The Daily Word of Righteousness

Canaan, continued

I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9—NIV)

In my opinion, the greatest challenge facing the Christian churches of our day is that of surrendering their right to go forth and try to save the world with the gifts they have, surrendering their right to plan and scheme how they are going to deliver mankind.

The Lord is not asking us to save the world. He is asking us to abide in Him. To let go and trust the Lord to build His own Kingdom can be a terrifying choice to the intense religious individual. But until we turn to the Lord in humility and relinquish all our plans, religious as well as secular, we cannot enter the rest of God, the land of promise. We absolutely must cease from our own works if we are to enter God's rest.

This is difficult because today the emphasis is on important ministers building ever bigger buildings, creating ever bigger institutions. The minister who instead looks to the Lord for every breath may be regarded as a "loser"—a person lacking in faith, drive, ambition, talent.

In order to be married to the Lamb we have to accept His headship. In order to dance with Jesus Christ we have to let Him lead. He simply will not turn over His role as God's Administrator to men who are attempting to direct the Holy Spirit in revival.

What are some of the roadblocks Satan throws up as we seek to become a pillar in the Temple of God, an eternal part of the Father and the Son?

One roadblock is the synagogue of Satan. The synagogue of Satan consists of self-centered believers. They are used by Satan to accuse the true worshipers of Christ. They never have accepted the idea that they must surrender their will to Christ. Therefore Satan, the accuser of the brothers, is able to use them to cause division, to gossip, to slander God's servants.

If we respond in any way to their slander we have a difficult time finding our place in the Temple of God. Our adamic nature is provoked by the things that are said about us. We must leave all such accusations in the Lord's hands if we would become a new creation. We just have to pray enough to make certain we are pleasing Him, doing His will in all matters.

We have to endure patiently the years during which God's promises to us are suspended. We must keep the word of Christ's patience.

Americans place a high value on getting out and doing things. The concept of waiting, waiting, waiting for the mind of the Lord is not part of our culture. We want action and success and we want it now.

If we expect Christ to guard us during the hour of testing that is to come upon the whole world we must guard His Word and wait patiently for Him.

Another roadblock consists of people who would take our crown. Sometimes relatives or friends do things that tempt us to come down from our high place in God. We may be pressured to move ahead of God. Someone we love or respect may advise us that we are going in the wrong direction. This may be true and so we must be very prayerful and not arrogant.

To be continued.