The Daily Word of Righteousness

Preparation for Invasion, continued

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

We are teaching that even though we fail to overcome we still will eat of the tree of life and govern the nations with a rod of iron. We are making a liar out of the Apostle John.

We are preaching that even though we build wood, hay, and straw on the foundation of Christ, we will be saved by fire in any case. But the warnings in the New Testament to the lazy servant reveal that being saved by fire may indeed be a terrifying experience, not to mention the fact that we will have no reward in the Kingdom of God.

What about the five foolish virgins? Were they saved as by fire?

What about the lazy servant who buried his talent? Was he saved as by fire?

What about the believer of the sixth chapter of Romans who was paid in death because he refused to become the slave of righteousness? Was he saved as by fire?

What about the backsliding Jewish Christian who neglected his salvation? Was he saved as by fire?

What about the believer in Galatia who sowed to his flesh and reaped corruption? Was he saved as by fire?

What about the servant who did not do the will of Christ and was beaten with many lashes? Was he saved as by fire?

What about the thief on the cross? What about him? Are you counting on calling Christ "Lord" when you are breathing your last? What if the Spirit of God does not give you the gift of repentance? What if you die suddenly and have no chance to call Christ "Lord?"

When you pass into eternity, and have not done the will of God, are you going to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant" even though you have neither been good nor faithful?

"No, but I am going to be saved as by fire." What kind of fire? What are you talking about? What do you mean "saved"?

Do you mean you will be resurrected to a state of corruption, forced into the outer darkness, beaten with many lashes, deprived of all reward so you enter the Kingdom of God a naked spirit, required to spend countless years in the fires of judgment so all sin and self-seeking are burned out of you, and regarded with disgust by everyone around you?

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)

Aren't you scared of dying? I would be if I were youùscared to death. I would go home and hide under the covers.

Instead of going home and hiding under the blankets, why don't you turn to Jesus and ask Him to deliver you completely from the lies being preached in the Evangelical churches, to remove the very spirit of the myths that are so abundant?

The Bible is still the "good Book." When we study it and do exactly what it says we will prosper in all we do. We will be able to enter our inheritance. We will be filled with courage. No enemy will be able to stand before us.

We indeed will walk. We will walk where the Lord our God shows us to walk. We will receive for an inheritance all we have put our foot upon.

Moses is dead. Joshua is in command. We are passing from the twenty-third to the twenty-fourth Psalm. Jesus, the Shepherd, is now the Lord, strong and mighty in battle. Those who are following Him, His army, can fall on the sword and not be wounded. This is because the sword, the eternal Word of God, has tested every aspect of their personality and made it immortal. They are fireproof because they already have confessed their sins and gotten rid of them.

Why don't you join the happy soldiers who are destined to go through the earth and, in the Presence and by the name of Jesus, drive from our inheritance all wickedness, all sin, all disobedience, all rebellion against Christ's commandments?

This is the time. Enlist now. God is looking for a few good men and women, boys and girls.