The Daily Word of Righteousness

John 6:25-58, #5

So they asked him, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" (John 6:30,31)

Still looking for food.

"What miraculous sign will you give that we may see it?" The day before they had seen miracles of healing!

If anyone was to appear today who could multiply food he or she would be in great demand. Several countries of the world are experiencing famine. The miracle of the five small barley loaves, two small fish, and the five thousand men was no insignificant event. So it is perfectly understandable that the men crossed the Sea of Galilee and came looking for the Lord in Capernaum.

They said they would believe Christ if He performed a sign. But what kind of belief is this? It is belief in a magician. They had followed Him in the first place because they saw the miraculous healing of sick people. They were not following Him because of His teaching or the miracles but because of the food.

It would have been acceptable if they had followed Christ because they had witnesses the miraculous. But these men were just hungry. They wanted something to eat!

In recent times there have been preachers claiming that belief in Christ will enable them to become prosperous and get whatever else they want. Such preachers do not lack for followers. Anyone with a gift of healing will draw crowds. People will come to those who promise to give them things they desire.

But how many will follow Christ because of His teaching, and will keep following Him even though it cost them all they hold dear? These are the true Christians, the heirs of the Kingdom of God.

To be continued.