The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Scripture Versus Our Traditions

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:29)

There are two major goals of the Christian salvation. One is to be in the image of Christ. The other is to be in union with God through Christ.

In any system it is important to know the goal. If you don't understand the goal clearly everything else is confused back down the line. If you don't know what your goal is how can you know when you get there or even if you are moving in the right direction?

Perhaps due to the influence of the philosophy of Gnosticism (which maintains that matter is evil and spirit is good) we have changed the Bible goals of image and union to eternal residence in Heaven, in the spirit Paradise. Because we are confused over the goal we have no way of knowing whether or not what we are doing is moving us in the right direction.

When you add to the goal of eternal residence in Heaven the viewing of Christ's blood as our ticket to get there, and Divine grace as an alternative to righteous living, you have a witches brew calculated to destroy the Kingdom of God.

There surely is a Heaven where God and the angels are. But our goal is not to live there eternally but to be in the image of Christ and to be in untroubled union with the Father through Christ. Where do these goals lead us? To fellowship with God and participation in His kingdom purposes.

It is God's plan to set up headquarters on the earth and we wouldn't want to be stuck in Heaven while God is on the earth!

The blood of Christ is not a ticket to Heaven, it is the payment of the mortgage Satan has on us so we can repent of our sins and begin to serve God in righteousness and obedience.

Divine grace is not an alternative to righteous behavior but freedom from the Law of Moses so we can look to the Lord Jesus and serve Him each day without the distraction of the requirements of the Law.

Any fundamental Bible scholar will tell you that what we have just written is true. But evangelicals hold all of these incompatible ideas in their head in compartments. They believe God has predestined us to be in the image of Jesus and yet they also believe we are to spend eternity in the spirit Paradise.

They believe the blood is the full payment of the mortgage so we can serve God in righteousness and yet they also believe the blood is our ticket to Heaven.

They believe that through grace we are free from the Law of Moses so we can be married to Christ and serve Him and yet they view grace as an alternative to righteous living.

They believe Christ will rule on the throne of David in Jerusalem and that we always will be with Him. They believe we will rule the nations as the royal priesthood of God. Then they suppose they are to spend eternity in Heaven in a mansion.

One of these sets of ideas is scriptural. The other is pure tradition with no support in the Scriptures.

It is time now to cast off these traditional myths and go back to the Scriptures. Satan has accomplished his purpose. He has used the myths to keep the Christians from growing in moral character. The believers are silly, ignorant of God and His ways, waiting to be caught up in their carnality to meet the Consuming Fire of Israel.

We Christians absolutely must wake up and quit sinning. The sword of judgment hangs over America. Will you be a light to those around you when chaos stalks our nation? You will if you will use the present hour to come to know the Lord.