The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Church, #4

It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. (Revelation 21:12—NIV)

The wall between the Church and the world is not a wall of distance such that the Church is in Heaven and the world exists on the earth. Distance by no means is the wall. Geographical distance apart does not present the same barrier in the spirit realm that it does in the physical realm.

Rather, the wall between the Church and the world is the wall of the holy power of the Spirit of God. The saint is in the world but the world cannot harm him because of the protection of the angel of the Lord. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee" (Psalms 91:7).

Israel dwelled in Goshen, a suburb of Egypt. But when the plagues fell from the heavens there was a wall between the Israelites and the Egyptians. The wall was not that of distance. The wall was the Presence of God.

Little is accomplished in the Kingdom of God by removing the saint from the earth, which is his inheritance. Much is accomplished in the Kingdom of God when the saint learns to make the Lord, the most High, his refuge and his habitation. This is why Jesus, in the seventeenth chapter of John, does not pray that the Father take the saints from the world but that He guard them from the evil one.

The Father sent Christ into the world as the living Revelation of the Person, the purpose, the way, the nature, the Substance, the Word of the Father. All that the Father is He has placed forever in the Lord Jesus Christ so that Jesus is the perfect and complete manifestation of all that God the Father is and does.

Christ has sent the Church, His Body, into the world as the living revelation of the Person, the purpose, the way, the nature, the Substance, the Word of Christ. All that the Lord Jesus is He has placed forever in the Church so that the Church may be the perfect and complete manifestation of all that Christ is and does.

Christ and His Father are One. The Church, the Body of Christ, is being created, is being perfected, is being incorporated, as an integral, indivisible, incorruptible substance and expression of the one God.

The Church, the Body of Christ, shall be made complete and perfect in the Father and the Son, according to the prayer of the Lord Jesus. The Church shall be spotless, unblemished, without wrinkle. The creation of a complement, a counterpart, a companion of the Lord Jesus is not the ambition of mankind. It is the vision and desire of the Father—God Almighty.

Because the perfecting of a wife for the Lamb is the vision and desire of God Almighty it shall come to pass. The members of the Body of Christ were known to the Almighty before the creation of the world. Such is the proclamation of the Scriptures.

To be continued.