The Daily Word of Righteousness

God Will Take Care of the Wicked

For like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. (Psalms 37:2—NIV)

My father-in-law was a strong Christian but he harmed himself spiritually. He let himself become bitter because of the selfishness of the management of the company he was working for. For several years he spoke continually of this injustice.

God has not called us to publish the works of the devil but to walk with Jesus in the joyous heights of Zion.

If we can't handle the garbage in the newspaper or on the television then we should throw the stuff out. Nobody is making us read the paper or watch the television.

Many Christians are sitting on the east bank of the Red Sea watching television so they can make sure the Egyptians are not getting away with anything.

When God has something constructive for us to do He will show us exactly how to proceed. In the meantime we are to quit our fretting!

I remember as a boy the great pronouncements made by Mussolini and Hitler. Where are they now? What happened to all their boasting? Sin catches up to people.

Sometimes it seems the wicked will prosper forever. They increase more and more and yet those who know them are aware of the evil things they do. This goes on for years. It appears there is no justice.

God has a way of waiting until He sees we have attained the peak of our desires, whether they are good or evil, before He reveals His judgment. Sometimes God waits until after the individual is dead. Some men's sins are revealed beforehand. In other cases they follow after.

But be sure of one thing. There is no act of righteousness or wickedness that goes unnoticed by the Lord. He gives both the righteous and the wicked plenty of space until He is certain of their character and intentions.

When the wicked individual really turns from his wickedness and begins to practice righteousness, God forgets about his wickedness. He is judged as a righteous person. Rejoice with God over a son who has returned home.

When the righteous individual turns from his righteousness and begins to practice wickedness, God forgets about his righteousness. He is judged as a wicked person.

No one gets away with anything. If we will cease our judging and trying to avenge ourselves God will avenge us. As long as we are trying to exert our own justice God will not move. We have to let go of the situation. When we hang on to our bitter, vengeful attitude we keep ourselves and the object of our hatred in prison.

Turn your problem over to God and let Him vindicate you. He may not bring forth your righteousness today because He is allowing the other fellow time to repent. And this is what you want anyway!

The wicked make loud noises now but tomorrow they will be stilled. The most boastful, arrogant of men will crawl like a worm before the Lord Jesus once he sees the reality of the spirit realm. Physical trouble is trivial compared with that which faces the wicked in the next life.

There is no death there, no sleep, no unconsciousness, no way of escaping the grotesque creatures we have decided to join. There is no love, no joy, no child's laughter, no saintly mother to make intercession. We have chosen Hell and into Hell we shall go.