The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Antichrist Spirit, #3

His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5—NIV)

Spiritual titans are approaching the ultimate confrontation. Human beings, who are only the dust of the ground, have no authority or power to do much about this colossal, vicious, violent warfare.

The people at issue are the saints of God. Those who are willing to give up their right to be themselves will endure the shaking that is coming and be used by the Lord to bear an unprecedented witness. The Christians, especially those who are gifted by the Holy Spirit, who insist on doing what they think is right without waiting until they hear from the Lord, will be shaken from their position in Christ. Some may survive, some may not. Their survival in Christ depends on their willingness to humble themselves and wait for the Lord to make Himself known to them.

First, let me attempt an explanation of the following passage:

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. (I Corinthians 12:4-6—NIV)

I think this means the Holy Spirit gives gifts and ministries to the believers. The Lord Jesus administrates these gifts. The Father operates the gifts.

The problem comes when the Holy Spirit gives us a gift. The gifts given to us are always under our control. Therefore we can either go forth and attempt to use them, or we can submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and permit Him to direct us to use our gifts as He sees fit.

When we seek to use our gifts according to our own desires we create chaos. It is the operation of the Antichrist spirit even though the gift was given by the Spirit of God.

When we walk closely with the Lord Jesus He tells us when and where to use our gift. Then God the Father provides the power that makes the gift work properly.

This is a tremendous misunderstanding in present-day America. Ambitious ministers of the Gospel are attempting to command the Spirit of God. They know if they can get the Spirit to move their meetings will be well attended, and this means success and money for them.

This is an abomination! It is unscriptural to pray to the Spirit of God. We are not to do this. The Spirit of God always is given to those who obey God. When we present ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, He directs the use of our gifts. We do not need to exhort the Holy Spirit to do anything. It is the Lord Jesus alone who administrates the Kingdom of God and the working of the Holy Spirit. When we seek to do this we are moving in the Antichrist spirit.

Remember, Antichrist is not the opposite of Jesus Christ, he is the imitation of Jesus Christ. The principal difference between Antichrist and Jesus Christ is that Jesus Christ obeys the Father while Antichrist acts according to his own desires and impulses.

To be continued.