The Daily Word of Righteousness

Food Sacrificed to Idols, #12

You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3—NIV)

If the child becomes so elevated in the household that he cannot be corrected he will become a little tyrant, always demanding that his wishes be granted immediately. Children soon learn whether they can assert their self-will or whether they must defer to the will of those who are over them in the Lord—their parents and their teachers. They also learn when they successfully can set one adult against another.

Mothers in the wealthy nations are heard to say, "My child must have the best," meaning every luxury and every advantage. This is a food offered to an idol. The truth is, the child must be filled as much as possible with the Word and worship of God. The knowledge of the Lord is the best gift any parent can give his child, along with a due respect for authority. If the child loves, fears, and obeys God, then the parent has given his or her child "the best."

Lust and perversions. The Western, "Christian" nations are filled with every form of sexual lust and perversion. They claim to be the "free" nations of the world. The truth is, they are the slaves of the most hideous monsters one can imagine.

All of the ancient sins are on the increase, from homosexuality to the offering of human sacrifice in satanic rituals. Pornography is widespread. The use of children as objects of lust is common in the democratic nations. In the public schools of America an attempt is being made to convince children that moral perversions are normal and we must accept every individual with open arms no matter how morally filthy his behavior becomes.

We are but a short distance from legalized man-boy relationships, legalized incest, and legalized relationships with animals. These abominations do not differ in kind from what is taking place, only in the degree of public acceptance. Americans are using the Bill of Rights of their Constitution to force open the floodgates of moral filth. America in the present hour is overrun with demons, and she is not alone among the Western nations.

How long will God permit His earth to be overrun with demons? We cannot say. History warns us that it will not be long before Divine judgment overtakes us.

Satan and his forces in the spirit realm somehow obtain gratification from the practice of lust and perversions. To engage in such abominations is to eat food offered to idols.

Excessive interest in health and physique, exhibitionism, narcissism. Excessive interest in health and physique is another instance of a normal, desirable trait expanded until it becomes a demonic bondage. The human body is a scientific marvel, an instrument that only God could design and develop. It is well adapted to serve as a vehicle for our spirit and soul.

With all of this we must keep in mind that the physical body is the vehicle designed by the Lord to teach us humble dependence on God. Although we are sons of God we have been made lower than the angels. We are seeking to exist and to learn the ways of the Lord while imprisoned in this foolish, animal form. As the Lord said, "The flesh profits nothing."

To be continued.