The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Temptation of the Bread

And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (Luke 4:3,4)

Every son of God is tested in the area of bread, the kingdoms of the world, and the pinnacle.

The temptation of bread has to do with finding security and survival in the world instead of in God.

Not all people are vulnerable in the same area of personality. Some individuals find the temptation of bread almost impossible to overcome.

Command this stone to be made bread. Focus your life on food, on shelter, on money, on what this world can do for you. The most important thing in life is to make a living. Whoever does not provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever.

We understand we are supposed to work and to provide for our loved ones. Paul says if we don't work we shouldn't eat. There are Christians who are "living by faith" who ought to be earning their keep. I have no use for religious bums who go from house to house talking about spiritual things. All such talk gets you nowhere with God.

The Lord Jesus made it plain that God is concerned about our physical survival. He commanded us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and whatever we need will be added to us. Either He will or He won't. In my own case God has provided so I am satisfied the Word is true.

There are men who work, work, work until there is no time left for God. They find security in this. They grub in the mud but God wants them to spend some time among the stars. They destroy their spiritual life doing this and will get no thanks for it.

We are supposed to live by the words that come from God's mouth. God is speaking at all times. Some of those words are directed at us. We are to listen to them and live by them. But we can't hear them and listen to the world at the same time.

If you are not taking the time to listen to God and are spending your time eating, working, playing, sleeping, and reproducing you might as well be a horse.

The only God Jesus mentioned is Mammon, the God of riches. No one can serve God and money. People amass money in case God doesn't come through.

Money is one of the chief gods of the United States of America. The money says "In God we trust." It ought to say in money we trust.

I dare you to take time each day to look to God for the survival and security of you and your loved ones. In fact I double-dare you. (We used to say that when we were kids.)

Life is too short to worship the world, money, education, and the rest of the resources of Antichrist. God alone is to be trusted.

You can't take it with you. Stop now and consider—are you wasting your life? Why not ask for the Bread of eternal life that comes from the great Rock—Jesus?