The Daily Word of Righteousness


Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (II Thessalonians 2:3,4)

Like Judas, Antichrist probably will start out as a somewhat sincere Christian. However, encouraged by the spirit of religious delusion currently infiltrating various branches of evangelicalism, including the Charismatics, Antichrist will become filled with self-will until he believes he is God.

The spirit of religious delusion is Christianity minus the personal cross of the believer. It is the attempt to use the things of Christ apart from the Presence and guidance of the resurrected Jesus. Self-governed people speak in tongues and are attempting to build the Kingdom. We see it on every hand.

Christians imagine that Antichrist will be hostile to Christianity in a manner similar to a Fascist or Communist dictator. They do not understand the wisdom of the enemy. It is true, rather, that Antichrist will invite the Christians to help him with the task of improving the quality of life of earth's multitudes.

Antichrist will not attack the professions of belief of the churches because Satan knows religious beliefs alone cannot destroy his kingdom. Antichrist will attack the manifestation of the Spirit of God. He will discourage prayer and all that has to do with life in the Spirit, and will teach the Christians (who are sheep) to emphasize the "good" they can do in the world—to use their resources and talents to help mankind.

That which is positive in terms of people is to be stressed, and talk about the coming of a Kingdom and a Day of Judgment is to be avoided as not being constructive and helpful. The churches are to be hospitals to "help sinners," not prophets that thunder denunciations of civilization and urge us to accept crucifixion with Christ Jesus. Antichrist will overcome many believers with his smooth words (Daniel 11:32).

Only a praying saint who walks with God will be able to see through the mask of the worldly "friends" of the church and perceive the face of the Hell-filled fallen cherub.

The Christian churches in their present condition represent no danger to Satan. It is God whom Satan fears. As long as we of the churches concentrate on our activities, ambitions ("for the Gospel"), programs, buildings, computerized analyses, seminars, rallies, conventions, Satan is safe.

Satan is safe until some saint goes to his knees in prayer, lays his life (religious and otherwise) at the foot of the cross of Christ Jesus, and then arises under the load of his personal cross and begins to walk in righteousness, holiness, and stern obedience to the Father. It is then Hell trembles.

The accuser of the brothers is overcome only when a saint trusts in the blood of the Lamb, reveals the Word of God in his personality, deeds, and words, and loves not his life to the death.

Such a saint learns from the Father that he does not need the help of the world and is not to seek it. His role in the world is not to solve the problems of mankind. His role is to bear witness of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and of the Kingdom of righteousness that soon is to come to earth.

Take your gifts and lay them at the cross. Let the living Christ govern all that you do. (from The Coming of the Lord)