The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Mystery of the Gospel, continued

Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:22—NIV)

Let me now, as the Spirit enables, share with you some of the marvelous aspects of "Christ in you" that have been made known throughout the past years. May they be a blessing and help to you.

The whole mystery is right here in Adam and Eve. God took a piece of Adam and from that piece drew out Eve. From Eve's toenails to the last hair on her head she was Adam. Eve was Adam in another form. Eve could not marry another person because it would have been Adam marrying the individual.

There was no wedding ceremony. Eve was created from Adam and was Adam.

This is what it is all about.

God created man to be one with Himself. This is why, unlike the angels, we are either male or female. We are incomplete. No angel can be joined to another angel or to God.

We were made to be one with God, to be God's dwelling place, His sanctuary. We are of little significance until we are part of God.

Christ went to the cross to prepare a place for us in the eternal House of God, which is Christ—Head and Body. First the atonement for sin was made and the sanctuary in Heaven was cleansed. Then the body and blood of Christ were made available to us.

The "deep sleep" of Calvary came upon the Lord Jesus, and His body and blood were multiplied like the loaves and fish. Now those who have been called from the foundation of the world are given the body and blood of Christ to eat and drink.

The process is this: our adamic personality is struck down by the tribulations through which we are brought. As our adamic personality is brought down (crucified) our new life springs up. Our new life is drawn from the body and blood of Christ just as Eve was drawn from the piece of Adam.

Christ must be formed in us. Our personality must become an entirely new creation in which all the old has passed away and what remains is of Christ—every tiny aspect of it!

We are being made the counterpart of Christ just as Eve is the counterpart of Adam. We are to be Christ in another form, not a competitor of Christ but a part of Christ, a tree of life growing out from the roots of the greater Tree of Life. This is God's will—that Christ may be multiplied until His fullness, the Church, fills all in all.

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. (Ephesians 1:22,23—NIV)

We know the purpose of the gifts and ministries given by the Spirit of God are for the purpose of building every member of the Body of Christ to maturity as measured by the stature of the fullness of Christ. We know such maturity is accomplished as our adamic nature is crucified and Christ is formed in us.

We understand these things are true. But what purpose is served by having Christ brought to fullness in us?

To be continued.