The Daily Word of Righteousness

Food Sacrificed to Idols, #2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2—NIV)

Entertainment. It used to be that people would go to some form of entertainment once a month, or sometimes once a week. Now people are entertained by the television several hours a day. This is neither wholesome nor godly.

We do not need this much entertainment! The believer will never make a success of the Christian discipleship until he spends time each day in prayer, in waiting on the Lord, in meditating in the Scriptures. Religious devotion of this kind leaves little time for watching the antics of Satan and his demons.

Large amounts of time spent in front of the television set is not only unprofitable, it is harmful—destructive of spiritual development. We have been commanded to not be conformed to the present world. The television set conforms us to the present world. We have been exhorted to make good use of our time. Watching television is not time occupied with building the Kingdom of God.

The five demon-gods, lust, violence, drunkenness and revelry, covetousness, and witchcraft compose the great bulk of television programming. Those who occupy a portion of each day with television watching are partaking of these five gods and shall suffer accordingly.

The Christian family should never permit their children to watch the secular television unless very closely supervised. The programming is of Satan. There are alternatives to television, such as indoor games, outdoor games, reading, puzzles, filmstrips, and video cassettes. There are a multitude of religious filmstrips and video cassettes that are useful for acquainting children with Christian values.

No doubt there soon will be on the market a number of interactive computer programs that enhance Christian teaching.

To sit the child in front of the secular television programs is to fill him or her with Satan's values. Is this what we want?

If we deliver our children to Satan in this manner they will turn against us when they are older and hand us over to the authorities for being religious fanatics. The day of persecution is at hand!

To watch the secular television programs, even the news, can be to partake of food offered to demons if we do not continue to be diligent in prayer. We know the news is biased in favor of non-Christian values and we must keep this in the forefront of our mind.

If we want to know what really is going on in the world we need to spend an hour in prayer each day.

The families that have subscribed to the Internet must be extremely careful of how the children use using the computer. There is good on the Internet. There also are horrific sites that no child should ever see.

Although we may not realize it, every thing we see and hear is registered in our subconscious mind. The rapid increase of homicides by young people and children in America reveals the impact the media are having. We can ignore this pollution of the young and continue with our worship of "freedom of speech," but there is a terrible price to pay for our handing over our children to Satan in this manner. God perceives our carelessness toward the evil indoctrination of the young people as an absolute abandonment of our responsibility toward those whom we have brought into the world. He will not prevent the predictable outcome. We have not done our part!

To be continued.