The Daily Word of Righteousness

Power or Righteousness?

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

It has become fashionable in modern times to seek power with God. Much is written about how to have power with God.

I doubt if hundreds of years ago the Catholic peasants coming in from the field at vespers thought much about having power with God. It's probably a modern phenomenon.

The idea of getting power from the spirit realm goes along with the contemporary man-centeredness of everything. If we can get enough power we can build the Kingdom of God in the way we think best (in the way that will profit our own group).

The Bible doesn't exhort us to seek power, as far as I know, but to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Righteousness always is an issue of power. It takes power to work righteousness and power comes to us from God when we practice righteousness. So righteousness is the big topic.

The reason we cannot overcome the evil in our own life is that we lack power. We have to pray like sixty to get the power to overcome temptation.

The reason we cannot overcome the evil in our nation is we don't have the power. (Some day we shall!)

We try to get power by voting or seeking political office or by lobbying or threatening politicians running for office. I don't know how much good these efforts do.

Since the evil of abortion and other problems are coming from Satan, how are we going to get rid of it by voting or threatening politicians? The source of the wickedness is spiritual. Spiritual battles are not fought with voting but with prayer, righteousness, holiness, and obedience to God.

It is the prayer of the righteous individual that avails much.

"Brother Thompson, I am righteous through Christ."

Horsefeathers. James, the writer who said the prayer of the righteous avails much, wasn't too pleased with the idea of imputed righteousness. He was interested in helping the orphans and widows in their troubles.

The powers of Hell are running wild in the streets of America. We have invited all the demons from India, Africa, South America, and other places, and are protecting them with the Bill of Rights. They are having a ball at the expense of our citizens. (Can you imagine the look on the faces of the framers of the Constitution?)

Yoga, a part of the Hindu religion, is practiced by people in our government, according to the newspaper. (It reminds you of the Book of Ezekiel.)

So you are not going to accomplish everything by the democratic process.

As spiritually dark as the present atmosphere of America is, there is far and away more Divine power available than is necessary to totally clean up the environment.

God is ready to issue all the power we need the moment we turn away from our sins. He's got it up there. Are we going to do what He has commanded or not?