The Daily Word of Righteousness

A Suitable Helper, continued

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations. (Isaiah 42:1—NIV)

What further growth is needed if we are to be a helper suitable for Christ? Let us turn to Isaiah to find out.

The first issue we of today must come to terms with is that we are to be the Lord's servant. It has become fashionable, at least in America, to try to use the Lord Jesus as our servant. It is as though He is to be a helper suitable for us and assist us in every aspect of our life. Imagine if Eve were to consider Adam as a helper suitable for herself so she might pursue her own inclinations successfully!

Thinking in terms of the types of the Bible, we who are at Pentecost (the fourth feast of the Lord) are standing at the golden Lampstand (the fourth article of furniture of the Tabernacle of the Congregation).

The next (fifth) article of the Tabernacle was the Altar of Incense. It is at the Altar of Incense, so to speak, that we cry out to God "Not my will but Yours be done." In other words, it is after Pentecost that we begin to see ourselves as the Lord's servant, the Lord's helper, rather than the other way around.

Such total consecration to the Lord's will is not always emphasized in the Evangelical churches of America. Do you agree with this? The believers are as spoiled children, supposing God is waiting to supply their every desire while they pursue their own plans.

This is not the way of the Gospel of Christ. We have been commanded to lay down our own life, take up our cross, and follow Jesus Christ. Until we do this we are not a disciple. Until we are a disciple we are not a member of the Body of Christ, just a typical American member of the Christian religion.

God is calling today for those who are willing to endure the long, painful process of becoming a helper suitable for the Lord Jesus. How many American believers do you suppose will forsake the unscriptural teaching of "grace-rapture-Heaven" and turn to the Lord Jesus, ready to take up their cross of denial and patient suffering? Out of the millions of members of the Christian religion in America, will there be ten thousand who will serve Jesus Christ?

The Lord is not moved by numbers. If there are a hundred from all the American "Christians" who will turn away from their fleshly religion and serve Jesus Christ in iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father, then there will be a hundred from our generation who will appear with Him when He comes to install His Kingdom on the earth.

God never places quantity above quality. The Scriptures cannot be broken.

Also, as one can readily understand, if we do not grow up in Christ now, how in the world do we expect to be a helper suitable for the Lord? Would you allow your four-year-old child to drive your car downtown?

It is time to grow up in the Lord. We are to become a part of the Servant of the Lord, not a wandering star who is trying to be like Christ without becoming part of Christ.

To be continued.