The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Fire of God, continued

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:3)

The Lord Jesus always dwells in the center of the consuming Fire that God is. If we expect to dwell in the Presence of God, the Lord Jesus must first come to us and receive us to Himself. He then must purify us from all that is wood, hay, and straw—from that which cannot survive the Divine Fire.

To bring into the new Jerusalem an individual in whom the works of the second death are dwelling would create chaos. Such a person would bring confusion into the holy city and would himself be exceedingly miserable. God in His goodness places people where they belong, where they are fit to dwell.

We humans on earth gravitate toward those individuals who are walking on the same plane of holiness as ourselves (except that God may call us to minister to those of less growth than ourselves). So it is true in the spiritual world. We shall be placed with those of like spiritual maturity.

In no case will any individual in whom is dwelling the works over which the second death has authority remain in the Presence of God and the Lamb. He will not enjoy the close fellowship with God that he desires until there has been a cleansing of spirit, soul, and body.

We do enjoy fellowship with God through the forgiveness found in the blood of Christ. That fellowship continues as long as we are walking "in the light," that is, we are following the Holy Spirit in the work of making us righteous and holy. As we gain righteousness and holiness of word and deed our sharing with God becomes increasingly full and rewarding.

The prodigal son did not bring his fornication and drunkenness back to his father's house. He returned as a chastened, repentant individual—a son who was ready to perform the role of a son.

Let us think for a moment about dwelling in the fire of God. Is this what we desire above all else? Do we look forward, after our physical death, to going to the very Center of the Divine Fire—there to abide forever? Is this our concept of "going to Heaven"? Is this what we really want? If so, we are one of those who long after God during our days on the earth. We are consumed with the desire to press as close to God as we can.

The day in which we are living will be a period of many changes. The pressures of demonic spirits and fallen angels will fill the earth. Soon it will become exceedingly difficult to resist sin.

Because of a misunderstanding of the work of the new covenant, many of God's people continue to sin. They will be afraid and helpless when they see and experience the demonic nightmare that will be unleashed in the earth during the age of moral horrors. At first they will attempt to fight against the corruption of the world using fleshly weapons but they soon will be overcome. The only effective weapons are those that are spiritual.

To be continued.