The Daily Word of Righteousness

To Will and To Do, #6

For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. (I Corinthians 15:21,22—NIV)

The penalty imposed on Adam and Eve was twofold: first, they lost a loving relationship with the Father by disobeying Him; second, the inevitable took place—the Life of God withdrew from them, as the Life of God will always withdraw where there is disobedient, willful behavior. Corruption and death resulted.

From Satan's willingness to act apart from the Father have sprung the evil spirit of worldliness, which is the attempt to live apart from the will of God; and the lusts that dwell in our flesh, which are cravings for love and joy apart from the will of God.

Because there is no Life of God in the spirit of the world, the world is a source of separation from God, resulting in a desire to live, move, and have our being without depending on God. Money is the god of the world. People use money to keep from having to depend on God. This is why they desire to be rich.

Because there is no Life of God in the cravings of our flesh and soul, they are inflamed and unmanageable. When their cravings are fulfilled they do not bring love, joy, or peace but every kind of undesirable result, from remorse to sickness and death.

The demonic powers dwelling in our personality strive frantically to fulfill their own craving—cravings that require more and more excesses for they never can be satisfied.

This is why one of the main thoughts of the American culture is the cultivation of the right of the person to control his own destiny. It is the spirit of Antichrist. The spirit of Antichrist abounds in us until we are willing to die to our own will and live in the will of God, the rest of God.

The personal cross of the believer is God's answer to the problem of the corrupted will.

Our baptism in water signifies we have died to the world spirit and now have been raised from the dead with Jesus Christ and have ascended to the right hand of God in Christ, waiting for the return of Christ to the earth.

Now God furnishes us with a personal cross, a personal imprisonment. God tells us to take up our own cross and follow Jesus everywhere He leads us.

Our whole life is to be one of imprisonment in God's will. The righteous rejoice in this but it is an abomination to the believer who wants to be saved and yet pursue his or her own way.

I have been saying for many years that the Charismatic move will be split over the issue of suffering. It is suffering that teaches us obedience, just as it taught our Lord obedience to the Father.

The false doctrine of the pre-tribulation "rapture" of the believers is based on the idea that Christians are not to suffer tribulation.

The false doctrines of the so-called "faith" and "prosperity" teachings are based on the idea that Christians are not to suffer in the present world but by "faith" are to receive every benefit, including material wealth and perfect health.

The false doctrine that we are saved by "grace" apart from righteous behavior is based on the idea that Christians are not to suffer.

Satan will always come up with doctrines that counsel Christians to save their life rather than lose it in God. This philosophy appeals particularly to American Christians because most of us live in relative comfort compared with many of the poorer nations of the earth.

To be continued.