The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Church, #6

And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord (Ezekiel 37:6)

The sinews will bring the Body of Christ together and give it eternal strength. The flesh will adorn the Body with the beauty of holiness, the beauty of the graces of God. The skin is the wall of defense that God is creating around all the glory.

The breath is the incorruptible eternal life that Christ will breathe into His Body as soon as it becomes unified, strong, beautiful, and separated from the poison of the world. The necessary separation will occur as a result of giving God's Glory to the Church, the fires of great tribulation, and the development in the saints of the ability to distinguish between good and evil and to choose the good and resist and reject the evil.

All that Jesus prayed for in John, Chapter 17 God shall create.

God has chosen to bring the Church, and indeed shall bring the Church, to this state of completeness, unity, and maturity. All the ministries and gifts of the Spirit are being restored to the members of the Body of Christ in order to assist in the perfecting of the Body.

We are learning to recognize that the Holy Spirit is God in our midst. The responsibility of creating the Wife of the Lamb belongs to Him.

Every member of the Body of Christ without exception is to be supplying his or her part in the work of building the Body of Christ.

The Church is to be separated altogether from the world. Remember Samson!

The cross will enter the personalities of the members of the Body of Christ so that self-will and self-seeking will cease.

God shall create His Church, as we note in the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel.

The glory that the Father has given to the Son, the Son has given to us. There is no doubt that the Father has shed on His beloved Son the fullness of the Glory of God. There is no doubt that the Son has shed on His beloved Church the fullness of the Glory that God has given to Him.

The glory that is spoken of here is so magnificent in grandeur, so galactic in scope, so awful in authority and power, that no human language could in any manner begin to portray or define it. It is the fullness of the Glory of God—that which creates and upholds all nations, all things, all forces, all the universe.

When the fullness of the Glory of God flows through the Son to His Church, the Church will become one with the Oneness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Such absolute oneness is far beyond human comprehension at this moment. The world shall behold the Glory of God in the Church and will know indeed that God has sent Christ and loves the Church as He loves His firstborn Son.

The voice of Divine, eternal love cries out, "I will that the people whom You have given Me be forever with Me where I am." We are married to the Lamb and shall be with Him forever, ages without end.

To be continued.