The Daily Word of Righteousness

An Army of Judges, #10

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:1,2—NIV)

Can you see that when God's conditions are met, Satan is helpless in the hands of one angel?

This tells us that the struggle is not one of power but of judgment.

We do not overcome Satan with our spiritual power but with the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony to the truth of God, and by loving not our life to the death.

When God has saints who will love not their own life to the death, it will be time for Christ to give the Word to Michael. Then Satan's end is near.

The issue, as we have said, is one of truth and judgment.

Today much Christian preaching is not the truth. It is a traditional view of salvation, derived from an unbalanced emphasis on the role of doctrinal understanding—an imbalance proceeding perhaps from the Protestant Reformation. The righteous shall live by faith has been interpreted to mean the righteous go to Heaven by having a correct doctrinal understanding rather than by living righteously.

Satan has managed under every covenant to pervert God's purpose. God wants people who behave righteously, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. In every age the Jewish and Christian religions distort this pure goal, placing emphasis on some aspect of religious observance, whether the minutiae of the Talmud, or penances, or lawless grace.

Today the Christian churches have been destroyed by the concept of a sovereignly imposed grace that operates independently of our behavior. In other words, you do not have to behave righteously, love mercy, or walk humbly with God in order to please God and go to Heaven.

As long as such an unscriptural definition of grace is pursued, with its consequent immorality, the entire body of believers worldwide could scream: "We rebuke you Satan! We rebuke you Satan! We rebuke you Satan!" And Satan would continue to laugh and caper about gleefully. We can bind demons, attack the principalities in the air, fast and pray. While such behavior may be effective in specific instances, none of these will pin Satan's shoulders to the mat.

We must—we absolutely must—learn to discern between good and evil, and reject the evil and embrace the good. This is judgment. It is eternal. It is the manner in which everlasting righteousness will be brought into the creation.

Two armies—the army of judges and the army of angels. The army of angels is composed of the mighty messengers who excel in strength, doing God's will. But their hands are tied until God's saints love righteousness and hate lawlessness.

This is the challenge that faces us in the twenty-first century. The issue is that of sin in the churches. Until a warlike remnant arises in the churches, trusting in the blood of the Lamb, having a pure testimony of iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father, Satan will continue to demonstrate his presence in the heavens and upon the earth.

But we know from the Scriptures that a mighty army shall arise and bring an end to Satan and sin. The only question is, will you and I be in the army of the Lord?

We shall if we will follow the Holy Spirit in the destruction of our sinful nature.

"What do you see in the only one of her mother? As it were, the dance of two armies. It is Mahanaim!" (from An Army of Judges)