The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Resolution, continued

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (II Corinthians 5:17—NIV)

There will be no thorough, lasting repentance until God's pastors and teachers begin to convey to the members of the Christian churches that there is no such thing as a Christian experience in which the individual is not in the process of becoming a new righteous creation in Jesus Christ.

We have been commanded to present our body a living sacrifice. We have been commanded to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow the Lord Jesus. We have been commanded to abide in the Vine that we might bear the moral image of Jesus Christ in our personality. We have been commanded to let our light shine that people may see our good works and glorify God.

There absolutely is no salvation apart from the change from unrighteous behavior to righteous behavior.

Dreadful judgment hangs over the United States because of the immorality of the people. The blame rests on the Christian churches. We are the only moral light of the world. Because we are not teaching and living righteous lives, due to the false teachings of faith without works and the pre-tribulation "rapture," the secular population is living in moral chaos.

I wonder what would happen if the pastors, teachers, and evangelists in the United States got together, renounced the fables they have been teaching, and returned to the Scriptures. What if they began to "sing the song of Moses and the Lamb," that is, they abandoned the wretched, unscriptural Dispensational teaching and publicly recognized that God's goal for man has never changed from the time of Abel to the present?—that the idea of the Christian Era being a parenthesis in God's working is totally unscriptural, morally destructive, so far removed from God's plan as to be bizarre and absolutely indefensible?

What if we all determined to abandon the unscriptural "state of grace" and began to live as Jesus and His Apostles commanded us to live—morally pure, righteous lives strictly obedient to the Father?

What if our good works were such that the world, seeing them, glorified God instead of cursing the hypocritical behavior they have witnessed through the centuries. I know there have been blessed exceptions, I am speaking of the major testimony. The Christian churches are a joke today in the United States because of the extension of the concept of imputed righteousness far past its appointed bounds.

If our nation followed the lead of morally reformed assemblies of Christians I'll tell you what would happen (if it is not already too late!). Everything in our country, the schools, the government, the military, the financial picture, jobs, crime—every aspect of life would come out of the darkness of sin and death that currently is the case.

Even the international scene, the actions of the other countries as they impact the United States, would be affected positively.

But if the Evangelical churches continue with the lawless-grace message while the people hop up and down next to their pews waiting for the unscriptural "rapture" to deliver them from their troubles, neglecting the moral transformation that is the only reliable proof of salvation, then we can look for vicious persecution and the rapid decline of the United States until it is a country of little consequence in the affairs of the world. This is what happened to Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Rome, Persia, Greece, and assuredly shall happen to the United States—the great and currently failing attempt to be a melting pot for all races.

We have not sounded the alarm in the churches. Perhaps the blood of the sinners in the United States is staining our hands. (from The Resolution)