The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Feast of Passover

In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S passover. (Leviticus 23:5)

There are seven feasts of the Lord. Passover is the first. Each of the seven portrays an aspect of our salvation. The Christian salvation has a definite beginning, a specific process, and a goal toward which we are to be pressing. Do you know about this program?

There was only one actual Passover, that which took place when the Jews left Egypt. All the other Passover celebrations are remembrances of the original exodus.

We all know the story, how Pharaoh would not permit the Israelite slaves to leave Egypt. After the Lord sent severe plagues on Egypt the final destruction took place. God struck the oldest child of each Egyptian family. The Israelite families were protected by the blood of a lamb sprinkled at the entrance to their homes.

After this catastrophe Pharaoh relented and Israel set out toward the land of promise.

We of today do not like to think about the Lord killing people, about His sacrificing a nation so a royal priesthood He had chosen could go out into the desert in order to receive the greatest moral code ever entrusted to mankind. This is because we have been influenced by humanistic thinking to the place we are ready to tell God what He can and cannot do. Society may have changed its attitudes but the Lord does not change!

To those who would protest that God would be cruel and wicked if He caused the death of thousands of Egyptian children let us point out the fact that God gave His Son as an atonement for our sins. Can you imagine the terrible agony experienced by God and Christ as the sins of the world were borne by the crucified One?

Let no person say God does not love him. Look to Christ hanging on the cross and you will understand how much God loves you (and all people). You will understand also that religion is necessary but it does not always reflect the enormous breadth and depth of the rebellion of mankind against God and God's measureless love toward His fallen creatures.

Let us have faith in the righteousness and love of God and some day we will understand more than we do now.

Satan is unwilling to let his captives take their journey toward the land of promise. The time will come when the Lord will strike the god of this world until he no longer is able to keep mankind in the chains of sin.

But first God had to provide a lamb.

The Lamb is Christ Jesus. His blood will protect us when God judges the world. When the destroyer sees the blood of Christ He will pass over us.

How about you? Have you by faith sprinkled the blood of Christ over your life and the lives of your family members?

Only the blood of Christ will be able to protect you and your loved ones during the days of destruction that are ahead of us.