The Daily Word of Righteousness

God Always Sends Two Witnesses, continued

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. (Hebrews 4:1)

Finally, the seventh day, the day of rest.

The last of the eternal days is the Day of Rest. The two witnesses are God and His Tabernacle.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. (Revelation 20:3)

The day of rest will proceed from God and His Tabernacle, which is Christ and His Body, the Church, the Israel of God, the new Jerusalem.

God and His Tabernacle reveal the nature of eternity.

I was at the church by this time. As I said, I was so astonished at what was whispered to my mind I didn't preach on it that Sunday. Would you have?

But as time went on I could see there was nothing unscriptural about the idea and, in fact, it made a great deal of sense.

I hope it proves to be a blessing to you.

Let me conclude this discussion of the two witnesses with the closing paragraphs of the book, The Kingdom of God Is at Hand.

The termination of the day of the Kingdom in chaos and war marks the conclusion of the physical universe. God's plan has been carried out to perfection and the material creation now is tossed aside as a soiled garment.

Christ Jesus speaks the word. The earth and the firmament vanish in a galactic explosion.

Then Christ speaks again. There comes into being a new heaven and a new earth. His Wife, the elect angels, and the saved of mankind behold from their various positions in the spirit realm what Christ has created.

To the astonishment and unparalleled delight of the saints, the holy angels, and the saved of mankind, they find themselves gazing on a new heaven and a new earth so much larger, so much more glorious, than the old heaven and earth that even their redeemed and expanded consciousness is not able to comprehend the dazzling beauty of the new universe.

Then the Lamb will turn and look at the face of His Bride to see if she is pleased with what He has spoken into being.

Now the new earth is ready for the eternal ministry of God and His Christ, His eternal Tabernacle. God's Tabernacle, His house, is the Lord Jesus plus those who have become one with Him.

The nations of saved peoples of the earth stare in amazement at the most glorious spectacle of all. Down from the new heaven is descending the Father's house, which is the Lamb and His Wife. She is His glory. Her beauty and radiance illumine the new earth. God the Father is moving from Heaven to the earth, there to dwell among His beloved creatures forever.

The Wife of the Lamb has attained total image, total union, total fruitfulness, and total dominion, during the Kingdom Age. Now she is ready, and Christ in her, and God in Christ, to be the manifestation of God among men, to be Immanuel—God with us.

To be continued.