The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Two Shall Be One, continued

If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? (Jeremiah 12:5—NIV)

Change is coming. What kind of change? The tares of wickedness are coming to maturity. The tares of righteousness are coming to maturity.

The wicked will be swept up into the person of Satan. The righteous will be swept up into the Person of God.

Make straight the way of the Lord.

The church systems we have known will suffer revision in order to work successfully in the Lord's vineyard. The pressure is on to bring forth a church without spot or wrinkle. It is the Judge who is at the door. The customary pulpit-congregation ministry may continue in some form but there must be much more participation by the saints (formerly referred to as the congregation).

The days of the spectator sport are over. The customary choir must be enhanced by dancing, banners, tambourines, marching, mime, dramatics, prophesies acted out, and other innovations the Spirit may bring in.

Such greatly increased participation will be accompanied by all sorts of false paths. It is the responsibility of elders to watch for the moving of the Spirit and to encourage what the Spirit is doing, in the meanwhile lovingly but firmly stopping those behaviors that bring an uncomfortable, disquieting atmosphere.

The elders must not be afraid to stop that which is not edifying, which is not scriptural! It is not enough just to have change or excitement. We must govern the house of God diligently. We have been commanded to test the spirits, and test the spirits we must or we are going to have pandemonium.

Deception will increase in the last days. We already have much deception in our Evangelical doctrine and the Spirit is bringing us back to the Word of God. Scholars are becoming aware that the philosophy of Gnosticism has heavily infiltrated Christian thinking to the extent we have defined the goal of salvation as eternal residence in the spirit realm. Also the bodily resurrection of the flesh and bones of the saints, which is the destruction of the last enemy and the consummation of the Christian redemption, is virtually ignored; while our ascension into the clouds to meet Jesus and to be prepared for the attack of Armageddon has been altered to a flight to Heaven to escape Antichrist and the great tribulation.

We are in need of a reformation of Evangelical Christian thinking. We have been deceived.

There is no new revelation coming forth today. Rather the Holy Spirit of revelation is removing the seals from the Scriptures so we can understand them. The Godhead is becoming more comprehensible to us, not as we grow more intelligent, more capable in theology, but rather as we experience the Godhead. Jesus told us no one knows the Father except the Son and the individual to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.

In the midst of the Church, Jesus is worshiping the Father. As we worship the Father, Jesus is with us worshiping. How utterly splendid!

We have been saved through the blood of the cross. We have been given power to lead a holy life and to bear witness of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

Now it is time to learn strict obedience to the Father. Iron righteousness of behavior, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father must become our watchword, our rallying cry.

To be continued.