The Daily Word of Righteousness

Moses and Elijah, continued

And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:12-14)

The experiences of people when the Holy Spirit is outpoured show that it is not enough to just have a move of God. I can remember in the late 1940s when the latter-rain movement came down from Canada. There was wonderful revelation of the Spirit, particularly with reference to the gifts and ministries of the Spirit and to the concept of the Body of Christ.

But along with the true revelation there was much error.

"There is no more communion or water baptism."

"Christ is in us so we are to get off our knees and march forward. We don't need gifts and ministries because Christ is in us."

"The sons of God are to be eunuchs."

"It is time for the manifested sons of God to appear."

You would think people would be able to discern what was coming from God and what was coming from Satan. But let me tell you something! In one breath Peter declared that Jesus is the Christ and in the next breath Peter spoke from the spirit of Satan.

Christians need to understand that Satan can emulate the Holy Spirit until you can't tell the difference. You have to pray, ask God in Jesus' name to keep you from deception and error, and even then be very careful to watch the fruit of what you are doing. The wisdom that comes from God is always peaceful, never hurried or frantic, never in disagreement with the Scriptures.

You do not have to force people or circumstances to do God's will. When you feel uncomfortable, irritated, dreading what you are doing, it is a good idea to go to the Lord and ask Him if such pain and dread are His will for you, and if not to remove them from you; and if you are causing your own pain to guide you away from what you are doing.

Yes, there was much error accompanying the Pentecostal outpouring and always will be when God is moving. This is why God is preparing us now so that when He does pour out His Spirit we will not attempt to organize the move into a new denomination. We will not vaunt ourselves, go off into deception, do something foolish, or otherwise tie ourselves up in a spiritual knot. The vessels of the Glory must be prepared today.

An important part of the preparation is our recognition of the value of Moses and the value of Elijah. Both of them will be part of the Kingdom, as Jesus pointed out on the Mount of Transfiguration.

We who bear witness of the Lord must have the compassion and wisdom of Moses and the ability to explain to people how to walk in righteousness, holiness, and obedience to the Lord.

We who bear witness of the Lord must also have a side toward God so that when people come to make us a king we will flee to the mountain of prayer so we can be alone with God.

When I was in Bible school many years ago Elijah was my hero. To think of the chariot and horses of fire! To think of not dying but going up to Heaven in a whirlwind! Awesome!

Let's keep both dimensions of the Kingdom strong in our personality so we can live in God's Presence and say (as did Elijah and Elisha) "the Lord God before whom I stand" and also be able to come down from the holy mountain with the knowledge of God to share with a Church and a world that in the present hour needs a fresh revelation of the Almighty.

A one- liner: It may be the work of a moment to get a person out of the world, but it is the work of a lifetime to get the world out of the person.