The Daily Word of Righteousness

Saved—From Hell to Heaven or From Death to Life, continued

Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. (Romans 8:14—NIV)

The question arose in our mind, "What is the source of this spirit that attacks the fulfilling of the Great Commission?—that is seeking to call us down from building the wall against sin?"

Part of the reasoning continually expressed is that since the Bible commands us to go forth and save sinners from Hell there is therefore no need to wait on the Lord in order to obtain His directions.

But we teach in our church that no aspect of ministry, no aspect of personal holiness, no aspect of judgment, and no aspect of decision making is to be conducted apart from the guidance and enablement of the Spirit of God. We strongly hold to the belief that waiting on the Spirit of God must become a supreme factor in our life and that no commandment of the Bible can be obeyed perfectly, completely, and eternally apart from the enablement of the Spirit.

We take nothing for granted but ask God about everything. (Remember the mistake Joshua made!)

We believe also that God is sovereign in His dealings with mankind. God is in control of every human being, including every Christian—and every sparrow for that matter. We do not have to rush about in distraction trying to save the world. But we do have to be strictly obedient to God's Spirit as He draws people to Christ.

Our task is to faithfully obey the Spirit of the Lord every day. The Lord's task is to add people to the Church (often using people as an instrument) according to His sovereign blueprint drawn up when He created the heavens and the earth.

We believe that the Word of God is a Seed that is sown by the Spirit of God. Fifty people may raise their hands and "make a decision for Christ." The number fifty is dutifully entered in the records.

King David got in trouble with God for numbering the people! Why do we persist in this practice when the Scripture stands against it? Such records may prove to be dangerous in the days of persecution that are ahead.

Of those fifty, one or two may follow on to know the Lord. However, there may have been others in the meeting who did not raise their hand but the Seed remained in their heart. Years later the Seed began to germinate and brought forth a great tree of righteousness. Why wasn't this person entered in our records?

One plants and one waters but God gives the increase. The farmer doesn't sow seed and reap the harvest in the same day!

We believe further that the goal of the ministries and gifts given to the Body of Christ is to build up each saint to the unity of the faith and to maturity as measured by the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: (Ephesians 4:13)

To be continued.