The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Kingdom of God

And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:2)

John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul preached the Kingdom of God. What are we preaching today—the gospel of "make a decision for Christ"?

Search the statement of faith of your church and see if the expression the Kingdom of God is found.

What has happened to the Gospel of the Kingdom?

I wondered for years why we preach that we get saved to go to Heaven since this expression is not found in the Scriptures. Recently I came across the philosophy of Gnosticism that teaches spirit is good and matter is evil. Maybe this is where the gospel of "go to Heaven" came from.

In any case, in these days the spiritual oppression is becoming so strong we need to base our faith on the Scriptures.

Most or all of Jesus' parables concerned the Kingdom. The Kingdom is like this. The Kingdom is like that. What in the world (or in Heaven) is the Kingdom?

The Kingdom of God is God in Christ in the saints ministering to the needs of God's creation. It is as simple as that. Tell your friends.

Where is the Kingdom? It is wherever God in Christ in the saints are whether in Heaven or on the earth.

The Kingdom of God is not designed to remain in Heaven but on the earth. God is moving to the earth. The throne of God is coming to the earth. Everybody who reads the Bible knows that.

The gospel of going to Heaven is pretty good but the Gospel that the Kingdom of Heaven is coming to the earth is much better. This way you can have your cake and eat it too.

Ask somebody what Heaven is like. They will describe the earth. Oh there are trees, flowers, birds, children playing, and so forth. You don't have to leave New England to see all this.

What we mean is there is no pain! We don't have a burning desire to stand on a sea of glass and play a harp. What we want is the present world without pain!

That's why Jesus told them to go and heal the sick and tell them about the Kingdom. The Kingdom is about getting healed.

If you want to go to Heaven real bad either you are in pain or else you have a lot of loved ones there—or maybe you are tired and need a rest.

What if the Lord came, brought your loved ones, removed the pain, and gave you unlimited energy. You still want to be a disembodied spirit and parade on a golden street with a palm branch in your hand?

Oh but I want to be where Jesus is! That's the point. You don't want to be a bodiless spirit you want to be where the King is. Right? Well the King is coming to the earth. Everybody knows that but I guess they forgot.

When He comes He is not going to make a U-turn.

The devil would love to see the whole Church carried up to Heaven. That's where he came from and he prefers the earth. Here's the deal. You give the devil the earth. The devil will give you the realm of spirits. Fair enough?

Satan will have a marvelous time here without you!

But what about the nations? They are Christ's inheritance—and yours if you are a coheir. Are you ready to give all these men and women, boys and girls, and our beautiful earth to a rebellious cherub?

Go ahead. Make your eternal home with the spirits. The Lord and His saints are going to take over the earth and inherit your people.

And quit praying the Lord's prayer if you don't believe it!