The Daily Word of Righteousness

Food Sacrificed to Idols, #19

For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. (Hebrews 11:10—NIV)

When we confess a sin we are committing, ready to turn away from it with all our determination plus the Lord's assistance, the Divine fire of God's judgment burns the idol, assigning it to the Lake of Fire where those who refuse to turn away from their sins will be in torment forever. In our mind we are to pile a great heap of stones over the sin, realizing that this particular part of our personality has suffered the eternal judgment of God.

As the process of judgment takes place the Lord comforts us and our fellowship with the Father is continually strengthened.

We are never completely delivered from sin until we come against it with the fierce determination of Israel against Achan. The sin and all the members of its family must be put to death and burned without mercy. Only then are we set free.

Individuals may refer to the various "foods" we are mentioning as harmless, innocent pastimes that the average person pursues whether or not her or she is a believer. They may keep on partaking of the delights of the demons. If they continue to resist godly counsel they will face an angry Christ who demands to know how they spent their allotted days on the earth.

But you and I will flee from such "foolish virgins" because we are seeking the city that has foundations—seeking it with all the strength of our personality, night and day, seven days a week until we die. We shall work the works of God until we pass on to the next world so that our work and our life on earth cease at the same moment. We are serious about serving the Lord and have no time for the hobbies of the multitude of careless Christians in Western civilization who wander about in their lukewarmness, adoring their pets, working on their antique cars, collecting their stamps, vacationing here and vacationing there, and otherwise wasting their time, expecting God to hand them eternal life on a platter.

The days of judgment are at hand for Western civilization. The Jews have had their holocaust and their troubles are not yet over. It is time now for the Gentile holocaust, and Christians will not be removed from the trouble that is coming. If we are wise we will prepare ourselves for the Divine judgment soon to fall by praying and seeking the Presence of the Lord.

The worst part of the trouble that is coming is not tribulation, it is the abundance of available sin. Tribulation works patience. Just as in a self-cleaning oven, the intense heat burns away the impurities.

The many believers who will fall away during the age of moral horrors will not do so because of suffering or persecution but because lawlessness and wickedness shall increase. If we would be guarded against the lawlessness we must guard the Word of Christ's patience, remaining patiently in the circumstances in which God places us.

Man allowed Satan to enter Paradise. Man, with the necessary assistance of the Lord Jesus Christ, must be the one to drive Satan from Paradise.

The program of judgment and deliverance must continue in our personality and behavior until we no longer partake of any food that is offered to an idol, to a demon-god. (from Food Sacrificed to Idols)