The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Eternal Law of God

He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (I John 2:4)

1. The Lord God of Heaven shall be the first love of our heart, the first thought of our mind, the first priority of our devotion and energies.

2. We will not worship or be in bondage to any thing, relationship, or circumstance. We will serve Christ alone and God through Him.

3. We will use the name of Christ and of God only in the utmost sincerity never loosely or to support our lie. We will not attempt to deceive others or ourselves by presenting our word and will as though they were God's word and will. We will keep the name of God holy in our heart and mouth.

4. We will not spend our life creating our own heaven and earth but will cease from our own works and enter God's rest, recognizing that all has been finished from the creation of the world. The Lord and His works shall be our continual delight. We will not seek our own pleasure or speak our own words but will seek the Lord's pleasure and speak His words. Our goal in life will be to find God's will and perform it. Our necessary food will be to finish the work God has given us to do, laying aside all concern for our own security, our own pleasure, and our own achievement.

5. We will honor our father and mother and all others who have been used of God to give us life, to nourish and guide us, and to bring us to maturity in Christ. We will respect authority.

6. We will not permit hatred or anger toward another person to abide in our heart but will commit our need for justice to the Lord. We will not strive to harm or remove those who are hindering us but will present our situation to the Lord for His wisdom.

7. We will not indulge in unlawful passions, in filthy imaginations, romantic lusts, in relationships God has not ordained.

8. We will not take what belongs to another person or seek to get what we want apart from God. We will never deprive another person in order to gain joy for ourselves.

9. We will not bear a false witness against another person, gossiping, criticizing, putting him or her in a bad light for our own advantage.

10. We will not desire for ourselves that which belongs to another. We will forsake envy, competitiveness, jealousy, personal ambition, self-importance.

The eternal law of the Lord God of Heaven never changes. It has existed from eons past. It abides today and will endure throughout the eons yet to come. It never shall change or pass away.

The eternal law of God is the expression of God's moral Nature. The changing of one particle of God's moral Nature would be the worst of all possible catastrophes.

The eternal law was given to Moses to pass on to Israel, and through Israel to all mankind. At that time its expression was somewhat hindered because of the limitations of our flesh. Now that we have been born again of Christ, and the Spirit of God is dwelling in us, we can begin to respond to the fullest implications of this holy law. (from It Is Time for a Reformation of Christian Thinking)