The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Blood—Forgives and Cleanses, #8

He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. (I John 3:8—NIV)

The idea that we are screened from God's sight makes it possible for us to avoid the numerous sufferings that God sends upon us to drive the sin from us. We avoid that which is unpleasant—our personal cross. We flee from the Lord's prisons. Our integrity being greatly weakened by this false concept, we wrench ourselves from everything that is not making us happy and comfortable, even though we have to break God's laws in doing so.

Why should we be concerned about breaking God's laws of marriage? We are covered with the blood.

Why should we strive to put sin to death? We are covered with the blood.

Why should we repent of our worldliness? We are covered with the blood.

Why should we present our body a living sacrifice that we might prove the will of God? God sees us only through the blood.

How could we possibly hear anything negative at the Judgment Seat of Christ—that terror of all terrors?

God has never witnessed our behavior. We continually are shielded from His sight by the blood of the cross.

This concept—that God does not see the behavior of Christians—will prove to be the most destructive heresy ever to enter Christian thinking. It and its sister, the pre-tribulation "rapture," have ruined the work of the Gospel of the Kingdom in our day.

We have underestimated the enemy. While we are wondering if some prominent politician is the Antichrist, Antichrist, the one who espouses the rights of people as being the greatest good of all, has been preaching from the pulpits of Evangelical churches.

It is not that Christian leaders are seeking to deceive. Many of them would have made a great success of a worldly career but instead, at a considerable cost to themselves, have obeyed the call of God to the ministry.

It is not that Christians are trying to be wrong, it is that we have been deceived by an enemy far more cunning than we.

I invite all Christians to consider what I have written here—having written with some fear and trembling. One does not attack the old landmarks unless he is certain before God that they are not really the old landmarks but new landmarks that have been placed by the enemy.

The spiritual pressures of our times leave no place for untested traditions. We must return to the Scriptures and examine what is written, whether or not we are embarrassed or discomfited by so doing. This is as true for me as for anyone else. We must have truth. We must have solid Bible under our feet if we are to stand.

I respectfully submit we are incorrect in assuming that believers are covered by the blood of the cross such that their behavior does not affect their status in the Kingdom of God, in the eyes of God. It absolutely is true that the Passover blood of Christ covers us so we may make our exit from the world and Satan. But to attempt to prolong this protection, using it as an excuse to sin, destroys God's plan to make us in the image of His Son.

I think I have demonstrated this to be true from the Scriptures.

You must decide for yourself. (from The Blood—Forgives and Cleanses)