The Daily Word of Righteousness

Distinguishing Between Heaven and Paradise

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know God knows. And I know that this man whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell. (II Corinthians 12:2-4 NIV)

Since neither the Hebrew nor the Greek language distinguish between Heaven where God's throne is, and the space above the earth, it might be profitable for us to be more specific when referring to Heaven and Paradise..

We know from what the Apostle Paul said that there are multiple heavens and that Paradise is in the third heaven.

Actually we humans are not interested in merely leaving the earth and entering the spirit realm. What we desire is Paradise, the garden of God, and we refer to this as "Heaven." Paradise was on earth at one time in the region of the Persian Gulf. It was not in the third heaven or even in the spirit realm. It is remarkable that so much trouble is emanating today from the original location of the Garden of Eden.

We humans remember the garden of Paradise. This is why we enjoy gardens and why we think of a garden when we think of Heaven. The truth is, Heaven is the Throne of God, the origin of government. Paradise is a place of delight, the natural home of human beings. Who wouldn't want to return to Paradise!

However, the issue today is the Throne, the doing of God's will. Heaven is God's Throne. Paradise is not God's throne but the garden of God. Jeremiah tells us that one day Jerusalem will be the Throne of God, that is, Heaven. At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. (Jeremiah 3:17 NIV)

Jerusalem will be the Throne of God that governs Paradise on the earth because the Law will go out from Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

Today there is war in the heavens. Satan is a great sign in the heaven. He accuses us before the Throne of God. We do not want to go there. We want to go to the garden where the godly wander about with flowers in their hands, enjoying the beauty of God's Paradise. We had Paradise and we lost it. Paradise cannot be regained until God develops rulers who will keep the snakes out of it. Each of God's rulers must become a part of the Throne of God.

If God is dealing with you about rulership, seek His face earnestly. God cannot restore Paradise to the earth until He has created a royal priesthood that can teach, bless, guide, judge, heal, and govern people. Will you let God work with you until you can help with the establishing of

the Kingdom of God on the earth?