The Daily Word of Righteousness

Jude, #13

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, (Jude 1:20)

We must turn aside each day from the demon-inspired culture of the United States and pray until we come into the Presence of God. If not, the newspaper and television will conform us to the world, whether or not we claim to be a Christian. We will grow old until we are confined in a nursing home, never having found the will of God for our life.

I have been a Christian over fifty years and have seen it happen to once-joyous believers.

If you don't have time to pray, ask God for time to pray.

Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. (Jude 1:21)

We keep ourselves in God's love by keeping the commandments of Christ and His Apostles.

We think of eternal life as something we have now. To a certain extent this is true. But there are passages of Scripture, such as the above, reminding us that eternal life is a goal we are to pursue each day of our discipleship. It is entirely possible to be given an initial portion of life and then to allow the distractions of life to remove that beginning life from us.

Jesus Christ Himself is eternal Life and is the path to that Life. We have to lay aside everything, as the Apostle Paul did, in order to gain Christ, to gain eternal life.

If we sow each day to the Spirit of God we shall reap eternal life in the Day of the Lord. But if we as a Christian sow instead to our flesh and soul, we shall reap destruction in the Day of the Lord.

The expression "eternal life" is not referring to eternal existence. It is a kind of life, a quality of life. It is the Life of God given to us through Christ. We choose each day to pursue the Life of God, or we choose each day to pursue our fleshly, soulish desires. If we choose the latter we are facing destruction in the Day of the Lord.

We must keep ourselves in God's love by praying in the Spirit and making the seeking of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness the highest priority of every day of our pilgrimage.

And of some have compassion, making a difference: (Jude 1:22)

Many believers are weak in faith. We are to receive them and not argue with them. The Bible says the Lord will not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick. This means He will deal gently with those who are beset with doubts and fears.

We need to make a difference between those who are arrogant, who defy God's laws of righteousness, and those who are weak in faith toward God. The former have no place in the Kingdom of God. The Lord holds them at a distance from Himself. He is not impressed with their religious boasting. But God will work with the weak until they are strong enough to stand.

We are especially kind to our handicapped children. So is God. But the proud and self-assured will be sent away empty.

To be continued.