The Daily Word of Righteousness

So Near and Yet So Far!, #6

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14—NIV)

I think we have come to a crossroads in the Christian religion. I believe God desires to bring to the world an end-time witness of His Person, will, and way. There is very little witness today in America—a considerable amount of ministry, but little witness.

Yesterday a friend was telling me how he had been treated in his denomination. He is an ordained minister. My friend got into an argument with his immediate supervisor. This conflict went from bad to worse until a higher official was called in. The higher official took my friend aside and said to him in a kindly manner, "You might as well resign your church because your supervisor is a vindictive person. There will be nothing but trouble from now on."

My friend resigned his pastorate.

Is this supervisor a true witness of God? He thinks he is, being a leader in a denomination, but is he really? Is Christ a vindictive person?

The Christian witness in America has been destroyed by the antics of prominent "ministers." God loves the world and I think He is going to prepare a true witness to the world of His Person, will, and ways in Christ.

How, then, will these witnesses be prepared?

I think they will be prepared by suffering.

We can be called and chosen, but we must be proven faithful. God permits Satan to sift us, to put us in one kind of prison or another. God does not immediately deliver us. He allows the testing to continue to see if we will be proven faithful.

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10—NIV)

You and I have Gehazi in us. We have Judas in us. We have Ananias and Sapphira in us. We are so close to the Glory of God. But what will we do when we are called upon to suffer; when our most intense desires are withheld from us? Will we force our way out of our prison and then continue to seek to be the companion of fervent Christians?

How many married men or women have become disgusted with the seeming lack of spirituality of their husband or wife, have found someone who is "so spiritual," have then left their husband or wife, and possibly children, and have run off with "their true mate, the one God has given them." Then they become prominent in the Christian churches, singing, preaching, performing as great ministers of the Gospel.

How do you think God views such individuals? They are in very great danger of eternal destruction. God in His mercy may bring them through the fire in order to save them into His Kingdom, or He may not.

They seem to be so "anointed"! Everyone is so blessed! But they are a stink in the nostrils of Christ. They indeed shall be vomited from His mouth.

We do not know God today! We may know all about the house of God, but we do not know God! We have Him confused with Santa Claus.

To be continued.