The Daily Word of Righteousness

Helping God Out, #4

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19)

After people have been brought to Christ they must become cross-carrying disciples who are prepared to deny themselves and follow the Lord each day. This is what the Great Commission states as its objective. If people accept Christ and then do not become cross-carrying disciples, the system has been aborted.

Now, when we set the building of churches and the adding of believers to those churches as the primary goal, we miss the point of the system. The goal is to form people into the image of Christ and bring them into the rest of God. Building churches and filling them with believers is one of the objectives that form the means to the twofold goal. Changing people into the image of Christ and bringing them into the rest of God is not a means to building churches and adding believers. The reverse is true.

Today the often expressed goal is to build churches and add members. But this is not the true biblical goal of the system. Consequently the Church as a whole is not moving forward in the plan of redemption. It is building churches and adding members, but it is not doing the what the Spirit desires. The Kingdom of God cannot be built in this manner.

The great illustration of the folly of trying to help God out is, of course, the story of Uzzah. No one, absolutely no one, could fault the good intentions of Uzzah. He was attempting to prevent the holy Ark of the Covenant from toppling over into the mud.

Why did not God notice that what Uzzah was doing was necessary and worthy of commendation? Why did God strike Uzzah dead on the spot?

When we can answer that question, we can understand how Christian leaders can labor year after year and produce churches filled with self-seeking believers who are practicing all the works of the sinful nature.

God killed Uzzah because Uzzah behaved ignorantly and presumptuously.

Sometimes I get a sense that the Lord Jesus is displeased because we plunge forward without waiting to hear what He wants. We may have the best intentions in the world, but we are forging ahead ignorantly and presumptuously.

You would think the Lord would get in the middle of our programs and yell "Stop!"

But He doesn't. There is something about the Nature of Christ that prevents His seeking to override our actions. Rather He chooses to wait. And then He whispers to those who are patiently seeking His will.

The Lord Jesus always works in love, joy, and peace. He delights Himself with those who, with childlike trust place their hand in His and walk with Him. These He uses to work the works that have eternal significance.

Meanwhile Babylon cries, "Work! work! work!" Yet she will not lift the load with one of her fingers. I guess religious leaders have always been like this.

I realize there are godly leaders. I realize also that there are many Christians around the world who are laboring in the finest traditions of Christendom.

I realize also that there is truth in what I am saying.

To be continued.