The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Two Shall Be One, continued

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. (Song of Solomon 2:11,12—NIV)

The days are growing spiritually dark. This means it is time for the Lord to draw near to His churches, His people.

Isn't it just like the Lord to choose the time when spiritual darkness is increasing in the earth to call His Bride to Himself? In this way the Lord God shows His utter contempt for His enemies.

Where does He set a table for us? You guessed it. In the presence of our enemies. Why does He do this? To show His utter disdain for those angels and spirits who would challenge His wisdom and power.

As sin increases grace will increase all the more, not only the grace of forgiveness but the Divine grace that has the power to lift us above the clutches of the evil one, to cause us to sing and dance in righteousness and holiness in the heights of Zion when the world is in flames.

"Oh Brother Thompson, you don't care about the people in the world." I care about the people in the world and I know they cannot be helped as we dwell in the darkness with them. They can only be released as we are released. When people see you rejoicing in your hope in the Lord they will ask you how you can have peace and joy when the world is in turmoil. You then can bring them to Jesus so they too can be in the ark of safety. Isn't this the truth?

We can do the people of the world no good by drowning with them. We can do the world supreme good by drawing closer to Jesus each day, hearing from Him concerning every decision we make, whether in the home, at work, in the school, or at play.

The Lord is very jealous concerning you, what your desires are, how you spend your time and strength. He wants you to look to Him constantly. Listen for His voice! You will discover He indeed is knocking at the door of your heart.

If you allow Him to enter He will dine with you on His body and blood. You will learn to live by Him as He lives by the Father.

Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. (John 6:57—NIV)

The Holy Spirit is ready to bring you to the Son. Are you willing to leave all that is familiar—now?

Then he and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night there. When they got up the next morning, he said, "Send me on my way to my master." But her brother and her mother replied, "Let the girl remain with us ten days or so; then you may go." But he said to them, "Do not detain me, now that the LORD has granted success to my journey. Send me on my way so I may go to my master." Then they said, "Let's call the girl and ask her about it." So they called Rebekah and asked her, "Will you go with this man?" "I will go," she said. (Genesis 24:54-58—NIV) (from The Two Shall Be One)