The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Rising of the Day Star, continued

My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (Galatians 4:19)

God will not dwell in human flesh. Christ must be formed in us first. Then Christ and God Themselves come and dwell in the new creation that has been formed in us.

Notice how the new covenant operates. When we first come to the Lord He forgives our sins. He puts a part of Himself in us and we are born again of the incorruptible Seed. He touches us with a deposit of the Holy Spirit that is the eternal Life of God in us. Now we have the authority (the blood of Christ) and the wisdom and power of God (the Holy Spirit) to enter the Kingdom of God, which is the doing of God's will in the earth as it is in Heaven.

It also is true that the Divine Life of Christ has been conceived in us. Something has been born in us.

Now all the grace God has given us goes into action. We have access to the Holy of Holies in Heaven. We have the written testimony of the Apostles. We have the fellowship of fervent believers. We have the ministries and gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring us to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

The goal is the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God, the rest of God, is Christ Himself. He is the Resurrection, the eternal Life, the Kingdom, the Rest, the complete and perfect Goal toward which we are to be pressing.

Each day a portion of evil and a portion of Divine good is placed before us. It is up to our adamic man to be willing to choose to overcome the evil with the Divine good.

If we indeed have a faithful and good heart and fight the good fight of faith our adamic nature will be weakened that day and a corresponding growth of Christ will occur. It is the growth of Christ that is the Kingdom, the eternal house of God. It is the growth of Christ that is itself the new covenant, the engraving of the Word of God in our mind and heart.

First we keep the commandments of God by the help the Lord gives us. Then as Christ is formed in us we begin to keep the commandments of God by nature, by the Divine Nature that is being formed in us.

The Divine Nature does not sin and cannot sin.

Our adamic nature drinks sin and rebellion like water. God is not reforming our adamic nature but crucifying it. As our adamic nature is crucified the very resurrection Life of Christ is developed in us. Now we are able to keep God's commandments easily and naturally.

The new covenant is not an excuse to sin. The new covenant frees us from the old by substituting a new law, the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

We are crucified with Christ. Nevertheless we live. Yet it is not we who are living but Christ who is living in us. Even though the Law of Moses no longer has jurisdiction over us we still do not transgress the moral law of God. We do not sin because the new Nature of Christ in us does not and cannot sin.

To be continued.