The Daily Word of Righteousness

Where Are We?, #8

This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. (Hebrews 8:10—NIV)

The Body of Christ is the repository of the eternal moral law of God. The moral law of God is being written in our minds and hearts. We are being formed into an army so we can descend with the Lord Jesus and bring the moral law of God into the earth, just as the Israelites brought the Law of Moses into the land of Canaan.

Where are we at this time in God's plan?

We have been saved through the blood of the cross. We have received God's Holy Spirit.

Now we must be prepared to appear with Christ and bring His Kingdom, His rule, into the world. We are the judges of mankind and of the angels.

Before this is possible, two Divine works must proceed in us. First, and most important, we must be reconciled to God totally in every aspect of our personality.

All love of the world and its ways must be removed from us. Whoever would love and trust in the world makes himself the enemy of God. He or she is still part of the problem, not of the solution.

All of the lusts and passions of our flesh and soul must be burned out of us; driven from us. There is no sin in the Kingdom of God. As long as we are slaves to the demons we cannot possibly appear with Jesus Christ and assist in the installation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Every bit of self-will, of striving for our personal achievement, whether in a secular or religious setting, must be crucified. No individual can rule with God when God is not ruling the individual.

When we have been freed from worldliness, lust, and self-will, and the Father and Christ are dwelling in us in untroubled rest, we are as the Ark of the Covenant containing the moral law of God.

The first and most important work of preparation for our appearance with Christ is the perfect reconciliation of our personality to God.

The second work of preparation is our entering the discipline required of every member of the Lord's army. That army does not break rank. It is totally obedient to the Commander in Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we have been set free from worldliness, lust, and self-will we fall naturally into our place in the army, for we have learned the discipline of the Lord as we have cooperated with the Holy Spirit in the work of deliverance from worldliness, lust, and self-will.

Where are we today? We are entering the spiritual fulfillments of the blowing of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement, both of which will culminate in the forming of Christ in us and the coming of the Father and Christ to make us Their eternal tabernacle.

We absolutely must turn away from our love of the world. We must count that we have been crucified with Christ and now have been raised with Him and have ascended with Him to the right hand of the Father. We are in the world but no longer of the world.

To be continued.