The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Convergence

Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (Ephesians 2:15)

The physical land and people of Israel and the Christian churches are on a converging course.

Before the Lord Jesus came, the physical land and people of Israel were the area and the nation chosen by the Lord to belong to Himself in a way not true of the rest of the world. Now that the Lord Jesus has died for our sins and has risen again as our living Lord many questions are raised concerning the status of the physical land and people of Israel.

It is not true that the Christian churches have replaced physical Israel as God's chosen people. Neither is it true that in the coming age the Church will have a heavenly destiny and the Jews an earthly destiny.

The reason Satan labors so diligently to keep the physical Jews and the Christians apart is that the Kingdom of God, the government that will rule the world, will result from a convergence of physical Israel and the Christian Church.

The "one new man" of Ephesians is speaking of the fact that through the atonement made by Jesus Christ the believing Jews and Gentiles are made one. They converge. But there is more to the convergence than this.

There is a natural Jerusalem on the earth. There is a spiritual Jerusalem in Heaven. The Kingdom of God will come to the earth as the spiritual Jerusalem descends from Heaven and clothes the physical land and people of Israel, just as in the day of resurrection our heavenly body will clothe our resurrected physical body.

As we understand the Scriptures the Jews living in Israel at the time will be born again by a sovereign move of God just as the Saul of Tarsus was born again by a sovereign move of God.

The Kingdom of God, of which every true Christian, Jew or Gentile, is an integral part, will rule from Jerusalem. Jesus Christ will be crowned king and sit on the throne of David on the Temple Mount. The law of God will issue from physical Jerusalem and govern all nations.

Not every person of Jewish blood is a true child of Abraham. Among the Jews as among the Gentiles, the blessing comes by promise, by election.

There is but one Seed of Abraham, and that is Jesus Christ and all who are part of Him, independently of natural birth.

But the physical land and people of Israel are specially blessed and the Gospel of the Kingdom is to the Jews first. The born-again experience, the entrance into the Kingdom, was preached first to the Jew Nicodemus.

The Kingdom of God began and will end with the Jews. We Gentiles are somewhere in the middle of the sandwich.

Both physical Israel and the Christian churches are portrayed by the very dry bones of Ezekiel. The Spirit of God will assemble and empower both physical Israel and the Christian churches. Then God's true elect, both Jewish and Gentile by race, will be raised from the dead and brought into the land of Israel. This is the army of the Lord prophesied in so many passages.

The Jews are returning home today, being drawn by the Spirit of the Lord. The same Spirit is speaking to Christian people, calling them past the Pentecostal experience and giving them a love for physical Israel.

The power of the Father is at work. His promises to His Son are to be fulfilled to the letter. No hostile authority or power is as great as that of the Father.

All Israel shall be saved, becoming one new man, one stick in God's hand.

If you want to be part of the Kingdom of God, put away your sin. Great doings are afoot.