The Daily Word of Righteousness

Four Types of the Plan of Redemption, #11

With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. (Isaiah 26:9)

The rule of Christ will result in righteous conduct on the part of the saved inhabitants of the earth. Righteous conduct on the part of the inhabitants of the earth will bring peace. Peace will bring joy—the joy of the Lord. This is the kingdom that is coming. The only manner in which peace can be brought into the earth is by means of Christ's rule with the rod of the iron of God's strength.

It is God's will that the meek inherit the earth, and so they shall. Yet a little while and the King will return. This time He will not be the helpless baby of the manger, the boy asking questions in the Temple, or the meek and lowly Lamb that men can abuse as they will. Christ is coming as the Lion of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, to destroy out of the earth all who oppose Him.

The entire realm of nature—people, animals, the vegetable and mineral creation—everything found worthy of eternal life will be reconciled to God during the thousand-year Jubilee. Every crop God has sown in the earth will bear fruit, and the fruit will be harvested and dealt with appropriately by the Lord Jesus.

The seventh aspect of the plan of redemption is described in Revelation, Chapters 21 and 22. We see the Wife of the Lamb, the new Jerusalem, coming to rest on a great high mountain of the new earth. She is perfect in every detail and the Throne of God and of the Lamb is in her.

The new Jerusalem is the Church, the holy city, the center of government for the whole earth. It is the dwelling place of God, the light of the world. God has finished His work and is now at rest. The descent of the holy city marks the end of the plan of redemption, the restoration of every particle of inheritance that has been tricked, stolen, taken by violence, or otherwise wrested from Adam and Eve and their descendants.

After the celebration of the seven days of Tabernacles, to speak symbolically, the "eighth day" will begin. It appears to us that when the new heaven and the new earth are brought into view, and the holy city descends to the earth, every creature having found his assigned place in God's economy, there then will be a period of unimaginable rejoicing over what God has brought forth; of giving glory and praise to Him because of His endless love and mercy; of taking in all the sights, sounds, feelings and other experiences of the new creation.

There will be nothing lost except those spirits and people who have rebelled against Christ. Every person and every thing of the creation we have known and cherished and that is worthy of the Kingdom of God will be brought forward in a glorified state, because God knows every detail concerning each of us.

To be continued.