The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Convergence, #5

The LORD thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command. The day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it? (Joel 2:11—NIV)

The second chapter of Joel, the third chapter of Habakkuk, and the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation portray the army of Christ, the army of the Kingdom of God, the army of holy judges that soon will enter the earth and drive out all sin and rebellion.

We cannot see in Church history a period of time during which the army of Christ has been formed, although undoubtedly the individual soldiers have been trained throughout Church history. Therefore we believe the army will be organized and many soldiers brought forth during the period from now until Christ returns. This especially may be true of the children who are being raised in the present hour. (Perhaps this is why evil spirits are placing such an emphasis on abortion.)

The movement of Israel from Egypt to Canaan is a type of the movement of the Christian Church from bondage to the world to rest in resurrection life. There came a time when the army was organized (Chapter 10 of Numbers). This took place after the Law was given on Mount Sinai.

The giving of the Law of Moses to Israel is typical of the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Christian saint. Mount Sinai speaks of Pentecost.

Two programs went into effect after the giving of the Law:

The construction of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

The organizing of Israel into an army.

It is the writer's point of view that these two programs are the main purpose for the Christian Era: (1) the building of the Body of Christ, which is the Tabernacle of God; and (2) the organizing of the army of Christ.

During the Christian Era there also has been a witness given of the soon coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth. But the principal works of the Christian Era have been the beginning of the creation of the eternal Temple of God, and the procuring and training of the officers and soldiers of the army of Christ.

The Christian believers of today are anything but an army. Out from the babylonish (manmade, man-centered, man-directed) confusion of the denominations and churches are being called the officers and soldiers of Christ's army. The Lord's warriors are gaining, through Christ's Virtue, victory over the world, victory over Satan, victory over the lusts of the body, and victory over self-love and self-will. There is no place in Christ's army for anything less than total victory.

Such an army of victorious saints will be formed prior to the coming of the Commander in Chief from Heaven.

It seems impossible, given the "dead bones" of today; but the army of conquering judges indeed will be formed and no authority or power in the heavens or on the earth can prevent their coming to the perfection God has ordained (Joel 2:2-11; Isaiah 13:3-5; Habakkuk 3:13-16; Malachi 4:3; Jude 14,15; Revelation 19:14).

No doubt there will have to be a disruption of our environment before the believers in Christ will be willing to turn away from the world and give themselves wholly to the rigorous training required of the soldiers of Christ. Whatever is necessary will be done, for the Kingdom of God cannot be installed on the earth until the army of judges has been formed.

To be continued.