Christ and His Apostles found in the New Testament are not there to show us our need for forgiveness but to show us what we need to pray for.

Sometimes it is a good idea to step back from a problem and confusion and pray, before we try to work through the details.

To believe in Christ means to obey Christ in every circumstance, not just to believe He exists, or even to believe He is our Savior.

How can we call Christ our Lord and Savior when we are not obeying Him in every detail of our life?

There is no place in the universe where one can find eternal love, joy, and peace, other than in the Lord Jesus Christ.

When you really are in the Lord’s will, you can walk on the water and it will be firm under your feet. But keep your eyes on the Lord!

Our goal is to live by every Word of God. We have to keep listening carefully, because God keeps speaking advice and encouragement to us in every detail of our life.

Those who treat their discipleship casually will lose part or all of their inheritance.

The King has needs. Help Him meet those needs by obeying Him. Then when you have a need He will be there to help.

The believers in America assume that if they are not faithful to God, God still will bless them and answer their prayers. This is not scriptural. God will not answer the prayers of those who are disobeying Him.

What sometimes is being preached in America is “How to have a better life in Christ.” Tell that to the martyrs!

This world was not designed so we would have fun. Its purpose is to form character that will help or hinder us throughout eternity. If we pursue fun we will gain trouble and pain.

There are those who seek wealth, fame, and pleasure in this world but are denied them in the next. There are those who deny themselves in this world, but in the next gain wealth, fame, and pleasure for evermore.

Today’s scholars say by believing what God has promised we are righteous. But God said Abraham’s inheritance came through his obedience. Why do scholars ignore this fact?

Has theologic belief become a substitute for obedience to Christ and His Apostles?

Obeying Christ and His Apostles is not filthy works of self-righteousness. What destructive foolishness is being preached in our day!

It is being preached in our time that we can ignore the commandments of Christ and His Apostles and be saved. Where did this destructive error originate?

Grace is the Divine alternative to the Law of Moses. It is not the Divine alternative to the new Spirit-filled creation of righteous behavior.

How can we say we are being saved when we are not obeying the commandments of Christ and His Apostles? Do we enjoy being deluded?

The atheist hopes to throw off the rule of Christ by saying there is no God. He who sits in the heavens laughs at this folly.

Satan knows very well that there is a God. But if he can persuade us to not believe there is a God, he can draw us into his power.

How can we say we are being saved by faith when we are not doing what Christ’s Apostles have commanded? Did they command us to not do anything but believe?

When we give to Jesus that which is of great importance to us, it is a treasure in Heaven and given back to us at the proper time.

Be specific in your prayers. Tell the Lord exactly what it is you need or want.

When you have a symptom, pray that God will remove it specifically. Usually this is better than speculating on what dreadful sickness it may prove to be.

European and American business people profited from the slave trade. Yet they viewed themselves as Christians. How can people think of themselves as Christians and yet not be following Christ?

We are seeking money rather than Christ. Therefore confusion and chaos reign in our land.

Let us always place Christ at our right hand. Then we will not be moved.

When instead of seeking Christ we strive to change the world through politics, we reap confusion. Satan is the prince of this world. Our task to build the Kingdom of God.

How can Christian people share in the politics of democracy when democracy is the rule of man?

Democracy and the Kingdom of God are opposed to each other in their goals and methods.

In a democracy we may have freedom of speech. In the Kingdom of God our speech is disciplined by the Spirit of God.

We Christians in America want to govern ourselves. We do not want to be governed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

When the rights of people are being emphasized, the rights of God may not be being emphasized.

Should man be governing himself or should he be governed by the Lord Jesus Christ?

Does the Bible stress that men should govern themselves, or does the Bible stress that men should be governed by a righteous government?

In the case of great artists, musicians, inventors and other gifted people, we should give glory to God instead of to those so gifted.

Has God given us a gift? Then we should give glory to God instead of exalting ourselves.

Life is meaningless apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

True Christian men are courteous and chivalrous toward women, and kind to their wives. But the men of other religions may show the nature of Satan by beating their wives.

If a woman dresses immodestly and is raped, it may be her own fault.

You know, the spirit world may not be as different from what we are used to as we may imagine. God is making all things new in Christ, not all new things.

Personality transformation must come before residence in Paradise.

When I read of Christian leaders saying abortion-on-demand and homosexual activities are acceptable, I figure it must be true that people can become so occupied with religion they forget there is a God.

It is going to be extremely important in the days of come in America to be able to hear and obey the Lord. The time to learn to do that is now.

Because it leads people away from seeking the Lord that they may be able to stand during the judgment to come upon America, the doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture is destructive.

The reason God is making man in His image is so He can embrace man as part of Himself. This is not true of angels.

Lord Jesus, “I pray You will remove from me every unclean motive and impulse so I will hear Your voice clearly.”

God’s problem with mankind is not solved when we receive the blood atonement for the forgiveness of our sins. God’s problem is solved only when we receive Christ as our personal Lord and obey Him in every detail of our life.

We are not truly saved until we are willing and ready to obey the Lord Jesus Christ in every detail of our life.

The rest of God is that state in which we obey Christ in every detail of our life. This is why the third chapter of Hebrews speaks of our perishing after having started on the way of righteousness.

The Christian Church can never be one in Christ in God until every member is doing God’s will rather that his or her own.

The Father is the ultimate Power. The Son is the true Word of the Father. The Holy Spirit is the only eternal Life.

Why don’t we ask the unsaved (and Christian also) if they will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord? When they do, the “Savior” part will take care of itself.

I can’t see that blaming someone solves any problem. The idea is to solve the problem, and then leave it to God to punish the offender.

The issue previously was to ask the Savior to forgive our sins. The issue now is to ask the King to deliver us so we can do His will. We have arrived at the Day of Vengeance of our God.

As long as your denominational affiliation is of prime importance to you, you never will be a member of the firstfruits of the Bride of the Lamb. You are married to your religion.

True Bible faith is obedience to God’s will as it is revealed to us. We are motivated to obey God’s will by our hope of a reward for doing so.

True Bible faith is infinitely more than our assent to invisible facts, whether the facts are real or supposed. True Bible faith is revealed in our behavior rather than in our theology.

Our belief that God is good and that there is a Heaven gives us hope and courage when we encounter the tragedies of life on the earth. But if we do not seek the will of Christ every day, we do not have what the Bible means by faith.

The Kingdom includes iron righteousness, fiery holiness, stern obedience to the Father, love, joy, peace, and the possession of the Fullness of God.

To kill someone because of his religious beliefs is murder. Thus the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions (Babylon) will answer at the Judgment Seat of Christ for the blood on their hands.

There are times when God dumps unforeseen blessings on us like manna. Then there are other occasions when we have to persevere in faith in order to obtain the promise.

Faith and prayer do not change God’s mind. Rather they enable us to receive what God desires for us to have.

No genuine prayer of ours exhausts God’s ability to answer.

Each one of us who lives according to his own wisdom and strength instead of looking to Jesus for everything he thinks, says, and does, has the spirit of Antichrist in him.

In neither the Old or New Testament are we told we can make an atonement for our sin by punishing ourselves. An atonement for sin can be made only by the shedding of innocent blood, whether of animal or human.

Faith is not something you take out, dust off, and use to get what you want. It is a way of life.

Judaism and Christianity appear to be the only religions that treat women decently. A woman is a very special creation, and to beat her with a stick, or regard her as chattel, is not of God.

I am learning to say, one step at a time, “What’s next, Lord?” I want to live this way forever, living by the Presence and Life of the Lord Jesus.

To be holy is to be set aside for God’s purposes and free from unclean spirits. To be righteous is to deal honorably and compassionately with people.

There are living-dead people in retirement communities. But the people of Christ’s firstfruits are dead-living people.

We are not in the true, eternal world as yet. The present world is a proving ground. What is it proving about me and you?

It is our Father’s will that we be holy as He is holy. This means we are totally free from unclean spirits; but it can be a long, hard battle to get there.

It is unpleasant for the Lord Jesus to deal with someone who keeps disagreeing with Him.

You can spend your life complaining and blaming people, or continually giving thanks to God for your blessings. One leads to death and the other to life. Why not choose life?

A world of love, joy, and peace will be possible only when the Lord Jesus Christ is governing everything that takes place, just as is true of our individual life. Such is the nature of the Kingdom of God.

When the Gospel is not changing us it is not preparing us to be part of the Kingdom of God. It is the change itself that is salvation.

A true prophet is a reasonable person. But he does not draw his conclusions by reasoning.

Prophets do not derive their message from other prophets. A true prophet stands in the Fire of the Almighty and announces the terrible words of the Spirit of God.

Prophets thrive in the midst of adversity. Pilgrim’s Progress reportedly was written in Bedford Gaol, not in a well-appointed pastor’s study.

Do not offer to God an animal with a defect, the Bible says. Give God the very best that you have.

If Job’s comforters had gotten a good case of boils it would have improved their preaching. And so with all of us.

If Job’s comforters had gotten a good case of boils it would have improved their preaching. And so with all of us.

The man of God does not spend time counting the cost or considering the difficulties. He keeps on pressing toward the rainbow Throne that is at the end of his struggle.

Why doesn’t God speak details to us as He did to Moses? Can it be that our religion occupies us so thoroughly that we do not expect to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus?

There have been persons in politics who have risen to high positions who are lazy and incompetent. This will not be true of Christ’s kings who govern the new world of righteousness.

The Book of Exodus shows us God’s interest in the details of the Tabernacle. How much more is God interested in His Church. But His ministers must listen to Him, as did Moses.

Abraham did not believe he was going to see Isaac in Heaven after Isaac was slain. Rather, Abraham believed God was going to raise Isaac from the dead in order to fulfill God’s word. Isn’t that interesting?

After we are born into the world, the only certainty is that one day we will die. The wise person will prepare to meet Jesus upon his or her death.

The idea of positive thinking, or speaking the creative word, is a way of attempting to use the power of Christ to accomplish one’s own desires.

When a prayer is given by the Father, it indeed shall be answered. As the Spirit said, “Ask Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.” (Psalms 2:8)

God invites us to ask of Him. When He does, our prayer shall be answered. The very best prayers we ever pray are those that God gives us to pray.

“In My Father’s hour are many rooms, if it were not so I would have told you.” I believe the Father had revealed to Jesus that He is the Cornerstone of a great house of which there are many living stones.

If we were to ask God and look to Him at all times, would He lead us as clearly as He led the Israelites through the desert with the cloud and the fire?

Do not attempt to make your wife or husband in the image you think she or he should be. Let God be the one who changes your spouse. Accept your cross and let Christ live in you.

There are men and women who are sexually attractive, but love joy and peace will never be found in them. You are wise if you ask God to not let them wrap you in their chains.

If you don’t keep praying and looking to the Lord at all times, you won’t know when the Cloud and the Fire have lifted from the Tabernacle and you are supposed to move to a different place.

The Bible gives us general directions and judges the spirits. The Lord Jesus speaks to us personal directions. We are going to need these throughout the coming Divine judgments.

It appears to me that the person who does not fear God and Hell has limited experience. Has he never had prolonged, unrelievable severe pain?

The contemplation of philosophy and theology are a waste of time. The Lord Jesus Christ is real and alive. To act righteously, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Christ is all that is necessary in life.

Iron righteousness of behavior, fiery holiness of personality, and stern obedience to God produce eternal love, joy, and peace. Christ can give you all this, You need not look further.

Spiritual gifts come from the Holy Spirit. Christ administrates the gifts, He is the King. The Father is the source of all power.

Religious activities primarily are spiritual cosmetics. True salvation is found only in close, continual interaction with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Men who should be producing the good for which God designed them must spend their time defending themselves against those who would take their money or property or rape their wives. What stupidity life without Christ is!

If I thought I would pass into nothingness after five billion years, I would be alarmed. The atheist limits himself to his few years of earth-time. What is he thinking of?

If an evil genius set himself to devise an error that would totally frustrate God’s intention under the new covenant, it is that upon once professing belief in Christ we eternally are spared banishment from God’s Presence.

The wise man obeys Christ in every instance and receives blessing. The fool goes his own way and receives confusion, pain, and sometimes much worse.

How many times I have gotten into a predicament, all because I did not ask Jesus first. Have you ever done that?

The reason we pray “Lead us not into temptation” is so God will not make our heart obstinate as He did that of Pharaoh and Sihon, with the result that we make choices that lead to our destruction.

The Lord Jesus before He died knew He was going to return to earth and set up His Kingdom. This tells me we that if we walk with Jesus, we too can know what we are going to experience after death.

How wonderful to walk with Jesus at midnight on the black waters in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean during a storm! What an adventure this is!

People do not want God to interfere with their lives. How utterly stupid! This is why they experience frustration and pain.

It is Christ’s will that you always be with Him where He is in God. He will make it possible for you to be there if you ask Him, but you must obey the Spirit of God at all times.

To be totally redeemed is to be completely delivered from worldliness, the sinful nature, and self-will; to have Christ formed in our personality; and to be in untroubled rest in the center of God’s will.

Little by little, the things I used to take for granted I now ask the Lord about.

People who cast aside God’s laws and the warnings of their conscience may want to live forever. But God’s saints who keep His commands often desire to go home to be with Christ.

It is not unusual for a believer to be placed in the Lord’s prison. But we must never become a prisoner in our mentality. Joseph, one day was in prison and the next exalted to great authority in Egypt.

When you are bearing your cross, do not focus on what you can’t have. If you do, your cross may become unbearable. Think about the blessings you do have. There will come an end if you remain faithful.

This world is a minefield. If you are not walking carefully with the Lord Jesus you may get blown up!

Can you imagine a ruler of today saying “It you love me, keep my laws”? But when our Lord returns, He will govern the nations with a rod of iron. Change is coming!

The “grace” message as it is preached today is not scriptural. It is institutionalized rebellion against God combined with schizophrenia.

The Lord Jesus did not come from Heaven to bring people back to Heaven. Jesus Christ is the way to the Father, not the way to Heaven.

Heaven is the original source of sin. Christ did not come to bring us to Heaven but to the Father. Sin did not originate in the Father.

The flesh of man is a gift from God, but always tends to corruption and death. It is a device by which we are tested. The results of those tests have eternal consequences.

An angel ballet company. That would be something to see. Angels are extremely graceful, and can hover in the air as much as they choose.

When we clutch something we lose our love, joy, and peace. We must open our hand and let God give us what is best for us.

Every true believer in Christ is two people. One is temporary. One is eternal. We are wise when we nourish the eternal, while not neglecting the temporary, although the temporary will pass away.

The Lord Jesus can and shall live the victory in and through you, but you continually, day and night, have to ask Him to do so.

There is no need to worry, if we are obeying Christ diligently. Divine grace will be provided when the dreaded moment comes.

Faithfulness is an important virtue of God, and is to be an important virtue of the Christian.

I think I will be repenting of one thing or another until I go to be with Jesus. There is so much to learn!

In this dark box we call the world our character and our reputation are formed, and they follow us into the open light of God’s world. Only fools think they can escape them.

What is it that motivates so many Christian leaders to tell the believers in America that they are going to Heaven in a rapture, when they are not living a victorious life in the Lord Jesus.

When I look at little boys and girls I think how terrible it would be if they had been aborted. This made me realize how fierce is the Divine wrath that is hovering over the United States of America.

There are two aspects of the Divine judgment applied to us. One is the forgiveness of our sins. The second is the removal of our sins. It is the removal that is the installation of the Kingdom of God in our life.

Three is the number of God. Six is the number of man. If you are planning your own life instead of obeying the Lord Jesus you have the spirit of Antichrist, of man making himself God.

I am doing my best to listen to Jesus in order to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God concerning me.

When we doubt the Lord it opens the door to Satan.

Always pray for relief from distresses, problems, and afflictions of every kind. Some of them may be there to bring you to prayer!

The theory of evolution has the support that it does because people wish to live their lives apart from God. This theory ignores the design found in nature, which would not be true of a random product.

The central problem of the world from its beginning to the present is that of people seeking to conduct their own lives instead of walking humbly with God. We see the consequences in the world of today.

Our country, the United States, once the head, is on its way to becoming the tail, just as God said would happen if we turned away from Him.

The “faith” and “prosperity” doctrines are institutionalized presumption, a putting of God to the test. They are the very opposite of walking humbly with our God.

Everything in the world, including the nations of people, exist for the purpose of developing the royal priesthood and God’s Kingdom. All is expendable in terms of this sovereign purpose. The earth and the firmament finally shall be burned up.

The test of the highest point of the temple, the third temptation, examines the extent of our willingness to obey God when we are placed in a position of apparent uselessness or distress.

God uses some people as object lessons to teach His elect His ways. He hardens their heart, and then punishes them for their consequent behavior. Such a concept is utterly abominable to the spirit of humanism.

The philosophy of humanism is nothing more nor less than rebellion against the Presence of God and the rule of Jesus Christ.

The wise individual prays that God will not lead him into temptation. God will answer his prayer.

There were a group of people standing around in Heaven, telling what they had suffered for Christ. Polycarp told about being burned alive at the stake. Isaiah spoke of being sawn in half. Some Scottish Presbyterian young men described how they felt as they were being hung for not confessing that the King of England was the head of the Body of Christ.

Then they asked a young person from the twenty-first century what he had suffered. He said, “My pastor told us that looking at pornography on the Internet or naked pictures on my cell phone was sin. I never was able to stop doing this so I hope you will accept me into your fellowship by grace.”

Do you wish to understand the things of the Kingdom of God? Then pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that is in Jesus Christ.

Religion loves to plan and be systematic. God loves to laugh and confound the wise.

Religion is of man. Salvation is of God. Religion is the attempt of human beings to control the Kingdom of God.

If the current “grace” teaching were of God, then for the rest of eternity we would be trying to cope with the behavior of people who never have been made in God’s image.

Having arms and legs does not mean we are in the image of God. Hitler and Stalin had arms and legs. Being in the image of God is to have a character like God’s and to behave like God.

People who marry without adequate mental and emotional foreplay, trusting the instincts of their bodies to bring them to lasting love, may discover that their marriage is little more than legalized fornication.

If your wife is personal chattel, your possession, like a horse, she is not your wife at all. A genuine wife is a man’s complement.

If the purpose of a wife is to complement her husband and make fruitfulness and dominion possible, as in the case of Eve, what sense does it make for two men or two women to be married?

God uses Satan and wicked people to perfect His future rulers. When the work has been accomplished, Satan and the wicked shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

God has placed in man a strong sexual drive. God requires that we control ourselves and do what is right. Those who obey God will govern the rest of mankind in the new world of righteousness that is coming.

Fellowship with God; ministry to other people; living in love, joy, and peace—none of this is possible when we choose to live in our own will instead of in God’s will.

We have not begun the operation of redemption until we abandon our own will and live in God’s will. The Christian religion apart from death to our will is religious cosmetics, lipstick on a corpse.

For a person who has lived so as to please God, to die will be like awakening from a nightmare.

The world is the valley of the shadow of death; but God sets a table for us in the midst of our enemies.

We have this one opportunity to show what we will do under these difficult conditions. So few, it seems, take advantage of this opportunity to gain the wealth of Heaven.

God liberally distributes gifts and ministries. Most believers, it appears, do not strive to grasp the brass ring, being content just to ride the merry-go-round.

Releasing or retaining memories is a major aspect of redemption. The memories of the wicked will be torturous. The memories of the righteous will bring love, joy, and peace. “The former things will not be remembered.”

The ministries and gifts are given to the Body of Christ so that it may come to the fullness of Christ. They are not given to a local assembly. Elders are for the local assembly.

We sin when we are not content with the provisions God has made for us. We always are to thank the Lord for our blessings, and then pray for what we desire.

The closer you are to God the more soundly you will be chastened. God’s children have to behave before He can respond correctly to the enemy.

You can let demons use your body to fulfill their sexual lusts. Just remember, they will get off free for now. But you will pay the price for breaking God’s laws.

Demons have no gender, but they can experience the results of sexual activities. They would like to use your body to do so, if you don’t mind.

Activities that satisfy glandular urges are pleasing to the individual. This should not be confused with love. Love involves the appreciation of and respect for the other person’s personality.

People will adopt numerous religions, including Christianity, and endure tiresome duties. But few are willing to joyfully turn over their lives to the living Jesus. People want to remain in control!

He who has seen Christ has seen the Father, because Christ lives by the Life of the Father. We are called to live by that same Life.

I want to live by the Life of Christ, having His thoughts, speaking His words, doing His deeds, at all times and in all places, ages without end.

“Lead us not into temptation.” Only God can prevent our being led into temptation. Only God can determine who is led into temptation and who is not, and this is why we always should make this request.

If investigators lived their lives and conducted their investigations with the assumption that God exists and Christ is alive, I believe their conclusions about the physical world would be different from what they are.

For over sixty years I have chosen to live as though there is a God, the Bible is His Word, and Jesus Christ is alive. My experiences during this period clearly validate my position.

Man was placed in charge of the creation. He has managed to drive many animals and plants to extinction. The present creation is a prototype. When Christ sets up His Kingdom, all shall be restored.

It is a rule of life that we must be given everything twice. We are given it; we forfeit it; we gain it back when we have been prepared to retain it. When Christ returns, He will restore what has been destroyed by man’s amerceable.

The root of the problem facing America is not the economy, it is the wanton murder of fetuses for no reason other than to avoid inconveniencing the mother..

In addition to the other evils accompanying abortion, this practice encourages illicit sexual behavior by assuring the participants there will be no lasting undesirable results.

Sexual intercourse outside of lawful marriage is fornication and will bar the individual from inheriting the Kingdom of God.

Space and the masses that occupy it either reveal that there is no God, because of their immensity, or else declare the Glory of God. Each person decides for himself which he chooses to believe.

If God’s angels lift us up in their hands so we do not stumble over a stone, then it is obvious God is watching over the smallest details of our life.

God and Christ are not our servants who are trying to please us, to make us comfortable and safe. God and Christ are merciful, but they are not as current Christian teaching in America are portraying them.

We must keep our robe clean. We will wear it in the Day of Resurrection.

The reason the virtue of patience is emphasized in the New Testament is that the patient person refuses the shortcut of sin to the fulfillment of his most intense desires.

The hour of temptation is a period when the indulgences of our sinful nature are readily available, while righteous behavior is painful. You must exercise patience if you want Christ to guard you during the period of temptation.

Miracles are important in Gospel work. But doing God’s will in the earth is even more important.

A good prayer for us: “Search me and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

I pray our eternal residence will be in the holy fire of God’s Being. While remaining there we can go forth and do whatever God puts in our heart to desire.

How long will we preach the destructive lie that God does not see our ungodliness but sees us only through Christ? The Bible says all things are laid bare before the eyes of our judge. He knows our deeds!

“I believe in Christ” is not a magic spell we say in order to save us from Hell. Believing in Christ is a way of life that we have to pursue at all times and in every circumstance or we come under Divine disapproval.

All religions, including the Christian, have as their purpose to bring people into a better life. The true Christian redemption has as its purpose to bring people into fellowship with God.

There is no situation or thing that God cannot make wonderful when we are obeying Him strictly.

There is no need to be in bondage. We are to leave all things we desire in Christ’s hands. He will give them to us at the very best time if they will bring us love, joy, and peace.

If there is a secret to the successful walk with Jesus, it is that of waiting for Him. This is why patience is so important in the Kingdom of God.

It is taught commonly that once we “accept Christ” we can forget about the sin in our life. The truth is, after we receive Christ the Spirit of God begins to deal with the sins in our life.

It has been said that the Book of First John provides assurance for the believer. In actuality, the Book of First John warns the believer that he is obeying Satan when he continues to sin.

Total, strict, joyful obedience to God in all matters. That is my goal in life.

The entire world system is a lie. My determination is to live in the Consuming Fire who is the Truth, and the only truth there is.

The issue of salvation is not that of going to Hell or Heaven, the issue is that of living by our own life, or living by the life of Satan, or living by the Life of Christ.

King David did not urge the Israelites to fast and pray to end the drought. He asked God the reason for it. Why don’t we do that today concerning our national troubles?

Using a lot of superlatives to describe how great Christ is can be so much blather. What really exalts Christ is the doing of His will when it is painful to us.

God told Cain he must master sin. God tells us we must master sin. Through Christ we can master the deeds of our sinful nature. Meanwhile godly character grows in us as we abide in Christ.

Don’t judge until you have all the facts. Listen to the Lord carefully.

Saul was head and shoulders above everyone else. David was not. But David was God’s servant. It is best not to judge the work of God by its size.

If you do not wish to pursue homosexual activities, just ask the Lord Jesus to please lift this spirit from you. When He does, just persist in your liberty, and soon there will be no trace of it.

If you are a pastor, and you have worked all night and have not caught any fish, then look to Jesus. You may need help hauling the net in.

Why do I get the impression that many of today’s Christian leaders want power more than they want Christ?

Don’t worry when you see the abominations increasing in the United States. God is in control. This all is working for good for those who love God, who are called to be the brothers of Jesus Christ. Just keep praying.

Do you want God or Satan to be your Father? If you want God to be your Father, then do His works. He will help you if you ask Him.

There are two populations in America struggling for supremacy. The wicked will prevail because the righteous are not righteous enough.

America has called for Tash, and Tash has come. (©. C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle)

The reason rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry, is that rebellion and arrogance result from man’s worship of Satan and himself.

The Kingdom of God is not built on forgiveness but on moral transformation.

The spirit of the world today is of Antichrist. Its primary feature is the love of money. King Solomon received 666 talents of gold each year, 666 being the number of Antichrist—man using money to make himself a god.

The Lord wants to carve His Word into your soul. Do not be surprised when you have a spiritual root-canal operation.

One of the greatest of all hurdles to Christian thinking is the idea that we were given a free will so we can act independently of God. Those who press into Christ will find He has become their will.

The demons love to reason. Avoid the spirit of debate.

The only truth there is, is Jesus Christ. He Himself is the Consuming Fire of Israel.

The satisfaction of fulfilling sexual lust, holding power, and possessing a lot of money, are a pretty poor trade for a man’s honor!

The work of salvation begins when we receive Christ. The work continues until we are in the image and likeness of Christ and at rest in the center of God’s will.

The Parable of the Sower, and the work of the new covenant as described in the Book of Hebrews, both portray the growth of Christ in us until He is formed in our mind and carved in our soul.

God has not given us a mind so we can plan our own way. God has given us a mind so we can cooperate with Him and obey Him as His Spirit guides us.

If you desire to reap Christ a hundredfold, you no longer will be able to exercise your will as you please; you will be dependent on Christ for everything you think, say, and do.

Do you wish to live by Christ as He lives by the Father? If so, know that you cannot then be free to be independent from Christ in thought, word, or action.

The third great work of redemption is total change into the image of Christ and untroubled rest in the center of God’s Person and will. Is what you really want?

Do you want to have fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Consuming Fire of Israel? Do you want to live with everlasting burning? I do!

I see nothing in the Bible about “unconditional love.” There are, however, numerous examples in both Testaments of conditional blessing. Several of Jesus’ promises and statements begin with the word “If.”

I think the current unscriptural idea of “unconditional love” has come from him who has said from the beginning, “You shall not surely die.”

Don’t let yourself become angry with God. He is leading you to righteousness, love, joy, and peace, even though you do not understand the way He is bringing you.

Don’t become overfamiliar with Christ He is your Friend, but also your King; and He expects to be obeyed!

Buy your ticket to the Kingdom. Pretty soon the train will start moving and the conductor will be around to take your ticket. Nobody gets a free ride.

Perhaps the greatest lie of all is that we can continue to disobey Christ and yet be brought into the Kingdom of God. We use the incident of the thief on the cross to support this destructive notion.

God made man for God’s own use and pleasure. He will do with man as He pleases, whether or not it appears fair or loving.

If you hate God because you do not understand what He is doing with you, you are a fool and hate your own soul.

Woe is me. I can count all my ribs. “O God, make an end of my captivity and restore me.”

I do not know whether or not the sun will rise in the morning. But I do know that God’s integrity and faithfulness will never change.

It is not important that I get what I want. But it is of utter, supreme importance that God’s will is done.

Paradise, or Heaven, is nothing more than an environment and things. What really is important is the kind of people who are there.

A beautiful, perfect environment can never satisfy the longing of people. This is why God is transforming us before He restores Paradise. It is our relationship with loving, godly people that results in righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

There can be no Heaven that is worth much if the personalities of the inhabitants have not been transformed in Christ.

When you obey God strictly, all kinds of good things eventually take place.

The Apostle Paul’s teaching of “grace” is being used today as an alternative to moral transformation, that is, as an alternative to being born again of the Spirit of God.

When we become more mature as a Christian we may learn to “fly by instrument.” This always is dangerous, and we must pay careful attention to the Scriptures and to what is going on around us.

Life requires discipline. The person who pursues the pleasure trail, always doing what feels good, without regard to the consequences, will end up losing everything—including the respect of God and of people.

Grace is being presented as an alternative to being born again. To be born again means we have been through the gestation period and are entering the Kingdom. Grace sees no need for such a travail.

Today many people are losing their job, their freedom, and their families for a few moments of sexual excitement. This is stupid. God will deliver us from temptation if we ask Him.

A man is foolish when he seizes and clings to his way. If he would ask the Lord to direct him he would be led into righteousness, love, peace, and joy in the Spirit of God.

Anything we can do apart from looking to Christ, down to the smallest detail, is loss for Christ, loss for us, and loss for all whom we influence.

If we refuse to seize something we desire intensely, choosing instead to wait patiently for the Lord, the day will come when we understand how wise we were. We then will receive the desires of our heart in the best possible manner.

God sees each occasion when you deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”

The new race that God is forming in our personalties is human, but also Divine in that it has been born of God. This is not an occasion for pride but for sober reflection on the necessity for total, stern obedience to God.

History reveals to us that God places in positions of authority the vilest, stupidest, wickedest of people. He has His own reasons for doing this and we are not to fret about it.

Political activism may delay some of the moral abominations in America. But each person will have to save himself and his loved one by righteous behavior, continual prayer, and stern obedience to the living Christ.

Every one of our American institutions, including the military, is being affected adversely by the sin being practiced by the American people.

We might have faith in a sergeant to lead us in battle. But if we did not follow him carefully we might be killed. So it is true of Jesus. We have to take up our cross and follow Him carefully at all times.

What does it mean to have faith in Jesus? Does it mean we believe He was born of a virgin, or does it mean we keep His commandments What kind of faith saves us?

I believe the United States is the last of the “Christian nations.” From this point forward we Christians will emphasize our common citizenship in Heaven, while the Antichrist world system proceeds with its stupidity and abominations.

As soon as the Antichrist world system realizes we Christians are looking to Heaven for our citizenship, and it can seduce us no longer, we will be persecuted savagely.

Although the Jews do not realize it as yet, it will be the true Christians who protect them when Satan comes to maturity in the nations of the world. It will be Joseph and his Gentile bride preserving Israel.

In spite of Christian teaching, it never can be true that we sow sin and reap righteousness and eternal life. Until we realize this clearly we will not be able to enter the Kingdom of God.

“Women will be saved [from deception] through childbearing” means that having borne children, women will enter God’s Kingdom if they continue in faith, love, holiness, and godly behavior.

God has greater things in mind than saving the prosperity of the United States. God is ready to cleanse His people worldwide from sin in fulfillment of the Day of Atonement, and then dwell in them in fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles.

As we see the world becoming increasingly evil, let us Christians realize we are part of the worldwide Body of Christ, and Heaven is where our true citizenship may be found at the present time.

As far as I can see, the United Kingdom and the United States are discarding their Christian heritage. This may be true also of Europe. As a result, God is withdrawing His covering, and the results will be horrific.

Our highest reward is to hear our Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” This gives us some idea of the value God places on faithfulness.

The abominations produced by the Antichrist world system will prevail for season, although there will be revivals from time to time. Finally the Lord Jesus Christ with His saints will return and install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Faith and obedience are synonyms. Where there is no obedience there is no faith. Faith is not a theological position we accept in our mind.

We have to choose between living a life independent of Christ, at least in some areas, and living a life of total dependence on Christ for every thought, every word, every action.

God respects integrity and righteousness of behavior. But the ultimate righteousness is obedience to what God is saying to an individual specifically at a specific time and place.

The disobedience of Adam brought condemnation and death. So did eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Our obedience in placing our faith in Christ brings righteousness and eternal life. So do the consequent behaviors.

When we desire Divine abilities rather than Christ Himself we are like a creature in a tide pool. We will dry up and die if we are not renewed by the ocean.

The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. We have to pay careful attention to the writings of the Apostles until we are able to recognize the Spirit’s voice.

The Kingdom of God is God in Christ in a human being causing and enabling him or her to do God’s will in every circumstance.

True Bible faith is trust that is strong enough to result in obedience to God’s commands, both written and personal.

It seems Christians would like God to be “nice.” God is not “nice.” In His Personality is the fiercest of all tigers, the deadliest of all snakes, and the most innocent and gentle lamb that has ever existed.

God is not fair by our standards. He chooses whomever He will from among the ranks of mankind, and invites that individual to pursue eternal life, which is the knowledge of Himself.

To love God and want to do His will is a gift. Everyone does not have this gift; therefore we ought not to judge other people harshly.

Since God has all authority and power, it is fortunate for us that He has integrity and kindness in His Personality. We are being made like Him. But the operation is painful because of our stubbornness and unbelief.

Elisha died of his sickness although there was enough life in his bones to bring a dead man back to life.. We bring sick people into bondage when we insist they have sinned or do not have faith. Did Elisha lack faith?

All that God requires is that an individual fear God and obey His written and His personal commands. However, religious people do have a problem with contentment, with personal ambition, with presumption.

The misery of mankind is due largely to the self-seeking of the political leaders. God’s response is the creation of a kingdom governed by people who have the heart of a servant.

The problem of corrupt government is not solved by the rule of the people but by officials who fear God and govern justly and mercifully.

When the righteous are not righteous enough they will be overcome by the wicked.

The Life of the new world of righteousness is the Holy Spirit. The Substance of the new world of righteousness is the body and blood of Christ. The Church is a firstfruits of this new population of people.

The God of Heaven will never accept abortion as an expression of a woman’s “right to choose,” when there is no medical necessity.

The abortion proponents became furious when abstinence is suggested. Satan wants to enjoy the thrill of intercourse, and then the murder of the product.

Some like to put on their “administrative hat” and command the demons and the rest of the creation. I prefer to ask Jesus to do these needed things, unless He tells me differently.

The current emphasis on speaking the “creative word” and otherwise commanding the creation may be coming from the philosophy of humanism. It is the desire of people to remain in control.

If you wish to have love, joy, and peace, live righteously.

The entire physical creation died on the cross. To enter the Kingdom of God it must be born again of Christ. It must be made alive in the Spirit of God.

The Kingdom of God is God in Christ in the saint doing God’s will wherever he is. The central aspect of the Kingdom of God is the doing of God complete will in every aspect of thinking, speaking, and doing.

The American Christians are so weak morally, because of the unscriptural application of Divine grace, that they cannot prevail against the spiritual forces that are driving abortion and homosexual behavior.

As we confess and turn away from our sins, the Spirit of God drives them from our flesh. When we live a crucified life, our character is conformed to the image of Christ.

I do not want to live in my own strength and wisdom. I want to live in God’s strength and wisdom. I want God Himself to be my Salvation.

The wise individual uses the present life as preparation for his life after he dies, the true, eternal life. The new life is filled with joy and splendor. It is for all who love and fear God and keep His commandments.

The less we take for granted, and the more we look to Jesus for His judgment of our every action, the more we remain in the Presence of the Lord.

There is no need for us to leap about, like a priest of Baal, when we are praying for someone. If we will speak the word Christ gives us, the Father will command His angels and they will do the work.

I am eighty-four years old, born in Maine, raised in Connecticut. I am seeing America changed into that which would not be recognized by the Minutemen or the Loyalists. There has arisen a Pharaoh who doesn’t know Joseph.

If we will deny ourselves and carry our cross patiently, when the temptation to sin becomes overpowering, Christ will empower us so we have the strength not to consent to it.

Satan cannot direct us to do anything unless we give our consent. However, we can be tricked if we do not patiently deny ourselves and bear our cross after Christ.

When you find you have been deceived, confess your sin to the Lord; denounce it vigorously, stating you want nothing more to do with it; and then turn to the Lord for additional help in resisting it in the future.

America has chosen Satan, and Satan shall be given to her. It is the responsibility of all Christians to pray for the believers in Christ of every nation and race, without exception.

Satan still is trusting he can overthrow God. He is hoping people will take his side against God, and this accounts for the popularity of humanistic thinking.

If our purpose in life is to feel good, then taking drugs makes sense. If our purpose in life is to grow in Christ, which is the goal of every true Christ, then taking drugs does not make sense.

If our purpose in life is to be happy and comfortable, then we will break many of the laws of God, and some of the laws of man, as we pursue our goal.

Does your relationship with another person make you feel good? That does not necessarily mean that it is acceptable to God.

A person who does not, in this life, set as his goal to please God, will have a long time, after he dies, to think about his shortsightedness.

Go ahead and do whatever you feel like doing. You will be happy, perhaps, but God may not be as happy. And if God is not happy, sooner or later you will not be happy either.

The hour of temptation is approaching. We will not be able to resist the temptations to sin unless we patiently have kept Christ’s commands. This is the meaning of Revelation 3:10.

The most important choice any person makes in the Kingdom of God is to do God’s will at all times, in every circumstance.

Our political and business leaders do not seem to assign much value to integrity and truthfulness. But God does!

What are you going to do when God calls for Isaac? Are you going to be obedient? Or are you going to be disobedient, and then marvel for eternity at the stupendous grandeur of the inheritance you threw away?

The purpose for the creation of man is that rulers might be developed who will be able to maintain Paradise, once it is reestablished on the earth.

Numerous adults and elderly people in the United States have never grown up. We see sixty-and seventy-year-old people in gambling casinos, having “fun.” They are not available as models for children and young people.

The roosters make considerable noise but the hens lay the eggs. So it is in the world that many people make loud noises, but the job gets done by quiet people doing God’s will.

New-covenant grace does not mean we do not have to obey the commands of Christ. It means rather that we do not have to obey the commands of Moses.

Satan’s strategy in advancing the teaching that God has given us grace so we do not have to live righteously, is to leave the Christians helpless during the Hour of Testing.

If we yield to sin, we will be placed after we die with others who have yielded to sin. Then, in the Day of Resurrection, the kind of personality we have developed will be revealed for all to see.

The unrighteous steward was placed with those who participated with him in his scheme to cheat the man to whom they owed money. They received him for he was like themselves.

Treat other people as you would like them to have them treat you. In the Day of Resurrection, people will treat you as you have treated them.

If you have been a decent person, giving of yourself to help others, when you die you will have many friends who will love you and appreciate your nobility of character.

If you have been a mean person, self-serving, unfaithful, dishonest in this present life, in the Day of Resurrection you will be revealed as to your true personality.

A wolf dressed as a sheep is still a wolf. A wicked person who claims to be saved by grace is still wicked person, unless he changes.

Satan, knowing there is coming an hour of testing, brought forth the doctrine of dispensational grace so that we would not see the necessity for resisting sin.

The problem is, in the Day of Resurrection, we will be revealed.

True belief and obedience are the same thing. We see this in Hebrews 3:18,19.

If Christ has “done it all,” and when we “accept” Him we are in the land of promise and there is nothing more to do but wait to go to Heaven, what is the meaning of the third chapter of the Book of Hebrews?

If we are to survive during the coming chaos in our country we must walk very closely to Jesus, conversing with Him every waking moment, asking for His guidance in every word, thought, and action.

We must take our things, relationships, circumstances, traits of character, and environment and deliberately and forcefully keep placing them in Heaven. If we try to save our life in the world we will lose it.

The purpose of the Christian salvation is to make us a better person. If this had been preached in America, instead of “going to Heaven,” our nation would not be facing destruction at this time.

As far as I can see, religion does not make better people. It makes converts to its belief system. But Jesus Christ makes better people.

People who are self-centered, selfish, grasping, mean, unforgiving, have a shrunken, warped, reptilian, ugly-looking spirit. When they die, this is how they will appear to others in the spirit world.

Did you ever wonder where dwarfs, elves, and leprechauns came from? Could they possibly be people who, before they died, lived to themselves, or who immersed themselves in sexual lust?

Some people will enter the spirit world as towering pillars of light and glory. We do not see them as such today; but this is how they appear in the spirit world.

The Divine salvation has as its purpose the making of better people, not just the forgiveness of fallen man.

To be in the image of Christ, but not at rest in God’s will, is to be another satan in the universe.

The greatest lie in the history of the world is that God has given us a covenant under which man can be accepted of God and have fellowship with God without having to change morally.

The only person I trust completely is God, and those whom he tells me to trust on occasion.

A minute is a long time when one is counting the seconds; but a minute is difficult to see in the ocean of eternity—except to God!

There are the wheat, and then there are the weeds. The ways of each kind are an abomination to the other. The difference is not in religion, except that God can change a weed into wheat.

People have three primary motivations: a fierce animal will to survive; sexual desires; and power to accomplish one’s will. Most people attempt to express these apart from the Lord’s guidance.

Since the doctrine of dispensational grace pretends to be of Christ, but stresses belief rather than obedience to Christ, it is the greatest of all enemies of the Kingdom of God.

“Lord Jesus, help me to stop reasoning and to listen. The things you tell me are wonderful!”

Obedience is the heart of the Kingdom of God. Since Dispensational theology claims to be of Christ, and teaches that belief is more important than obedience to Christ, it is the worst enemy of the Kingdom of God.

By permitting every sort of moral filth and violence in the various media, America is sacrificing her young people on the altar of freedom of speech.

The reason people seek to acquire great amounts of money is so they will not have to depend on God for survival, security, and pleasure; and the power to do what they want.

This world is expendable. God put it together as a way of testing and teaching people. Before too long there will be a real world in which Christ is King, and righteousness reigns. Hallelujah!

The result of salvation is not eternal residence in Heaven. It is change from the image and will of Satan into the image and will of God.

Pray that God will put His desires in your heart. If you delight yourself in Christ, He is going to give you the desires of your heart.

After we die, the surprise will be that there are few surprises. What we are, we are. Whom we enjoy being with, we shall be with.

The Muslims judge Christ by the moral behavior of the Catholics and the Evangelicals. It is no wonder they want to conquer the world for Allah.

Afflictions make a person either bitter or sweet, depending on how he or she responds to them.

The empire of America is passing away, as happened to the empires of the Sumerians and the Hittite. Empires rise and fall so that God’s will can be accomplished in mankind.

Throughout the coming catastrophic events in the United States, and elsewhere, if you call on Jesus He will help you, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or of any other religion or no religion.

The ruler who governs by force and fear has nothing of true value. The ruler who loves and serves his subjects and is loved by them possesses the greatest treasure it is possible to have.

There is good and there is evil in the world. Some people grow wheat and some grow weeds. There are no other crops.

When Jesus returns, the curse will be lifted. This means childbirth no longer will be painful; and the hope and trust of the woman shall be toward Jesus, her Creator, instead of toward a man.

In America, freedom of action is the highest value. But in the new world of righteousness, every person will look to God continually that God’s will shall be done in every detail of life.

God’s greatest problem with people is that of making the will of an individual a part of His great will.

There is no greater righteousness, love, joy, and peace than that experienced as we do God’s complete will in every aspect of life.

Christians can endure anything because they have the hope of a better world. It seems to me this is a happier point of view than that possessed by an atheist.

Most people who attend Christian churches are not Christians. A Christian is someone who denies himself, take up his cross and follows Jesus.

Sometimes when the believers are afflicted they blame Satan, not realizing that Christ always remain in control. Our struggle is with Christ, not with Satan.

Today we are pushing forward in scientific endeavor, without stopping to reflect on the outcome of our efforts, and refer to this rather stupid, blind effort as “progress.”

The only fact that gives true meaning and hope to the present life is Christ’s promise of eternal life. All flesh is grass and withers and perishes after a season.

As we walk in the Spirit of God we “hear” the Word of Christ; we gain victory over spiritual death; we continue to believe in God; and we thus live without condemnation.

The Lord Jesus Christ always was, always is, and always shall be the same in that He always delights in doing the will of His Father.

We let life beat the wonder out of us we plod through the mud. But because our Father is a Spirit, we hunger for the supernatural.

In the new Jerusalem and in everything the new Jerusalem influences, the spirit of wonder and enchantment is the natural atmosphere and environment.

There is no other joy as great as that of true love. But lust often masquerades as true love and leads us into joyless animal behavior.

There are Christians who maintain that God does not speak to us today. However, God’s sheep must learn to hear His voice if they are to survive and help others throughout the coming catastrophes in America.

“Lord Jesus, help me not to grasp that which I desire, but to take each moment as it comes, looking to you continually for your present will.”

If God were not the faithful, loving God that He is, it would be best we never had been born.

When the ministers of today preach and teach easy “believism,” I wonder if they have read about Paul counting everything as garbage that he might attain to that to which he had been called.

The people who do what is right even when it is not pleasant (and life on earth is not pleasant most of the time), are the ones who inherit righteousness, love, joy, and peace. The undisciplined inherit a dry land.

People like to talk about mansions, harps, golden slippers, and backyards filled with diamonds. But God created a garden. What does that tell us?

If our peace depends on a person other than Christ, we are in bondage. Nothing can offend those who love God’s Law.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He is making us the Word of God. But the adamic nature is not the Word of God and must be slain.

God Himself is my mind and my sanity.

The longer I live the clearer it becomes to me that the world spirit is one great lie, and whoever loves it and is comfortable with it is not the friend of God.

When preachers say we are saved by grace and do not have to live righteously, I do not know whether they are trying to please people, or themselves, or to make room for some sin.

Scriptural truth is not arrived at deductively. It is gained inductively from a lifetime of prayerfully meditating in the Scriptures.

True faith in Christ is not a religion. It is a conscious fellowship with a living Person.

Self-determination, and democracy, meaning an emphasis on the will of people, are seen to be the opposite of the Kingdom of God.

Do not grasp any person or thing. Grasping is idolatry. Rather, work with the Spirit of God as He brings you into the fullness of righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

The man is a fool who provides life insurance for himself and his family but does not prepare himself to meet Christ at his death.

True Bible faith is revealed in our behavior rather than in our theology.

It may be true that Satan increasingly is being able to hinder the prayers of the saints. Those of us who listen to Jesus continually to guide our decisions are noticing it is more difficult to get to the truth.

I have resolved that God will remove totally all of my self-determination so I can live for eternity in the flowing of His Spirit. Having no care. Complete rest in His will and love. Waters to swim in.

In order to receive the fullness of what God is, you have to give God the fullness of what you are. If you hold back a portion of what you are, God will hold back the fullness of what He is.

What is righteousness if it is not obedience to God at any given moment and in any given situation?

Do we understand clearly that there are no “mansions” in Heaven, but that our present world is a pale replica of the true, eternal world? Examine John 14:2 in any contemporary translation.

I think we will read our Bible when we are in Heaven, because the Bible tells us about God’s Character and His promises. “The Word of the Lord stands forever.”

The most important issue today facing Christian people is the choice between directing our own life, or looking to Christ to direct all of our decisions.

We do not really care about Christ or what He wants. We just want to go to Disneyland in the sky. We do not love Christ or want to be with Him. We love ourselves. We just want to have fun in Heaven.

Salvation is not a change of location but a change in us.

The most marvelous Heaven would be ruined by the presence of one self-seeking individual. Personality transformation must come before Paradise.

The power of the seven thunders will be revealed only as someone is willing to give over to God the deepest part of his or her personality.

“The channels of water were exposed” and “the foundations of the world laid bare” mean that when we call on the Lord in our distress he exposes the source and the character of our actions. (Psalms 18)

When we are endeavoring to enter “waters to swim in,” there are occasions when we just have to trust the Lord as we encounter new and surprising experiences.

Enoch walked with God for 300 years and then was translated. Numerous Christians in America are waiting to be translated but they are not walking with God. God is not in all their thoughts.

Antichrist is the spirit of the world, of man making himself God. The False Prophet consists of Christians who want the power of Christ but who are self-seeking.

I believe the “two witnesses” refer to Christ in and with His victorious saints. They will direct the power of the seven thunders, but only after the saints have been judged and delivered from all sin and self-direction.

The eighteenth Psalm tells us that God will treat us as we treat Him. I gather from this that if we give God all of ourselves, He will give us all of Himself. Think what that would mean to you and me!

One of the primary tasks of learning to live in “waters to swim in” is to refrain from grasping anything. The effort must be made continually to look only to Jesus for the responsibilities of the moment.

Ask Jesus to prevent any relationship, circumstance or thing from destroying your peace. The Word that never can be altered says, “God will keep in perfect peace everyone whose mind is stayed on Him.”

We are not to fret over the increasing wickedness in America and the distressing political situation. But we certainly can pray as these abominations are reported in the newspaper. God answers prayer!

If you repeatedly are experiencing a sin of thought, word, or action, ask God to show you the door in your personality through which Satan is entering.

God wants every one of His saints to live truth; to speak truth; and to be truth.

There is no genuine saving faith in Jesus Christ other than that of keeping His commandments and those of His Apostles.

Salvation is not found in correct theology but in keeping the commandments of Christ and His Apostles.

The idea that we are saved by believing correct theology about Jesus Christ rather than by keeping the commandments of Christ is a most ingenious lie. It was manufactured in the mind of Satan.

If we do not show our faith in Jesus Christ by keeping His commandments and those of His Apostles we do not have genuine faith in Christ.

Behold how pernicious is the lie found in modern Christian teaching that salvation consists of correct theology rather than a new person of righteous behavior, resulting from fellowship with Christ.

The promised reuniting of the spirit and physical worlds has commenced. Our task is to maintain an awareness of the Lord Jesus in all we think, say, and do.

The curse on the woman is that her desire will be toward her husband rather than toward Christ. The result is misery for both, because he cannot meet her needs as Christ can.

The righteousness, life, love, joy, peace, and strength of the spirit world will one day be clothed with the forms of the physical world. The two worlds will be reunited when Christ and His saints appear.

The physical and spirit worlds again shall become one, as they were in the beginning, when Christ returns with His saints. Out from them shall flow the Spirit of God until the Glory of God fills the whole earth.

Make every effort to cultivate the Presence of Jesus in all you think, say, and do. As much as possible, live in both the physical and the spirit worlds. This dual citizenship will prove to be important soon.

When you become suspicious of something in your Christian life, bring it before the Lord. Ask God to put His Fire on it. Keep asking for the Fire of truth. We are living in days of deception.

It is a wonderful feeling when we are seriously ill, and possibly may die, to know we faithfully have done God’s will. What a comfort it is! What peace, joy, and assurance such knowledge brings to us!

The planets and stars reveal the wisdom and power of Almighty God. They tell us that our Father in Heaven can take care of every problem we have. With God, all things are possible.

Righteousness does not proceed from believing the truth about Jesus Christ. The demons believe and tremble. Righteousness comes only as we follow Christ and do His will at all times.

Sometimes a lot of prayer and obedience are required before we become completely free from all forms of deception.

Let us now turn away from the fig leaves of our grand church pretensions. God’s way is that of the manger.

“I put up one and pull down another. I do as I please with the governments of the earth.”

Promotion comes neither from the east nor from the west but from the Lord. Victory does not come from him who wills or him who runs but from the Lord.

God will receive gladly any person who come to Him for help. If Christ is available to him, the needy person must come to God through Christ.

God is not at all impressed with any religion, including Christianity.

Heaven is the place where the Kingdom of God is being prepared. When the Kingdom descends with Jesus and His saints, God’s will shall be done on the earth.

We may be highly placed in a denomination. But if our presence and actions do not bring the Presence of God, we are not in the Kingdom but in dead religion.

Our duty is to deny ourselves, remain patiently in our personal prison, and obey Christ at all times. Christ’s part is to give us God’s Life, which contains everything we ever will need or desire.

I heard a televangelist state that the expression “God is our righteousness” means God is ready to give us whatever we want. Such blindness. when destruction and chaos are facing our country!

I am harder on myself than Jesus is. It pays to listen and just do what He tells us to do.

Whoever wants fellowship with God must accept suffering and weakness.

I choose to glorify God by obeying Him in the present and not worrying about the future.

God does not answer prayer on our terms. He does whatever He chooses to do.

It is not God’s intention to be a burden on our self-directed life. Neither are we to become a burden on God’s plans. Let go and let God have His wonderful way.

Do not claim you have your answer unless Jesus says to do this. This is not faith. God does not enjoy these religious games.

Does the Bible say God helps those who help themselves? I think not! Rather, the Bible teaches continual, complete dependence on Christ for every detail of our life.

The world does not seem to know the difference between glandular release and love. Such ignorance makes any productive approach to life impossible.

During my convalescence, God is taking care of our church. He has set me aside to teach me. In Christ, I will return and finish my work.

When a minister of the Gospel tells you, you will have a better life if you receive Christ, ask him what he means by a “better life.” Does he include martyrdom?

If we are bound with a certain sin we need only confess it to God and ask Him in Jesus’ name to forgive us and give us the power to stop practicing it.

If we, with Jesus’ help, confess and turn away from a sin, we will not hear about it at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Christ did not come to make us happy but to make us righteous, holy, and obedient to God.

Galatians 2:20 is so incomparably important! It tells us how we are to live apart from the Law of Moses.

There are those today who are placing an unscriptural emphasis on the Holy Spirit, assigning to Him the role that is to be played by the Lord Jesus Christ.

“For those whom God foreknew….” This expression, found in the Book of Romans, admits to the most profound consideration!

When you have to beg for money to keep your ministry going you are not serving Christ, only dead religion.

If we are living in obedience to Christ, we are putting God to shame when we worry about the future.

God loves the people He has created. Religion divides people into groups, which often compete with one another.

Every person born into the world is not a child of God. In order to become a child of God we have to receive Jesus Christ as God’s Son and our King and Savior.

To many people, their religion is more important to them than are God and mankind. They may harm or kill people who are not part of their persuasion.

God was available to Adam and Eve in the Garden. There is no indication that they sought His counsel. Do we of today endeavor to know Christ? Do we seek Christ’s counsel when we make decisions?

God does not give us abilities so we can help the world, the churches, or ourselves. He gives us wisdom and power so in His time and way we can bear witness of Him and His will.

We are to take all of our God-given abilities and pour them out on Christ. Are we wasting our treasures when we do this rather than attempting to save the world? I don’t think so!

We need to pray for a strong purpose in life. If we do not have a strong purpose we will remain vulnerable to alcohol, drug, and food addictions.

We Christians enjoy tattling on one another. What does God think of this?

There are good people in the world who are loyal, hardworking, and who make up for the irresponsibilities of others. Some Christians are in this group.

The witchcraft movies and cartoons invite young people to gain power through supernatural sources. The world would be better served if the emphasis was on righteous behavior rather than power.

Adam and Eve should have waited for God to clothe them. Today we should let God clothe us when and how He will.

Religion actually is fig leaves with which we clothe ourselves when we discover we are spiritually naked.

Sometimes, as did Eve with Adam, people help us on their own terms. Do we attempt to do this with Christ?

The task before us is not to save the world. The task set before us is to enter the rest of God, the state in which we do God’s will joyously at all times.

In order to use our God-given abilities effectively and in a timely fashion, we must present our body as a living sacrifice to God.

God does not exist in order to meet our needs. It is true, rather, that we exist in order to meet God’s needs.

God is not obligated to make us happy. We are obligated, as He assists us, to make God happy by obeying Him cheerfully at all times.

If the Spirit calls a man with little integrity into the ministry, he becomes a minister with little integrity. There are many of these. God uses whom He will.

God does not dwell in any angel. Rather He rides on them and works His will through them. They carry His name.

When everything seems to be going in the wrong direction, pray, and keep on praying, until you have peace. Maybe it is the enemy. Maybe it is God.

If you love Christ you will keep His commands. If you do not keep His commands, you do not love Christ. How can you say you are in the Kingdom of God if you do not love Jesus Christ?

I do know that no one can do anything apart from Christ. God is in control of the world and of all the people thereof.

I will not be in bondage to any person, thing, or circumstance. I choose to be free to serve the Lord.

We begin by asking Christ to help us obey Him in every circumstance. We grow into the place where we are living by His Life and obeying Him by nature.

Why are pastors so possessive of people? Are they running a business such that they need the money? There is only one fold, and one shepherd—the Lord Jesus. People should be going where they are growing.

The pedophile does not love children. He loves the way they make him feel. I think this is true of most “love” in the United States. It is self-centered.

A great nation was built as God-fearing men and women labored to wrest a living from the wilderness. Now that great nation is disintegrating before our eyes, as grossly self-centered people murder their offspring.

“Did we not cast out devils in your name and do many wonderful works?” “I never knew you because you served me on your own terms.” Did you ever have anyone serve you on his or her own terms?

Our current President (2009) is eloquent. But he will lead himself and our country to destruction because he is not giving glory to God.

One day on the Island of Oahu, a seeker said, “I want to serve God and know Him.” I did not realize at that time that 64 years later the Lord Jesus Christ would be my sun, moon, and stars.

“Lord Jesus, help me to let go of the future and to live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God, without any apprehension whatever.”

Religion attempts to do what God has commanded, but does not look to God to direct and enable the doing of it.

There is no tomorrow. God’s wisdom and power are operating on our behalf right now.

The need today may not be for more preaching. It is for a Divinely created witness of God’s Person, will, way, and eternal purpose in Jesus Christ.

God will bear witness of Himself during the hour of greatest moral darkness, using whomever He will, however He will. The witness will not be given by enthusiastic believers.

I call no man a fool. The man calls himself a fool when he claims there is no intelligent creator who brought forth the physical world. Such ruinous blindness!

God has given me a tremendous desire to serve and love Him. Then He blesses me because I have a tremendous desire to serve and love Him. Is that not incredibly wonderful!

It is God’s intention to fill His elect with Divine Glory in the time of the greatest moral darkness. This Glory will bear witness of God’s Person and will in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The highest of all callings is to be one in Christ in the Father. When this is true of us, one new Divine personage has been created.

Through the Lord Jesus Christ, God has made it possible for every person to attain to the righteousness that is required if he or she is to have a happy death.

For the righteous person, physical death will be glorious, like awakening from a nightmare. But for a wicked person, death will be horrible, like entering a nightmare.

The individual who does not spend his or her life preparing for life in the next world after his death, is a fool; because the purpose of life in the present world is to prepare us for life in the next world.

Galatians 2:20 is the supreme goal of the human being. The resurrection Life of the Lord Jesus Christ comes to us only through our crucifixion with Christ.

We must be crucified with Christ before we can live in Christ. This process takes place throughout our discipleship.

Instead of complaining, why don’t you tell God what it is you want? We have not because we do not ask!

Religion is man attempting to please God without knowing exactly what God wants at the moment.

We must pass through the Valley of Weeping before we can become springs of refreshing.

The posturing and symbolism of the various Christian sects are irrelevant. All that matters is our personal relationship with the living Lord Jesus Christ.

God is “righteous” means that God keeps His word faithfully; He never acts out of meanness or spite; He is ready to forgive; He is truthful; He is patient and kind. We are to be created in His image.

Freedom of speech is not a Bible value. When freedom of speech is worshiped it reveals itself to be a monster of depraved character and actions. The Bible teaches controlled speech.

There is no problem with separating religion from the state. But separating God from the state, reduces the state to a cesspool of moral filth and consequent weakness and destruction.

There are three situations in which an individual comes wholly before God: in a time of severe physical distress; in Hell; and when he presses fully into the rest of God.

Most Americans, it appears, have three gods: money, sexual lust, and self-determination. This is why God is leaving our country to its own devices.

If people were not trying to live their lives without God, there would be no one who believed in evolution.

When God tugs at your heart you want to listen and obey Him. You don’t want to enter the spirit world having disobeyed the Lord.

When God tells us to do something, and we do not do it, we are lacking good sense.

People who commit suicide are not thinking what they are forcing their loved ones to experience.

This present world is a miserable struggle through briars, traps, and potholes. These experiences are merely allegories. It is the afterlife that gives the struggle significance and eternal purpose.

Why are you mourning over the past? It never was, you know. Look! The golden waves of tomorrow are rolling toward you bringing eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

You don’t have to be a great saint to please the Lord. Just be decent, and walk humbly with God.

You do well to imitate the great saints of old. You do even better to find God for yourself.

God did not take a rib from Adam. Rather, God took Adam’s heart, his ability for love and union. On this God built a woman.

There is a difference between God-given faith and our determination to make something happen. The latter is a grasping of what we want. We can find peace only by consenting to God’s will.

Telling others about Jesus is not the testimony. The testimony is the good works that result when we walk closely with Jesus that are the testimony.

The best way to honor Christ’s birth is to let Him be born in us.

We Americans can survive in the coming year if we live close to Jesus.

True faith always results in diligent obedience to God’s revealed will. To live by faith is to obey God.

God respects righteous behavior more than He does religious activities. Jesus told the religious leaders they were of their father, the devil.

If for us to live is Christ, then death is a glorious release from prison.

If we finally are to come to the morning of our experience with Christ, we must endure throughout the evening.

Old people become quarrelsome and argumentative. This is not sinful. These characteristics will not be present when you see them again on the other side.

When we pastors do not know the true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, we may be feeding the Lord’s sheep the thorns and thistles of our dead theology.

The difference between religion and Jesus, is that Jesus is alive.

The great mistake churches make is that of trying to convert people. Christ did not ask us to convert people but to be a witness.

How can we be a witness of Jesus Christ when we have neither seen Him nor known Him?

The Lord Jesus will assist anyone who calls on Him, regardless of the religion of him or her, even if the individual is an atheist.

Pray without ceasing. Take nothing for granted this coming year.

The best gift you can give the Lord Jesus at Christmas time is to invite Him to govern your life.

You and your loved ones can survive throughout 2010, but you are going to have to walk close to the Lord Jesus.

If you want to survive in 2010, make the Lord Jesus your best friend.

We do not blame people who are physically blind and we must not blame people who are spiritually blind. Physical and spiritual sight are gifts from God.

“Dear Lord, please micromanage my thoughts, words, and actions today, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

The righteousness ascribed to us is made possible by Christ’s resurrection. We would not be justified if Christ were not raised.

God cares for sparrows and other animals more than we understand.

A woman is saved by childbirth because the new life she has brought forth moves her focus on herself to focus on the child, if she has an honest and good heart.

The various religious architectures, modes of dress, symbolic rituals, liturgies, have no place in Heaven. Man created religion. God created a garden.

Is it wise these days to pray before going on an airplane? God will guide us in every detail of our life if we keep looking to Him in prayer.

In the next world, you will be placed with people like yourself. God does not enjoy mixtures.

Who is the Darkness that is Light? When we beat the birds off our sacrifice we find out.

A fool does not profit from his experiences or the experiences of others.

A fool wastes time and money and sees no problem with this.

If you become entangled with a fool you are not wise.

A fool is someone who brings harm to himself and others when it is not necessary. This is why a person who proclaims aloud that there is no God is a fool.

People who love money cannot have love among themselves because of greed and jealousy.

How many decisions in our day are made on the basis of money rather than on the basis of what is right?

It may be easier to make a convert than to bear witness of God’s Person, will, way, and eternal purpose in Jesus Christ. It is the latter that is God’s will for us.

The purpose of all living is to obey God and to have someone to love.

When you are living with Jesus, always pursue your highest goal. With God, all things are possible. If Jesus is not pleased with your goal He will present you with something better.

The boys and girls wanted to hug Jesus. The disciples said, “You can’t do that! First, you have to ‘accept Christ.’ Then you have to be taught about our church and our religion.”

Faith would not be created in us if we actually could see God. Rather, faith is created in us as we live with God and He demonstrates continually His faithfulness.

A prayer: “God, remove from me fear, worry, and anguish of heart, and give me peace and happy prospects. In Jesus name, Amen.”

If you kill someone for no reason other than they are not of your religion or lifestyle, you are a murderer in the sight of God.

Christ is to be obeyed sternly, diligently, and immediately. It is better to lose every treasure we cherish than to disobey Christ.

If husband and wife obey Christ, than all is well. If either one or both disobeys Christ, the result is chaos and destruction.

God’s training may hurt for a while, but its purpose is to create righteousness, love, joy, and peace. These four are the most desirable of all states of being.

Sexual activity may accompany love, but it itself is not love. Genuine love is sacrificial.

In spite of the fatuous and indulgent attitudes of parents and teachers, high-school proms are mating dances.

A pastor does not learn to pastor by going to school or studying books. He learns to pastor by living with Jesus.

Deborah was eight years old. She lived near the entrance to Samaria and was playing by herself near her house. She was barefoot, and wearing a dark brown tunic.

She looked up and saw travelers approaching the city. In the front was a tall man in a white robe, carrying a walking stick.

It was early in the morning and none of the elders were in the street. Deborah was an adventurous child and ran toward the travelers.

When she was near to the tall man in the white robe, she glanced up at his face. He looked down at Deborah with such a loving, kindly look, she ran up to him and hugged him.

The man nearest to the tall man said, “Here, here child you can’t just run up to the Master and hug him. First you have to ‘accept Christ’ and be born again. Then you have to come to our church and learn about our religion.”

Deborah took a step back, and looked up at the Master. She saw the heavenly look that created the earth and the stars. There was sadness there too.

Deborah said, “Don’t be sad.”

The Man said, “Deborah, the men who are with me are good men. They know many things about Me. But they won’t know Me like you do until they become children again.”

Deborah said, “I love you and I know you love children. I am going to hug you again.”

And so she did.

Then she thought, “How did He know my name? Oh, I remember. When I was a real little girl, the tall Man came to me in a dream and said, ‘I love you, Deborah.’ Then He disappeared.”

The new covenant is not of the letter but of the Spirit. We always must look to the Lord Jesus for wisdom and strength in order to make each decision.

When we look to Christ for the wisdom and strength to make every decision we face, we thus fulfill the Law of Moses.

The Law of Moses brings us to Christ by guiding our decisions until we are able to hear from the Lord directly.

At times the Apostle Paul seems to be teaching that Divine grace is an alternative to godly behavior. If this were true, the whole set of Paul’s writings would be radically inconsistent.

Carelessness and laziness have no place in the Kingdom of God.

No man can serve God and money. The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of God is the root of all righteousness.

To choose to serve God is to live. To choose to serve money is to die.

The purpose of my writings is to guide and strengthen those who already have a desire to serve God. “To him who has shall more be given.”

Everything always is, always was, and always will be in the mind of God. He shows what He will to those whom He chooses. He could have shown John what will take place after the holy city descends.

We have settled on a casual Christian life that makes no demands on us. We welcome the atonement and ignore the lordship. We prefer to travel on our own path adorned with our religious cosmetics and ornaments.

We do not become a member of the true Church by joining a Christian church. We become a member of the true Church by being created from the body and blood of Christ.

I know there is a God because of what I have seen in nature. I know there is a devil because of what I have seen in people.

Children will have many kinds of pets to play with in the eternal ages to come, such as wolves, lambs, leopards, goats, calves, lions, and yearlings. They will lead these animals wherever they choose.

A pleasant, peaceful life without challenges will not create a battle-hardened saint who is able to govern nations in righteousness.

The enemy attacks continually the brothers of Christ, who are destined to govern with the iron rod of righteous behavior.

If you enjoy what you are doing, why waste time by stopping to amass money?

Better to trust God rather than money for your survival and security.

Only God can bring you eternal righteousness, joy, and peace. Money cannot do this.

The practice of “pleading the blood” is not found in the Scriptures. It is by walking in the light that the blood of God’s Lamb cleanses us from all sin.

Whatever God does becomes holy and righteous by virtue of the fact that God did it.

If we are to make a success of our life, and attain to our destiny, we must honor God in all our ways and always do what pleases Him.

The entire Bible is about righteous behavior. In the old covenant, we are to obey the Law. In the new covenant, we are to obey the Spirit of God in every aspect of our behavior.

The purpose of imputed righteousness is to get us started on the path of actual righteousness.

God imputes righteousness to the believer under the old covenant when he obeys the Law. God imputes righteousness to the believer under the new covenant when he obeys the Spirit of God.

It is not true that there were no righteous people under the old covenant. The Old Testament speaks of those who were righteous before the birth of Jesus Christ.

God is extremely literal, practical, and detailed. In addition, He is the source of all true romantic thoughts and behavior. All such thoughts and behavior outside of Christ are unclean.

There is such a thing as true love for a person that is not the same as a desire for their flesh.

Christ will make us righteous in character and behavior, and obedient to God, if we ask Him to.

The great error of our time is to separate righteous behavior from belief in Jesus Christ.

God hides Himself so that He can see who really wants a righteous, holy God to exist, and who prefers a world in which people behave as animals.

Evil people often have their own standards of right and wrong. God also has His own standards of right and wrong. Evil people will be judged by God’s standards when they die.

If you are obeying Christ, keep your optimism high no matter what happens. There is nothing too good for someone who is obeying Jesus.

God lets us be afflicted with many things so we will keep on drawing closer to Him.

If we will keep praying about the things that bother us, the time will arrive when our joy is full.

After we die and are in the spirit world for awhile we will begin to recognize that the things of the physical world are expendable. What we grasp so fiercely!

The Lord Jesus loves people. Then there are those who love the Lord Jesus.

If people knew how happy decent people are when they die and are in the spirit world, they would not suffer such agony of nostalgia.

I do not view myself as being especially intelligent. But I do know better than to disobey God.

Job was an example of someone who believed God and did everything right. But he still remained subject to God’s purifying ordeals.

The only path to eternal life leads through the deferral of our desires.

The significant difference is not between the liberals and the conservatives. The true difference is between the sons of the evil one and the sons of the Kingdom.

Because it is empowered by the Lord, the Kingdom of God always will survive and prosper within any kind of governmental structure. It grows stronger when in a hostile environment.

God knows when you are doing the best you can.

When seeking deliverance, it does help to get the name of the spirit.

Sigmund Freud seems to have been unable to distinguish between man’s desire for beauty, and his glandular-based reproductive urge.

Atheists and evolutionists do not appear to have the calmness and assurance that characterize people who are certain of their position. Sometimes hey attempt to stifle dissent.

People who have a lust for power will attempt to destroy everyone and everything that stands in their way.

It may be true the God will have mercy on many followers of Islam and other religions, because they fear God and are trying to please Him even though they do not know Him.

How foolish it is for people to argue God and religion when they haven’t died and cannot be certain of their facts.

Don’t judge too quickly wait until you hear from God.

Most of the way is tough, but bearable. In the world we have tribulations. They are bearable if we keep looking to Jesus.

There are people who come to actually believe the lies they keep on insisting are the truth.

We can safely rest in the galactic power of Jesus Christ to bring us to our foreordained destiny, provided we obey Him at all times.

The death of a child may bring long-term grief to the parents. But they will see him or her again, as the Lord directs.

We should exercise and maintain our health in order that we may accomplish God’s will for us in the earth.

There is a time to drive ourselves. Then there is a time a to rest and reflect.

Parties are for children, where they can have fun. Fellowship is for adults, where they can exhort one another to love and good works.

Reckoning ourselves crucified with Christ does not make it so. Rather reckoning is our orientation to life. It is our obedience each day that makes our reckoning a fact.

Today’s Christian teaching has removed the Law of Moses, but it has not replaced it with instruction in how to obey the Spirit of God. This is why so many Christian people are lawless.

Belief in the facts concerning Jesus Christ does not bring eternal life or salvation. We enter salvation and eternal life when we deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus at all times.

There is no faith, no religion, no temple in the spirit world. There is only the Lord Jesus Christ and strict obedience to all He says to us. Religion is Babylon, and it has no place in Heaven.

I do not understand why people would rather diligently obey the ordinances of a religion than to walk humbly hand in hand with the living God.

My desire is to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Only the new creation, created in Christ, can enter the Kingdom of God. All human personality without Christ is wood, hay, and stubble, no matter how worthy the person may be.

“Men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” A description of the humanists of our day, written two thousand years ago.

It is one matter to be in the outer likeness of God, which we will be in the distant future. But it is another matter to be in the moral image of God, in personality and behavior.

When religious people die they do not find the articles and practices of their religion. What they do find is Jesus, whom they must obey, and angels and people who will help them adjust to their new life.

Men create institutions. God creates relationships.

God has not given us faith so we can change God’s mind. God has given us faith so we can hear God’s voice clearly and obey Him diligently.

It really is important when we are deceived, or make some kind of mistake, that we confess clearly to the Lord what we have done, take our forgiveness, and press forward.

Faith does not result in the immediate receiving of what we hope for. Rather, faith is the victory over the world, over the lusts of the flesh, and over self-will and rebellion against God.

Faith is the act of persevering in the face of difficulties because of confidence in the word and faithfulness of God.

The scepter of the Kingdom of God is that of righteousness. It is the rule of God in our personality and behavior.

It often is true that if you show love and gentleness to an animal, the animal will be loving and gentle. It is that way with some people, also.

We cannot force the spirit world by our faith. We are to serve and obey God. There are times when God works a miracle because of our prayer.

We never are to attempt to command the physical or spirit world unless God invites us to do this. We never are to be in command of the things of God.

Christ won’t do it alone and we can’t do it alone. It is the sword of the Lord and of Gideon.

Being born again and entering the Kingdom is one matter. Dying and going to Heaven is another matter.

Preachers who water down the Gospel will have all eternity to associate with those who lost part or all of their inheritance because of the preachers’ unscriptural teaching.

It requires faith if we are to be content where God places us. Discontent with one’s assigned position is the original sin.

The best prayers we ever will pray are the ones the Lord Jesus gives us to pray.

The Lord will keep us in all of our ways if we ask Him to. Lasting righteous behavior, love, joy, and peace are found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you do not possess these, it is because you haven asked Him for them.

When thinking about freedom from sin you have to distinguish between freedom from the guilt of sin, and freedom from the power of sin.

When thinking about righteousness and holiness you have to distinguish between assigned righteousness and holiness, and actual righteousness and holiness of personality and behavior.

Get to know Jesus. You never will have a better friend.

What we picture as Heaven actually is a city in the spirit world that is destined to be set up forever on the earth.

When we ask in absolute sincerity, “Jesus I want You to be Lord of my life,” a very specific, actual transformation takes place in the spirit world.

If we consider the unusual crimes that are increasing in the United States, we may realize that God’s covering is being removed from our country and demons are influencing people.

There is a temporary destruction unto salvation. There is a permanent destruction unto punishment.

There is a multitude of people in the spirit world waiting for the Day of Resurrection, to see what their final report card will be.

No one gets away with anything. God has perfect recall.

It seems that only a minority of Christian people are willing to live by the Life of Christ. They seek rather to preserve their individuality while they ask for His gifts and help.

Christ forgives all of our sin when we come to Him. Then He begins to deal with the spirits in our personality that drive us to sin.

Not to understand the difference between the guilt of sin and the compulsion to sin leaves one unprepared to deal with the sin in his personality.

My desire today is to do every detail of God’s will in thought, word, and action.

We are not a genuine Christian until we are willing to let go of our own life in order that Christ may live in us.

We cannot be saved by a belief system. True salvation is a transformed life.

God uses our mistakes, as well as the things we do right, to bring us to the destiny He has ordained for us.

Our spirit already is in Mount Zion with Christ. We have come to Mount Zion. But we are being made perfect in the fires of the earth.

It seems that only a few believers are hearing what the Spirit is saying today, and these few are sprinkled throughout the world. They will help their brothers to stand in Christ in the coming days.

We can choose to live before God, or we can choose to live before people.

Our President does not glorify God in his speech. Therefore, we are facing a grim future in the United States.

“O Lord, I pray you will make my mind a part of Your mind so I do not fret myself concerning the actions of evil people.”

If you have to hurt someone in order to get what you want, you will suffer for it sooner or later.

A Christian who does not totally deny himself and carry his personal cross behind Jesus, can never be totally one with Christ.

Avoid adopting a persona. Ask Jesus to help you on every occasion to be only yourself.

Eternal life is not a ticket to immortality in Heaven. Rather, eternal life is the Life of God Himself in us wherever we are, transforming and guiding us in all our ways.

The present physical world is an illusion. What we see are the properties of molecules, which are forms of energy. It is the spirit world that is the real, substantial, eternal world.

The most important aspect of our life, except for God, is our relationships with people. It certainly is a happy thought for decent people that life continues after death!

Sometimes Christian organizations measure success by the numbers of people and the amount of money. Perhaps they do not realize the Gospel of the Kingdom is a seed that is planted.

The spirit world will be a happy environment for us if we have done what we know to be right, and have repented and made restitution when we have not done so.

Receiving Jesus gives us an opportunity to make a fresh start. After that, we will behave righteously or wickedly. When we die we will receive the consequences of our behavior.

I am a slave of God. Therefore I experience the only true freedom available to man.

There are bodily practices that bring their own consequences, such as smoking and fornication. But sin is that of not doing what one believes to be God’s will for him or her.

The world is in the mess that it is in, because Christian people are teaching that when you receive Christ you are given a ticket to Heaven that you cannot lose no matter what you do.

It is my desire to walk with God as did Enoch. This means that all through the day I am commenting to the Lord about my environment, my plans for the day, and every other desire and decision.

World civilization as it exists today is based in the pursuit of money. There is no life in money. Therefore spiritual death reigns throughout the world.

It is life that was lost in the beginning–life that is the Presence of God. In its place we have inserted the accumulation of money.

The three most desirable states of being are love, joy, and peace. Since money cannot buy these, the pursuit of and trust in money is a hopeless way of life.

No person can serve both God and money. The pursuit of God is the way of eternal life. The pursuit of money is the way of eternal death.

In the new world of righteousness, money will not be used as the medium for the exchange of goods and services. This present use of money is the reason for the chaos that exists in the present world.

To pursue Christ each day is to pursue love, joy, peace, courage, strength, and every other desirable aspect of life.

God has promised us in His Word the necessities of life. To make the obtaining of money the only goal of our daily efforts, while it may seem necessary, is missing the purpose of life.

To make mistakes, and then to correct them, as God shows us a better path, is the way by which we grow in Christ.

During my life I have garnered the truth that God has given me, so that His people may have the food of eternal life.

God puts His will in the hearts of all living creatures. Man alone of all these creatures tries to be guided by his brain rather than by the Spirit of God.

God alone is good and the source of all good. The wise person therefore places his life in the hands of God.

The wise individual walks with God every moment of every day.

What is the source of our anger? Is it not that circumstances are not proceeding in a manner that will bring us what we want?

We should make a practice of thanking God continually. There are so many blessings each day to be thankful for.

When Christians dwell on actual or fancied slights directed toward them, death grows within them.

The words that Christ speaks to us, they are Spirit and they are eternal Life. They save us from eternal death.

God often hides His counsels. Therefore, even though God has spoken a thing in times past, ask His will again right at the moment of action.

Sometimes it is difficult for a very intelligent person to walk in the Spirit of God. His brain wars against the mind of the Spirit.

If you really are following Jesus. Do not be afraid of last minute changes. They are leading you to the desires of your heart.

If people realized that after they die and enter the spirit world, they are going to be placed with people like themselves, they might lead a different kind of life.

The most horrible experience available to people is to be placed among demons and self-centered, grasping, cruel people when they die. There is no fate worse than this.

Modern Christian teaching places too much emphasis on Christ doing all the work of redemption. It doesn’t leave enough room for the necessary role of the believers in choosing righteous behavior.

If all you have is imputed righteousness, and no Christ-empowered change in your behavior, all you have is half a Gospel.

You could have a music teacher who was accomplished in every kind of music. Would you learn to play by believing in the teacher or by doing what he said?

Sooner or later, every saved person will learn to live by the Spirit and will of God. However, it is difficult to let go of our own striving and to rest in God’s wisdom and will.

When we are living in the Spirit of God we are not under the letter of the Ten Commandments. But we do fulfill by our new born-again nature the intent of the Ten Commandments.

We Christians have the opportunity to think, speak, and act in the Spirit of God. This is the rest of God and we are not to come short of it!

Our goal, according to the third chapter of the Book of Ephesians, is to be filled with all the Fullness of God.

In the new world of righteousness, everyone will have a portion of Christ in him, some more than others. How much we have of Christ depends on how faithfully we obey Christ.

A righteous person will never be tolerant of the practice of abortion, when it is done primarily for convenience.

The wise person waits for God’s time. The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.

What is sin, if it is not an unlawful shortcut to what we desire?

The New Testament does not speak of a “dispensation of grace,” except when referring to Divine ability given to Paul to preach the Gospel. There is a new covenant, having to do with moral transformation.

People cling to their life, even though they are passing through fiery trials. This is not wise, as will become clear when they die. The never would want to return!

Paul spoke of the dispensation of grace given to him. This means Paul was entrusted with the Gospel; not that there is a new dispensation in which people do not have to serve Christ in order to be saved.

The reason God does not just forgive our sins and cause us to live righteously is that it is of extreme importance that we learn to continually choose righteous behavior. God is preparing rulers.

I have turned away from the past. I have my eyes fixed on life in the new world of righteousness.

God carries me through difficult situations on eagles’ wings. Does He do that for you? Why don’t you ask Him to?

I have been young and now am old. I have lived to see that God is terribly faithful in doing all He has promised.

There is a time in the Lord to work hard. And then there is a time to rest, to listen, to reflect.

The Lord is not pleased when we drive ourselves in the time we are supposed to be resting; or rest when we are supposed to be working diligently.

This day is in the hands of God. Enjoy the ride!

I have noticed that people who do not speak in tongues regard the New Testament as a covenant of the letter, more so than believers who enjoy the Pentecostal experience of speaking in tongues.

Much blood is going to be shed in our country in the future. We are going to have to be filled with all the fullness of God if we are to stand in Christ and help others to survive.

The older I get the weaker I get physically, and the more I have to depend on the Lord’s wisdom and strength each day.

God Himself is becoming my strength, my wisdom, my joy, my salvation.

It is becoming increasingly necessary for me to depend on Christ for everything.

There are difficult situations facing me at this time. Christ has assured me that He will take care of every detail and I am to rest in His wisdom and strength.

It is my deepest desire today to live by every Word of God. The most rewarding experience any individual can have is to live by every Word of God.

The Mosaic covenant is a covenant of the letter. The new covenant is a covenant of the Spirit. This means that we follow the leading of the Spirit of God as He enables us to keep God’s eternal moral law.

This is the day for all of us to draw closer to the Lord Jesus and to learn to live by His Life.

There are multitudes of good people on the earth. If they will obey Christ, He will bring them to the new world of righteousness. Not all of them are of God’s elect, however.

It requires a great deal of work on the Lord’s part if we are to be made faithful and true like our Lord, given that our fallen nature is a liar and very treacherous.

Faith in God gives us courage. Cowardice is a symptom of unbelief.

Our nation is losing strength today because of cowardice.

The person who is seeking to hold or to gain something God has not given him lives in fear. “The righteous are as bold as a lion.”

The wicked reason and behave perversely. The righteous are transparent and logical.

The righteous are a thorn in the side of the wicked. The ways of the wicked are an abomination to the righteous.

If the wicked had their way there would be no righteous people. If the righteous had their way there would be no wicked people. Each is annoyed by and hates the other.

The most destructive of all human attitude and behaviors is that of self-seeking. It appears that the political leaders of today are self-seeking.

What motive drives a person or a group of people to want to control another person or another group of people? It is not rational. It must be Satan who is seeking to control people.

If an individual possessed all the money in the world he still would want more. The desire to have more money than one actually needs drives people to murder, robbery, and every other destructive practice.

A culture in which money is not used as a medium of exchange but in which goods and services are offered freely, is a blessed society in which to live. Such a world is coming, governed by the Lord Jesus.

Envy and the desire to possess something that belongs to another person is the very heart of Satan.

When we guarantee the rights of one individual we may be removing the rights of another individual.

The idea that every person has a right to be happy all the time is one of the more destructive concepts of today’s thinking.

There is too much emphasis today on the rights of people and not enough emphasis on the rights of God.

To say there is no God, no spirit world, is to deny what is evident. To do so makes one appear to be a fool.

The wicked envision their own heaven and their own hell. These they have envisioned are forced to give way before the true eternal Heaven and the true eternal Hell.

The wicked view the truth with contempt, and sometimes fear. When the righteous find the truth they rejoice exceedingly at the confirmation of their fondest hopes.

It is not a sin to be lacking in maturity if one is living in obedience to Christ.

Ask the Lord to remove painful memories, after you have done all you can to rectify your mistakes. Why should you torment yourself needlessly?

We must not be critical of another person. Whatever good or bad is in any individual, only God can change. We can, however, pray that God will make the desired change in ourselves and in others.

We are to give thanks to God always and let Him know our desires. We pray for clear, specific answers, in Jesus’ name; we do not just wish for them.

The nation of Israel needs a prophet who hears from God more than it does a statesman who hears from the United Nations.

We humans have an animal body and a spirit that reaches out to God. Animals also have a body, but they do not have a spirit that reaches out to God.

Our spirit that worships God did not evolve from an animal.

Perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the future, in this world and the next, is that unless we follow Christ to a position of rulership, we will be governed by people or spirits whom we fear and detest.

One of the rewards for obeying Christ is the removal of painful memories. One of the punishments is the perseverance of painful memories; and who knows how long they will persevere!

Evil always will be present in the universe, but it will be contained in the Lake of Fire.

Since we are helpless in the face of Divine power, it indeed is fortunate for us that God is who He is and is not like Satan. What would our future be like if God were not faithful?

The good things God gives us are not to be grasped but to be enjoyed.

One of our hardest battles may be to believe that God will provide our material needs. The fear that our needs will not be met is tormenting and drives us.

Marriage is a serious business and is to be taken seriously. But it is not the end. Only the future is able to announce the end.

If God has done a wonderful thing for you, be careful to whom you tell it. Church people sometimes have a problem with jealousy if they do not pray often. Remember Joseph and his coat!

God is not building up the members of the Body of Christ so they can go to Heaven but so they can return with Christ and bring justice to the peoples of the earth.

Each one of us is raw material. From us the Lord Jesus is fashioning a person with whom He can have fellowship.

Divine judgment is a very detailed and personal program. God will take all the time necessary for us to be examined thoroughly, whether or not we claim to believe in Jesus Christ.

The teaching that states Christ does everything and all we do is make a theologic profession is refuted by the Scriptures and has destroyed the power and moral strength of the Christian testimony.

We are wise when we forget the pit from which we were dug and reach forward toward the new world of righteousness that is on the horizon.

“Lord Jesus, closely examine my heart. Remove all evil that is within me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”

We must, right now, turn from our path of rebellion and stubbornness and begin to obey Christ diligently in every aspect of our life.

We may reason and argue endlessly about the Divine plan of salvation, but it is our behavior that is eternally important.

As clear, cold water soothes the parched throat, so Divine truth brings righteousness, love, peace, and joy to him who receives it and acts on it.

Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ brings clarity to our mind and health to our body.

Ask what you will, in Jesus’ name. The Divine blessing brings joy and He adds no sorrow with it.

If we are wise, we always will permeate our prayers with, “Not my will but Yours be done.”

If we are not changing into a new moral creation we are not being saved.

There is power in the Lord Jesus Christ to change our behavior, if we will but ask for the change.

It is one matter to be released from the guilt of our sins. It indeed is quite another matter to be released from the sin that controls us.

The moral change taking place in us today may well determine our state throughout eternity.

God is making little gods. The first stage of the process is the adamic creature. If this stage is concluded successfully, the next stage is endless life as the offspring of God.

When we are old and through with the antics of our flesh, and our personal ambition, and have developed a “face” of some sort, we are so tired of being tired we are ready to go home and get a new body.

When an unusual anointing is bestowed, marvelous acts are performed. When the anointing is lifted, character is revealed.

I keep being amazed at God’s wisdom, the way arranges things and circumstances in order to get the results He desires.

Most of the time we don’t see the top side of the tapestry. We just see the threads hanging down from the bottom.

A major issue of the Kingdom of God is who governs whom. Be sure you live in victory, or you may be governed by someone you detest. Make sure that no one takes your crown of rulership.

When we suffer enough our foolishness finally leaves and we are face to face with God. Our speech then becomes simple and direct.

It may not be like this much longer, so make certain you are obeying Christ and acting with integrity at all times.

We have to ask for the power of Christ if we are to keep our mind on things that are pure, lovely, constructive, fruitful, joyous. Satan is seeking to force our mind to dwell on his actions in the earth.

The Kingdom of God is an issue of power and rulership, not of theologic accuracy.

If we do not keep on pressing into Christ we soon will find we are not able to control our mind.

Absolute, continual, consistent obedience to the living Christ will save us throughout the day of moral horrors that is approaching.

No other power is as great as that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every once in a while we have to “go for broke” if we are to accomplish our goals. We face the risks, look to God for wisdom, then do boldly what must be done.

When we act out of fear we usually end up making a mess of things.

Keep at it! Keep at it! Keep at it in Jesus’ name! You will get there if you don’t quit!

To even think about the perverse ways of the wicked is depressing and unprofitable. Therefore we need to keep our minds on the Lord Jesus.

If the doctrine of “salvation through faith alone” were apostolic and valid, the Apostles would not have written as they did about all the things we must do to be saved.

Things come and things go. People are eternal. The wise individual invests in people.

The new covenant has nothing to do with going to Heaven. The new covenant writes the eternal moral law on the heart and mind of the individual so he or she perceives God’s will and does it.

In the last days, all that is not wrought in Christ will be cast down from the Throne. The only means of survival is to pray without ceasing that we may remain in the center of God’s Person and will.

The Law of Moses slays us so we will come to Christ and find, through the forming of Christ in us and the wisdom and strength of the Spirit of God, the ability to live righteously.

We are forgiven all of our sins through the blood atonement made on the cross. Even of greater importance, in God’s sight, is our change through the growth of Christ in us so we behave righteously.

We are blessed when our sins are forgiven. God is blessed when we through His power begin to behave in a righteous, holy manner.

The importance aspect of the Christian salvation is not so much our being forgiven but our transformation into righteous, holy personality and behavior.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25–NIV)

Do not assume, take for granted, anything. Always pray and keep on looking to Jesus for wisdom and strength; that is, if you wish to survive in the coming age of moral horrors.

If all you do is eat, work, sleep, play, and reproduce, you might as well be a horse!

Pray that God will draw you to Christ. Only then will you have righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

The Bible teaches us that to cheerfully obey God is better than all religious services and efforts.

To have the power of God in our life we must do God’s will at all times rather than our own will.

The testimony of the Kingdom of God is present when there is pure moral behavior combined with works of power.

It is better to have treasures in Heaven than to have treasures on the earth.

There is no need to fear death unless we refuse to obey God’s King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

As a child of God, you have the right to refuse any spirit entrance into your personality. Just do not give your consent!

Rebellion, stubbornness, and arrogance are as divination and idolatry, because we are worshiping a god, or ourselves, instead of the Lord.

There are sins of the flesh, such as sexual lust. There is filthiness of the spirit, such as pride, rebellion, and stubbornness. The baptism with fire is intended to remove these unclean spirits.

Ordinarily it is best not to point out to someone that they are mistaken. Wait until a more appropriate time. People do not enjoy being corrected and often do not profit from it.

The Lord will give us eyes of fire like those of Jesus, if we ask Him. Then we can see people and situations as they truly are.

Our Father is holy. If we are to have fellowship with our Father we must come out from the uncleannesses of the world and not touch that which is spiritually filthy.

Just because you were knocked down, don’t lay there. Get up. Confess your sins, and fight on. Christ will help you.

Then; now; later. The Lord Jesus is timeless. All that matters is His Presence.

Our speech is somewhat artificial, until we come face to face with God. He demands truth in the inward parts.

Truth and time are related. A matter may have come before, or is present now, now, or will be later. Only the Lord Jesus is eternally constant. “I am.”

The Lord Jesus is never concerned about money. He always has all He needs. So do His saints who trust in Him. After all, it is our Father’s world.

When you want to do something and refrain from doing it; or you do something you do not want to do; both of these actions to please the Lord, He feeds you with His body and blood. This is the inner resurrection.

In the spirit world it is what kind of person we are that is important. Our theologic beliefs or denominational affiliations mean nothing. However, we must obey the Lord Jesus Christ.

What spirit is it that drives men and women to want to rule over other people? Is it Satan, who desires to usurp the place of God?

Whether under a democracy or a dictatorship, politicians practice every evil behavior in order to maintain their control over other men. This is of Satan.

People essentially are the same today as when they first were created. They differ only in details.

It appears the United States is heading toward various kinds of chaos. Please keep in mind that the Lord Jesus can protect the individual no matter how chaotic the environment becomes.

You would think the various catastrophes coming upon the United States would cause people to realize that God is displeased with us.

The False Prophet seeks the power (two horns) of the Lamb so he may use it. The true saint seeks the Lamb so he may be used by the Lamb.

God told Paul about the suffering he was to undergo. God did not tell Paul he was to receive miracle-working power. If you pray for such power, be prepared to suffer.

The idea is being tossed around today that God is to “good” to leave anyone in Hell or the Lake of Fire. This idea is not according to the Bible, God’s unchanging Word.

I pray God’s consuming fire on every part of my personality and life; that it will burn down to the core until nothing remains except a pure white flame.

It is only as we present our body a living sacrifice that we can determine which voices are from ourselves; which voices are from Satan; and which voice is that of Christ.

Whenever you are in doubt a spiritual experience, keep probing at it, calling God’s fire upon it. Carefully examine the fruit.

Only a patient cross-carrying following of Chri9st prevents deception. Even then we have to be very vigilant.

When you find you have been deceived, confess your fault, make amends if this is needed, then take up your cross again and follow Christ.

If you truly have turned away from a sin, Christ will forgive you completely. It will not be mentioned to you again.

The New Testament speaks of “overcoming.” What we are to overcome is our willingness to act independently of God.

Man has been created to be the throne, the resting place of God. We cannot possibly find perfect fulfillment until God is reigning within us.

It is only as God is living and ruling in him, that man is more than an intelligent animal.

Babylon is man acting independently of God in the ecclesiastical world. Laodicea is man acting independently of God in the realm of God’s elect.

Antichrist is man acting independently of God in the secular world. The False Prophet is man acting independently of God in the world of spirits.

The flesh and blood body of Christ was developed in the Virgin Mary. The spiritual form of Christ is developed in the Christian.

The Virgin Mary was not the mother of God. She was the mother of only the flesh and blood body of Jesus.

Satan seeks to deceive us by encouraging us to reason. We must learn to look to God for every decision we make, instead of reasoning.

It appears to me that demons love to reason and argue.

I do not argue about theology. I present what I think the Lord has given me, and others are welcome to accept or reject it.

There is a time to reason, and then a time to obey.

Our response is to keep inviting Jesus into our life. He then can work the mighty works of God from within us.

When Christ appeared to be rebuking His disciples for not having the faith to move mountains, He actually was pointing out their need for more of God in their life.

I do not know of a Christian organization that does not have its hand on the ark. I guess it is in the nature of a denomination to try to help God out.

We do well if we take heed to the Scriptures until the day dawns and the Day Star arises in our heart.

In religion we follow rules. In the new covenant we follow Christ. The purpose of the rules is to bring us to Christ, that we may follow Him.

If God is to find rest in you or me, and we are to find rest in God, we must follow the Spirit and overcome every enemy that occupies out land.

We cannot find rest in the spiritual fulfillment of the Jewish feast of Tabernacles until every aspect of our personality is reconciled completely to the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the animal world, the young increasingly grow independent of the parents. In the Kingdom of God we increasingly grow dependent upon our Parent, God.

There are not many roads to God. The living Jesus is the only Way to the Father.

Correct theology is relatively unimportant when compared with character transformation and diligent obedience to the living Jesus.

If you do not have a happy child’s heart, free from guile, you are not fully in the Kingdom of God as yet. You need to grow down.

The Lord Jesus is the greatest of all Palaces. All the creation is in Him. His system continually is destroying that which is harmful, just as the human body does.

We cannot go by the letter of the New Testament alone. In order to bring life, the letter must be mixed with the Spirit of God.

To be living in Heaven is to be living in an eternal Christmas.

“Dear Lord Jesus, I pray you will remove from me all that is not of God, and flood my personality with Your Presence, will, and way.”

We carry with us our sentence. If our life on earth results in our being mean and spiteful, or kind and generous, then this is the personality we bring into the eternal world.

The reason there are so many competing denominations is that they are endeavoring to be led by the Scripture rather than by the Spirit of God.

A statement of faith is the declaration of theology of a group of Christians. It is not Bible faith. Bible faith is our following and obeying Jesus diligently, not belief in doctrine.

What God wants is good people, people who are industrious, faithful, sincere, kind, and having integrity. The purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to create such a person.

A religion does not always result in an improvement in character and personality. But Jesus always does improve the character and personality of those who follow and obey Him diligently.

I would rather be wrong in my doctrine and right in my heart, than right in my doctrine and wrong in my heart.

When the confusion becomes overwhelming, take the problems one at a time to Jesus. Pray for each one until you know He hears you. He sits as King of the flood!

The Holy Spirit gives gifts to the believers. But do not be misled. He is not here to give but to remove from the midst the spotless bride of the Lamb.

To enter the rest of God is to seek to live the life God has planned for us rather than what we think is best. If Adam and Eve had done this we would be much happier today.

I do not know what God is doing with me, but I do know God knows what He is doing with me, so all is well. I am at rest in the center of His Person and will.

We can find peace in any situation by looking to the Lord Jesus and putting our faith in Him.

Do not let anyone take your peace. If you are upset, you may have taken your eyes off Jesus and put them on another person or circumstance.

Our soul is a gift from God. Angels do not have souls. It is our soul that we lose when we do not live in obedience to Christ.

How wonderful it would be after one dies to realize that through Christ’s help he was able to stand through the fire, and when he stumbled he got back on his feet and pressed forward.

Holiness is God Himself. So to be filled with God is to be filled with holiness.

I do not understand why people do what they do, or why the Lord does what He does, or even why I myself do what I do.

I do not take the time to think where I ought to put everything. I guess people will have to figure out the clutter when I die.

Other people may do what they will. You and I must do what is right.

Do not be too quick to tell people what they are doing wrong. What until the Lord guides you before you attempt to instruct them.

You do not have to tell people everything you know. Pause and reflect on the possible consequences of what you say before you speak.

God intends for your body to be His temple He desires to share it with you.

The desire to control other people is a curse. Ask God to remove it from you.

The desire to be preeminent is a curse. Ask Christ to remove it from you.

To the best of my knowledge, each person, when he or she dies, will be shown a moving picture of his or her entire life, and the reasons behind each action.

When we die we will be placed with people like ourselves. God is not pleased with mixtures. “Let the holy remain holy and the filthy remain filthy.”

Rewards and punishments always are based on behavior, not on doctrinal beliefs.

Doctrinal beliefs are of value only as they lead to obedience to Christ and righteous behavior.

Faith isolated from obedience to Christ and righteous behavior is not true faith. It is belief only and of little value in the Kingdom of God.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and our Lord and Savior? Fine! So do the demons, and they are not saved!

The things, places, personages, and circumstances of the spirit world exist independently of any and all religions. They are eternal facts.

If we say we love Christ, then we must turn away from our own life, take up our cross, and follow Christ diligently at all times.

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. This means it must be applied and enabled by the Spirit. When wielded by the Christian apart from the Spirit it brings death rather than life.

When Christ moves in a mighty power, individuals respond in different ways. In order to derive the most profit from a revival we must be prepared in advance.

“Remove all darkness from me and fill me with God’s Light, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

No person will be able to stand in the coming days in America unless he or she has a strong inner relationship with the Lord Jesus, being guided and enabled by Him.

One disciple who is hearing from Jesus will accomplish more eternal good in the Kingdom of God than will ten thousand “believers” milling around and working according to their own understanding.

In Heaven, there is no practice of religion as such; only the Lord Jesus, His Father, God, angels and other heavenly creatures, a multitude of people, and Bibles so we can learn more about God.

Does believing in Christ mean subscribing to the facts about Christ; or does it mean that we make knowing Christ the goal of our life, as did the Apostle Paul?

The democratic ideals of the Western nations. such as the tolerance of non-Christian religions, contain within themselves the destruction of the nations that espouse them.

From your point of view, which is more important: to believe in Christ, or to obey Christ?

Hell and Heaven are not matters of religious belief. The wicked are in Hell. The righteous are with God. Jesus makes us righteous in behavior so we can be with God.

There are occasions when tolerance and freedom of religion are nothing more than the acceptance of evil. In this instance, tolerance and religious freedom are wicked, foolish, and destructive.

If you live in your own pleasures, you will live and die alone. If you lose your life in Christ you will have an inheritance of people.

We do not have to persuade people. If we speak the Word of God, the Spirit of God will do whatever is needed.

Christianity was born and flourished under an emperor. The health of Christianity does depend on a democratic form of government.

We Christians are not called on to defend democracy. Our task is to pursue Christ and to come to know Him better each day.

If you are obedient to Christ, you do not have to worry about your survival. Underneath are the everlasting Arms.

It has been said that God helps those who help themselves. It is true, rather, that God helps those who ask for His help.

It has been said that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. It is true, rather, that evil triumphs when good men do not seek and obey Christ.

America became a great nation because it gave glory to the great God. Now America is abandoning God, and as a result, the greatness of God is abandoning America.

Whoever would be fruitful and powerful, let him deny himself so Christ may become preeminent.

God knocks us down and God raises us up. The power of raising us brings life to other people.

To abide in Christ is to do His will rather than one’s own. This is the source of all eternal fruitfulness and power.

To be fruitful in Christ is to multiply His image in other people.

Religion stops short of knowing God. It looks to its own precepts instead of to God in order to solve problems and for guidance.

At what point do freedom of religion and of speech, and other forms of “tolerance,” become stupidity? It is when they lead to behaviors that go against common sense!

The Apostles preached “Repent and turn to God.” We of today preach “Believe and let Jesus into your heart.” Has the Gospel changed or have we changed the Gospel?

The Apostles preached, “God sent His Servant to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.” We of today preach, “His Servant blesses you by covering your wicked ways.”

The secret of mastering any discipline is to know what to emphasize. In the case of the Christian salvation, the emphasis must be on doing the will of Christ diligently at all times.

The main thing in life is to obey God. The person who is not obeying God is living in a dark tunnel leading to confusion and frustration—or worse!

There are righteous people in the world and there are wicked people in the world. There are the wheat and there are the tares. All religions, including Christianity, have members in both camps.

Let the wicked become exceedingly wicked and the righteous become exceedingly righteous, so we can see what God is doing in the world.

We are learning to live by praying instead of planning, because we cannot possibly be certain of the outcome of our actions.

Our weapons are not of the flesh. When we try to fight Satan’s fire with fire of our own, guess who gets burned?

Our weapons are a righteous, holy life, stern obedience to God, and prayer. These working together are able to pull down any and all strongholds.

People ought to pray rather than plan.

Wicked people do not want truth. They want to succeed in what they are doing.

You may wake up some morning and discover Satan has deceived you. You have given away everything of true value during your blind pursuit of your idols. Pray this doesn’t happen to you!

A “lord and master” who has not made a personal commitment is not a true husband. A true husband gives his life for his wife that she may joyously attain to all God means for her to be.

A true wife is the woman who waits for the man to come along who earns her respect to the point she is willing to dedicate her life to helping him become what God wants him to be.

Do not grasp any relationship, circumstance, or thing. Go easy. Commit your ways to Christ. You will be much happier in the long run.

It is a frightful destiny to finally understand we have betrayed those who have trusted us, and have been assigned to the Rooms of Tormented Consciences in the Land of Darkness.

Women are as different in their personalities as are various breeds of dogs. If you have married a Poodle, don’t try to make her into a Queensland Heeler.

When you try to attain to your inheritance, using your own wisdom and strength, you bring forth a wild man, as did Abraham.

The important thing is not what we do for Christ, the supremely important thing is to be scrupulously careful to do His will in every detail.

God is not pleased when we try to think of new ways to spread the Gospel. Christ is pleased when we find out what He wants and then obey Him faithfully.

There are few things as divisive, destructive, and repulsive as religious people walking in the light of their own fires. They become a nest of demons.

One person who walks quietly, confidently, and faithfully in the Lord is worth more to God than multiplied thousands who are following their own ideas.

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between the work of an expert copyist and the genuine painting of a master. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between genuine love and glandular appetite.

It is true that the Apostle Paul taught Divine grace for the forgiveness of our sins. But he did not teach Divine grace as an acceptable alternative to growth into godly behavior.

It is true that the Apostle Paul taught Divine grace for the forgiveness of our sins. But he did not teach Divine grace as an acceptable alternative to growth into godly behavior.

Some of the self-seeking believers of our day eventually will join forces with Antichrist. They will cause an image to be built to honor Antichrist, and enable the image to speak.

It will be the flesh-driven Christian churches that will cause the image of Antichrist to speak, and who will demand the mark of man’s rulership of the world in the hand and the forehead.

Don’t let yourself become angry. The spiritual atmosphere in America is permitting demons of murder to fill the land. You will lose control and kill somebody before you know it.

We either will govern our body, or our body will govern us.

God has placed us in an animal body in order to humble us. Lord Jesus, help us not to be so ignorant as to think of ourselves as some great personage in the universe.

The most illustrious of us still has to relieve ourselves from time to time. Let us not be so blind as to exalt people!

If you are a giver, when you die you will be placed among givers. If you are a taker, when you die you will be placed among takers. This is true whether or not you profess to be a Christian.

All that Christ has inherited and gained He will give to those who love Him and do His will.

We are saved if we believe in Jesus Christ, provided we obey His commands in the Scriptures and given to us personally. Otherwise our belief is of no value.

Christ has blessed America because of those Americans who have worshiped and served Him. He has not blessed America on the basis that Americans have been tolerant of other religions.

The American concept of all religions being equal, and the removal of God from governmental bodies, are not pleasing to God. They will result finally in the destruction of America.

There are no rewards given in Heaven to those who have diligently kept God and the state separate. In Heaven, everyone is compelled to worship God and to obey Jesus Christ.

There are not many ways to God. God meets man only at the cross of Christ. God honors those who love and obey His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is not true that all men are created equal. God is a Potter, and He determines, the strengths, weaknesses, and destiny of each individual.

It is my hope that many disciples, myself included, will be brought fully through the spiritual fulfillment of the Day of Atonement, the Day of Reconciliation to God.

Perhaps we have not given much thought to the training that must be given to each member of the royal priesthood, if he or she is to serve God successfully in this role.

Each of us Christians, if he is to serve as a member of the royal priesthood, will have to experience long, thorough training if he is to fulfill his role properly throughout the coming ages.

People amass more money than they need in order to be independent of God. In the new world of righteousness, money will not be used as a medium of exchange.

There are no religions in the spirit world. And as far as the earth is concerned, all religions perish when the Antichrist government destroys Babylon–religions and churches.

There are no religious disagreements in the spirit world. All questions can be answered by one of the Lord’s teachers, or by the Lord Himself. The Truth that Jesus is prevails everywhere.

Religions are man’s approximations of what God is like and what His will is. When the Truth returns from Heaven, there will be no more religions and no more churches.

When you come to yourself and discover you have gotten off the track, go back to the last place where you knew you were with God. Press forward from there.

Where the Lord Jesus Christ is, there is the Fullness of righteousness and holiness.

The righteousness of the He Himself is the Standard against which all holiness and righteousness are measured. Lord Jesus Christ is not measured against any standard.

Ask Christ to help you do what is right. Then you need have no fear of dying.

The Day of Resurrection will be the most wonderful period in the life of those who obey God. It will be the most terrifying period in the life of those who disobey God.

If those who are living on the earth are to be ready to be changed and caught up to the Lord when He appears, they must be judged while yet alive on the earth.

Anyone who betrays someone who trusted him so he could have pleasure will experience an agony of conscience after his death.

We must never gain pleasure at someone else’s expense.

When you choose to die to your own will and do Christ’s will, your judgment will begin. Then, as the Spirit leads you, you must confess and turn away from each sin the Spirit points out.

The darker the night, the brighter a light shines.

People amass money in order to obtain security and survival. People find pleasure in sexual activities. People seek power in order to control their environment. All of this without God.

We Christians have been taught that when we die we will go to Heaven to live in a mansion located on a golden street. I think most of us would rather be reunited with loved ones.

There are no churches or religions in Heaven. These divide people. There is the Lord Jesus and the Bible, however.

The only way we can get across Jordan is by saying, “Not my will but Yours be done.” Canaan represents the rest of God and our inheritance in the Lord.

The Lord loves those who cast aside fear and weakness and press forward toward the fullness of Christ. If we ask the Lord, He will help us do just that.

Divine grace is not a substitute for righteous behavior. Rather grace permits us to leave the Law of Moses and obey the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible exist in the spirit world. There are no religions in that world. Religions come from demons operating through the self-will and self-love of people.

It is a terrible thing to sin until you lose control of your mind and your actions. If you will pray, Christ will deliver you.

It is a fact that if we do not put God in first place in our life we may end up murdering our brother, as Cain did.

The history of the world is one massive, graphic illustration of the folly of going against God’s will.

The world spirit is a lie. It promises pleasure and joy. But it delivers madness and chaos to those who trust it.

It takes the help of Christ before we can get everything of Satan out of us. But every hoof and claw must go if we are to be fully “saved.”

Since most of us have not arrived at perfect love, the fear of the Lord is a healthy, wise attitude to maintain.

We struggle against Satan by struggling with God. Paul prayed to the Lord to deliver him from the messenger of Satan.

I trust God and the Lord Jesus. I do not trust anybody or anything else.

There is a difference between viewing grace as a substitute for obeying Christ,’s commands, and viewing grace as enabling us to obey Christ’s commands. The difference is death and life.

We do not have to earn the Kingdom of God. But we must be found worthy of it, according to the Scripture.

We do not come to know God by going to Heaven. We come to know God by being taught by someone who is closer to God than we are.

When God is ruled out of world affairs we are left with ashes.

God saves us in the lions’ den. He doesn’t lift us up to Heaven to prevent our being harmed.

The battle is for the body. Will it be indwelt with the fullness of God, or will it be indwelt with the sinful nature?

Our focus today is getting people to Heaven. But is that God’s focus? Or is God more interested in getting Heaven into us?

God is my dwelling place and I am God’s dwelling place. God always is with me and I always am with God. This can be true of you, if you wish.

More prayer and less reasoning. That is what we need in these days.

Pray about everything. Do not take anything for granted. Don’t assume that what appears to be evident about something is true. Pray and ask the Lord for His wisdom.

In the resurrection what you actually are will be seen by people. If you are stingy, generous, spiteful, loving, self-seeking, concerned for others: all will be clearly evident to those around you.

According to the Bible, you will be resurrected before you are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Are you prepared for people to see you as you really are?

For some of us to die is the beginning of life. How utterly wonderful beyond all wonders and marvels!

If there were not God and no Christ, it would be far, far better that we never had been born. They are the only aspect of life that makes sense in this fraudulent, chaotic world.

The well intentioned but confusing doctrine of the Trinity has hidden the Father from us. Jesus Christ has inherited the wealth of the Father; but the Father is the Father!

We know of the Savior and the Holy Spirit. It is time know to come to know the Father. To know the Father requires that we obey His will at all times.

God does not do things halfway. His punishments are more severe and painful than anything we can envision. His rewards are majestic beyond all description.

God Himself is the Source of all integrity, faithfulness, and honor. He can be relied on completely by anyone who chooses to put his trust in the Lord.

To deny the reality of God and His Christ is foolishness. To live without the Presence of God is to live an unnatural life.

Is the doctrine of the “any-moment rapture” taken from the fourth chapter of First Thessalonians? This is odd, in that the passage was written two thousand years ago!

The goal of salvation is immortality in the body. The goal currently preached is the forgiveness of our spiritual nature. The first is oriented to eternal life in the earth. The second, eternal life in Heaven.

Christianity may be unique among religions in that its goal is bodily immortality and life upon the earth.

Ascension to Heaven is not included in the term “resurrection.” In the Bible, Resurrection has to do only with immortality in the body.

Where one exists after being resurrected is a wholly different matter from ascending to Heaven.

Severe discipline is required if one is to accomplish on the earth something of worth.

To be crucified with Christ means to deny ourselves. This is the only path to resurrection life in the body.

We become a new creation in Christ one small step at a time. With enough time and patience one could move the Rocky Mountains with a teaspoon.

We do not work for our salvation; but we certainly must work at it. If we don’t, we may lose it!

People always are rewarded or punished in their body, whether they have done good or have done evil.

If we are wise we will serve Christ diligently. In this manner we gain a better resurrection in the Day of the Lord.

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)

It seems that the whole purpose of salvation is to give us a better appearance, that is, a better resurrection when the Lord returns.

I preach iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father. This is a different message from grace, rapture, Heaven.

God leads His elect in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. He is demonstrating through His elect, to the heavens and the earth, His righteous Person and ways.

Never give in to fear, dread, or gloom. Resist them in the name of Jesus and they will flee.

Sometimes Jesus speaks to us humorously, but never whimsically. Always with deadly seriousness. He confirms His word with an oath because of the lies and pressures of Satan.

God does not keep His promises to us because we deserve them. He keeps His promises to us because of His own integrity and faithfulness.

The body we shall receive in the Day of Resurrection will come from this present body, which is being sown unto death. This is so it may spring up into the fullness of eternal life.

If we obey the Spirit of God continually, living in Christ, our resurrection body will be filled with eternal life. If instead we obey sin, our resurrection body will be filled with corruption.

Conscience is the law of God written in the heart of every person. Those who are faithful to their conscience will receive eternal life in their body in the Day of Christ.

Those who violate their conscience without remorse shall reap corruption in their body in the Day of Christ.

Satan is the huge leviathan in the sea of mankind. His influence and testimony is affecting public opinion. Such is the source of “political correctness.”

When it is true that for us to live is Christ, then the best thing that can happen to us is to die, as God wills.

Always be ready to examine your beliefs. It may happen that it will be quite a long while before truth emerges.

At least three forces are acting to change America. They are Islam, homosexuality, and socialism. Of the three, the most destructive is Islam. It is a militant god that has entered our shores.

One cannot have lasting love, joy, and peace until his hopes are beyond the grave.

In the worldwide chaos that is to come everything that has not been wrought in Jesus Christ will be shaken and removed from its place in Heaven.

After we ‘accept Christ’ we cannot then live a wicked life. If we do, we will receive the reward given to the wicked. ‘Accepting Christ’ does not do away with the law of sowing and reaping.

Our inward nature is alive in Christ. Our body is dead because of sin. For this reason we cannot experience the fullness of love, joy, and peace until the resurrection.

Nowhere in the entire Bible can we find that mansions are being built for us in Heaven. Nowhere in the Bible is Heaven declared to be God’s House.

Nowhere in the entire Bible is Heaven referred to as ‘God’s House.’ God’s House is the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are the many rooms in that house.

Allah, the God of the Muslims, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, are two different Persons. Make no mistake about this!

I saw in a vision an al Qaida fighter. He had been killed in combat. He was standing on a featureless plain. He was angry and cried out, “I’ve been lied to!”

If we were in a new dispensation, the ‘faith chapter’ of the Bible, the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews, would not refer exclusively to people who lived before Christ.

Love for God is not an emotion. It is the decision to make Him the most important aspect of your life.

Love for your neighbor is not an emotion. It is the decision to treat him with kindness regardless of how he behaves toward you.

A truly wise person will make the pursuit of Christ the first priority of his life.

If we are to stand and help others to stand in the coming days of moral chaos we must pray continually in Jesus’ name that we be filled with all the fullness of God.

Christ has new and surprising ways for us to minister today. We are to watch Him carefully and be totally obedient in all things.

We are to guard ourselves carefully against foolish talk and be sincere in all matters. We thus may keep ourselves and our loved ones from pain and destruction in the days to come.

The angels of God do not understand foolish talk. If we want their assistance our speech must be sincere and truthful.

Christ does not giggle. When He laughs it sound likes thunder in the mountains.

The difference between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the religion of Islam can best be seen in the difference between the life of Jesus of Nazareth and the life of Mohammed.

The Gospel advances by the power of the Spirit of God. Other religions advance by the wisdom and efforts of man. They ultimately shall fail. Jesus Christ shall reign supreme.

There are not many roads to God. There is only the one blood atonement; the one Tree of Life; the one Spirit of God.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is different from all religions in that it brings to the worshiper the Presence of the Living God.

Do not fear Satan. Jesus Christ alone is more powerful than the combined forces of wickedness.

God could take all the sin and rebellion out of us in a moment. But He wants us to learn to do what is right. Thus the lifelong battle.

There are several religious cultures in the world. It is best not to compare them with one another. All that truly matters is our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Way of God. God the Father is Truth. The Holy Spirit is the Life of God. All of this Omnipotence resides in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The lions of God are characterized by the meekness of a lamb. In the end, it is the lamb who prevails.

God loves children, and those who have chosen to become a child in heart.

The person who chooses to live an undisciplined life brings himself and those around him into turmoil and pain.

God has never lied to me. Has He ever lied to you? His honor is at stake!

When God’ s complete and perfect will is being done, then there is the fullness of righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

We are not “saved to save others.” This is not scriptural. Rather, we are saved that we might come to know the Lord Jesus and to do His will for us as an individual.

To make a person wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove requires the Presence of Christ over a period of time.

May God grant to each of us the heart of a child, for this is the way of the Kingdom.

The brotherhood of man cannot be trusted to be kind or fair toward us. God directs people to treat us with kindness or with cruelty depending on what He is doing with us.

It is better, on most occasions, to pray than to plan or reason,.

It is wise to stop and examine our Christian fervency, to determine if it is proceeding from the Lord or from our irritation with wicked people.

Ask God to put joy before you so you can endure your cross. Don’t put your own joy before you.

Be sure to put all your treasures in Heaven and keep them there.

Ask God in Jesus’ name to remove all unpleasant memories from you. Why should you go into eternity with unpleasant memories?

I do not hold anything against anyone. I realize that it is God who directs people. Salvation is of the Lord.

To know and do the will of Christ at every moment fulfills all the Law and the Prophets.

I pray that when Satan comes he will find nothing in me.

Those who serve Christ now, continue to do so when they die. The remainder of deceased mankind go to their appropriate places until the Day of Resurrection.

There is no true life apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

What a terrible thing it would be to forfeit one’s soul, to lose for eternity any chance of fellowship with God, of being made in God’s image.

Is the handwriting on the wall for America? Is America to be occupied by another country?

We would do well to stop watching the late-night television performances that mock God and His Christ!

If you want a large church, do not preach “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.”

Are you running the race, fighting the fight? Or are you reclining in easy believability?

Can you imagine what it will be like when Jesus returns in His Kingdom with his saints, and everyone on the earth is compelled to do God’s will?

The angels are spirits. They held up Christ who was flesh and bone so He was able to walk on the water.

Do not attempt to direct the Holy Spirit or the angels. God alone possesses that authority. Sometimes He gives of His authority to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The most amazing, precocious, talented children are coming forth in our day. I think this is why Satan is stressing abortion and homosexuality. He wants to hinder this development.

Sometimes God requires of us an action we do not understand. In this case we are to proceed very carefully, praying over each step, and watching the fruit of our actions.

“Rise, Peter, kill, and eat.” Is this the Lord? We won’t know until we walk in obedience, praying carefully over each step we take, and examining the fruit of what we are doing.

There are times when we do not understand what God is requiring of us; but we realize always that His faithfulness is leading us to perfect righteousness, love, peace, and joy.

Every son of God must be a lion. He is to be majestic, ready to overcome through Christ every enemy. He rises up fiercely and roars when an enemy of God approaches him.

Every son of God must be an ox, patient, willing to bear heavy burdens for as long as necessary. He is a hard, faithful worker.

Every son of God must have developed in him or her the moral character of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to be in the image and likeness of his Father.

Every son of God must be a flying eagle. He is not to be bowed down or bound by the things of the creation. He is to fly continually in the firmament of the heavens.

The saint cannot be a chariot of God until he or he is a lion, an ox, a man, and a flying eagle. He must be covered with eyes, always filled with the knowledge of Christ.

The flesh withers and passes away. The Word of Christ shall stand forever!

Christ laid down His life for us. It is only fair that we should lay down our life for Him.

No person can come to Christ unless the Father draw him or her. This principle operates at all levels of spiritual growth, and the assignment of ranks in the Kingdom.

Because spiritual fervency and growth are gifts from the Father, we ought not to criticize immature or casual believers. We indeed can pray for them and teach them as appropriate.

The various talents and abilities people have are gifts from God. An individual can receive nothing unless it is given to him or her from Heaven.

God’s grace either is an excuse for our sinning, or the means of helping us overcome sin. What a lie today’s teaching of Divine grace is, that it is the Divine excuse for our sinning.

A man should show forth in himself the male qualities of God. A woman should show forth in herself the female qualities of God. A man and a woman are uniquely different creations.

It appears that today Satan is doing all in his power to confuse gender. The man and the woman are to complement each other. Together they reveal the image of God.

Two men or two women do not reveal the image of God, even if the man attempts to play the role of a woman, or the woman attempts to play the role of a man.

If you have prayed until God has heard you, what we call “praying through,” your answer will come at the best possible time.

Men form the structure of the Kingdom of God. Women are the heart, home, and the joy of the Kingdom in the Day the things of earth are clothed with Heaven.

When people are not obeying their Creator the land is filled with darkness.

Sometimes when we are being chastened severely we forget how awesome is God’s love toward us, where all this pain and frustration are bringing us.

Most events of the Old Testament did not occur in a religious context. The Judaic-Christian religions began with the Tabernacle and the priesthood. They shall be removed when the Lord returns.

People who are endeavoring to get guidance and strength for their lives from a social networking site, such as Facebook and Twitter, are a case of the blind being led by the blind.

If you want to prove God’s will for your life, present your body as a living sacrifice to Him; always putting His will ahead of yours.

If all the people in the world loved each other as themselves, but did not love God more than themselves, it would be the greatest social disaster imaginable. God would put an end to it.

Each day we must choose to believe God and to act accordingly. Jesus will help us do this if we ask Him to.

The person who lives on food alone is an intelligent animal. The man or woman of God is sustained physically by food, but directed in every detail by the guidance and strength of God.

“Remove all fear from me and replace it with absolute trust in your faithfulness, O Lord.”

God enjoys the simple and the practical. Man involves himself with complicated, romantic imaginations and deceptions.

We always must faithfully use our talents, abilities, time, and strength to find and perform the will of God.

Perhaps nowhere is the sovereignty and arbitrary actions of God more apparent than in His blessings on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

“I do not find doing God’s will to be grievous. Rather, it is the joy and rejoicing of my heart.”

God has ordained the simple lovely plan of a man, woman, children, and a home. But this plan is attacked viciously today. I wonder why!

When men try to play the role of women, or women try to play the role of men, they destroy any chance of finding righteousness, love, joy, or peace.

If we would love without destroying, cherish without mutilating, desire without grasping, we must keep our treasures in Heaven.

“Help me to live Your Life and not by my own.”

The Lord Jesus is filled with God and lives by God’s Life. This is His choice. We too can be filled with God and live by God’s Life rather than our own life.

The person who lives by the Life of Jesus never dies. He walks into the spirit world with his faculties unimpaired, continuing to live and serve by the Life of Jesus.

There will be no churches or religion when the Lord Jesus returns, only He Himself who is the Resurrection and the Life.

Do not steal. If you do you will bring pain upon others. God then will return double the pain upon you.

Are you grumbling and complaining and blaming God? How often in the past have you thanked God for your blessings?

It is well, since we have both wild animals as well as a child in our personality, that the little child lead them.

We are in a new day, the third day of Hosea, Christ is raising us up. The vestiges of religion are being removed from our mind and we are having fellowship with Jesus himself.

The “four steps of salvation” are only an orientation to salvation. Salvation is found in the Book of Hebrews as the new covenant—change into God’s image, not just forgiveness.

I have learned my lessons in the Lord, and am ready now to live. But my body has been weakened by age. However, a new body is on the way. Great is the wisdom of God!

It really is not fair or appropriate to hold anything back from the one who created us.

The Lord Jesus Christ is greater than I realized. The entire creation of God is contained in Him. Can you picture that?

Do unto others as you would have them to unto you, for they certainly shall—in this world or the next!

To seek to be preeminent is an evil characteristic. It leads one into all sorts of unrighteous actions.

Adam and Eve when they were created were able to speak in the original language, although neither had a memory. Eve learned from Adam what God had taught him.

It may be true that when the Lord Jesus sets up His Kingdom on the earth, all people will be able to speak in the original language spoken by Adam and Eve.

To walk the path of life is to look to the Lord Jesus for everything we think, say, and do, at all times, day and night.

Christ can do nothing of Himself. It is the Father who speaks and acts. This is to be true of us also, as regarding our relationship with Christ.

We are approaching the climax of the conflict of the ages. The ones who will prevail are those who are willing to live by Christ as He lives by the Father.

Death is not our redeemer, it is our enemy. Dying will not make us a diligent disciple of the Lord Jesus, or one who does not sin and rebel against God.

It is the will of Christ that all barriers between Himself and the believer be removed, so that the two become one person.

There never is a lack of food, or anything else, when God’s will is being done. The exception occurs when there is an unusual incident of Divine intervention to accomplish a specific goal.

The weak believer pays little attention to the Bible. The self-righteous, person, knows only the Bible. The true saint knows the Lord Jesus, is led by the Spirit, and meditates in the Bible day and night.

If we are serving Christ to the best of our ability, he would not be a good friend if we had needs and He did not help us, seeing as how He has all authority and power in Heaven and upon the earth.

If you do not receive Christ each day you will eat, work, play, sleep, and reproduce, and nothing more. You might as well be a horse.

Each one of us has a witness of God to give to the world. Faithfully, continually giving this witness overcomes Satan and gives Michael power to cast him down from Heaven.

Adam gave the animals their names. Adam named Eve “woman” because she was taken from man. We must, as God shows us, name our behaviors clearly a wicked or righteous.

Anyone who does God’s will is doing himself a favor. God richly rewards those who obey Him.

Anyone who does not obey God quickly and completely will have eternity to regret his or her lack of perfect obedience.

We should not expect to be rewarded for doing our God’s perfect, complete will. It is the only reasonable, sensible thing to do. If we are rewarded, that is fine.

The expression “accept Christ” is not a Bible phrase. Rather we are to abide in Christ. “Accept Christ” implies a one-time act, a pass supposedly to get us out of Hell a into Heaven.

Salvation does not come by “accepting” Christ as a one-time profession. Rather we are to “accept Christ” into all we think, say, and do throughout every day and night.

Integrity of character does what he believes is right, even though the task is unpleasant, difficult, or extremely painful. Only these experience permanently the inward development of Christ.

If your religious faith is not making you a better person, more kind, more generous, more thoughtful of others, more patient, what good is it?

Some kind of ministry must continue after death if we all are to come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, attaining to the measure of the full stature of Christ.

Millions of Christians do not reveal the Life of Christ in themselves. There is a handful of believer who do. I think the second group will govern the first, in the Kingdom of God.

God wants each one of us to be a rod of iron in His hand to destroy all disobedience to His will.

I think that American girls and women who insist on abortion rights wish to fornicate without the inconvenience of having a baby.

The Divine enablements promised to “him who overcomes” are steps of authority and competence leading to the first resurrection.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are not authorized to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. We have little or no Life of Christ in us.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to receive life as our victor’s crown.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to not be hurt by the second death, which maintains authority over our sinful behavior..

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be given some of the hidden manna The body and blood of Christ are hidden from us.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be given a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be given the morning star, which is Christ in us.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to walk with Christ, dressed in white, the robes of the Royal Priesthood.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to never have our name blotted from the book of life.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to have our name acknowledged before Christ’s Father and His angels.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be kept from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be made a pillar in the temple of Christ’s God and to never again leave it.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to have written on us the name of Christ’s God and the name of the city of Christ’s God, the new Jerusalem.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to have the new name of Christ written on us.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we shall be spit out of Christ’s mouth.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we will not hear Christ’s voice and open the door of our personality so that He can come in and eat with us, and we with Him.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to be given the right to sit with Christ on His throne.

If we do not live a victorious Christian life we are neither authorized nor competent to inherit all that God makes new, and to have God be our God and to be His children.

When the righteous are not righteous enough, the wicked prevail.

We will be no safer in Heaven than we are here on the earth. Our only safety in either place is our Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sin began in Heaven around the Throne of God. If you can be led astray here, you can be led astray there. Follow Christ and you will be safe here and in Heaven.

Today we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. But we fear no evil, because our Lord is leading us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

You were entrusted with a physical body, which even the angels do not possess. What are you doing with it?

Do not grasp anything. Tell the Lord courteously what it is you desire. Then delight yourself in the Lord continually. He will give you the desires of your heart, now or later.

Some people are saved “so as through fire.” They lose all or most of their inheritance. Their memories are washed away. They begin life in the spirit world as a small child.

There were two trees in the middle of the garden. One tree gives immortality. The other tree enables us to distinguish between good and evil.

The most important thing in life is to learn to know Jesus. If you miss Jesus you’ve missed it all.

The greatest blessing anyone can have is the fervent desire to continually do God’s perfect will.

So much of our misery comes from grasping things. If we would live and rest in God’s will we would not have so many pains and hurts.

When we set out blindly to pray and fast for something we think is what God wants, we may be opposing God’s will. We should find out first what God’s will is..

People seek to exert their will against God, praying for something they think should be done. They do not how to rest in God’s will and find out what He desires.

When God is indicating that someone is to die, do not try to hold him here. Would you want to do what Hezekiah did and bring forth a wicked son? Why are you doing this?

“Dear Jesus, let me live at all times by the awful Words that continually are coming to me from between the wings of the Cherubim of Glory.”

“Dear Lord, cause the fire that has begotten in me burn fiercely with a pure white flame until every trace of sin and rebellion has been destroyed and only Christ lives and prevails.”

I want no hewers of wood or drawers of water, who are not of Christ, assisting me. They may help now; but they will cause trouble later on. Please remove all of them from me.

There is no need in the spirit world or in the new world of righteousness for telephones. Any person whom we wish to address will be available immediately.

All of us humans are exceedingly fragile. Apart from the Life of God we soon crumble. Anyone who does not understand this is nothing more than arrogant dust.

To be saved is to be brought into the coming new world of righteousness without the encumbrances of sin and rebellion.

When we are young and have a surplus of energy we do many things that have no eternal Kingdom value, even though we do these things in the name of the Lord Jesus.

We ought not to be criticizing people. An individual can receive nothing except it be given to him or her from Heaven.

The whole creation moves according to the rest of God established in the first chapter of Genesis. Our task in life is to cease our own works and enter that rest of God.

As we get older our brain shrinks. Whether or not our mind also shrinks depends on how we have used our mind. If we have the mind of Christ, we have an eternal mind.

People ordinarily do not enjoy a dogmatic person. Why should we be dogmatic when we know little or nothing at all about anything.

Do not judge an individual by his or her gender. Gender is not a valid predictor of a person’s godliness or competence.

Learning to live by the Life of Jesus is a full-time curriculum. As our first life withers away, our new life keeps expanding its influence over our personality.

It may be true that God never intended that man live his own life but live by the Life of Jesus. Our own life is fraught with corruption. His Life is pure and eternal.

The cross is not an ornament to wear around our neck. It is the means of overcoming our old nature so we may live by the Life of Jesus. It is to be worn on the heart.

A beautiful woman was not created to be an idol but to be a helper.

When people see our good works, they will glorify God, the good works that proceed from our living by the Life of Christ.

Grasping is idolatry.

A person is not a Christian because he does good works. But a person who is abiding in Christ will do good works.

Righteous behavior is not a religious task but the fruit of abiding in Christ.

When the future is ominous, we have to pray continually and live one day at a time.

I ask that I may be filled with the fullness of God’s Person; the fullness of God’s will; and the fullness of God’s Words to me.

Jesus Himself is God’s Righteousness. Those in whom He lives are righteous in behavior.

If today we seek first the Kingdom of God, then today we will have food, clothing, and shelter.

Pray continually that you may find God’s perfect will for your life.

The person whose mind is stayed on the Lord will not be afraid of bad news.

The person whose mind is stayed on the Lord will have perfect peace.

Christ alone is the way to God. Christ alone is the truth of God. Christ alone is the Life of God.

If you want true peace, receive Christ. He Himself is God’s peace and the only lasting peace.

If you want peace, keep everyone and everything on God’s altar. Anything you grasp and won’t give to God is an idol.

In the beginning some of the angels rebelled against God, as He knew they would. The rebellion was necessary so God could teach angels and people what righteous behavior is.

The Bible says God’s Glory fills the whole earth.“Open my eyes that I may see that Glory rather than the works of Satan.”

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ consists of His will, His God-given mind, guidance, energy, understanding, and so forth. We do well to choose to live by His Life rather than our own.

Physical muscles grow as they push against physical resistance. Spiritual muscles as they push against spiritual resistance.

There is a wonderful world ahead for the righteous; but we have to die to get there.

If we suffer as a Christian our reward is great. Other people; suffer but there is no profit in their pain.

Man was created in the image of God. An ape was not created in the image of God. There is a difference in kind.

We are not wholly in the image of God when we are born physically. We develop into the image of God as we grow in Christ.

Those people who continue to live in victory in Christ are the firstfruits of the eternal mankind.

God has His ways of keeping us off balance, doesn’t He, so we have to keep looking to Him at every moment.

The Israelites had the written Law. Yet, they had to look to the Urim and Thummin for particular decisions. In like manner, we must always look to Christ for guidance in applying the Scriptures.

Man has not been created so as to guide and control his own life. Until Christ is on the throne of his life, he readily is guided and controlled by Satan.

We go from grace to grace as we walk out the prophecy and the burden. There always is grace, joy, and fulfillment, as we obey Christ diligently.

After you give God thanks, tell Him your hopes and desires. He then will plan your life so you are brought to love, joy, and peace in Christ.

It is good for a person to be content with his or her state, and quietly hope in the Lord.

When Jesus returns, all members of the animal kingdom will be at peace with man. They all will serve as pets for children and helpers for all of us..

Some passages of the Bible are to be understood literally and some symbolically. All are true. But we must pray if we are to interpret a passage correctly.

No passage of the Bible can be understood or interpreted properly except as the Spirit of God leads us in applying it.

As the Lord Jesus installs His Kingdom, all the animals will be reconciled to man, and we will understand God’s purpose for each one. There will an end to savagery and destruction.

It appears some astronomers, physicists, and medical doctors do not worship God. Why can’t they perceive what is in front of their face? Are they afraid of judgment to come?

There are no “deep things of Satan.” All the knowledge and visions of Satan are shallow. Their short roots are exposed in prayer.

If a person chooses to be the servant of sin he or she will die spiritually, even if the individual has “accepted Christ.”

The common denominator of the errors that have entered Christian thinking is that of people hoping to avoid continual, diligent, cross-carrying obedience to Christ.

The Gospel of Christ differs from philosophy in that it confronts spirits that compel us to sin and drives them out.

Man is the structure of life. Woman is the heart, home, and joy of life. Such is inherent in the two forms of Man.

The dentist puts on a temporary crown; later, a permanent crown. Thus there is a temporary you; later an eternal you after your resurrection from the dead.

The resurrection from the dead will not necessarily be a change from where we are but a change from what we are.

Our goal in life always ought to be that of being rightly related to God each day.

Our Lord said, “A person can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven.” The longer I live the more I can see how true this is! We really should not find fault with people!

Learn to listen to Jesus carefully and be quick to obey Him. This practice will serve you well after you die.

I think I am correct in saying there are more decent than wicked people in the world. However, the wicked make the most noise, probably moved by unclean spirits.

The reproductive urge in man is so powerful that if religious and governmental restrictions are removed, the whole world will become one huge brothel. This will not please God.

The Father’s house is the Lord Jesus Christ. In its final form it is the new Jerusalem, composed of the resurrected bodies of the Christians.

As far as I can tell, the New Testament is not focused on gaining eternal life in our inward man but on the gaining of immortality in the body when the Lord Jesus appears.

Man is not man when he is not body, soul, and spirit. The physical body is one of the way in which he differs from the angels and is an important part of man.

Heat ordinarily is not a constructive environment for electronics. The anger of man ordinarily is not a constructive environment for the wisdom of the Spirit of God.

Every consonant and vowel of what God has written cannot be changed in any manner by any power, no matter how great.

When the Bible speaks of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony, it may be referring to those who are living by the Life of Jesus.

It can take a long time and continued prayer before you can identify and drive out through Christ some of the “kings” of your personality.

There are cathedrals that are spectacular outside and breathtaking inside. But no cathedral can compare in beauty with a pure righteous heart.

Walk in both worlds at the same time. When a loved ones dies, the person still with be with you. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

No person is ever sent to Hell because of a belief or unbelief in any religion. The wicked in behavior are sent to Hell regardless of their belief in religion.

The purpose of the Scriptures is not to take the place of Christ but to bring us into close fellowship with the living Jesus.

When interpreted by the Spirit, the Scriptures are the way to God. When not interpreted by the Spirit, the Scriptures become the enemy of God.

There is no greater enemy of God than religion. Babylon murders the prophets.

God is a god of detail. We notice this in the directions given for the Tabernacle and the priesthood.

If there is something between God and you, why don’t you ask God in Jesus’ name to show you what it is and to remove it?

Do not clutch anything. Be ready to move in any direction without being held back by inertia, like the four Cherubim of Glory of the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel.

Truth has to be worked out before we can be certain of what God has said. When it actually is God, the rooster will crow.

Although I am surrounded by evil I know that God will protect me. It shall not come near to me because I trust in the Lord.

The wicked are drawn to each other. The righteous are drawn to each other. Our government increasingly is becoming wicked.

The words of the Prophet are coming to pass: “Spiritual darkness is covering the earth and thick darkness the people.”

It is obvious that there are people who are possessed with an insane desire to be a ruler. God may have caused this to accomplish His own purposes.

Night comes before the morning. The night is utterly evil and corrupt. The morning shall be utterly righteous and glorious. Are you prepared for the morning?

The earth must enter a period of travail before the Kingdom of God is brought forth.

If you are having problems with your memory, or with any other malady, ask God in Jesus’ name to fix it. He will be glorified in your healing.

Keep your prayers simple, clear, and straight to the point. They will be answered in the same manner.

“I am very thankful for all the blessings you have bestowed on me. I know no one will harm me because I am a follower of that which is good.”

“I will lay down in peace and sleep; for you, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety.”

Our body will not be raised from the dead so we can go to Heaven. We go to Heaven by dying. Our body will be raised from the dead so we can live once more on the earth.

Christ is the eternal Covenant of God with man. If we are obeying Christ, we are becoming through Christ the eternal Covenant of God with man, the flesh being made the Word of God. This is the new covenant.

I have concluded that numerous theologians do not know the God of Israel, in that they have deduced a sovereignly imposed salvation not affected by the behavior of the believer.

Are you a person who avoids unpleasant duties? You will never have an inheritance of people. Others will govern you.

In order for a “free spirit” to survive, someone else must perform the unpleasant tasks. He or she will dwell in a dry wasteland while others rejoice in paradise.

Are you willing to carry your end of the log? If not, you are a curse to those around you.

People of all races in all periods of history are occupied with spirits and gods. What a forced, unnatural position atheism is!

We have created a doctrine of “grace” that permits the enemy to live with us in peace. Therefore we are unable to fight out way into the rest of God, into our Canaan.

Don’t waste your time rebuking the devil. Rather resist the devil. There is no scriptural basis for our rebuking the devil.

Spiritual growth is an increase in the ability to recognize evil, and the willingness and strength to totally reject the evil and embrace righteous behavior.

To please God by our life, to finish completely the work he has given us to do, to hear Christ say, “Well done!”, is the very highest goal to which any person can attain.

To have completely pleased God during our brief stay on the earth is a treasure of greater worth than any other. It certainly is worth praying for!

The fallen angels before they rebelled were in an environment of such beauty, glory, and joy we scarcely can imagine it. Let that be an eternal lesson to us.

The wicked die first, in the familiar physical death. Second, they are thrown into the fire where “the worms that eat them will not die and the fire that burns them will not be quenched.”

We Christians are not to attack the government. Unless God directs us otherwise we are to trust God for the affairs of the world. All things are working together for good for those who love God.

God and Satan are both extremely practical. They deal with the “now,” We often deal with the past and the future. “Today is the day of salvation.”

Sometimes we are suffering periods of waiting. “Lord, help us to be patient as we walk out your plan for us.”

The nobility on earth and the nobility in Heaven are not always the same people.

As the Scripture declares, God often places in positions of authority the vilest of people.

It is not accepting Christ but abiding in Christ that saves us. He continually is knocking and we continually are to be opening to Him every day and every night.

Our religious dance is one thing. Dancing with Jesus is an entirely different matter.

The day of salvation is always “Today.” Right now, this minute!

The great error of religious thinking is that of accepting Christ as a ticket, rather than as a way of life.

I would love to get out of here. But as long as Christ needs me, it is my desire to remains and feed His sheep.

If everyone on earth was aware of God’s will for him or her, and was doing it, there would not be any more wars. There wouldn’t even be any arguments!

To not be content with God’s will for us is the worse calamity that can befall a human being. This does not mean we cannot pray for our desires, meanwhile giving thanks.

Neither the husband nor the wife should be the means to the other’s ends.

If you are trying to use Jesus to achieve your own goals, you do not love Him. You are in love with yourself.

It is claimed that once having been born we cannot be unborn. The truth is, if we break our covenant with God we face destruction. Doctrine cannot be established by analogies!

The new covenant is to think as God is thinking; to feel as God is feeling; to speak as God is speaking; to act as God is acting; to pray as God is praying. It always is “today.”

The new covenant is God’s way of bringing our heart and mind into perfect alignment with His heart and mind.

The difference between the two covenants is that the Law of Moses is static, while the Law of the Spirit of Life is alive and present, just as God is alive and present.

Let us live by the Life of God which is in Jesus Christ. What are God’s thoughts to us this very moment?

To sin is to not do what we believe is God’s will for us at the moment.

We have to present our body as a living sacrifice if we are to find God’s will for us. We have to seek for His will continually.

The most important aspect of anyone’s life is to be strictly obedient to God. Nothing else is as essential as this.

Adam and I are sworn enemies. When the Spirit gives me the upper hand over him, I show him no mercy. I kill him every chance I get!

I am disgusted with my sinful nature. It has caused me so much trouble! I refuse to cooperate with it, as Christ helps me.

If you don’t want to be smashed to pieces by the sons of God when they are revealed, then cooperate with the Spirit of God as He forms the iron rod of righteousness in you.

After you have done God’s will, God then will give you your own inheritance. Samson’s parents, Mary, Hannah, and Abraham. all had additional children.

Americans are impressed with megachurches, floor shows, thousands of people. God specializes in mangers.

It is the philosophy of humanism that is causing Christian people, and others, to speculate that God is too “good” to send anyone to Hell.

All people of sound mind desire pleasure. But unprincipled people, who are addicted to immediate pleasure, leave a trail of misery and destruction behind them.

There are many professing Christians who are going to be spit out of the Lord’s mouth. They say they have “accepted Christ,” but they lie, steal, and are filled with bitterness and unforgiveness.

The emphases of the New Testament are first, Jesus Christ as supreme Lord; second, righteousness and eternal life through Christ; third, righteousness and holiness of being and behavior.

I don’t believe God is much interested in our religious affiliation; but He is extremely interested in what kind of person we are!

Life on earth is not heavenly. When we try to make it so, we fall into deception.

To actually see God would not give us faith. Faith is a gift. Faith comes also as we perceive God’s faithfulness throughout our lifetime on the earth.

Attempting to attain to our high calling in Christ while amusing ourselves with electronic gadgets is like running a race with iron shoes.

When the Lord Jesus asks you if you will be His Bride, and you say “Yes,” then you are declaring you will not cleave to any other god, any idol.

It is in the interval of time between the vision and its fulfillment that holy character is formed.

Sometimes God burns painful lessons into us. This is like branding cattle. You don’t forget what you were taught.

A religion is like a philosophy. It consists mainly of words. Actual salvation is in the continual interaction with a living Person—the Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament is not the new covenant. The New Testament is a collection of writings by men who themselves were the new covenant.

We could memorize the entire Bible and not have one drop of eternal life. Eternal Life is a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ.

Would you be saved to citizenship in the coming new world of righteousness? Then receive Christ as your personal Lord and obey Him diligently at all times.

You cannot expect victory in spiritual battle unless you are absolutely obedient to Christ.

In John 14:3, Jesus said we are to be with Him where He is. He did not mean going to Heaven, He meant now—today.

We gain nothing in the Kingdom of God, including understanding the Scriptures, except as the Holy Spirit leads us. All such gifts are to be tested on a regular basis.

Why aren’t you praying that Jesus will heal you. Do you enjoy your aches and pains.

Pray more than once until you get your answer, or until the Lord tells you He has another plan for you.

The mother, a former nurse, is urging her daughter to become a nurse. But is this God’s will for her.

Healing is on the table. Why don’t you ask God to heal you? Or do you prefer to be miserable?

A girl should not be urged or forced to marry someone she does not love. This is not God’s way.

“The one who borrows is the slave of the one who lends.”

Do not say you are suffering that you may be made perfect, unless God tells you this, as He did the Apostle Paul.

If you do not ask Christ to guide you in all you are doing, you are bringing needless confusion and pain upon yourself.

Sin is an infection. Take care of it while it is small before it destroys you.

The philosophy of Humanism is man loving himself rather than fearing and obeying God. Much of mankind in our day is in love with itself.

I have an intense desire to be like my Father, God, in thought, word, and action. “Depart from me, every spirit that is not found in my Father, in Jesus’ name.”

The guiding principle of my life is to do whatever God wants. Everything else is in second place.

Brother Dowell used to say, that you can’t get past the number nine, until you are willing to become a zero, and then let God be one.

God has given us money as a means of exchange in order to find out what is in our heart. Money will not exist in the new world of righteousness.

The Lord Jesus always compensates us for our troubles. The more difficult our situation is, the more grace is provided to keep us on a level of victory, if we keep looking to Him.

If it is true to grow in Christ is to grow in the ability to embrace righteousness and resist wickedness, then a grace that overlooks our sinning is preventing our growth in Christ.

Being able to rejoice in behaving righteously is a reward in itself. Then we are rewarded for behaving righteously. It is a double blessing.

To be saved is to finally overcome the temptations that come upon us and to stand before the Son of God as a citizen of the new world of righteousness.

God rewards those who serve Him diligently. The rewards are as great as God, that is to say, they are incomprehensible.

Iron righteousness of behavior wrought in Christ results in love, joy, and peace. This is the Kingdom of God.

There are three works of spiritual circumcision: putting off worldliness; putting of the lusts and passions of the flesh and spirit; putting off self-will, self-love, and self-centeredness.

The fire of God that consumes the adversaries create holiness in the faithful and obedient believers.

When the Lord Jesus used the expression “You wicked, lazy servant,” He condemned laziness for the destructive, unclean trait that it is.

The only thing that truly matters is how we treat God and other people. Money appears to be of great importance, but it will not even be found in future ages.

Who among us will be like one of David’s mighty men and stand alone when the rest of Israel flees, and win a great victory against the enemy?

When He was alive on the earth the Lord Jesus commissioned eleven Apostles to go into all the world. The rest of us are commanded to find God’s will and use our own gifts.

It is not Christ’s way for people to attempt to analyze what behavior on their part is causing their sicknesses and afflictions. We are to call on the Lord, as David and Paul did.

In Second Peter 1:19 we find we are to pay attention to the Old Testament. This does not include the ceremonial aspects of the Law of Moses. We are under a new covenant, not dispensation!

What a joy it is to be totally obedient to God. What a miserable bondage to be disobedient to God in the smallest area of one’s personality.

Law must have iron limits. When “heart” is placed above law, we have Humanism, which is a mother of all corruption.

Satan and his loyal followers will never be given the gift of repentance. They will be in the flames of torment forever, according to the Scriptures.

“Political correctness” consists of a series of rules and regulations that proceed from humanistic thinking. These rules and regulations are contrary to common sense.

The judgment of the philosophy of Humanism is that Satan and all other incorrigible wicked creatures be spared from all unpleasant consequences.

If we are not prayerful and careful in all matters we deserve what happens to us.

If we obey Christ we will end up happier than if we disobey Christ.

We cannot be happy or content until we know we are doing God’s will perfectly. We must check continually with the Lord to make certain His will is being performed at every moment.

I was taught when first converted that no one can do God’s will perfectly. This would mean we are compelled to be disobedient to God. This is not true at all.

Esau is not the only one who traded his birthright for a trifle. Esau is not the only person who will weep bitterly over that which never can be restored.

There is an error in Christian thinking concerning sowing and reaping. Grace and mercy are presented as though God finally gives in and accepts untransformed people. This is not true.

Three compulsions that prevent an individual from loving his neighbor as himself are:an undisciplined sexual urge; greed; a desire to rule other people.

While we are living on the earth, it is as though we were at the bottom of the ocean in a diver’s suit. The oxygen line is the Life of Christ as we pray continually. Otherwise we are dead.

The parable of the unjust steward tells us it is important when we die that someone will take us in. If we are not faithful to God, we had better make friends with the world!

Are your hopes and dreams founded on the Rock, Christ Jesus? If not, what you trust and hope for in can be removed in a moment. Then what will you do?

As wonderful as is the fact that Christ is with us, it is even more wonderful that Christ is in us.

As we are being born again Christ is being formed in us by the Holy Spirit. Then the Father and the Son come and dwell for eternity in that which has been formed in us.

The greatest gift God can give any person is the desire to do His will, and to delight in doing it. The desire and the delight are well worth praying for.

How anyone could go through life on the earth without Jesus, I do not understand. I have to lean on the Lord all the time, and more so as I grow older.

The longer I live, the more thoroughly I realize that the Antichrist world spirit is filled with lying. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Truth there is. He explains the truth about everything.

I now can face another day because Christ is with me. His rod and staff, the constant correction, are a comfort to me. I know that when I die I will go directly to Him.

Even though I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. The shadow is cast by Satan who seeks to be between the Light of Christ and us.

It is in the very presence of our enemies that Christ spreads a table for us. On that table is the fullness of righteousness, peace, and joy. But we have to eat!

It is true that it is the grace of Christ that helps us through the day. But I prefer not to use the term “grace,” because it has come to mean an alternative to righteous behavior.

There is a tree, the fruit of which is poison. It is the teaching of Divine grace as the means of keeping us from being able to distinguish between wicked and righteous behavior.

I think God has given us the afflictions of old age so when the time comes for us to die we will look forward to dying as entering a wonderful life of righteousness, love, joy and peace.

I do not use the term “righteousness” without saying “righteous behavior,” because the poison of the grace teaching implies that God views our wicked behavior as righteous.

The Light of Christ shines, and the eternal darkness can neither overcome it or understand it.

When you want something from God, make your request as clear and specific as possible, meanwhile praising God and always saying, “Your will be done.”

God gives unusual gifts to people, sometimes even children, in the arts and sciences. Therefore we should not glorify and worship the Beethovens, Einsteins, Rembrandts, and similar individuals.

When we have been purified by the Divine Virtue we are able to forgive everyone who has offended or afflicted us.

They are some people who in the Lord Jesus keeps to Himself for years. He cuts them off by circumstances so that when He does bring them into popularity, they remain His unique possession.

Every wise human being will live with two events in mind: the Judgment Seat of Christ; and the Day of Resurrection. Other worries may never take place.

Obedience to God and a love of truth, and there you have it. This really is all there is to life.

Eternal truth and eternal life are found only by the most relentless, persistent pursuit of the Lord Jesus.

It is not what we were in Christ, or as a heathen, but what we are in Christ right now that is of eternal importance.

If it were not for Satan, our sinful nature, and ambitious political leaders, we all would be neighbors.

The difference between living by faith and living by belief in theologic facts is the difference between life and death. Living by faith means depending on Christ for every aspect of life.

Living by belief in theologic facts is dead religion. What the Bible means by living by faith is illustrated by the obedient lives of those described in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews.

Show me your faith by your recitation of your beliefs. I will show you my faith by the way I look to Jesus for wisdom and strength in every area of life.

The less we say the less we have to apologize for.

People who seek to govern others or to seek preeminence, destroy their own souls.

The adamic man hopes in the present. The hope of the man or woman of God lies in the future. His or her treasures are in Heaven.

We always must give God the best of what we are and the best we have. We must give the world what is left after God’s will is performed.

Any person who harms a child or animal without good and sufficient reason shall be brought before the judges and recompensed accordingly.

The name of Jesus is not to be used as a talisman or a tool. Jesus is a Person, and God’s Judge. He will judge and recompense each individual according to his works.

The fear of God has been removed from our land. We no longer believe Christ will render to every individual according to what he or she has done.

Whoever is in great trouble will surely be brought into a better place if he or she calls on the name of the Lord Jesus for help.

God will forgive anyone who confesses his sin and seeks God’s help in turning from it. But be assured, the individual will experience what he has done to other people.

We simply will not survive in the coming days unless Christ is our Life. Everything shall be shaken. Chaos will reign.

People who accomplish their goals by force, or diplomacy, or by craft, apart from, Christ are ignorant. One day all they have accomplished will blow up in their face.

Satan, lust, the world, the love of money and power—all are lies. Christ alone is the Truth in which we can trust. The Truth will bring us righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

There is nothing in this world worth living for compared with the worth of serving God with a perfect heart.

You must live in quietness of spirit if you are to hear the voice of Christ.

To be converted is to have a change of behavior, not necessarily a change of religion.

Let us choose to wait on the Lord all the time; to listen for His voice and to obey His will completely and resolutely.

I do not participate with those who analyze their behavior in order to learn how to be healed. I call on the Lord in simplicity. I was healed by His stripes.

The entire spiritual creation was brought into existence as a first step in creating a counterpart for, and brothers for, the Word—the Lord Jesus Christ.

The masses and distances of the firmament portray the incomprehensible glory and majesty of God Almighty.

We can look at the creation and glorify God’s wisdom and power. Or we can say there is no God, and thus split ourselves off from reality.

Sixty-five years, during which the Lord Jesus has been my best Friend. Yet, I just now am beginning to appreciate the wisdom and awesomeness of God.

We cannot really comprehend God. We are limited to admiring Him.

The Word, through Whom God created all things, the Lord Jesus Christ, came to earth so we could see what God has in mind when He created man.

God’s love never is sentimental, nostalgic, maudlin, given to dramatic outbursts. Rather it is pure, steady, solid, looking honestly and courageously to a future secure in God.

How do people get along without Jesus? They don’t! They commit suicide, or murder someone, or burst out in profanity, or go through some other soulish uproar.

I may be wrong in this, but it appears that there are few Christians who make it though the morass of human weaknesses until they stand perfect and complete in all the will of Christ.

“Father, I give you thanks in Jesus’ name, and pray you will fill my heart and mind with Your own thoughts and will.”

The servant of the Lord is blind and deaf to everything that is not God’s will. It takes a long time for some of us to get that way.

If you do not seek God with all your heart you will not find Him.

He who endures to the end shall be saved. The path to eternal life is very rugged indeed!

One might refer to the teachings of the Lord Jesus as a philosophy. But in actual fact, salvation is a continual interaction with a Man who came back from the dead.

One way in which a woman can be saved is by dedicating her life to the conscientious training up of a child. As she gives herself for the child she grows in Christ.

God has given the Lake of Fire authority over all liars, whether or not they believe in Christ.

Pray for iron, that you may do the right thing when it is difficult and painful.

It appears that most people are “inert ingredients.” Only a small percentage of the population can be counted on to do what is right when it is difficult and painful to do so.

We may have a lust for supernatural experiences. But dabbling in the supernatural does not build character.

I still am writing the words the Spirit of God has given me so those who are facing the chaos of the future will have more than the empty crackers of grace-rapture-heaven to sustain them.

During the born again experience, the self-will dies slowly as it is being replaced by the Divine nature.

Be careful when you quote God’s Words that you do so accurately. You will be held accountable if you misuse His Name.

Jesus did not answer the Jews directly, when they asked about restoring the Kingdom to Israel. This is because their motives were wrong. They needed to be born again.

Sometimes we have to deal with difficult and complicated situations. However, sooner or later our religious strivings end up as a simple walk with the living Jesus.

God chooses witnesses of His Person, will, way, and eternal purpose in Christ. The choices were made when the world was created.

Our faithfulness at the present time determines our role and opportunities in the Kingdom of God.

“Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray you give me the desires that will guide me to righteousness, love, joy, and peace. Remove all other desires from me.”

The greater part of our ministry occurs after we die. The purpose of the present life is the shaping of our character. What a furnace this present life is!

We can maintain the Lord’s Presence by talking to Him all the time about everything we are doing and experiencing throughout the day.

The expression “give ear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth,” signifies that the revelation given to people on the earth goes also to those living in the heavens.

God can protect us while we are living on the earth just as well as He can protect us while we are living in the spirit world.

The process of creating us in the image of God begins in this life and continues throughout eternity.

God has given some people, and some nations, more money than they need. If they do not pray, and minister to others with their gift, their portion will be the outer darkness, or Hell.

In America, money is our God. We accumulate as much as we can. in order to preserve our security and happiness without having to trust the Lord.

Whatever gift God has given us, such as teaching the Gospel, or helping with our material needs, we have to set aside our own life that we may fully share the resources God has given us.

If America had devoted herself to aiding the poor of the world she would not be in the trouble she is in today. There are children starving to death!

Every person has been given a gift of some sort. He is obligated to set aside his own life that he may find out from God how best to use his gift to benefit God and people.

Some have taught that if we give money to a particular ministry we shall receive much more in return. This motive is sinful, and God will not honor or bless the giver.

When we give of our money, we are to give to please the Lord. If we give for any other reason, our gift will not be honored or credited to our account.

Some Christian ministries are telling us we should stockpile food or gold because of the coming chaos. God will provide for us in the future if we obey Him carefully today.

Every day I pray for complete deliverance from Satan, from my person and environment. I want it to be true that when the prince of this world comes he finds nothing in me.

God holds every person in the world responsible for the wickedness therein. The only way we can escape being guilty is by setting aside our own life that God’s will might be done in us.

We are not covered with His atoning blood. According to the New Testament, our white robe is our Christ-enabled righteous conduct.

Get on the same side of the net with God so He Himself is your Salvation, your Love, your Joy, your Righteousness, your Holiness, your Peace, your Salvation.

It appears that most people live to satisfy their own needs and desires, giving little thought to the tremendous needs of other people.

Until Christ saves us we are occupied with proving that we are a god in our own right.

Self-centeredness is a far more destructive and deadly trait than is true of a compulsion for adultery or murder, although self-centeredness may lead to adultery, stealing, and murder.

The only thing that really matters, when you come to the end of your tour of duty, is how you treated those who depended on you.

Start your eternal dialogue today, if you haven’t already. Talk and listen to Jesus in your mind all the time. Ask His opinion about this and that, and pray for His guidance.

You can dine with the Lord and visit with Him all the time if you open the door of your heart. Blessed is the person who always is conscious of the Lord’s Presence.

Why live your own narrow life when you can live in His company? Are your thoughts a monologue or a dialogue? Are you walking with yourself or walking with God?

Melchizedek never had a birthday party. I am 86 years old today. I am looking forward to the power of an endless life!

I believe the greatest gift anyone can receive is that of delighting in doing God’s perfect, complete will.

The Father is so pleased with Christ’s righteousness and obedience that it is His desire that Christ fill all things; and we of the Church are His Fullness.

The net of the Kingdom is let down and then drawn up. When the multitude of people appear, God very carefully goes through the haul and picks out those He chooses.

The Lord Jesus prepares each person for the time God decides his tour of duty is over and removes him from the earth. Only the Father knows when that moment occurs.

When we are about to pass into the next world, it is most important that God is totally pleased with what we have become and done. In this instance, all the blemishes of the past are covered.

There is participation in the Christian religion. Then there is living by the Life of the Lord Jesus. These two situations hardly are related.

Because of false teaching we believe that the righteous shall live by faith applies only to the new covenant. But the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews shows this concept to be erroneous.

When the show is over, and everything has been tallied up, it will be seen that our minds were distracted with many vain things. All that really matters is our relationships with God and people.

Learning to live by the Life of Christ is a lifelong discipline. It is accomplished by looking to Jesus at every moment for His strength and guidance.

Every fervent Christian desires to be a true witness of Christ in his thoughts, his words, and his actions. This is possible only as we learn to live by the Life of Christ.

There are only three ways a person can live: by his or her own life; by the life of Satan and his demons; or by the Life of Christ. Each of us has to choose how he wants to live.

The purpose for our being alive on the earth is to form Christ in us and to bring us to the place where we are walking humbly with God in every aspect of our being and doing.

There are two kinds of preaching. One shows the listener how to use Christ in order to have a “better” life. The other focuses on forming Christ in the individual.

To be content and joyful in the immediate moment without knowing the future is a wonderful blessing. It is well worth praying for.

Evolutionists would have us believe that energy and mass had no source, no point of origin. This concept is contrary to what we experience during our lifetime on the earth.

Receiving Christ as one’s personal Savior is the beginning of the arduous program of redemption. This program results in the forming of a son of God in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The great error of our time is the teaching that salvation is a legal ticket to Heaven, rather than what it actually is, the forming of a new creation in the image of God.

“O God, remove from me all dread and fear; and give me a joyful promise for the future, in Jesus’ name.”

I think the great retirement home in Heaven is going to be the busiest place we ever have encountered, as we go about joyfully doing God’s will.

Eventually every day shall be wonderful as we continue to live and trust in the Lord Jesus.

Did you ever ask the Lord to keep you from wasting time, as you go about doing His complete, perfect will?

Believing the facts about Christ and His atonement, and having faith in God, are two different matters. The demons know the first but do not have the second.

Sometimes what happens to people on the earth appears as a tragedy. But in actuality it is God dealing with the individual to bring him or her to maturity.

When God chastens us severely, we should love Him all the more because He is sending trouble upon us that we might become more a part of Him.

Jesus did not come to bring us to Heaven but to the Father, that we might know Him and find rest in Him. Fellowship with God is independent of our physical death.

The only rest and peace any individual can experience is that which is found when the person is in the center of God’s Person and has untroubled fellowship with Him.

God’s servants will grow ever more attractive as the aeons of eternity roll along. This is a much better plan than the deterioration and corruption that take place on the earth.

After you think God has spoken to you, you have to walk it out. There are many voices in the world, and they all are not of the Lord!

To live forever is not at all a desirable state, unless that life is of Christ and not our own.

The wicked are their own worst enemies. Their wickedness is revealed clearly in this world, or in the next world, or in both worlds.

When there is an outstanding performance by someone, we should give glory to God who gave the gift or talent, not to the individual!

The person is blessed indeed who can see clearly the difference between religion and the Lord Jesus.

It is difficult for us to enter God’s rest, where we are hearing and obeying every detail of Christ’s will for us. The reason it is difficult is that we are filled with our own plans, fears, and ambitions.

The atoning blood and the baptism with the Holy Spirit are the means by which we enter the “rest” of God—that state of being where we continually do the will of Jesus.

One day the true saints will flow together, and there is nothing the churches or the government can do to prevent it. They are the rulers of the world to come, and the Lord Jesus Christ is their King.

Religion often spends its time learning about God instead of coming to know God Himself. It is devoid of an intimate interaction with a Person.

In the Day of Resurrection, God cannot clothe us with an outward form that does not fit the inner person. God never shall place a glorious robe on an ugly inner nature.

The life of the natural man is eating, sleeping, working, playing, and reproducing. The life of the new spiritual nature is iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to God.

Your God is the person to whom you give yourself and obey unreservedly. No one else should be in this position in your life!

The greatest problem we have is viewing ourselves as our own God. We need to pray continually that our worship will be transferred to the God of Heaven.

Whoever murders or abuses another person because of his or her choice of religion or lack of religion is a murderer, and is judged so by the God of Heaven.

Where there is unrighteous behavior the Kingdom of God is not present. Where Jesus is active there always is righteous behavior.

It is only right that we should give unreserved obedience to God in every detail of our life, since He is our Creator.

As we are being set free from fears, idols, passions, and ambitions we increasingly are able to rest in God, to be aware of the will of Christ, and to obey God completely in every detail of life.

The Lord Jesus did not come among mankind to save us from Hell but to save us from bondage to our self-will.

Any self-willed person would continue in chains, even if he or she were in Paradise.

It is my belief that in the spirit world our bodies do not change. However, our appearance changes according to the development of our inward nature, for good or for evil.

Never let anyone except Jesus walk in the secret place of the garden of your heart. No human being is able to satisfy your longing to be loved and understood.

If you love someone, let your love for them go through God to them, not to them directly. No person is able to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart except the Lord Jesus.

The adamic nature longs to give itself to another human in a spasm of romantic love. But the Divine nature gives itself only to God, and then enjoys fruitful and eternal love for many people.

The Kingdom of God consists largely of promises. There are a few we receive now. But the far greater part will be fulfilled in the future. So the issue is one of faith and patience.

No part of the human body is of significance or use when detached from the body. So it is true that each member of the Body of Christ finds its use and significance as part of one great organism.

The power and wisdom of the Lord Jesus will solve every problem if you dialogue continually with Him.

Religion has a problem keeping its hands off the Ark. It supposes its schemes will bring about the Glory of God. It understands neither God nor His ways.

Religious plans and ambitions usually do not accomplish much of value in the Kingdom of God. When God decides to use someone He often makes that person helpless.

Sin causes confusion. Righteousness and integrity bring clarity, peace, simplicity, and productivity.

Multitudes are in the valley of decision, meaning they are lukewarm Christians. Each of us must decide whether to live our own life or to live at every moment in the eternal dialogue with Jesus.

The eternal witnesses of the Person, will, way, and purpose of God in Christ are those who live in the continual dialogue with Jesus.

The Lord Jesus has not come to bring us to Himself except as bringing us to Himself results in our being brought to the Father.

The Lord Jesus is not the way to Himself. He is the Way to the Father and the Truth and Life of the Father.

Do you want to be your own man or God’s man? Today’s emphasis seems to be that we should be in control of our own lives. This is Antichrist. God wants to be in control of our lives.

Our citizenship always is be in Heaven, just as is true of the Lord Jesus. But our inheritance is in the earth and its peoples, just as is true of the Lord Jesus.

The purpose of redeeming us is not to bring us to Heaven. The purpose is to create us in God’s image so we can perform the roles and tasks of the Kingdom of God.

When the Lord works with us, and we and the Lord jointly speak God’s Word, then the Lord will confirm God’s Word by accompanying it with miraculous signs.

If the Great Commission commands us to teach people to keep the commandments of Christ, why do we tell them they are saved by grace and do not have to keep Christ’s commandments?

The natural man thinks in terms of religion. The spiritual man is occupied with his continual interaction with the living Lord Jesus Christ.

Decent people are judged to be such by all members of mankind whose judgment has not been corrupted. They receive Christ gladly. Decent people have no need to fear death.

It never was God’s will that people view God’s grace as a device by which God will have fellowship with wickedness and spiritual uncleanness.

Life on earth is filled with problems and pain. This is because God is forming character. If the individual obeys God, he or she will come to a world where there are no problems or pain.

The program of redemption begins when we are a slave of Satan. When it has been completed we are in the image of God and a resting place for the Father and the Son.

If the new covenant does not give us the power to overcome sin, then we are faced with a future filled with forgiven sinners.

A change in environment, such as dying and going to Paradise, does not enable us to overcome sin. We see this fact dramatized in the events in the garden in Eden.

Righteous behavior can proceed only from a righteous will, and power to enforce that will.

Unlike the old covenant, the new covenant brings forth a new creation that has the will and the power to do God’s will in every aspect of life.

The way “grace” is preached today produces sinners, not saints!

It is not true that believing in Christ makes the Kingdom law of sowing and reaping of no effect.

The concept that we can live a sinful life, and then go to Paradise by making a profession of Christ, is the grand delusion of Christian teaching.

The so-called “free” world is not free at all. It is horribly bound with demons of lust and greed.

To perceive the Christian Gospel as a means of relieving sinful people of the consequences of their behavior is to invite delusion upon oneself.

Violence begets more violence. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. The only means of gaining love, joy, and peace, is through prayer.

The expression “Jesus saves us from sin,” does that mean Jesus forgives our sin, or does it mean Jesus takes away the power of our sinful nature?

If Jesus both removes the guilt of our sin and destroys the power of our sinful nature, then what role does Divine “grace” play?

Is “grace” an alternative to righteous behavior, or is “grace” the God-given means of gaining victory over the actions of the sinful nature?

The “four steps of salvation” is a religious formula. It does not produce righteous behavior, as does the new covenant.

The “four steps of salvation” bring us to church. The new covenant brings us to the Man!

I do not know what good mastering a catechism does for a person. But I do know that seeking Christ every day brings forth a new creation of righteous behavior.

Because of Christ in me I am truthful, honest, I do not rejoice in moral filth, I trust God for enough money, I am merciful, I obey God. I did not start out this way!

The Bible is not a history of scholars and philosophers and their writings. The Bible has to do with people to whom God revealed Himself and guided them personally.

The Bible is not to be a substitute for knowing the living Christ. The purpose of the Bible is to guide and warn us when spirits others than Christ seek to influence us.

To attempt to be led by the Bible alone without the Spirit of God is to adopt a religious stance that is spiritually dead and produces division.

The Bible is a guide for us in spiritual matters; but it never is to be a substitute for a personal relationship and interaction with the living God.

The history of religion is that of man attempting to understand and apply that which came from God and can only be interpreted and utilized by a person who is obeying God.

Religion is man’s attempt to understand and please God. True salvation takes place when God reaches out and reveals Himself to people whom He has chosen.

Folly and destruction abound when we attempt to do God’s will without hearing from God and being guided and enabled by Him.

Study the Bible and notice how many times God personally guided people. This is the way it is supposed to be today.

We are to keep on asking Jesus to take over a part of our life until He has the whole. The goal is to live by the Life of Jesus rather than by our own life.

There are laws in the Bible that all people are to obey. Then there are personal commands given to some people, who must obey them if they are to come to know the Lord.

The Pharisees adhere to the Scripture. They do not want to follow personal commands from the Lord because they desire to save their own life.

The person who obeys the Bible and also the personal commands given to him has lost his own life for Christ’s sake and the Gospel’s.

The person who believes in a false religion will obey the laws of his faith but will not receive personal commands from the Lord, unless they are to lead him away from his religion.

The person who knows only the laws of his religion, but not God, whether his religion is Christian or otherwise, will sometimes act contrary to common sense.

A Christian who knows the Bible but does not hear from God personally is like a man who has a map of the world but is trying to find a certain address.

To pursue the victorious Christian life we must have a strong, decisive will. The double-minded person will get nowhere with God.

The teaching that God overlooks our sins now and will deliver us at a later date, is based on a few passages. But it is invalidated by the exhortations of Paul about righteous behavior.

There are numerous passages in the New Testament that command righteous behavior, accompanied by dire warnings if we obey our sinful nature.

The right kind of discipline sets us free. The wrong kind of liberty puts chains around us. Slavery to Christ is the only true freedom.

The only true God has no name. The Lord Jesus calls Him “Father,” and reveals Him to the faithful.

The true difference between Christianity and other religions is not a difference of religion, it is a difference of gods.

There are not many roads to God. There is only the one Road. His name is Jesus Christ.

I want to live and not die. But the only path to life is death. This is true even in the spirit world.

Christ is a Nail in a sure place. You safely can hang all of your hopes and dreams on Him.

In their zeal to maintain the Divinity and supremacy of Jesus Christ, the theologians have “kicked Him upstairs,” so to speak. We find it difficult to think of Him as our Brother.

If Christ’s true mother is Mary, and Mary is not His mother just in a symbolic or religious sense, then Christ is not your elder Brother or the Son of God. Mary was a human being.

If Mary is the true mother of Jesus Christ, then Christ is not the Son of God. This is true because Mary is not the wife of the one true God whom the Jews address in the Shema.

If you have been born of God, and Christ has been born of God, then you and He are true brothers.

If the Lord Jesus Christ is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father, then there are two Gods. One is not the son of the other.

By all the standards of nature, a son is not the same person as his father in a different role or manifestation. Christ is His Father’s Son and Heir, but He is not His own Father.

For a faithful Christian to die is to awaken in the midst of loving, joyful friends who have come to welcome him or her to the true world.

When we die our body goes to sleep; but our consciousness awakens to the reality of the spirit world. We then will be joyous, confused and doubtful, or terrified.

We know we are growing in Christ when we do not judge people except as we hear from Jesus; and we do not hold hostility in our heart toward anyone.

The Lord saves us, builds us up by His Spirit, and teaches us, so that we may form an army of judges, kings, and priests who will work in Christ in establishing the will of God on the earth.

We have not been saved from sin until we have been delivered from sinful behavior.

The sinner’s lifestyle produces pain and spiritual death. The righteous person’s lifestyle produces love, joy, peace, and immortality.

There certainly are thrills that result from sinful behavior. But just as certainly there are no lasting love, joy, and peace in sinful behavior.

The individual who does only what is pleasant and avoids what is unpleasant will have to be carried through life by a more disciplined person. He is a baby.

There are people who hate God. What destructive devils they are! Do not go near to them lest you also be burned.

“Keep me under Your wings, O Lord, lest I come to pain and destruction. You are my protection, O Lord, in the day of trouble.”

The present world is the way God wants it. It is fulfilling His purpose of forming rulers of the world to come.

There are people who are as insensitive to others as a pile of scrap iron.

In the afterlife, people who are closer to God may descend from their place to visit with someone of a lesser calling. But they must conceal their glory in order to do so.

When the impurities and impure people have been separated from them, then the righteous shall shine in the Glory of their Father.

That God will have fellowship with people on the basis of grace, rather than change into righteous character and behavior, is the most destructive of all concepts. It is a gigantic error.

If people only knew what is at stake, they would sell everything and buy the Gospel. But the willingness to do so comes only by the plan of God for them.

We are in the time of the harvest of the earth. The true sons of God are working to help with the harvest.

I think the one trumpet is sounding today. God is calling His leaders to assemble before Christ.

You can’t tell much by looking at people. In a large meeting, maybe one or two will come out with words from God that will change their whole life.

God works with us, line upon line, command upon command. There is no hurry. He is fashioning us into the image of His Son and bringing us into His rest.

There is no higher destiny than to be in Christ and Christ in us. What possibly could be higher; wealth, fame, power over people? No. To live by the Life of Christ is the supreme destiny.

Each of us must be baptized with fire if we are to be of any use to God and man. Hold steady during your trial and you yet shall see the Glory of God.

We must set Christ before us continually. He always must be in our mind, as we set our affection on things above where Christ sits on the right hand of God, not on things on the earth.

How we are spending our time and energy is a true index of how devoted we are to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect Representation of God. He wants us also to be in the image of God to this extent. For this purpose God created man.

I do not see in the Bible, Heaven as a wonderful place. It is a scene of war, sin, and rebellion. What is wonderful about Heaven is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Dying and going to Heaven may not be a pleasant experience for casual Christians, of for someone who did not put to Kingdom use his or her talents.

After Christ appears again, to be on the earth surrounded by people we love is better than being in Heaven.

Jesus said, “The prince of this world has no hold on me.” May each one of us live so the same can be said of us.

The true joy of the Christian salvation is that of knowing the Lord Jesus personally, and talking to Him continually day and night.

A religion is a set of beliefs and practices that we adhere to. It is our approximation of what God requires. It is not the same as fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Everything is fine when Jesus is in town.

The term “Body of Christ” has to do with the fact we have been anointed with the Spirit of God to work with Jesus at the task of installing the Kingdom of God on the earth.

The term “Wife of the Lamb” is setting forth our relationship to the Lord Jesus. We are married to the Lamb by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Lamb.

I do not want anything whatever in me that cannot survive God’s fire!

It is one matter to want the gifts of God. It is another matter to want God Himself.

The Cherubim are filled with eyes, telling us that God sees everything.

Putting legs on a prayer is like putting shoes on an eagle. It is Almighty God who puts legs on our prayers.

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. We have to learn to live in Christ one day at a time. He will help us do that if we ask Him.

The true love that is from God insists on total union. It accepts no compromise.

What is pleasing to God should be pleasing to us. What is displeasing to God should be displeasing to us.

The only form of government that will bring justice to its citizens is that of a righteous king who has absolute authority and power, and who obeys God at all times.

Trying to make the earth Heavenly may lead you astray.

The most important thing in life is to always do what God wants, as cheerfully as possible.

It is not unusual for people to think of death as disappearing down a black hole. However, when a decent person dies there is nothing to fear. They are in a far, far better place.

We are transformed by the renewing of our mind. This is why those who stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion have His name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

When we die we are put with people like ourselves. God does not like mixtures. We need to give this careful thought, because it can be one of the most terrifying situations imaginable.

For two thousand years the churches have been attempting to make an apple instead of growing one.

There is nothing I cannot overcome through the Lord Jesus Christ.

I see a new peak in the distance. It is to live for the day and not be anxious about tomorrow.

“Lord Jesus, I pray you will help me to live one day at a time without concern for the future.”

I don’t want to be a worrier. I want to be a warrior.

There is a time to speak. There is a time to listen to what others have to say.

A healthy body responds perfectly to the Head. If we are rightly related to Christ we will respond instantly to Him.

When we know what the Lord’s will is we are to perform it promptly and cheerfully, whether or not we agree with it.

The Lord Jesus will help us carry our burdens if we ask Him to.

There is a difference between religion and truth. Religion instructs us how to please Jesus by our life. Truth instructs us how to live by Jesus’ Life.

We may relate to a beautiful woman by idolizing her. But this relationship is not true union. It will not bring us lasting joy and contentment.

Whatever Satan does, he does. We are not to fret about it. God in His time will put an end to wickedness.

Listen carefully to people. If you are full of your own ideas you will not hear what they have to say.

We must agree that God is marvelously complicated when we see the weird creatures at the bottom of the ocean.

We must forget the past and start each day new as if it were the first day of creation. God will apply the lessons of the past as He sees fit.

When a dread disease strikes you, and you have been living in obedience to Jesus, fix your eyes on Jesus. It may be He already has healed you. Listen to what He says to you.

The Lord heals those who faithfully look to Him at all times and obey Him. He makes the individual’s bed in his sickness.

If a Muslim is in great trouble and asks Christ to help him, the Lord will do that. Christ is kind. He will help him, but the individual must stop hurting people.

We should pray that God will give us honest government, and that God will speak to the Muslim people.

The spirit world is an unbelievably vast area. It ranges from the most terrifying Hell to the most marvelous Paradise. The person who dies goes to that part of the spirit where he belongs.

Have you ever noticed that Jesus spoke no parable about going to Heaven, only about the Kingdom. Going to the Paradise in the spirit world, is not the objective of salvation.

Your religion is useless if it permits you to take something at someone else’s expense.

Jesus Christ is the supreme Lord, by the command of His Father. All other gods and goddesses are fallen angels or demons.

Jesus Christ is the only Way to the Father; the only Truth of the Father; and the only Life of the Father. All other would-be gods and goddesses are liars and usurpers.

The only proper foundation of life is to please God and to obey strictly the Lord Jesus Christ.

Freedom is not the same thing as righteousness. The freedom under our democratic form of government will yet bring America down to being an insignificant country.

To enter the spirit world without the blessing of Christ would be the most terrifying experience anyone ever could imagine!

We all know that God and Christ are One in the Spirit. But They are two different People, or the Bible simply does not make sense.

If we are to be accepted as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ we must be absolutely faithful, absolutely diligent, and absolutely obedient to Christ.

If we don’t give everything to the Lord Jesus Christ, we will regret it bitterly some day.

Someone said the nail that sticks up is hammered. Therefore I choose not to be popular.

“We do not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead.” Eternal life always comes from the death of the cross working in our life personality.

Christ Himself is Life, which is the Light of men. As He formed in us we gain understanding of the Father.

We Christians are stones of fire. We have been born of the Consuming Fire.

Until we ourselves become life-giving spirits, we cannot bring eternal life to the dead sea of mankind.

Some of the ministers of the Gospel are proclaiming grace-Heaven-rapture. How will they face those whom they flattered and deceived when the Divine judgment falls on the lukewarm?

Many of us Americans have taken our Christian religion and our American values for granted. Now we are going to have to fight for them.

Try to avoid enthusiasm and acting on impulse. Before making decisions, pause, if only for a moment, and ask the Lord Jesus for wisdom.

The wise person chooses to believe that there are life and judgment after death, and lives his or life accordingly. If there are, and you live a wicked life, you are in serious trouble.

When seeking to be led by the Spirit we have to keep watching, watching, watching, unless we make our move before we have all the information.

The Spirit-led life is not one of enthusiasm and impulse. It is quiet, orderly, disciplined, and bears good fruit.

When we seek to be led by the Spirit we always must keep aware of our surroundings. God sometimes speaks to us through unlikely circumstances and from unlikely people.

In their attempt to be politically correct, administrators sometimes strain out gnats and swallow camels.

When America ceased to be a melting pot and adopted multiculturalism, its destruction was assured.

If we Christians are not to be overrun by other religions, we are going to have to be more obedient to the living Christ, praying to Him constantly.

Other religious people may live according to their religion and their sacred texts. We Christians are to walk humbly at all times with the living Christ and have fellowship with Him.

No matter how great may be our successes in life, the most important consideration must always be that of obeying the Lord Jesus.

Living by faith does not mean you quit your job and expect people to give you money. Living by faith is listening to Jesus and doing what He says.

The greatest lesson any creature of God will learn is that we created to do God’s will and not our own. What does that tell us about the current teaching of “grace”?

Do not make someone feel bad when it does not accomplish anything.

The Lord Jesus does not want us engrossed with money but with Himself. Money cannot take care of us like He can.

If at the end of your life you can say, “I have pleased God during my lifetime,” you are blessed indeed!

At all times keep yourself ready to hear and obey the Lord. This is why parties are for children, not adults.

Don’t get in such a hurry that you can’t hear and obey the Lord. He who believes shall not make haste or be dismayed.

When you are excited, pray that you may calm down. Do not act enthusiastically or impulsively.

He who is not gathering with Me is scattering from Me. Hard words; but the Kingdom of God is just that serious and severe.

I do not want to have fellowship with a Statement of Faith but with a living Jesus.

First you have a body and a deformed inner nature. If you follow Christ, your inner nature will be transformed. After you die, you will receive a body that matches your transformed inner nature.

If redemption and spiritual growth do not continue after we die, there never will be a perfect church without spot or wrinkle.

If we follow Christ each day He will never leave us or forsake us no matter how chaotic the world becomes.

“Dear Lord. Show me what you are thinking, what you are saying, and what you are doing, that I may think, say, and do what you are doing at all times. Amen.”

When you pray, continue until you have peace. Pray, pray, pray, and pray again! When you finally realize He has heard you, you know your request has been granted.

Whatever is not of faith is sin. When you are convicted of doing something, and you plunge ahead anyway, you are sinning. Stop and pray!

We are not called to worship religion or the Bible. Rather, we have been called to worship the Lord Jesus.

Jesus is God’s idea of how people are to look and behave. He is in the image of God.

Whatever gifts we operate we do not do to please people but to please Christ.

The Bible emphasis is not on Heaven, it is on the earth and what is going to happen on the earth in the future.

Laziness pays her customers with worthless coins. So does lack of diligence.

Where you go after you die does not depend on your religion but on what kind of person you are.

“Take everything out of me that is not of God,” I pray. “Every thought, every word, every action. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Whatever is past is past. I turn my back on it. Before me is the future. My future is Christ.

The promises to the overcomer, in Chapters Two and Three of the Book of Revelation, are not rewards as such. Rather, they are the enablements proceeding from Divine grace.

I pray to be carried along in the River of God without concern or anxiety.

A desire for money gives people an opportunity to express the selfishness and murder that is in their heart.

Sooner or later every individual receives what he or she deserves. Divine grace does not in any manner change this.

Things on earth have their equivalent forms in the spirit world. There they are eternal, and their true meaning is revealed.

Everything is behind me except the lessons I have learned. They remain in my spirit. Now only Christ is before me.

It is day by day from here on out. We must keep praying. Remember how God preserved Jeremiah in the midst of the destruction of Jerusalem.

That nation shall not long endure that puts the rights of people above the rights of God.

Part of our land of promise is ourselves, our own personality. In our patience we are to possess our souls.

God’s goal is to remove sin from the creation. Everything we do in Christian ministry should proceed toward that end, beginning with ourselves.

May the Lord God of Heaven remove from each one of us everything that is not of His image.

“Lord, I pray you will destroy the spirit of religion so people everywhere may see the living Jesus.”

Your body does not belong to you. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Are you sharing your body with God, or with Satan and his demons? You can tell from your behavior.

Evangelism is important, but it should not be assigned the highest priority of our efforts. Rather our prime goal is to drive sin from the creation, particularly from ourselves.

People are more important than money.

If we as a Christian do not press forward in Christ each day, we will grow old and wither without being a portrayal of Christ for the young people to emulate.

Righteousness has to do with the character of man. Holiness has to do with nearness to God and with the absence of uncleanness spirits.

Girls, guns, and cars are dangerous and are not to be played with. They are for serious purposes. He who plays with them is a fool and shall receive a fool’s reward.

Righteousness is conformity to the laws of God. First imputed, then wrought in our personality by the Holy Spirit, using the Substance of Christ.

Addition to the number of people in a church is an organizational goal. It is not a biblical goal.

Holiness is devotion to God and the image of God.

If we want to escape the Divine judgment that is hovering over America at this time, we must live very close to the Lord Jesus.

We have to guard our spirit. We can choose to be negative and unbelieving, or we can choose to be pleasant and full of faith.

One of the greatest gifts God gives us is the removal of the memory of the past, so we are free to press forward to that which is glorious and wonderful in Christ.

Why is it that people with a gift for evangelism insist that every other believer be an evangelist?

There are many true, dependable people in the world, and many phonies who harm others. When the phonies die they will be revealed for what they are.

It is well to give thanks to God continually. We always can find something to be thankful for—that we have something to eat, for example.

Jesus holds the angels of the churches in His hand. The angels of the churches do not hold Jesus in their hand.

The Lord Jesus moves among the churches as He will. He is not in any manner bound by the churches or their religious tenets.

When Jesus is lifted up He brings people to Himself. He does not necessarily bring them to churches.

The Lord Jesus is high above His churches as God is high above His creation.

The Lord Jesus can remove the Lampstand of the testimony from any church that displeases Him. But churches cannot remove Jesus, although sometimes they attempt to do so.

The Lord Jesus came to us from God. Religion comes to us from the mind of people.

I have yet to see or hear of a Christian denomination that leans helplessly on Jesus. Ordinarily they are rushing about asking God to bless their own plans.

The purpose of a church is to bring people to the Lord Jesus, and to build up in Christ those who attend. If instead it calls attention to itself, it is of no use in the Kingdom of God.

“Stepping out in faith” is presumption. God will not honor it.

Don’t get out of the boat until Jesus says “come.”

If the Scriptures are not of God in every detail, it is best we never had been born.

A spirit that loves to obey God is the best gift we ever shall receive from the Lord.

God never will be reconciled to us and our sinful ways. It is we who must be reconciled to God and His righteous ways.

Our redemption is complete when we are filled and clothed with Life. But our growth into the image of Christ may continue throughout unknown ages.

The comment about the vultures (eagles) is a quotation from Job. It means that when the slain Lamb appears, then those who live by His body and blood will be gathered about the Lamb.

When you pray for a healing, or for something else, always pray, “Your will be done!” This is the strongest, wisest prayer of all.

“Lord Jesus, help me not to grasp anyone or anything that I may be free to receive what you have for me, and to go where you want me to go, and to be what you want me to be.”

The surest sign that Christ is being formed in you is that you delight to do God’s will.

Filling us with Christ does not give us power. Rather, filling us with Christ causes us to behave righteously, to obey God, and to make righteous judgments.

All denominations are heading toward extinction because the Lord Jesus prayed that we would be one. Denominations sometimes make proselytes, instead of disciples.

How long will it be before Christian scholars understand how utterly unscriptural and destructive Dispensational theology is?

Why don’t we introduce people to the living Jesus instead of to our statement of faith, or to our catechism?

Paul’s thesis is not there is a new way in which God addresses sin. Rather, his point is that God can credit righteousness to us apart from the Law of Moses.

If there has been a bigger demon out of Hell than the philosophy of Humanism, I cannot imagine what it would be. This spirit removes the character of people.

The only thing that makes sense in this crazy world is the Bible.

The Lord Jesus did not preach sermons. He Himself is the living Word.

People do not want to hear about my church or your denomination. They want Jesus!

If a husband and a wife begin to quarrel, the one who brings about peace is the true priest of the home.

Belief in Christ alone will not save anyone. Belief always must be accompanied by obedience if it is to be effective. Belief alone merely is mental assent.

There are millions of people who profess to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. But they do not obey Him by denying themselves, taking up their cross, and following Him.

What we mean by being “born again” is that you have joined our club.

Tell God “Thank You” every time He answers prayer. Pray about everything all the time.

The difference between a human being and an ape is that a human being worships God and has a sense of that which is spiritual.

If we believe in Christ and are baptized in water, we have been crucified with Him and already have been raised together with Him. We already have come to Mount Zion.

No animal has a sense of God or of spirits. The most primitive human being has a sense of God and of that which is spiritual.

The world spirit is one huge lie. We all are deceived by the Antichrist spirit.

The Spirit of God gives talents to each of us. What we do with those talents determines our eternal destiny, whether or not we are a Christian.

There always is grace sufficient for the day.

To live in the rest of God is to always be thinking, speaking, and acting that which is according to the Word of God to us personally.

Don’t trust anything to chance. Pray about every matter, great and small.

An individual, Christian or not, who has not suffered adversity, does not have much character and is little more than an aging body.

The Gospel of the Kingdom brings about the reversal of Eden such that the human body experiences immortality.

The mature saints are more than righteous people. They are filled with the Substance and Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have in them the Divine Nature.

Just because a person behaves righteously and has a new look after receiving Christ, does not mean he or she is a new creation. The new creation is of the Divine in nature.

There is power-assistance available to Christians. It is there to assist you when you make a move in the right direction, like power steering.

The Scripture tells us that the members of the Church are elect. The Scripture tells us also that there are multitudes of people not of the Church who shall be saved.

There are some who are teaching that ultimately everyone will be saved. I guess they never have read about the sheep and the goats.

The “sheep,” of Matthew, Chapter Twenty-five, are not members of the Church. The Church are Christ’s “brothers” to whom the “sheep” of the world ministered.

Men build cities but God builds people.

Our soul is the core of our personality, where we make our decisions. Our spirit is the influence of our personality. Our body is the case that holds the soul and spirit.

If we do not place Jesus in the middle of everything we do, everything we desire, everything we plan, we will end up with ashes.

Life lived by the Life of Jesus is the only life worth living. All other kinds of life are temporary and not worth living.

To be saved is to spend eternity on the new earth that Christ shall create in the future. This is the new world of righteousness.

I have chosen in all things to be thankful to God, because He it is who is bringing me to eternal love, joy, and peace.

How often we diagnose our own ailments instead of asking Jesus to remove the problem.

“Dear Lord, Put every mistake, every foolish action, every sinful deed, behind me that I may forget about them and press forward in Christ.”

We see in the parable of the talents that it is possible for someone to take our place in the Kingdom; for someone to receive our crown.

The snare is set in vain in the sight of an animal. So it is true that wickedness practiced in secret is observed by the Lord.

Before we can become valuable in the Kingdom of God we must become nothing in our own eyes.

God has given me the greatest gift of all—a heart that loves to do His will.

People who really know the Lord do not just do His will, they love to do His will; they delight to do His will, and they keep telling Him this.

No on can find true and lasting peace until he or she is doing the perfect, complete will of the Lord.

God likes that a clear line be drawn good and evil. The teaching of lawless grace erases that line.

Instead of preaching righteous behavior the Christian leaders fell into the errors of “faith,” “prosperity,” and “speaking the creative word.” They had too much time on their hands.

The purpose of the Church in the world is to display the righteous works of God. Since the Church is not doing that, due to the teaching of lawless grace, worldwide change is coming.

Why not give God the continual attention that He deserves and requires, before He has to do something to gain our attention?

Belief, hope, and faith must work together if we are to attain to the several aspects of our goal that are set forth in the New Testament.

No “memories that bless and burn” for me. I refuse to look back. I am pressing forward in Christ to the best that yet is ahead. All that is worthy will be there to meet me.

There is a difference between belief and faith. The purpose of belief is to serve as a guide and anchor for our faith. Faith is the engine that drives the life of victory in Christ.

We are not true Christians until we are ready to confess that we are strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

As long as our character is deformed, that is, not in the image of God, we cannot have the fullness of righteous behavior, love, joy, or peace.

The man or woman who is not rightly related to Jesus Christ, is a wasted, purposeless life.

The purpose of the Christian religion, it is to assist God in putting and end to sin.

There be a big uproar in your life. But don’t make your move until you hear that still, small Voice.

The only certain thing in life is death. We are wise if we prepare ourselves for it.

It is what happens to us after we die that gives significance to the way we lived our life.

It is not doctrinal beliefs that identify a Christian. It is his behavior.

The Veil of the Temple was ripped apart, showing that through Christ we now have entrance into the Holy of Holies.

The new covenant is the flesh of man becoming the Word of God.

If we continually delight ourselves in the Lord, He has promised to give us the desires of our heart; not always the desires of our mouth.

“I am shut up and cannot come forth.” Is that your testimony? It is mine!

The doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture is not scriptural. It is nothing more than wishful thinking.

The theology of Dispensationalism is not scriptural. It has components that are mischievous and destructive, such as lawless grace, and a Gentile Church and Jewish Kingdom.

First we come to Jesus as Savior, for the forgiveness of our sins. Then, every day, we are to come to Jesus as our Lord, to find out what His will is for us.

How can we set our affections on things above while we are fretting about politics?

There are many religions and many gods. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only true God, and does as He will in the affairs of mankind.

It is what we experience in the next life that gives significance to the decisions we make in the present world.

The man is the house. The woman is the heart and home.

We are marching toward perfection in Christ. The saints in Glory are marching together with us, because they without us cannot be made perfect.

I guess just about the worst thing I could imagine would be to pass into the spirit world and not receive a warm welcome from the Lord Jesus.

When what I am or what I say does not build up Christ in others, I am disappointed. I have missed my mark.

When you say that grace covers your sins, at what point then do you get rid of your sins and begin to live righteously?

We have born again by the planting of the Divine Seed in us. Now the Lord Himself is entering our newly created inner nature.

God has given to us His general Word in the Bible. God gives specific Words to each one of us, and we are to live by them!

Time spent alone with God often is more valuable than the hustle and bustle of religious activity.

Someone said spirituality grows best in the shade. This is true.

Atheism is the ultimate perversity. All around us the God of Nature is proclaiming, “Behold My Glory”!

Do not fret about things you don’t like, pray about them!

God’s will is like a jigsaw puzzle. When you find a piece that almost fits, don’t force it. There is one that fits exactly.

When you water nine camels, there may be all sorts of signs and confirmations. It may be the tenth camel that indicates God’s will!

Maybe you don’t know God, but He knows you!

There only are two sources of spiritual power—God and Satan.

When I know what God wants me to do, I do not speculate about the reason. I just do it!

You can’t put your call on your children. But you can pray that God will save them into His Kingdom.

It is not fashionable in American Christianity to set aside one’s life that he or she might live by the Life of the Lord Jesus.

The earth is filled with God and with Satan. We choose which of the two to embrace. To not choose God is to choose Satan. God will accept our choice.

We are born with a sinful nature so we will have an opportunity to develop an obedient and conquering personality.

God is able to remove our sinful nature in a moment. But He is giving us a chance to develop an obedient and conquering personality.

To move too soon is to invite problems. Sometimes when we wait we see God’s plan more clearly.

God has been stockpiling people in the spirit world. After the final judgment, He will assemble them into a kingdom, according to His will. The wicked will be incarcerated.

If we have confessed and turned away from our sins, there will be no sting in our death.

Heaven is not our eternal home. Our eternal Home is the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Chief Corner Stone. We are rooms, living stones, in that home.

It sometimes happens that we do not appreciate people until they are gone.

You can never be higher than nine, unless you become nothing and let God be one.

God can put an end to sin and sinners, as we see the destruction of the wicked at the end of the thousand-year Kingdom Age. Therefore there is no need to fret about wicked people.

Do we bring people to Jesus, or do we bring them to religion? Is Jesus actually alive so we can talk to Him?

When everyone and everything is filled with Christ, there is everlasting righteousness, love, joy, and peace. Otherwise there is unrighteousness, hatred, misery, and anguish.

From the beginning of the creation, man has sought to live his life apart from God. Consequently there are endless wars, strife, and trouble of all kinds.

The will of the Father is the only legitimate will in the creation. The introduction of another will, angelic or human, produces chaos.

Every saved person in the universe must cheerfully do the will of Christ. The introduction of one other will, angelic or human, causes horrible confusion.

When we ask Him to, God forgives our sins freely through Christ. But we still reap the consequences of what we have sown.

Whoever does not gladly do the will of Christ, instead of his or her own will, is a rebel against God.

It often is true that when we minister to others, we ourselves are ministered to.

When I was nineteen I chose to believe the Bible. It is what I want to be true. Now that I am 86, I realize I made the right choice. This has been verified by the facts of my life.

When all seems lost we cry out to the Lord. Then strength, wisdom, and hope are renewed. Up from the mud we come to dance with Christ among the stars. We now can do the impossible.

Do not base your decisions on money. First consider how what you do will be of advantage to the Kingdom of God. Seek first the Kingdom.

Consider that today may be your last day on the earth, when making your decisions. You may not be alive tomorrow!

All of the parables of Jesus are about the Kingdom of God. There is no parable about going to Heaven to live forever.

The Christian salvation is not belief in a theology. In our salvation we walk and talk with the living Jesus. Can any other religion make a similar claim?

Your child will learn righteousness by keeping him or her, as much as possible, in a holy environment. “Butter and honey shall he eat to know the good from the evil.”

How wonderful it will be in the future to see God’s face and to talk to Him as a man would talk to his friend.

God has a soul. God has a spirit. Now God is building for Himself a body, one cell at a time.

There may never have been a nation that has been blessed as has the United States. But we have thrown away our nation by worshiping the antichrist spirit of the world.

When looking at the Face of Jesus I am seeing perfect integrity. It is this vision that is saving me.

Lawless grace and the any-moment rapture is the formula for perpetual spiritual babyhood—or worse!

Since God created the sexual urge for the purpose of bringing forth children, the practice of homosexual activity is nothing more than nasty behavior

To be a homosexual is to live in spiritual darkness. It is a bondage and a lie.

All of us have kings in our personality that we were born with. The drunk can say, “I was born this way.” If through Christ he overcomes his addiction, he will rewarded

If we will calm down during our raucous life, and listen, we will know what Jesus wants us to do!

Sometimes there is a strong desire in our heart, and no way to fulfill it without disobeying God. If our desire will bring lasting righteousness, love, joy, and peace, we finally will have it.

A man is a man only to the extent he keeps his word.

As we labor to enter the rest of God we must subdue every enemy that comes against us. We can do this through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Do not look for promotion to anyone except the Lord Jesus.

The rest of God is your land of promise. Therefore be diligent to overcome every enemy in your personality.

It is a good thing for us that the Father and Christ work on the seventh day, If they did not, we would be in big trouble one day out of the seven.

The purpose for the spiritual fulfillment of the Jewish feast of the Blowing of Trumpets is to announce the spiritual fulfillment of the Jewish feast of the Day of Atonement.

The way things are going in our country I would not be surprised if the day comes when the references to “Zion” in the Book of Lamentations are replaced with “America.”

Religion has little value unless it brings us into the rest of God.

After your service to God, the most important thing in your life is how you treat other people. You will find this out when you die.

As in the case of manna, grace is given one day at a time. The unfailing issuing of manna in the wilderness portrays the utter faithfulness of God.

Humanism suggests that man innately is good. The Bible declares that man innately is bad and must be made a new creation through Christ.

If you go for an hour through your day without looking to Jesus you will not know who you are or what you are supposed to be doing.

We do not receive Wednesday’s grace on Tuesday.

The prayer of relinquishment is a major area of the rest of God. Relinquishment is not passivity. Relinquishment is dynamic!

Of all the terrifying experiences possible for a human being, the very worst is to die and pass into the spirit world, having known the will of God and yet refused to do it.

Jesus brings us to our Father and His Father. When we pray “our Father,” the “our” includes Jesus and us.

We can study the Bible and commentaries all day long; but it is the Spirit of God who gives understanding.

When we are with Christ we always are at home, safe, and happy.

You do not know what you truly desire; so why don’t you follow Jesus and let Him show you?

Do not clutch anything. Give everything to Christ, or you will be in bondage.

The promises of the Ninety-first Psalm do not apply to us when we are behaving foolishly or carelessly.

We can find Christ, even in this darkness, if we seek long and hard enough.

We people are so fragile! We are helpless without Christ. Blessed is the person who understands this!

The normal, healthy state of mind of a man is that he is immortal. The Lord Jesus came to make that possible. The present world is only a first stage.

The word of the person of integrity is iron. It cannot be broken. The word of the person without integrity is as rubber. It can be shaped to fit the desires of the speaker.

Death, and life. Death, and life. Death, and life. This is the only true life of the Christian. It is the way of the Royal Priesthood.

If God were not faithful, disasters would overtake us. When we are not faithful, disasters overtake us and other people as well.

What virtue is of greater value than faithfulness? I do not know what that virtue would be.

As we pray, the Lord goes before us. Every enemy is subdued. The way is made safe, and we pass on without harm.

I do not know how you are surviving in this valley of the shadow of death called the world, but I need grace and help at every moment.

There is something to be learned in the Lord every day.

We have not been put on this earth to have a good time. The world is a training and testing ground for the members of the Royal Priesthood.

Iron righteousness of behavior. Fiery holiness. Stern obedience to the Father. These are what we are to build our life on.

There are no great men or women of God. There is a great God who uses people as He will. Salvation is of the Lord! Selah.

Do not spend your time trying to tear the stone out of the wall your brother or sister placed there. Give your attention to your own responsibilities.

We must refrain from judging the behavior of other people until we hear from Jesus what the problem is.

Religion is the head of man on the Body of Christ.

We do not have to direct the Lord. But we do have to stay so close to Him that we know what He wants for the present.

We no longer are slaves to the Law of Moses but slaves to Christ.

The old covenant brings us face to face with the Law of Moses. The new covenant brings us face to face with the Lord Jesus.

There are so many problems each day that we can try to solve with our own wisdom and strength; or we can ask Jesus to help us.

Your behavior on the earth has assigned you a place in God’s Kingdom. All shall be revealed in God’s time.

Obedience to the Lord Jesus always must come before pleasure.

The most important thing in life is what happens to us after we die. That we are going to die is one thing we can count on, and we ought to be prepared!

I will not be bound by anything. I put everything behind me and press forward in Christ.

When we fly into a rage, it often is because there are hidden idols that are driving us.

A life based in iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father will bring forth eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

When you come to the hour of your death, it will be good to know that you faithfully and diligently performed the tasks appointed to you.

For some of us life and learning may continue after we die. It may be given to us to see the consequences of our behavior on the earth, and the decisions we made while living there.

People after they die may walk among us on the earth rejoicing over the good they have accomplished; or wailing because they have not done what they were supposed to do.

If we could hear the wailing of those who have died and now are walking among us, because they did not do what was given to them to do, we might repent and mend our ways.

If we could hear the rejoicing and shouts of praise of those who have died and now are walking among us, because they served God faithfully, we would be greatly encouraged.

It would be a terrible agony to come to the hour of one’s death and realize that you had failed God and those who trusted you.

It does not please the Lord when we keep going around the traditional mountains and do not follow the Spirit toward the land of promise.

To please God by our personality and behavior is the highest achievement available to a human being.

As Christ grows in us we can see many errors in today’s Christian thinking. The Scriptures must be interpreted by the Lord Jesus. He is the Light, the Day Star.

It is worse than useless to blame other people for anything. We all are imperfect, and God is working on us. No one can take our peace, unless we let them.

All that really matters in life is our relationship to God and to other people.

Love for God and strict obedience to Christ. All of our abilities and achievements are as nothing compared to these two attitudes.

It is not a good thing to retire unless God tells you to. If David had been out with his army, there would have been no trouble with Bathsheba.

In the new world of righteousness, character will take the place of money. The rich will be those who are rich in character. Their character will open the way before them.

When the Spirit of God points out to you a sin you are committing, ask Christ to help you shake it off into the fire, like the Apostle Paul did with the snake. Why should you be under condemnation?

To enter the glory and wonder of the spirit world is not the goal. The goal is to bring the righteousness, love, joy, and peace of Heaven wherever you are.

The greatest gifts God has given me is a delight in doing His will.

Belief and obedience are synonyms. Apart from obedience to the Lord Jesus there is no genuine belief in Jesus.

Two things God will ask you and me when we stand before Him. “Did you seek to please God during your life on the earth? How did you treat your fellow man?”

Our task as members of the Body of Christ, of the Royal Priesthood, is to reconcile man to God.

The Lord Jesus and the other members of the Royal Priesthood, will bring and maintain Paradise on the earth. This will continue until the new Jerusalem is ready to descend to the new earth.

Our strength is not so much in doing but in waiting and praying, and being utterly obedient to God.

There are numerous people who will receive Jesus as their personal Savior. There are not that many who will receive Jesus as their personal Lord.

Ananias and Sapphira were not slain because they held back part of the money but because they lied about it. We should not say we are fully consecrated to Jesus if we are not.

Does being “saved” mean we are being delivered from the power of sin, or does it mean we have a ticket to Heaven?

If in the next election we are assured our prosperity will continue, those who today are so concerned about who will be elected will head for the beach, not to church to give thanks to God!

In the Kingdom of God you will either be a ruler or be ruled. God will have no one in His Kingdom who is not under authority.

Putting legs on our prayers is like putting army boots on an eagle. They do not help him fly. Are we to answer our own prayers? In this case, why pray?

We are wise when we do God’s will at all times. We are not wise when we do not do God’s will at all times, because disobedience brings trouble.

The wise individual will realize that God knows what he should do and is seeking His good. Therefore it is foolish to disobey God.

To fear God and to do His will is wisdom. To not fear God, or to not keep His commandments, is foolishness. It brings trouble on the individual.

To love God and to do His will is wisdom. It results in righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

God always is seeking our good. To not do His will is to bring pain and remorse on ourselves.

The wise man acts according to principle. The foolish man is led about by his passions.

If we are wise, we will spend our whole life learning to walk humbly with God.

No matter what schemes the wicked may carry out, God will make all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.

Conscience is part of the adamic nature and is easily perverted. Christ, the Word of God created in us, takes the place of the adamic conscience.

Some people, who are filled with murder and hate, justify their attitude and actions by their religion.

God’s love is the highest moral principle. It includes in itself all laws of righteousness and holiness.

God has given us money as a means of exchanging good and services. God’s purpose is to test our integrity. Money will not be used in the new world of righteousness.

We do well when we do not clutch the future, living moment by moment, looking to Jesus all the time. Each day becomes an adventure because we never know what Jesus will do.

Men who have no feminine qualities, and women who have no masculine qualities, are not in the image of God.

It does not matter to God what religion you belong to. What matters to God is what kind of person you are, and whether or not you do what Christ tells you to do.

Man was not created to be saved but to be in the image of God.

Every intervention of God in our life must be accompanied by an obedient response on our part if redemption is to take place.

The reason we Protestants do not confess our sins is that we have been taught we do not have sin because God sees us through Christ. This is an error.

We are being made manifest before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Judgment has begun in God’s house. We are to confess our sins and turn away from them.

To confess your sins without utterly renouncing and turning away from them is a waste of time. You are just giving God a list of your bad behavior. Doing penance is not repentance.

Repentance is a change of behavior. Doing penance is an attempt to add to the atonement made on the cross of Calvary.

Doing penance rather than renouncing and turning away from our sin is our testimony that Christ is not able to deliver us from sinful behavior.

There only is one Olive Tree, one Church, one called-out people of God. There are not two churches!

My prayer is to be filled with all the Fullness of God and to be fully in the image of God.

I count strict obedience to Christ more important than any success in the ministry.

When Christ does a miracle for you, gather up the fragments. Diligence is regarded highly in the Kingdom of God.

Our primary goal is not just to be saved from wrath but to be created in God’s image.

To be saved means we are a candidate for being created in God’s image.

God has selected certain ways of behavior, such as honesty and moral purity, for us to walk in.

God puts the gold of His Nature in us. Then He hammers it into His image and likeness.

If we are to be part of the second Lampstand of the two witnesses we must be pure gold and hammered into shape.

The Lampstand communicates the Character of God. It is not to be cast in a moment but hammered into shape over a period of time.

God loves the sinful human being and rejoices when he comes home. But he still is not in the image of God, which is God’s goal.

The seven spirits of God, which represent God’s holy, righteous character, are to become part of our personality. They reveal God’s way of behaving.

The “just shall live by faith” means the just shall live by obedience to God, as we see in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews.

I think the purpose for the life of some of us is to explain the Scriptures.

There is a difference between faith and presumption. What we call “faith” usually is presumption. True faith is obedience to God.

The reason we do not jump off the roof of the Temple when Satan invites us to, is that we don’t want a broken neck.

In true faith it is God who initiates the desire for change. We respond with obedience. In presumption it is we who initiate the desire for change. We seek to force our desire on God.

Don’t hedge your bet. Bet on Jesus on the nose to win. You willl be mighty glad someday if you do.

Those who are with us are more powerful than those who are against us. Remember that during the dark days that are ahead!

The present persecution of Christians in the United States is useful because it shows the believers that the world is not their friend.

The covenant of Moses brings righteousness to the outside. The new covenant creates righteousness on the inside which is revealed on the outside.

I don’t believe we are to try to move God. Rather, when God moves us we are to be totally obedient and diligent. in doing His will.

If we ever are to reconciled to God, we are going to have to get over the notion that we are supposed to move God or to step out in faith. This is not faith, it is presumption.

We are not to attempt to force God to do something by saying we believe something has been done when it hasn’t been done, unless God gives us special assurance.

Many people are frightened of God. They do not believe that God is seeking their good.

Our task is to be reconciled to God, and to reconcile to God as many people as we can. This is not a simple task, because people do not know God and are afraid of Him.

So many things in life are are simple, but because of our own agenda, and because we do not look to God for His wisdom, they become difficult.

It requires a lifetime of experiences with the Lord before we become totally reconciled to God.

Throughout the day we are to justify God’s dealings with us, continually giving thanks and praise.

Every voice we hear is not necessarily the Lord!

The worst thing anyone can do in life is to betray those who have trusted us. At the hour of our death the memory of the betrayal will be a terrible agony.

We always should pray that we will have a personality like God our Father.

The most acceptable offering we can make to God is obedience. “Obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams.”

When the righteous are not righteous enough, the evil shall prevail.

Salvation is not a trip to Heaven, it is deliverance from sin.

Abraham was a friend of God. I want to be a friend of God. Do you?

Never lose your ideals. The Glory of God fills the present world. His Presence will fill the new world of righteousness to an even greater extent.

Do not concern yourself about whether God loves you. He does. Rather, concern yourself about whether you love God!

There is nothing else in this world as important to you as your relationship to God.

There are people who say they hate God. Why would anyone want to destroy the only chance he has for eternal righteousness, love, peace, and joy?

When I pass into the spirit world I want always to be respectful to the Lord Jesus, and to remind people that we must be sternly obedient to God.

God sends many affliction upon the righteous lest they become giddy or careless and the enemy take advantage of them.

Did you ever see anyone filled with his own righteousness? I have. It is not a pretty sight!

When the Bible says the Lord is our righteousness, it does not mean we are righteous because we are identified with Him but that His nature is active in our personality.

It is not a question of Christ receiving all of us but of us receiving all of Christ.

It requires a lot of experience before we can hear the Lord’ accurately.

Sometimes, after you have done all you can do in bringing up a young person, you have to leave that individual to God. God has no grandchildren, as someone wisely said.

It’s a big, wide, wonderful world until your son kills someone or your child contracts leukemia. Then you may realize the truth and turn to God.

All that is truly important in life is to know God and to do His will.

Everything we have done during our life will be brought out at the Judgment Seat. The evil will not be remembered if we have acknowledged and turned away from our sin.

The present antichrist world spirit is the enemy of God. Make no mistake about that. It is not your friend. Whoever is the friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Demons may be former human beings who have lost their soul. They now are spirits. They enter people in order to satisfy their desires.

Anyone who has not learned to serve God with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength, is foolish. He has wasted his life.

Truth is a Person. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other truth from God.

Living by faith means living by obedience right now to the living Christ.

Living by faith means we ask the Lord each day, “What do you want me to do today?”

Living by faith means seeking the will of Christ at all times.

Living by faith means not taking anything for granted but praying continually about everything.

God shall shake out of His Kingdom things that are made, that is, everything that is not wrought in Christ.

Living by faith means forgetting the past and pressing forward in Christ.

The goal of salvation is not a change in where we are but in what we are.

Christ formed in people is the only guarantee that there will not be sin and rebellion against God in the coming ages.

In the new world of righteousness, the Kingdom of God is not in forgiveness of sins but in Christ-caused righteous behavior.

Romantic love is not of the Spirit of God but is of the flesh.

There is a new world of righteousness coming, filled with decent people made righteous by the power, wisdom, and virture of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The righteous shall live by obedience to Christ, not by belief in doctrine. True faith always results in obedience.

The Scriptures are not an end in themselves. Rather, they lead us to the living Word.

Living by faith is living by continually communicating with and obeying the living Lord Jesus.

Grace is Divine enablement so we can live in obedience to Christ. Grace is not an alternative to keeping the commands of Christ and His Apostles.

Dead religion prevents people from the continual communication with the living Jesus that is the very heart of eternal life.

Sometimes words speak of power, or release or guide power. But words themselves are not power. The Christian Gospel without power is merely a philosophy.

Accepting Christ can be nothing more than a religious observance. Receiving Christ is the scriptural expression that means opening your heart to Him.

Women usually have a choice whether or not to engage in intercourse. But to kill a developing fetus is not a choice, it is murder.

Abortion apart from rape or significant medical factors, and homosexual behavior, will prevent the individual from enjoying God’s favor.

The greatest joy you will experience when you die and enter the spirit world will be to meet again the ones you have loved, provided you have been faithful to them.

“Father in Heaven, grant that Christ always will be glorified in my life. Amen.”

The best anyone can do is the best he can do, unless he prays that Christ will help him do better than he can do.

We must live in Christ as well as believe in Christ.

If we will give God the fullness of who we are, God will give us the fullness of who He is.

It would be a simple matter to follow Christ except for the opposition of Satan. Also, those who are being prepared to rule pass through numerous testings.

It is important for us to always keep our minds on that which is honorable, heavenly, pure, uplifting, joyous. We must fight diligently that we not give in to fretting about evil.

We must bring the commandments in the New Testament to Jesus to see how they apply to us before we act on them. Otherwise what we have is dead religion.

It appears there is a division in the American population between those who fear and love God, and those who do not.

The whole purpose in life of the truly righteous person is to please God and do His will.

If we are wise we make seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness the first priority of our life.

Are you going to find righteousness by identifying with Christ’s righteousness or by living by Christ’s Life?

To live in Christ is to ask Him about everything you do. It really is simple, when you think about it!

We Christians would build a house for God. But God builds a house for Himself in us.

It is possible to keep negative, evil thoughts out of your mind. But you have to work at it, in Jesus’ name.

My chief delight is to do God’s will completely and accurately. May the day soon come when every one of God’s creatures has this same delight.

“Your word and will are more important than my comfort!”

To enter the eternal dialogue in which you always are in communication with Christ, He must lose His privacy and you must lose your privacy.

God has been good to me and I am determined to be good to Him. I do this by being sternly obedient in all aspects of my life.

If you cannot joyfully and cheerfully sweep up behind the horses in the royal parade, you never will be at the head of the parade with the Lord Jesus.

Sometimes when you become confused it is a good idea to go back to your previous altar and start again.

God cannot build His righteous Kingdom until He gets enough people who will obey Him promptly and completely. Would you care to enlist?

The small understanding of theology I have is not the result of study but of immersion in the Godhead

Religion is similar to politics. This may be why they seem to get along so readily.

Continue to fret about the works of Satan in the earth and you will walk in spiritual death.

Am I living in the eternal dialogue? Is Jesus continually speaking to me and I to him and is He aware of all my thoughts?

The reason many people do not enter the eternal dialogue is that then they would have to forsake their own plans and reasonings.

Religious novelties turn the worshiper away from an intimate walk with the Lord Jesus in favor of the mastery of a formula through which they can accomplish their own goals.

Christian people will do anything to avoid a continual fellowship with the Lord Jesus. They prefer Bible principles which they can follow in their own way and time.

I give thanks to the Lord every moment of every day and night because I realize He is making every event work to change me into the image of Christ.

If your church is not bringing you into a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus, it is worthless to God and man.,

It just doesn’t seem real to me that there is a separate race of demons. It appears to me that there are deceased wicked people living on the earth, waiting for a chance to influence you and me.

If we truly are saved our spirit is in Christ at the right hand of God. But our body is filled with evil that must be overcome, as Christ helps us.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit does not guarantee physical health, as we see illustrated in the death through sickness of Elisha.

Living by faith means infinitely more than believing there is a Christ. Rather, it is that of obeying Christ resolutely throughout every aspect of our life

When everything keeps on going wrong it is time to ask Jesus for help and to keep on pressing forward.

If our salvation were limited to success in this life, and if here is no hope of a world of righteousness to come, the present life hardly would be worth the battle.

We need to do through Christ what we know needs to be done, even though we may feel as though we are being defeated.

A big heart suffers many disappointments, and then proceeds through Christ to ever greater victories. A little heart has continual disappointments and continues downward until no hope is left.

There can be a fine line between obeying Christ’s words in our own wisdom and strength, and obeying Christ’s words in His wisdom and strength. The difference is between the self-made man and the new creation.

A Christian is to be diligent and not careless. Carelessness has its own reward, and that reward is bitter!

The end of the matter is, He who has Christ has everything. He who does not have Christ has nothing of eternal value.

God placed us in this world to see how we would behave were we to receive the eternal riches.

It may be true that the most characteristic aspect of religion is that it fastens on the word of the text as though it were an inviolable equation. It does not dance with Jesus.

The New Testament contains warnings and guides that lead us to the place where we can enjoy the fellowship of God and Christ and live together with Them.

It is simple and easy to walk and talk with Christ. He always is there to help. But people would prefer to build their own crumbling edifices.

When you come to Christ for the first time your sins are forgiven completely. Do not then go back to sins committed before that time and confess them, unless you still are committing them.

I give freely to people of the understanding God has laid up in my pantry. But I never argue doctrine with people.

People would rather obey their scriptural principles than walk with the living Jesus. This is because they wish to retain control of their lives.

I do not attempt to deduce truth from the Scriptures. Rather I talk to the Author continually. He tells me what He means by something He said.

If you are listening to Jesus and doing His will, you are my friend and brother, even if we disagree on some points of doctrine.

Never let a wall be erected between you and the Lord Jesus. Nothing else is as destructive and disastrous as that!

In everything you do, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus.

If we keep pressing forward in Christ, our past mistakes work for our good.

The people who have known us and have died are a cloud of witnesses for or against us.

We are not saved to go to Heaven. We are saved to be changed into the image of Christ so we can have fellowship with the Father and the Son.

The Father and the Son cannot come and make Their home in an insincere, immature personality.

Getting out of ourselves and into Christ is the task set before each true Christian.

It requires diligent interaction with Christ before we have been cleared in the court of Heaven and no accusations can be brought against us.

Eve was created to be part of the life of Adam. What does that tell us about our relationship to Christ?

No life is ever wasted. It points us toward what is good, or it points us toward that which is evil.

The Lord Jesus is looking for those who will stand with Him against all lies and lawlessness.

There still is a great work to be done—that of cleansing the heavens and the earth of evil.

If you do not have eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace, what good would it do you if you were given all the money in the world?

Only Christ can give a person eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace.

If we understood completely the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would have a more accurate perception of everything and everybody else.

Only Christ can put down the evil in the creation. Our words and actions cannot accomplish this unless they come from Christ working through us.

God did not creat man to live in Heaven. God created man to be in God’s image, that He might have fellowship with man.

Christian leaders trip themselves up when they attempt to be important. There is no one important in the Divine plan of salvation except the Lord Jesus Christ.

For the believer in Christ, death can be the doorway into the most wonderful life. For the person who does not believe in Christ, death can be the doorway into a black hole from which nothing escapes.

The central concept of Christianity is the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The next most important concept is the crucifixion and resurrection of the believer.

Our spirit already is in Christ at the right hand of God. Our body one day will be made alive by the Spirit of God. Our soul is dying in Christ and will be raised as a life-giving spirit.

A religious person may have strong ideas concerning the building and operating of the Kingdom of God. He expects Jesus to follow him. The Bride knows more than the Lamb.

Slavish adherence to the letter of the New Testament is not faith; it is blind religion unless the interpretation is given by the living Jesus..

Religious activities may ignore the living Jesus. The head of man is on the Body of Christ.

The danger in seeking to be led by the Spirit is deception. The danger in rigid adherence to the New Testament is pharisaic blindness.

The art of victorious living is the ability to listen to Jesus as He interprets the New Testament to us.

The New Testament cannot be interpreted correctly by human reasoning. We must hear from the Lord Jesus Himself in every instance.

The New Testament must be interpreted inductively rather than deductively. Seizing one verse and deducing truth from it will lead the believer into error.

The Scriptures are like a great house. One cannot gain truth by concentrating on one nail in a stud or one shingle on the roof.

When reading the Scriptures, always pray, “Lord Jesus, what are you saying to me right now?”

The reason for the theologic inaccuracies of our day is that the preachers and teachers deduce truth from a few verses, rather than considering the entire text.

If we are to live the victorious Christian life we must be followers of Jesus rather than followers of man. However, godly people can serve as an example to us.

We ought to be dispensing liberally and freely the riches God has given us, and not be charging for our services.

I want to live forever, but only in Christ. Existence apart from Christ is sorrow, pain and eventual death.

The most mature believer in Christ has taken but the first step on the long, long road that leads to the fullness of the image of Christ. Christ is greater than we understand at this time.

Our true life begins with the resurrection. All else is preparatory.

The resurrection is the change from the animal, adamic, soulish human being to the human being who is a life-giving spirit.

Give yourself wholly to the Lord Jesus in all you do in every circumstance. You will have the best life possible for you.

When a righteous person dies he will meet the people whom he has blessed. When a wicked person dies he will meet the people whom he has harmed. They are a cloud of witnesses against him.

The pressure of sexual desire causes people to be deceived. They then do things they would not do ordinarily. Only God can deliver from this delusion.

When you approach the Lord, tell Him clearly what you want Him to know, whether praise or a request. Do not expect Him to go by your attitude no matter how godly.

God said He would give the former and the latter rain in the first month. This means that we can expect in our day all the Spirit’s power from the original day of Pentecost to the present.

Because the world is somewhat of an illusion, being composed of forms of energy, we must learn to live in prayer. Only that which is of Christ is real and substantial.

We must learn to solve our problems through Christ, and not attempt to force people to do what we think is right. Such efforts often are counterproductive.

God often gives us love for specific people. We are invited to pray for them that they might come to full maturity in Christ.

We do not come to truth by reasoning. We arrive at truth by being strictly obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ.

You have to pray your way through life, or else be a self-made man, which is Antichrist.

I have come to the conclusion that the only truly important thing in life is to obey the Lord Jesus Christ—completely and promptly!

I would not have one moment of life pass by that was not filled with the Presence, will, and truth of God; and this for eternity!

In order to obey the Law of Moses we have to remove our attention from Christ and the Spirit of God.

The riches of God are to be enjoyed. But they never are to be grasped or institutionalized in some manner!

We never are to make three tabernacles in order to attempt to preserve the blessings God gives us or to make them predictable.

We can suffer excruciating pain in the spirit world and not be able to find relief from the pain by fainting or sleeping. This indeed is a frightening prospect for those who disobey God.

Are we to be in control of our salvation by utilizing spiritual principles; or is Christ to be in control of our salvation and we are to be obedient to Him in every situation?

I would rather place my own stone in the wall rather than remove the stone someone else has put there.

The Presence of the Lord Jesus can make the most miserable circumstances heavenly.

I am the resurrection. You do not have to wait until the last day.

My relationship with the Lord Jesus is not religious, but personal. The things of the Christian religion have brought me to the living Man.

The person who trusts entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ is stronger than the strongest of men and wiser than the wisest of men because his strength and wisdom are of God Almighty.

When the Father sees that enough of us stand with Jesus against all lies and lawlessness He will issue the awful word to Michael.

I will trust God for my joys and pleasures. The important issue right now is the battle against lies and lawlessness.

It is better to share the sufferings of Christ than to receive the greatest possible pleasures of lies and lawlessness.

God ahead all you who love lies and lawlessness. Disobey God and see where this gets you. As for me, I have chosen to obey God.

There is no aspect of our life too small or too insignificant to hold before the Lord for His guidance. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

The practices of religion often are a substitute for integrity of character and righteous behavior.

God did not direct Adam and Eve to build a place of worship until after they had sinned. Rather, He had fellowship with them in the Garden.

There will be no church in the new world of righteousness. However there will be continual fellowship with God and Christ. This is God’s idea of religion.

There was Christmas past, when the Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. There will be Christmas to come, when the Body of Christ is brought forth and caught up to the Throne of God.

People park. But sometimes they do not then ride along with the Lord Jesus.

It often happens that people call on the Lord and are healed from a dreadful affliction. Then, instead of giving thanks to the Lord, they say “There was nothing there”; or, “I would have been healed anyway!”

What is rational to man is not always rational to God, and vice versa. God would prefer that we ask Him for wisdom for each issue as we come to it.

It is not the scenery that makes Heaven heavenly, it is the spirits of righteous people made perfect that make Heaven heavenly.

If you love God with all your heart, Jesus is the answer to every problem. If, however, you reject God, Jesus becomes the problem.

The description in the last two chapters of the Book of Revelation is not that of Heaven. Rather it is the new world of righteousness and it is on the earth.

The purpose for the thousand-year Millennium is to bring to maturity the Wife of the Lamb so she, as the Royal Priesthood, may come down from Heaven and govern the nations on the new earth.

It is possible that the demons are deceased people who have lost their soul and now are spirits condemned to walk in the earth, unable to satisfy their lusts unless they can inhabit a living person.

It may be true that after we die we will be able to influence life on the earth, to the extent that we have attained to spiritual maturity in Christ.

Our reward after we die is that we will be able to see the effects of our life on others, whether for good or for bad.

It is what happens to us after we die that is of supreme importance. The wise individual will consider carefully this fact.

The race of humans is superior to the race of angels and to every other creature of God, in that human beings are in the image of God and are being made the eternal dwelling place of God.

Do not worship any person. He or she is not worthy of your worship. Only God and Christ are worthy of worship.

Whether you are beautiful or handsome, one day you will be rotting flesh in a casket. In that hour you will stand before Christ. All that will matter then is how you treated other people.

I notice that God is taking many small children home. We are not to worry. They are very happy and delighted in Jesus’ wonderful world of play and fun.

Physical muscle is built by pushing against physical resistance. Spiritual muscle is built by pushing against spiritual resistance.

True Christianity is not found in doctrine and liturgies but in fellowship with Jesus and kindness toward people.

To harm someone because he or she will not embrace our religion is not acceptable to the God of Heaven; but Satan approves of such actions on our part.

A religion that is spread by the sword is not of God but of Satan. It is a cloak for those who love violence, rape, and murder.

The Lord Jesus Christ is a kind and gentle man. His true followers also are kind and gentle.

We cannot force a person to accept our religion. He must come freely out of his love for God.

Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. This is true of militant religionists.

Satan did not die for our sins, but Jesus did. Those who trust in Him are forgiven their sins.

Torrential rain and thunder remind us there is a God, as do all the other acts of nature.

Money is man’s substitute for God. This is why people pursue money and trust in it for survival and pleasure.

People become addicted to drugs, sexual activity, romantic love, and other delicious feelings. These are bondages and will lead to destruction. Being fascinated by such feelings is not wise.

The Lord Jesus gave us commands, some of which are impossible for us to obey. His reason for doing this is to cause us to come to Him for help.

Jesus is our creator. Shouldn’t He then be of first important in our life?

Romantic love is idolatry. It is the worship of a creature. It does not lead to enduring love, joy or peace and is subject to emotional ups and downs.

Numerous American people have chosen to ignore Christ. As a result there are demoniacal occurrences and the nation is suffering in many ways.

Christ is being ignored in America and our nation is becoming bankrupt and blind. Its trust is in people rather than in God.

There is no sickness or affliction from which the Lord Jesus cannot deliver us. He possesses all authority and power in Heaven and upon the earth.

We are redeemed by the Lord Jesus, not from earth to Heaven but from the person and works of Satan to the fullness of the Person and works of Christ.

Atrocities committed in the name of religion are still atrocities; and they are accounted as such before the Judgment Seat of Christ.

An individual may use religion to justify the acts that proceed from his own evil nature.

People rejoice in joining a crowd of destructive rebels. This is more pleasant than continuing faithfully in productive toil.

Loved ones grieve as the clods of dirt fall upon the casket of a victorious believer, not understanding how deliriously happy he is to be with the the Lord Jesus and his fellow saints.

Individuals who spend their time perfecting a hobby or on self-improvement may be unaware of the needs of people around them.

Sometimes people lead a miserable life because of their continuing fear of having a terminal illness. Yet it is a problem the Lord Jesus can cure immediately.

Why do humans fear death? Are they enjoying their life on the earth that much? The resurrected Christ was flesh and bone, and He enjoyed eating food while having fellowship with His friends.

As I awoke this morning I realized there is nothing to fear. The Lord my God will gird me with joy and strength and deliver me from every evil.

If we obey Christ diligently, we have the assurance that when we die, Christ will carefully supervise the affairs of our loved ones.

We Christians are comfortable and at home in the American culture. This is not wise. We need to be more aware of the spiritual hostility on every side.

Turkeys are not wise when they boast about themselves at Thanksgiving time. In like manner, Christians should not display themselves unless they have heard from the Lord to do so.

True Bible faith is obedience to God.

God will not save America, because of the prevalent practice of abortion and moral filth. But God will save the individual and his loved ones if he chooses to serve Christ with all his heart.

Do we do Christian work because we think it is a good idea? Or do we actually listen to the Lord Jesus until we know what His will is?

If I will boast, I will boast of my complete inability to do anything at all without acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am persuaded that the Lord God of Heaven has infinitely more power and imagination than He has revealed to mankind to this point.

I have lived to see the beginning of the dissolution of America. It is so sad to observe that people can never seem to understand the everlasting validity of the Bible.

I am so blessed to to be able to lie here and rest, listen, and reflect on the marvelous hope that Jesus Christ has given to me.

Money is power, and people seek that power. However, the true power that brings eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace is the Kingdom of God.

He who is wise will spend his life acquiring the Kingdom of God. But he who is foolish will spend his days acquiring money.

If we could see our situation after death it might make a difference in how we live.

As a pastor I do not take sides when issues arise. Rather I seek the welfare and growth in Christ of every member of the congregation.

A weak person endures the problems and pains of life by relying on cigarettes, a pipe, cigars, alcohol, or drugs. The strong person does not rely on any of these.

It often is better to attack a symptom directly in prayer, rather than to attempt to analyze the source of the illness or affliction.

It is one matter to try to apply Christian principles to a decision. It is quite a different matter to go directly to the Lord and obey Him.

It is not wise to despise those who are seeking to serve Christ. God will vindicate them. But where will you end up?

The climate may be becoming warmer, and it may be true that people are causing this by their activities. If it is just assumed that people are causing the rise in temperature, there may be consternation and ill-advised decisions.

It is unfortunate that people are so ready to follow a strong leader instead of the Lord Jesus. Their demagogues will lead them to misery and destruction.

The self–made, self-reliant man or woman may prove to be a source of confusion and pain to those around him or her. Better to trust in the Lord.

I pray to leave the pit behind from which I was dug. The goal before me is the full possession of the Kingdom of God.

The accumulation of things does not bring eternal righteousness, love, joy, or peace. Many possessions may make it difficult for us to enter the Kingdom of God.

If you can find wisdom, lay hold on it. It will save you much trouble, confusion, and distress.

God has a specific program for each one of us. If we are wise we will seek Christ at all times in all situations.

The first thing in the morning, say, “What is Your Word to me today, O Lord. I want to live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God.”

There is a difference between faith and belief. We may believe something is true when there is nothing we are to do about it. Saving faith, however, requires obedience.

Denominations have “Statements of Faith.” They should be, “Statements of Belief.” Sometimes we are asked to believe theological statements that we can do nothing about. However, a belief may lead to faith.

There is a belief that inspires obedience and hope. There is a belief that is nothing more than an acknowledgment of facts. This sort of belief will not save us.

If you have Jesus you have everything of eternal value in Heaven and upon the earth. But without Jesus you are a pauper clothed in rags. God will reveal this to you if you ask Him.

We can gain a better resurrection for ourselves by pursuing Christ victoriously throughout the pains and problems of life.

We can come to know Jesus now in a very personal way. Then when God sends Jesus back to earth, we will not be surprised at Him because we already know Him.

If God removes someone from you, and the loss of that individual causes you extreme anguish, that individual is an idol. God has done you a favor, and peace shall follow.

If you have to alter your course in order to do God’s will, you will gain eternal righteousness, love, joy, and peace. You are wise to do this.

When we choose to live by every Word of God that is directed to us, an abundance of help is given to us to do what has been commanded.

It is important to be diligent in one’s business, in all that one does. Carelessness exacts a fearful price.

The story of Anna Karenina suggests to us what we may experience when we place a human being rather than Christ as the center of our affections.

A government that does not glorify God will lead the country to destruction.

We come to know Him by entering the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings.

The Book of Hebrews presents clearly the eternal removal of sin through Jesus Christ; and also warns of the consequences for the Christian of continuing in sin.

Our stedfast faith in the goodness and severity of God moves us to obey Christ promptly and completely in all He requires of us.

To be holy is to be set aside by the Lord for His special purposes. To be righteous is to behave with integrity and justice.

The spirit of Antichrist is in the world today, not just in America. It is revealed when people act or think in opposition to the will of Christ.

There are church Christians and there are disciples of Jesus. The church Christians have practices that they endure weekly. The disciples of Jesus seek Christ every moment of every day.

God often places us in miserable and frustrating circumstances. He does this so we will pray and not be condemned with the world.

We live in a brutal, animal world. There is a delightful Kingdom filled with righteousness, love, joy, and peace. Christ advises us to seek that Kingdom.

In the future in America the material luxuries may be removed from us. At that time we will see Jesus more clearly.

It is possible to worship the New Testament rather than the Lord Jesus. I have seen this tendency in people, and the results are not good.

All that God requires of any man or woman, boy or girl, is that he or she does his or her best. Then God supplies whatever additional is needed.

In these days we don’t talk much about Hell or the Lake of Fire. Consequently the fear of God is not flourishing in our country. Nevertheless, Hell and the Lake of Fire are real places.

There is too much sugarcoating of the Gospel today. There is a real Hell and a real Lake of Fire. The wise person seeks to please God by His behavior.

There is rest in the River for those who are willing to permit Christ to live in them. They shall sing for joy upon their beds.

Christ Himself is the Truth concerning everything in the universe. In Him all things hold together.

It is a good thing to be excited about Jesus. There is nothing else as important as He.

Jesus enemies are my enemies. They are the same crowd of spirits and people.

Are you a candidate for God’s best? I am!

You can be practicing evil and not be aware of it. But when it is pointed out to you that what you are doing evil, and you continue to do it, you are sinning.

People expect to go to Heaven in their animal life, believing that eternal life is eternal animal life. Not too many, perhaps, realize that eternal life is the replacing of our animal life with the Life of Christ.

God is a poet. We see this in a sunrise, also in people.

How have the mighty fallen, due to the lust for money, the lust for sexual activity, and the lust for power.

We find out the truth of the universe by praying, not by studying science textbooks.

Today’s Christian preaching is one prolonged announcement that we shall not surely die. It comes from Satan.

When through the Virtue that is in the body and blood of Christ we gain victory over a sin, resistance to that sin is formed in us and we become immune to it.

It is one matter to know the Scriptures; and another matter to know Him who wrote the Scriptures. The Bible is not a record of men who knew the Scriptures but of men and women who knew the Lord.

Sometimes religious people do not make the transition from the Scriptures to Jesus. I suppose when they go to Heaven they will become acquainted with Him then.

Christ cannot die, He is Life Itself. This is true also of those who live by His Life. They shall enter the spirit world with their faculties intact.

We can choose to consider the dangers and troubles facing us, or we can choose to consider the promises of God.

Christian, keep on going. Step after step. Don’t quit. Your character is being formed!

I don’t want to live my own life. I want to live the Life of Christ. It is more righteous, more loving, more joyous, more peaceful, than my own life ever can be.

The greatest mistake Satan made was to crucify the Lord Jesus. He keeps on making the same mistake by afflicting Christians; and the results always are the same!

God may seem to be losing a pawn in your life. In actuality, He is gaining a king. Your sufferings are creating the image of Christ.

Keep on praying, and you will have no cause to fear your enemies. They cannot hurt you. God will make them to be at peace with you.

Serve Christ with all your might. Satan will keep attacking you. It is an ancient story, with an assured conclusion.

Keep pressing forward to the conclusion; and the conclusion indeed is marvelous!

Do your best to serve God cheerfully, when suffering comes. He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.

Do not seek to avenge yourself, rushing about fearfully. Pray, wait, and give God a chance to work.

England and America are sisters, and we owe them much. But they have chosen to travel the broad way that leads to destruction.

The Mahdi will come, but He shall prove to be the Lord Jesus Christ. The Muslims will turn to Him by their hundreds of thousands. They will say, “The Lord is our God.” He will say, “They are My people.

The adamic creation is always perishing and never was intended to be lasting. Its purpose is to serve as stock upon which Christ is to be grafted.

The self-made, self-reliant man or woman can proceed only as far as his or her natural abilities. The Christ-made man or woman has infinite abilities and potential.

“I pray, Lord, that you will place my heart and mind in Your world. The Apostle commanded us to set our heart on things above, not on things on the earth.”

“God helps those who help themselves,” it is said. I would say that God helps those who do the best they can while looking always to Christ for wisdom and strength.

God has made us frail. Let us rejoice that we can do nothing apart from Christ.

When God puts His Glory on His Church, people will come from the ends of the earth to that Light.

The flesh profit nothing. The Words of Christ are living and eternal.

The “waters to swim in,” of the forty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel are the level of service as a tree of life.

No nation in which people practice homosexual activity and abortion-on-demand will long endure.

“I pray that today I may live in the heavenlies with the Lord Jesus.”

The notion that now we have the New Testament there is no need to hear personally from the Lord is a destructive error. This idea robs us from the joy of hearing from the Lord each day.

The most horrifying gamble that any individual can make regardless of his or her religious faith is that God will not judge his sins either in this world or the next.

The Lord Jesus is not to be used as a fire escape but the means of entering the eternal Life of God.

Would you change your way of living if you became convinced there will be no rapture out of trouble? If so, then you are well advised to change your way of living.

It is an evil thing to take your pleasure at someone else’s expense. God will not forget this action on your part, and you will suffer intensely for it.

People with integrity plod along day after day, accepting the burden and heat of each day, so that people without integrity may survive and live to themselves.

There are the givers and the takers. Each receives his or her proper reward in the next life.

A person’s worth is in direct proportion to the amount of concern he has for the welfare of other people, rather than for himself.

Integrity is the quality of being concerned for the welfare of other people rather than being occupied solely with concern for one’s self.

The world abounds with self-centered people. There are a few individuals who keep the world going, making it possible for the others to survive. Such will receive their reward here or in the next life.

Those who have spent their life helping others will delight themselves in the pleasures of God after they die.

There are those who spend their lives occupied with the welfare of other people rather than with their own condition. They shall have their reward.

There are those who talk with God at night while upon their beds. They hold off the enemy from themselves and other people.

There are those who ceaselessly are occupied with their own happiness. In the next life they shall be beasts of burden for those who have spent their lives caring for others.

In the next life God, will not permit those of noble character to ease the misery of those who in this world grasp and ensure their own pleasure, although they would help them if they could.

The self-seeking live for their own pleasures. Meanwhile those of an honest and good heart fend off the evil of the day.

There is an individual who is spending his life helping other people! He does not realize it, but he is richer than King Croesus of old.

Why does God keep supporting and blessing that person? It is because he has spent his life assisting other people.

Do you see that man over there? He is arrayed like King Solomon. Why is this? It is because he has done all he can to ensure the well being of other people.

The wicked, the selfish, and the self-seeking. They shall be placed together in the spirit world so they may enjoy each other’s company.

I saw the shining plate from which Christ eats. It is made up of numerous tiny diamonds, each blending into the whole. Each diamond is a faithful saint.

Did you see how well that project came out? That is because it was prayed through. God will do His part if people will do their part.

When we are abiding in Christ, and Christ is abiding in us, we have true eternal happiness.

I will be on the earth as long as the Lord needs me. But my heart and my mind are in the heavenlies with the Lord Jesus.

Apart from a strong government that enforces the moral laws of God, there can be no peace.

The Kingdom of God is the wisdom and strength to obey the eternal moral laws of God, operating within the individual. The adamic flesh of man is untamable. This is why we must be born again.

We are not born again so we can go to Heaven. We are born again so we will obey the commands of Christ from our new inner nature.

Those who behave righteously, and teach others to behave righteously, shall shine as the stars for eternity.

Are you willing for your first nature to be crucified so that the new man can live and grow? Or are you going to try to make something beautiful from your filthy rags?

How do I go about crucifying my fallen nature so Christ can live and grow in me? Ask God to perform the operation. Keep your eyes on Jesus and endure patiently.

My physical body is like an old jalopy with 500,000 miles on it. But Jesus keeps me going so I can tell my generation of the Glory of Christ, and of the futility of the flesh.

Our leaders are not the cause of America’s problems. Rather our leaders are a symptom of the people turning away from the Lord.

If you are not ready joyously to abandon your own life that Christ may live in you, then you are not ready to be part of the Bride of the Lamb.

The purpose for being born again is that we might be able to obey God’s laws by the strength and wisdom of the Kingdom born within us.

The battle is not won by strength. The battle is won by righteousness; truth; lawfulness; faith; faithfulness; determination; persistence; courage.

Atheists miss out on the fun of walking with Jesus. Well, I guess that is their choice.

Millions of people throughout the history of mankind have had supernatural experiences. These should be enough to prove in court the existence of God and the spirit world.

You are twelve years old and reasonably happy. You turn around a couple of times and you are in your eighties. Looking back, have I left anything that will help the coming generation to know Jesus as I do?

As I continue to press forward to the fullness of the stature of Christ there come long periods of patient living without perceiving any immediate goal. This is to be bent on the Archer’s bow.

I am not content with any lingering fears or dreads. I am determined to press through to the fullness of joyous expectations. I believe the Scriptures support this attitude.

I am leaving a record of my experiences in the hope that the pilgrims that follow me may recognize some landmarks and be encouraged to keep pressing forward to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

The Bible declares that we are to come to the fullness of the stature of Christ. I believe it means the inner and outer stature of Christ. These are presented in the first chapters of the Books of Ezekiel and Revelation.

Space does not shrink until you start occupying it.

The blood atonement is the orientation to and the beginning of the redemption of a human being. It is not the entire work of moving a person from Satan to God.

I would not dare to get out of bed in the morning if I did not know the angels of God were going before me throughout the day.

Even though I have obeyed Christ diligently, and His angels go before me each day, I still have to resist by faith the attacks of Satan and his demons.

The twenty-four elders before the Throne represent those who worship God and do His will in every circumstance of life. Perhaps they portray devout Jews and Gentiles.

The demons mock me continually, but I keep my eyes steadfastly on the Lord Jesus.

It never is a waste of time to pray. Praying is the best possible use of time. You are enlisting strength and wisdom from someone who loves you and is able to help.

There are people who are arrogantly vaunting themselves today. The time will come when they are screaming for mercy; but no mercy shall be shown to them if they have not been merciful.

To live by faith is to keep marching along, looking for guidance and help from that which is invisible in the present hour.

We are married to the Lord when all we have is His and all He has is ours.

The Kingdom of God begins with Jesus. There is no Kingdom of God apart from the Lord Jesus. He Himself is the Kingdom of God.

The problem with religion is, it attempts to operate the Kingdom without the guidance and help of the King.

Some of the highest religious leaders, even Christian leaders, attempt to perform Divine service, apart from Christ. It is true also of political leaders who seek to govern apart from the King of kings.

Whe God speaks to me His words bring righteousness, love, joy, and peace. Also the physical world eventually corresponds to what He has said.

We are not to try to be healed by saying we are healed. This is a form of spiritism. We are not to say we are healed until we truly are healed!

If I had a penny for every false god I soon would be richer than Croesus.

Do not believe every voice that speaks to your mind? Rather, wait patiently and prove the will of God.

When people are drawn to dragons, snakes, zombies, demons, ugly looking creatures, they are in danger of being led into utterly horrible circumstances!

If you are fascinated with ghouls, zombies, vampires, and other creatures of the dark underworld, get unfascinated as quickly as you can. They love to have your attention and will enter you.

If you once enter an agreement with Satan, you may never be able to get out of the contract. Only God can deliver you, and He may choose not to.

Do not say at such and such a time and such and such a place I will pray about the matter. Pray right now! Be instant in prayer. Otherwise the enemy will thwart you.

I do not spend much time thinking about those who hate me but rather about those whom I love.

If you behave like a fool you will receive a fool’s reward. Seek wisdom. Why should you destroy yourself?

Make certain there is someone who will receive you when you die. It is a dreadful thing to enter the spirit world with no one to welcome you.

As you press forward in Christ the people around you may experience Divine judgment.

The warfare between good and evil is being waged fiercely around you. Are you aware of it or are you sleeping at your post?

Do not judge a person by his or her outward appearance. How do you know what is going on in the secret place of the heart?

Are you a self-centered, self-seeking person? Or are you helping those around you to solve their problems and trials?

This body of mine has five hundred thousand miles on it. I would like to trade it in for a new model as soon as possible.

Remain faithful in your small responsibilities. They will lead to greater opportunities and experiences if you do not quit.

Someone long ago said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” I think that a greater testing is soon to come upon us.

The minister who cannot preach because he forgot his briefcase needs to get a clearer view of the living Word.

want my soul to be forever in the Holy of Holies, where the twenty-four elders and the Cherubim of Glory are. This is my home for eternity no matter where else I may go.

How utterly rare and surpassingly marvelous it is to be a pillar in the Temple of God; to be at rest in Christ at the right hand of God, nevermore to go out!

The wise thing to do is to abandon totally our own life that we fully may enter the Life of God in Christ. This is the spiritual resurrection in preparation for the bodily resurrection at the appearing of Christ.

“Father, remove that particular memory that I may press forward in Christ.”

A wise person will ask the Lord Jesus to remove the spirit of sodomy from him, if he is so bound.

Much of our American culture has its source in England. But we simply cannot accept the acts of sodomy, or the practices of the Muslim religion, that are prevalent there.

I am not too concerned about the opinion the world has of me. But I am extremely concerned about the opinion Heaven has of me.

If you have a godly character, your care for your wife will be the same when she is young and beautiful as she is when she is old and careworn. This is how God judges you.

It is not just a case of setting aside our life that Christ may live, although I often have said this. Rather it is a case of the Life of God in Christ becoming our life.

“Dear Lord, help me to live a perfect life in the heavenlies, and thus in the earth.”

Sexual activity may lead to genuine love. But sexual activity itself is not an evidence of genuine love but of glandular appetite.

To learn to live by the Life of Christ is the highest attainment possible to a human being.

In order to live by the Life of Christ, we continually must ask the Lord about everything we think, say, and do.

Christ must conquer everything in my personality, bringing all fully under His feet, if I am to live fully in God’s Life.

Christ will sustain you as long as you live. Your goal is to come to a victorious conclusion when your work has been finished.

We cannot enter fully into the Life of God until every enemy of Jesus Christ has been brought fully under His feet.

No one who is pressing forward into the waters to swim in is primarily occupied any longer with his own welfare but with the welfare of others.

Righteousness, love, joy, and peace will heal an individual and ward off evil. But it will not drive out Satan. Only the Spirit of God can do that.

Israel is guided by its elders, not by its children.

To the man who loves money there never can be enough. Thus he is in bondage all through his life since he never can have all he wants.

The massive error of today’s Christian thinking is that God requires belief rather than obedience to His will, as well as righteous behavior and a holy personality. This is Satan’s masterpiece.

If the goal of our life is to retire and live without responsibility we have been deceived. This is not God’s will for us.

The Christian salvation at its core is not a religion. It is our personal, continual interaction with the Lord Jesus.

Doctrinal correctness is the pride and joy of the religious man. Obedience to Christ and righteous behavior is the pride and joy of God.

Unless our religious beliefs bring us to the living Lord Jesus, and strict obedience to Him, we have believed in vain.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son? You do well. The demons also are assured of this, but they do not obey Him.

What is it that saves us? Is it believing in Christ, or is it doing the will of Christ and obeying His commandments?

What does it mean to abide in Christ? Does it mean to believe that He is God’s Son and our Savior, or does it mean to look to Him continually that we may do His will and keep His commandments?

Someone said that recently that if we do God’s will we will become proud and self-righteous. What blindness exists in the members of the Christian religion!

The man who learns of Christ’s commandments and doesn’t obey them is like a person who knows his face is dirty and does not wash it.

If you want to be certain that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, then do His will and you will find out the truth.

The books of First John and James are enough to convince anyone that faith apart from works of obedience to Christ’s commandments is vain and will not result in eternal life.

The question is, does faith in Christ mean we believe He is whom He claims to be, or does it mean we continually seek to do His will? If we draw back, God will not take pleasure in us.

If we would be holy in thought, word, and deed, we must learn to obey the Holy Spirit in all aspects of our life.

I suppose the least intelligent of all people are those who look at the world around them and say, “It all began from nothing and is going nowhere. The order in nature just happened.”

Does anyone ask himself, “How is it that we have such a native sense of God?” What lengths atheists will go to, to avoid responsibility for their actions! Such perversity! Such defiance of all we see and experience!

How “atheists” survive the problems of life I do not understand. My whole being is wrapped up in God, as well as my hope for the future that He promises He will provide.

How can anyone in his right mind claim there is no God when all around him there is evidence of God!

Love testifies there is a God, unless teased off course by unreasonable people.

Based on my experience, if I had to live my life all over again, I would continue to seek God with all my strength as I do today.

I do not enjoy proud, arrogant people who imagine they are something more than intelligent animals like the rest of us.

If scientists ever do succeed in cloning a human being they will come to realize that they have created a Frankenstein monster having no soul.

I look forward to the day when all the clouds are blown away and that which is perfect has come. What a hope we Christians have!

The world proceeds on its wild way, not realizing that the Father is looking down in love and that all things are working together for good for those who love Him in return.

Even such mundane things as itching and scratching are part of the Divine plan, a plan so profound that the human mind cannot grasp it.

I have given all diligence to form a legacy of wisdom that hopefully will strengthen some weary pilgrim as he struggles manfully through the pitfalls of life.

Man is the head of the women because of the curse. We are moving toward the time when men and women are viewed as equally important dimensions of the image of God.

Women are not acting intelligently when they attempt to be like men. I suppose they do not realize they are as important as men as they play their unique role in the Divine plan.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the concept that cute little girls should grow up to be armed soldiers. Their role is to produce life, not to destroy it!

How utterly stupid, blind, and destructive the world spirit is!

A person who does not look to Jesus, His creator, at all times, for strength and wisdom to pursue His course in life, who does not avail himself of this Resource, is a fool.

You have to have patience if you are going to deal with God.

The Lord Jesus did not set aside His own Life that He might live by the Life of the Father; rather, His Life is the Life of the Father. We are to press forward until our life is the Life of Jesus.

When we find that we have become more concerned about the welfare of other people than we are about our own, we then realize we have grown a little in Christ.

It is when we do what Christ taught that we build our house on the rock, not when we just “believe in Christ.” Such is the grand delusion of our day, and the flood shall sweep away our hope.

Other religions do not have the Spirit of God as we do. It is what makes us different. Religions goes by their books. The salvation that is in Jesus meditates in the book but goes by the Spirit of God–Romans 8:14.

In the resurrection you will be raised by the power of God only, and will not have a body fashioned from the Holy Spirit, if you have spoken against the Spirit.

Melchisedec is an example of the priesthood. The Lord Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchiseded.

There are three kinds of life: the life of flesh and blood, the Holy Spirit, which is the Life of the priesthood, and the Divine power that activates the universe.

The only sign of the baptism in the New Testament is speaking in other languages.

The baptism with the Spirit brings us into the Royal Priesthood, the body of the Anointed One.

If we keep pressing into Christ, pretty soon the only life we have will be that of the Lord Jesus.

I am pressing forward in Christ until there is no point of separation between me and the Lord Jesus—total reconciliation to God.

Satan and his works are the opposite of all I desire.

Our entire Christ life is to be one of asking, seeking, and knocking—always pressing forward in Christ.

Melchizedek, the king of Salem, is King of Righteousness and King of Peace. If we were not so immature, the writer of Hebrews would have taught us more about him.

The only thing in this world that I know is absolutely true and dependable is God’s Word, written and spoken. Science is demonstrating that the elements themselves are not predictable.

Adam gave names to all the livestock, all the birds, and all the wild animals. I think Adam named them what they actually are, not an arbitrary name Adam made up.

John 1:13 suggests that born-again people never had been born of flesh and blood. We understand this is not what it means; but it places a terrific emphasis on our new birth.

True Christians are continually asking and continually receiving; continually seeking and continually finding; continually knocking—and in front of them marvelous doors keep opening!

I don’t know about you, but I have to keep praying that God will remove evil from me and cause me to do His will.

Repent of your sins and ask Jesus for forgiveness, and you shall be forgiven. Then you may have to ask God to remove any lingering feelings of condemnation.

The newly elected pope, Pope Francis, in his first address to the cardinals, preached what I am preaching—that we should walk in the Presence of God with our eyes on the cross, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Everywhere I turn, it seems, pastors are preaching about our need for more of the Holy Spirit. The only hope for America is a nationwide baptism with the Holy Spirit.

First, the perfecting of the people. After that, the perfecting of the environment. New wine must be poured into new bottles.

When you move from basic salvation to Pentecost, you do not leave the basics. When you move from Pentecost to Tabernacles. You do not leave the basics or Pentecost.

You cannot move readily into the Spiritual fulfillment of the Festival of Tabernacles until you are rooted in Pentecost. This ordinarily means speaking in tongues as needed.

Is there any part of your life that is not yielded to Christ? If so, you, Christ, the Body of Christ, and the world, are the losers.

My prayer is that I always will be in the center of God’s complete will, and that by His grace I will finish the work He has given me to do.

Why is it that you want to go to Heaven? You will not be able to lie or steal or get drunk, or use nasty language. You will not be able to get your pleasure at someone else’s expense.

I refuse to be concerned about my problems. I insist on looking steadfastly to Jesus for the needed help.

I am giving all unpleasant memories to the Lord Jesus to remove, and am pressing forward in Him.

Humanism always emphasizes the comfort of the individual, even though he should be whipped or hung publicly. The Bible does not take this attitude, and so Humanism always opposes the Bible.

The difference between the two covenants is stark. The covenant of the letter commands us to acquire life by obeying the law. The covenant of the letter instructs us to obey the Spirit and thus acquire life.

Walking in the Spirit includes generous amounts of speaking in tongues. Walking according to the Law of Moses can never produce righteousness equal to walking in the Spirit.

Living in the Spirit means looking to Jesus for every decision instead of seeking blindly to obey the letter of the Scriptures.

Sometimes afflictions are caused by spiritual forces. Such cannot always be corrected by physical means alone, such as addiction to sexual perversions or to controlled substances.

I would not urge a Muslim to convert to Christianity. Rather I would urge him to become acquainted with God and Jesus.

Whether a Christian should carry a gun in dangerous times is up to God and that individual. What is true for one may not be true for another.

Religions seeks to establish a set of rules by which a person can live without seeking the mind of Christ.

Indeed it is difficult for a religious person to walk with Jesus He would rather look to his rules than to His Lord for direction.

It is easier for Jesus to teach patience to a dog rather than to some of His followers.

When Christ speak about our ruling with Him, He refers to the Morning Star. That is because He want us to rule by His wisdom within us, not by our own personality.

Apart from the blood of the cross there is no righteousness God will accept. Man always must meet God at the cross.

The relationship of Christ to His Father always is one-to-one, not through the Scriptures. Yet Christ understands the Scriptures are eternal. The same is to be true of us.

You do not have to be in church, or at home, or in bed, to pray. Pray the moment the need comes to mind., Pray without ceasing.

If a non-Christian asks for prayer, then pray for his need. Remember what Solomon said about praying toward God’s Temple, which you are.

There is nothing like living in the Lord one moment at a time!

The Law of Moses is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

Living by the Life of the Lord Jesus is challenging!

It appears that mankind is in collusion to drive God from the earth. The vilest people are exalted today! However, He who sits in the heavens shall laugh at their folly.

So much is accomplished in life, both good and evil, through patience.

The righteous do not live by obeying the written word of the Law, nor by belief about Christ, but by obedience to the living Christ.

I will lay down and sleep in peace. Why is this? It is because the Lord Jesus is my rest home and my safe house.

It takes a long time to know the Lord Jesus and His ways. But the results are well worth the patience and diligence required.

Can you imagine the terror of people at the final resurrection while the angels search to see if their name is in the Book of Life? Do not let yourself be put in that position.

The wise individual places all of his hopes in the Lord Jesus and does not deviate from this.

His integrity is a mountain of rock. The Lord God fashioned him that way. He shall increase in fruitfulness and strength, and shine as a star, for eternity.

God always is correct in all He does. Why then do people waste their time with their own plans, and labor in endless frustration and grief?

Europe and America have deserted God and lost their inheritance. The Orient and Russia may gain second place. But I think the world leadership will turn to Africa.

I believe God for miracles, for greater works. But my prayer is not for miracles but for more of the Holy Spirit that I may have food for the hungry who need the Bread of Life.

I am too old for anything except raw, unadulterated truth presented in utter sincerity.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth and the only Truth. Christ is all the questions, and Christ is all the answers.

Never do anything without thinking of the possible consequences.

There always are consequences that result from disobeying Christ. I hope you and I never find out what they are.

Since the Lord God has all power and authority, it is a good thing for us that He is loving, kind, faithful, true. What if God were like Satan? It would have been good for us that we never had been born!

Liberal thinking often places human pleasure above Bible commands. It appears to lack discipline.

Pursuing pleasure rather than seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness will lead to misery.

If you think of something you are supposed to pray for, and you say to yourself, I will pray for it later, when later comes you may have forgotten it. Pray for it now!

A Christian is a disciple of Jesus. A member of a Christian church is not necessarily a Christian, except in name.

The unscriptural “rapture” moves us from earth to Heaven. The resurrection reveals what we are, because our true character will be shown in our body. It is the sentence of judgment.

All success we have in obeying the laws of righteousness are worthy, but they are loss for Christ. Christ prefers to work the righteousness of the Divine Nature in us.

What folly it is to picture self-willed people being raptured into Paradise! At what point will their self-will, the source of most problems, be removed from them?

I do not want my self-will to bring me to misery. I want to live by the Life of the Lord Jesus.

Rebellion is as witchcraft, because it is perversely opposed to the will of God, as is true of witchcraft.

Everything that is good, decent, clean honorable, upright, is of the Lord Jesus. The rest is of the enemy and it is vile and disgusting.

If the Bible actually is God’s Word, and my 67 years as a disciple of Jesus tells me it indeed is, then the future of homosexual people is not enviable.

The earth is a battleground of righteous and wicked spirits fighting each other. A human being must choose to live righteously, or he eventually will be classified as wicked. Christ will help.

The massive error of our day is the idea that one can believe in Christ but not obey His commands or those of His inspired teachers.

Religion consists of man making an effort to understand God and to please Him. However the objective of the believer is to enter union with God and Christ through God’s Spirit.

Religion is not of itself salvation. Salvation is the possession of God and Christ Themselves.

If you are wise, you will make as few assumptions as possible, and bring everything to Jesus for His wisdom and power.

Our nation, the United States of America, is going downhill fast because of the thinking that places human comfort above the iron laws that govern the universe.

God helps those who do what they can, meanwhile calling on Christ for assistance.

To say I have been healed, when we haven’t been, is an attempt to employ metaphysical power. Rather, we should say, I am sick but I believe God will heal me.

To be theologically correct is of little value in the Kingdom of God. To have fellowship with Christ and God is of the highest value.

Perhaps when America has been greatly reduced because of sin, God may use devout Christian people to build a better nation, as was true in the beginning of our country.

People come and people go, but the Lord Jesus Christ never changes.

Man was created to serve God. When he isn’t serving God he is a miserable pile of corrupting dust.

God moves so slowly we may be tempted to believe He has changed His mind. God never changes His mind. We just have to be patient until His Word comes to pass.

This present world is the valley of the shadow of death; but Christ shall keep us from all harm.

If you have to harm someone in order to pursue your goal, you had better clear your plans with God first. Otherwise you will hear about it at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Faith and fear are enemies. One or the other will prevail.

God always is reasonable and righteous. We may not understand this now, but we will some day.

We are to read our Bible every day. Then, when faced with a problem, the Holy Spirit will bring a promise to our mind. This will not happen if we have not been faithful in meditating in the Scriptures.

The person who does something without considering the consequences of his or her actions is a fool, and soon will be in painful circumstances.

Relatively speaking, the only truly important issue in life is what we will face when we die.

Sometimes it is difficult for the Lord Jesus to have a personal relationship with the longtime members of a church. They may be in love with one another instead of with the Lord.

The Lord Jesus commanded us to love one another; but our first love must be Jesus. He is a jealous God.

The world is a magic garden, like Eden, in which people continually are being invited to destroy themselves. Only in Christ can we profit from the good that is here.

If you have an opportunity to do good, and do not do it; or an opportunity to do evil, and do perform it: these decisions will be brought up at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

The blessing of Christ made America great. Now, because of sin, we are losing that blessing. The end will be disaster!

I believe God today is putting His seal on those who mourn because of the sins of America. He will save them when Divine judgment falls on our nation.

We are not to fret ourselves because of what evil people are doing. They will meet their appointed judgment when they have accomplished God’s purposes for them.

It seems the saints who went before us emphasized dying to our sinful nature. Now the Spirit is emphasizing living by the Life of Jesus, which will supplant the sinful nature.

The Lord Jesus Christ judges righteously because He hears from the Father and lives by the Father. We also can judge righteously, but only when we are hearing from Christ and are part of Christ.

What we are experiencing today is preparatory. Our true life begins when we die.

There are large families in the spirit world. This is why the Bible speaks of being gathered to our people.

It is the present world that is unfamiliar, hostile, the valley of the shadow of death. When we die we will enter the familiar—people we have known, and so forth.

The repeated stress on God’s love and grace is not really the emphasis of the Bible. The Bible emphasizes man’s redemption, the removal from him of worldliness, the lusts of the flesh, and self-will.

The preacher who speaks only of God’s love, or is thundering damnation, may not be representing God. Rather, God is inviting us to live righteously.

Keep telling the Lord’s Jesus you have placed your life in His hands and you want to live by His Life. Say this to the Lord whenever you think of it throughout the day. He will hear you and do it.

Those who insist on living their own life, not being willing to live by the Life of Jesus, will be ruled with a rod of iron by those who do choose to live by the Life of Jesus.

Every person who chooses to leave his own personality in order that he might by the Life of Jesus is automatically in perfect union with every other person who live by the Life of Christ. Of such is the Body of Christ.

Sometimes the integrity of people is greatly weakened of destroyed when they become a Christian. They think everything they do is automatically justified.

(“Gold Tried in the Fire: Book Three”, 3948-1)

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