The Daily Word of Righteousness

Evangelizing and Witnessing, #6

He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. (Isaiah 42:2—NIV)

We are not saying that the believer should refrain from saying what he knows concerning the atonement, if the circumstances warrant it and the Lord seems to be leading this way. In America, however, most people have heard of Jesus Christ. They hate to have people try to jam the Gospel down their throat. They may have been raised in church and been turned off by what they observed.

They are waiting to see someone who is living the life! Do you agree with this?

If you are filled with God the people around often will stop their swearing. If you are filled with a spirit of proselytizing, the people around you may start swearing. There is a difference.

People are not as dumb as we think they are. If we would just follow the Lord and live a godly life we will have a very great impact on the people with whom we come in contact. If the occasion arises we can tell them what we know about the Lord, or what we have experienced with the Lord. But if we are trying to convert them they will sense this and be upset.

Don't try to force things. Live the life. Follow the Spirit of the Lord.

God makes witnesses. The Lord Jesus makes fishers of men. A witness is always a fisher of men. A witness of God is always bringing people to Jesus and to the ways of God by the life he or she is living. Isn't it so? Have you ever noticed that?

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins [takes] souls is wise. (Proverbs 11:30)

The above verse is often used to encourage personal evangelism. But the expression "wins souls" is not found in the New Testament, and it is certain Solomon was not referring to personal evangelism.

No doubt the meaning of "he who wins souls is wise" is found in "the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life." The idea is that a righteous person brings life to those around him. The wise person by his wisdom and righteous behavior influences those around him and brings them to the righteous, holy ways of the Lord.

Righteous behavior and eternal life are often found together in the Scriptures.

How does God make a witness? By drawing that person to Himself. By dealing with him or her day and night, night and day. By bringing the individual through deep waters and then keeping him from drowning. By bringing the believer through intense fires and then keeping him from bring burned.

The three friends of Daniel had quite a testimony after they came forth from the furnace. "We saw Him! We heard Him! We touched Him! He saved us from the fire!"

This is what it means to be a witness of God.

Daniel himself had a story to tell. "I thought my life was over. I fell among the lions, landing on top of one of them. But they began to purr like kittens. They rubbed up against me. They kept me warm all night with their bodies. The Lord sent His angel and shut their mouths. It was a most pleasurable experience. I wouldn't mind doing that again!"

This is a testimony. This is what it means to be a witness of God.

To be continued.