The Daily Word of Righteousness

Rescued From the Body of Death, #3

Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. (Romans 8:5—NIV)

We see from the verse above that the battle is in the mind. Where does our mind dwell? Does our mind dwell on the things of the sinful nature or does our mind dwell on the things the Spirit desires?

It seems to me a native in a village, in Africa or India, would have an easier time keeping his or her mind on the things of the Spirit than we do in America. I may be incorrect in this never having lived in a remote village.

This is why people enter monasteries and convents. They are trying to get away from the temptations and distractions of the material environment.

It is the will of God that some of us live and work in the midst of this material death. We have to pray continually throughout the day in order to keep our mind stayed on the Lord, to keep our affections and interests fixed on heavenly things.

The world is in a turmoil today. It is very, very easy to devote the main part of our thinking to that which is taking place in the various countries. How easy it is to forget we are in this world but not of this world. How easy it is to fret about the various confrontations and political maneuvers taking place.

One of the worst problems we have is that of judging according to our own thinking. The Lord Jesus never judged according to what He saw or heard on the earth. Jesus judged according to what He saw and heard with the Father. This we must learn to do if we are to perform God's will. It is a mark of maturity when we pray over every judgment we make until we have God's peace.

Where is your mind dwelling? Is it on the things of earth or the things of Heaven? If you pray, God will help.

Remember, we are answering the question about being rescued from the body of death.

We have been forgiven through the blood of Christ, we have left the Law of Moses, and now we are learning to live under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ.

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; (Romans 8:6—NIV)

When we think continually about the things of the world, when we are unduly influenced by the media, we are dwelling in spiritual death. In America we are surrounded with spiritual death. The emphasis on material success and the acquiring of great amounts of money is spiritual death. The excess of entertainment is spiritual death. Much of the television programming is spiritual death. The pornography on the Internet is spiritual death. Much of what is taught in the public schools and universities is spiritual death.

As Paul exhorts, we are to come out of the world and touch not the unclean thing. We can work in the world and go to school in the world, even in America, and yet in our heart and mind be separate. It is not easy but it is possible as we go to the Mercy Seat in Heaven and ask for help in our time of need.

To be continued.