Adapted from Behold My Servant!, by Robert B. Thompson

Copyright © 2006 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents


God’s Servant Brings Deliverance to Israel
God’s Servant Brings Justice to the Nations
God’s Servant Rules the Creation of God
God’s Servant Brings Deliverance to Israel
God’s Servant Brings Justice to the Nations
God’s Servant Rules the Creation of God



1. What do the three introductory passages have in common?

2. What has God made Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 2:36)?

3. What is the meaning of the term Christ ?

4. What are two ways of expressing our relationship to Christ?


1. Read Isaiah 42:1

2. What will the Person do, of whom Isaiah was speaking?

3. What Spirit was speaking in Isaiah?

4. Of what was the Spirit of Christ testifying?

5. What was the Spirit of Christ commanding us?

6. To whom was the Spirit of Christ speaking?

7. Name the four stages in the development and ministry of the Servant of the Lord.

8. What took place during the first step in setting up the Kingdom of God on the earth?

9. How has Christ been declared to be the Son of God?

10. What role does Christ have in the Kingdom of God?

11. What is taking place during the second step in building the Kingdom of God on the earth?

12. What is God adding to the Servant of the Lord?

13. To what end have the ministries and gifts of the Spirit been laboring?

14. What is the third stage in establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth?

15. What is the work of the Servant of the Lord?

16. What do Colossians 3:4, II Thessalonians 1:10, Romans 8:19, and Daniel 7:22 have in common?

17. To what two groups will the saints minister during the Kingdom Age?

18. What is the marriage of the Lamb?

19. What will be true of the Kingdom of God during the fourth stage?

20. What extraordinary privilege will the saints have throughout the new heaven and earth reign of Christ?

21. What will be true after billions of eons have passed?

22. What will take place at the next appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ?

23. To whom is Isaiah referring when he commands us to “Behold my servant”?

24. Read Galatians 3:16.

25. Who is the one Seed of Abraham?

26. To whom are all the promises of God directed?

27. What is the advantage of being a Jew by race?

28. How is the inheritance given?

29. How can the Seed be both singular and plural?

30. Read John 17:21 and Ephesians 5:30-32. 31. What is the Christian’s principal responsibility and task?

32. What is true of us if we are coheirs with Christ?

God’s Servant Brings Deliverance to Israel

1. What are the three areas of responsibility of the Servant of the Lord?

2. Who or what is Zion ?

3. Where will Zion be located in the future?

4. What must Christ do before He can bring justice to the nations?

5. What will be true of the nation of Israel during the Kingdom Age?

6. Why would it not be wise for the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to the rabbis of Israel in the present hour?

7. Is it true that there will be a Gentile Church in Heaven and a Jewish kingdom on the earth?

8. What group are we emphasizing in this present booklet?

9. Of what is the story of Gideon and his three hundred a type?

10. Of whom do the elect consist?

11. Toward whom is Isaiah 61:1-3 directed?

12. When Christ builds up Zion, whom is He building?

13. Why are we baptized into the Body of Christ?

14. To whom are the good tidings preached?

15. For whom does God look?

16. Who will not be ministered to by the Servant of the Lord?

17. What is the need today concerning God’s people?

18. What does the Son of God always do?

19. What is the sign of the coming of the Kingdom of God?

20. What is the will of Christ concerning His people?

21. What becomes true if we are faithful in small responsibilities?

22. When is the accepted time? When is the day of salvation?

23. What does God want to do for us today?

24. What must we do in order to receive the Divine blessings?

25. What do we mean by the expression, “It is an hour of eternal judgment”?

26. When is the Servant of the Lord pleased?

27. To whom does God’s forgiveness come?

28. Against whom is the Divine wrath directed?

29. What is true when the Lord’s people are sinful and ignorant?

30. What are some of the blessings the Servant of the Lord brings to the Lord’s people?

31. What Power breaks the yoke of Satan?

32. What happens to God’s people when they are ministered to by the Servant of the Lord?

33. For what purpose did God save us?

34. What is true when the believers act in an unrighteous manner?

35. What is the only place where the nations of the earth can come in contact with the Life of Christ?

36. Who among the nations will be saved in the Day of the Lord?

37. How will the nations “keep the feast of Tabernacles”?

38. What will happen to the nations that are unwilling to go up to Jerusalem to receive the Presence of God in Christ in the saints?

God’s Servant Brings Justice to the Nations

1. Explain Matthew 12:17,18.

2. What will take place as soon as the Lord’s elect have been built up into trees of righteousness?

3. What is the task of Israel, the Lord’s elect?

4. What is one of the greatest hindrances to a Christian’s understanding of the Divine plan?

5. With whom is the new covenant made?

6. Why did God call out His elect from the nations of the earth?

7. What is the meaning of the term church ?

8. Why is God creating the Church, the Body of Christ?

9. Why is God “lonely”?

10. What is God’s solution to the separation between Himself and His creatures?

11. What must take place in the personality of a member of the Body of Christ before he can serve as the hand and heart of God extended to mankind?

12. When will the Kingdom of God come to the earth?

13. How can we prepare ourselves for our ministry as a part of the Servant of the Lord?

14. What will be the forerunner of the coming of the Lord?

15. What do the two witnesses, of Revelation, Chapter Eleven, symbolize?

16. What will take place as soon as the last-day witness has taken place?

17. Why should we be careful to get all the spiritual food we can in the present hour?

18. What will take place at the darkest hour?

19. What is the great need of the nations of the earth?

20. In what way did nature die, when Adam and Eve sinned?

21. What is the only true life?

22. What will take place in the earth when the Lord returns with His saints?

23. What must take place in the saints before Paradise can be restored to the earth?

24. What will God be able to do, once the Servant of the Lord has been brought to the fullness of maturity and unity?

25. What is Revelation 21:3,4 describing?

26. What is the emphasis of the Church Age?

God’s Servant Rules the Creation of God

1. What has Christ, as representative Man, inherited?

2. What change takes place in the last verse of the first chapter of the Book of Hebrews?

3. What is the status of “man,” among the creatures of God?

4. In what ways is “man” unique?

5. Who sits on the highest throne of all?

6. Who else is sitting on that throne?

7. Why is the Lord Jesus eligible to sit on the highest throne?

8. What is the role of the angels?

9. Against whom does the Church struggle?

10. What has been given to mankind?

11. Of what does a considerable portion of our Christian experience consist?

12. Who is the rightful Ruler over the saints?

13. What has made it possible for us to enter the plan of salvation?

14. What did the Lord Jesus learn by His sufferings while on the earth?

15. How do we saints learn obedience?

16. What comes before the crown?

17. What are we learning in the wilderness of testing?

18. What may happen if we wrest ourselves out of God’s prison?

19. Why is Christ not ashamed to call us “brothers”?

20. How has God been planting the heavens?

21. How do we become of the same Substance as Christ?

22. When are we fully born again?

23. What is one of the great heresies of our time?

24. What will take place when the Lord Jesus appears?

25. What does it mean to “lay the foundations of the earth”?

26. What is the third assignment given to Christ?

27. What will characterize the new heaven and earth reign of Christ?

28. What is our task today?

29. With whom is the third assignment of Christ beginning?

30. What is the greatest desire of the Lamb of God?

31. What are we to cry to God’s people?

32. What is true Christianity?

33. From what is the Bride being created?



1. What do the three introductory passages of Scripture have in common?

They reveal that the Christian Church is the Body of Christ.

2. What has God made Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 2:36)?

Lord and Christ.

3. What is the meaning of the term Christ ?

Anointed Deliverer.

4. What are two ways of expressing our relationship to Christ?

As members of His Body; as branches of the Vine.


1. Read Isaiah 42:1

“Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles [nations]. (Isaiah 42:1)

2. What will the Person do, of whom Isaiah was speaking?

He will bring forth judgment (justice) to the Gentiles (nations).

3. What Spirit was speaking in Isaiah?

The Spirit of Christ).

4. Of what was the Spirit of Christ testifying?

The sufferings of Christ and the glory that is to follow.

5. What was the Spirit of Christ commanding us?

To behold God’s Servant.

6. To whom was the Spirit of Christ speaking?

To Christians.

7. Name the four stages in the development and ministry of the Servant of the Lord.

  • The appearing of the Servant of the Lord.
  • The birth and building of the Body of the Servant of the Lord.
  • The appearing and ministry of the Servant of the Lord.
  • The eternal reign, under God, of the Servant of the Lord.

8. What took place during the first step in setting up the Kingdom of God on the earth?

Christ came to earth. Christ was born of the virgin, Mary; grew up in Nazareth of Galilee; was anointed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit; ministered for three years among the people of Israel; was crucified in order to make an atonement for our sins; and then was raised from the dead by the Spirit of God.

9. How has Christ been declared to be the Son of God?

By the power of His resurrection.

10. What role does Christ have in the Kingdom of God?

Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God and the beginning of that kingdom.

11. What is taking place during the second step in establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth?

The birth and building of the Body of Christ, the Body of the Messiah, the Body of the Servant of the Lord.

12. What is God adding to the Servant of the Lord?

A wife, a body.

13. To what end have the ministries and gifts of the Spirit been laboring?

To bring the saints to “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ,” that is, to the completion of the fullness of the Servant of the Lord.

14. What is the third stage in establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth?

The appearing and ministry of the Servant of the Lord, including the perfecting of the Body itself.

15. What is the work of the Servant of the Lord?

To bring justice to the nations of the earth.

16. What do Colossians 3:4, II Thessalonians 1:10, Romans 8:19, and Daniel 7:22 have in common?

They tell of the return of the saints with Christ.

17. To what two groups will the saints minister during the Kingdom Age?

To all the Lord’s people, and also to the nations of the earth.

18. What is the marriage of the Lamb?

The uniting of the saints with Christ.

19. What will be true of the Kingdom of God during the fourth stage?

The Lamb and His Wife will reign eternally over the creation of God.

20. What extraordinary privilege will the saints have throughout the new heaven and earth reign of Christ?

The servants of God will see his face, and his name will be in their foreheads.

21. What will be true after billions of eons have passed?

Each saint still will be standing in the very Presence of the holy Father, continually being perfected in His image by the transformation of personality that always occurs when a person beholds the Glory of the Lord.

22. What will take place at the next appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ?

His saints will appear with Him.

23. To whom is Isaiah referring when he commands us to “Behold my servant”?

The completed Man, the Lord Jesus and His Church.

24. Read Galatians 3:16.

Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ. (Galatians 3:16)

25. Who is the one Seed of Abraham?


26. To whom are all the promises of God directed?


27. What is the advantage of being a Jew by race?

The Jews are the race God called out from mankind and entrusted with the Law, the Tabernacle, the priesthood, and many other Divine revelations.

28. How is the inheritance given?

By promise only.

29. How can the Seed be both singular and plural?

When we are joined to Christ there no longer are two persons; there only is the one Person. That Person is Christ and we in Him.

30. Read John 17:21 and Ephesians 5:30-32.

“that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that you sent Me. (John 17:21)
For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:30-32)

31. What is the Christian’s principal responsibility and task?

To abide in Christ.

32. What is true of us if we are coheirs with Christ?

His responsibilities and tasks become our responsibilities and tasks.

God’s Servant Brings Deliverance to Israel

1. What are the three areas of responsibility of the Servant of the Lord?

To plant the heavens; to lay the foundations of the earth; to say to Zion, You are my people.

2. Who or what is Zion ?

Zion is the Seed of Abraham. Zion refers to God’s elect, His chosen, the Seed of promise, whether Jewish or Gentile by physical birth.

3. Where will Zion be located in the future?

The perfected spiritual Zion will come down from Heaven and enter Jerusalem on the earth.

4. What must Christ do before He can bring justice to the nations?

He must build up Israel, the Seed of Abraham, the Lord’s people.

5. What will be true of the nation of Israel during the Kingdom Age?

The nation of Israel will be the principal Christian nation, and the governing nation, throughout the thousand-year Kingdom Age.

6. Why would it not be wise for the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to the rabbis of Israel in the present hour?

The rabbis, being weakened by the knowledge that they have resisted God’s Christ throughout the centuries, would be victimized by the leaders of Christian organizations.

7. Is it true that there will be a Gentile Church in Heaven and a Jewish kingdom on the earth?

Absolutely not!

8. What group are we emphasizing in this present booklet?

The remnant, that is, the saints of the Lord (Jewish and Gentile) who will give themselves wholly to Christ, becoming a firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.

9. Of what is the story of Gideon and his three hundred a type?

The power of the Lord working through His remnant at the time of the coming of the Lord.

10. Of whom does the elect consist?

All whom God has called, whether Jewish or Gentile by physical birth.

11. Toward whom is Isaiah 61:1-3 directed?

Zion, that is, the Lord’s elect, His chosen.

12. When Christ builds up Zion, whom is He building?

His own Body.

13. Why are we baptized into the Body of Christ?

That we may become working parts of the Servant of the Lord, of the Anointed Deliverer who is to come.

14. To whom are the good tidings preached?

To the meek.

15. For whom does God look?

Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.

16. Who will not be ministered to by the Servant of the Lord?

Those of Israel, God’s elect, who are proud and filled with their own ways.

17. What is the need today concerning God’s people?

For God’s elect, His Israel, to confess their sins and turn from their wicked ways.

18. What does the Son of God always do?

The Servant of the Lord always encourages Zion to repent and turn to God.

19. What is the sign of the coming of the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God comes as the power of the anointing of the Spirit of God casts out devils.

20. What is the will of Christ concerning His people?

That every one of His people be delivered from all that is not of the Lord.

21. What becomes true if we are faithful in small responsibilities?

The Lord entrusts us with a larger area of His Kingdom.

22. When is the accepted time? When is the day of salvation?


23. What does God want to do for us today?

To bless His saints now with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. It is God’s will to save us today, to heal our bodies today, to give us gifts and a ministry today, to pour out His Spirit on us today, and to enable us to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders throughout the entire earth—today.

24. What must we do in order to receive the Divine blessings?

We must overcome the resistance of the enemy.

25. What do we mean by the expression, “It is an hour of eternal judgment”?

It is an hour of eternal judgment, of vengeance, on the forces of wickedness that have produced unrighteousness and rebellion in the saints.

26. When is the Servant of the Lord pleased?

When both righteousness and sin and rebellion are well-defined and mature.

27. To whom does God’s forgiveness come?

To each person who will repent and receive the love of God.

28. Against whom is the Divine wrath directed?

Against the kingdom of Satan; against all who are taking pleasure in the things of the world, in the works of Satan.

29. What is true when the Lord’s people are sinful and ignorant?

Because of sin and ignorance the people of the Lord find themselves in miserable circumstances, their joy gone, being oppressed, guilt-ridden, and in various kinds of trouble. There are domestic problems, divorce, sickness, debt, gloom, dread, ignorance of the will of God. Often there are many sins being practiced by God’s people. There is an accompanying spiritual and physical weakness, shame, and loss of confidence in God.

30. What are some of the blessings the Servant of the Lord brings to the Lord’s people?

The beauty of holiness in exchange for the ashes of the bondage of sin; the oil of joy in the Lord in place of sadness and despair; the uplifting spirit of hope, praise, and confidence in God in exchange for heaviness and moodiness. He brings resurrection life to the Lord’s people. He heals them physically and imparts eternal life to their spirits. He shows them that God loves them and is able to give them all the power and wisdom they need.

31. What Power breaks the yoke of Satan?

The anointing of the Spirit of God.

32. What happens to God’s people when they are ministered to by the Servant of the Lord?

They become righteous, holy, and obedient to God in their daily behavior.

33. For what purpose did God save us?

That we may reveal a holy and righteous life in our deeds, our words, and our thoughts.

34. What is true when the believers act in an unrighteous manner?

We are not fulfilling the purpose of our calling as saints.

35. What is the only place where the nations of the earth can come in contact with the Life of Christ?

The only place is Israel, the elect of God.

36. Who among the nations will be saved in the Day of the Lord?

Those of the nations who, having experienced the Life of Christ in the Church, in the Israel of God, accept that eternal Life.

37. How will the nations “keep the feast of Tabernacles”?

By coming to the Church and receiving the blessing of God and Christ who at that time will be dwelling in unprecedented fullness in the Church.

38. What will happen to the nations that are unwilling to go up to Jerusalem to receive the Presence of God in Christ in the saints?

On them there will be no rain—perhaps neither physical nor spiritual rain.

God’s Servant Brings Justice to the Nations

1. Explain Matthew 12:17,18.

The delivering, healing, uplifting ministry of the Servant of the Lord one day will be directed toward the nations of the earth. But first it must be brought to the people of the Lord, to God’s elect.

2. What will take place as soon as the Lord’s elect have been built up into trees of righteousness?

The Arm of the Lord will be extended to the nations.

3. What is the task of Israel, the Lord’s elect?

To bear witness of the Person and will of God, and also to bring the knowledge and blessings of God to the nations of the earth.

4. What is one of the greatest hindrances to a Christian’s understanding of the Divine plan?

The forcing of a division between Israel of the old covenant and the so-called “Gentile Church” of the new covenant.

5. With whom is the new covenant made?

The house of Israel.

6. Why did God call out His elect from the nations of the earth?

In order to bless the nations.

7. What is the meaning of the term church ?


8. Why is God creating the Church, the Body of Christ?

In order that salvation may be brought to the ends of the earth.

9. Why is God “lonely”?

God loves His creatures but He cannot communicate His love and delivering power to them without destroying them in His wrath.

10. What is God’s solution to the separation between Himself and His creatures?

The creation of a witness, a living temple, a body, a servant who knows God and who also can communicate with human beings.

11. What must take place in the personalities of the members of the Body of Christ before they can serve as the hand and heart of God extended to mankind?

They must work with the Holy Spirit in the destruction of sin and self-will from their personalities; they must die to worldliness, sin and self-centeredness, by the grace of God, being made acceptable to God in Christ.

12. When will the Kingdom of God come to the earth?

As soon as Christ has been formed in the saints.

13. How can we prepare ourselves for our ministry as a part of the Servant of the Lord?

By praying, studying the Scriptures, gathering together with fervent believers whenever possible, giving, serving, and continuing in all other aspects of Christian discipleship.

14. What will be the forerunner of the coming of the Lord?

The power and glory of the latter rain.

15. What do the two witnesses, of Revelation, Chapter 11 symbolize?

Christ in and with the members of His Body.

16. What will take place as soon as the last-day witness has been given?

There will be a season of intense spiritual darkness.

17. Why should we be careful to obtain and keep all the spiritual food we can in the present hour?

The Lord’s people will be required to live on the spiritual food they have stored up.

18. What will take place at the darkest hour?

Christ will appear with His saints and holy angels and destroy the man of sin.

19. What is the great need of the nations of the earth?

Someone who can set them free, who can bring the kind of Divine judgment on Satan that will release people from their sins, making it possible for them to receive eternal life.

20. In what way did nature die when Adam and Eve sinned?

Spiritual life—God’s Presence—left the creation.

21. What is the only true life?

The Presence of God in Christ.

22. What will take place in the earth when the Lord returns with His saints?

The entire Christ of God—Head and Body—will go throughout the earth judging and executing the vengeance of God against sin.

23. What must take place in the saints before Paradise can be restored to the earth?

They must be brought to maturity and unity by receiving the Glory of the Lord.

24. What will God be able to do, once the Servant of the Lord has been brought to the fullness of maturity and unity?

God through the Servant will be able to wipe away the tears of the peoples of the earth.

25. What is Revelation 21:3,4 describing?

Christ—Head and Body coming to the earth; for Christ is the tabernacle of God.

26. What is the emphasis of the Church Age?

Bringing the members of the Body of Christ to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

God’s Servant Rules the Creation of God

1. What has Christ, as representative Man, inherited?

All things.

2. What change takes place in the last verse of the first chapter of the Book of Hebrews?

From the Heir of all things to the “heirs” of salvation.

3. What is the destiny of “man,” among the creatures of God?

Man is destined to rule the creation of God.

4. In what ways is “man” unique?

No creature other than man possesses the inheritance of a son of God. No creature other than man has been created in the image of God. No creature other than man is an heir of salvation. No creature other than man is the dwelling place, the throne, of almighty God

5. Who sits on the highest throne of all?

A Man—Christ.

6. Who else is sitting on that throne?

The saints.

7. Why is the Lord Jesus eligible to sit on the highest throne?

Because He is the Son of Man.

8. What is the role of the angels?

The angels are ministering spirits to the actual heirs of salvation.

9. Against whom does the Church struggle?

The lords of darkness.

10. What has been given to mankind?

The authority to exercise dominion over all the works of God’s hands.

11. Of what does a considerable portion of our Christian experience consist?

God gently but firmly removing our bondages and giving us dominion in Christ over things, relationships, and circumstances.

12. Who is the rightful Ruler over the saints?


13. What has made it possible for us to enter the plan of salvation?

Christ’s obedience and atoning blood.

14. What did the Lord Jesus learn by His sufferings while on the earth?


15. How do we saints learn obedience?

Through suffering.

16. What comes before the crown?

The cross.

17. What are we learning in the wilderness of testing?


18. What may happen if we force ourselves out of God’s prison?

We may be captured and given a longer sentence.

19. Why is Christ not ashamed to call us “brothers”?

Christ and the members of His Church are all of God, having been born of the one Father in Heaven.

20. How has God been planting the heavens?

Every time a person receives Christ and is born again his new nature ascends to the Throne of God. He is hidden with Christ in God in preparation for his return with Christ to the earth.

21. How do we become of the same Substance as Christ?

As the Divine Substance, the Word of God, is implanted in us we become of the same Substance and Nature as Christ.

22. When are we fully born again?

When Christ is fully formed in us.

23. What is one of the great errors of our time?

The idea that one cannot lose what is given at the time of accepting Christ.

24. What will take place when the Lord Jesus appears?

Those who are hidden in Him will appear in glory with Him.

25. What does it mean to “lay the foundations of the earth”?

When Jesus appears, those who are hidden in Him will appear in glory with Him. Then the foundations of the earth will be laid. The Kingdom of God will be set up on the earth as the reigning authority and power, and all the nations of the saved will be shepherded with a rod of iron wielded by Christ and His saints. God’s will shall be performed in the earth as it is being performed at God’s right hand in Heaven by Christ, by the elect angels, and by those who are abiding in Christ and in whom He abides.

26. What is the third assignment given to Christ?

To say to Zion, You are my people.

27. What will characterize the new heaven and earth reign of Christ?

The glorification of Zion, the coming down to earth of the perfected Jerusalem, the holy city, the Wife of the Lamb.

28. What is our task today?

To perform the Lord’s will in our corrupt mortal body in today’s demonized environment.

29. With whom is the third assignment of Christ beginning?

The firstfruits of the Bride.

30. What is the greatest desire of the Lamb of God?

That His Bride be one with Him and be with Him where He is, in the bosom of the Father.

31. What are we to cry to God’s people?

You are God’s people! Turn away from all else that attracts you!

32. What is true Christianity?

Christianity is the giving of eternal life and substance to the forms of Old Testament Judaism.

33. From what is the Bride being created?

Christ’s very body and blood.

34. What are the members of the Bride, the Body?

We are the fullness of Christ, who is destined to fill the heavens and the earth.

(“A Study Guide For ‘The Anointed Deliverer’”, 3962-1)

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