The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Kingdom of Heaven, #9

But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. (Daniel 12:13)

Again, the hope held out to Daniel was not that he would go to Heaven but that he would be raised in the last days.

The Lord Jesus encouraged us to lay up treasures in Heaven, but He will bring these treasures with Him when He comes. Jesus never once pointed toward residence in Heaven as being our goal. Jesus always spoke of Himself as being our goal. We are to abide in Him. We are to be in Him and He in us. If we abide in Him He will raise us when He returns. This is our hope—to be raised to meet Him when He returns.

We are not raised to go to Heaven for we shall have come with Him from Heaven in order to claim our body from the ground. "Them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him" (I Thessalonians 4:14). The purpose of raising us is that we may reign with Him on the earth as His royal priesthood.

It is the meek, those who are poor in spirit, who are teachable, who are humble and who fear the Lord, who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The violent cannot enter or inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

But did not Jesus in another place inform us that the Kingdom of Heaven was taken by force (Matthew 11:12)?

If it is the meek, the patient, the humble of spirit, who will inherit the earth, and if it is the Kingdom of Heaven that will inherit the earth, how, then, can it be true that the violent take the Kingdom by force?

The writer at one time believed Matthew 11:12 meant we must be energetic, casting aside every hindrance, if we are to possess the Kingdom of Heaven. This certainly is true. But further experience has taught us that God places a high value on patience, on meekness, on humility of mind and spirit. We now believe that this verse refers to the fact that Herod had cast John the Baptist into prison, attempting to inherit the earth, the proper domain of God's Kingdom, by violence.

We do not gain the things of Christ by forcing people or situations but by following the Lord in gentleness and patience.

He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. (Isaiah 42:2)

It is true that industry and perseverance are prized in the Kingdom of Heaven. The believer who is slothful and double-minded will not inherit the rewards of the Kingdom. Laziness has no place in the Kingdom. The lazy of spirit will not inherit the earth.

It is true also that the violent will not inherit the earth. The way of God is the way of love and kindness, not of force.

We see many today who have risen to prominence in Christian circles by depriving their fellow believers of their rights, by robbing widows of their savings, by insisting on being exalted over their brothers, by receiving large offerings. Their behavior is ruthless; yet they have achieved fame and fortune by their violent manner.

Some of these "ministers" are held in esteem by Christians. But God does not hold them in high esteem. All they seemingly have gained will be taken from them and given to the meek. One by one their actions will be examined at the Judgment Seat of Christ. They will be left naked, and some will be cast into outer darkness—although they were certain that Christ was with them in their rise to fame and power.

To be continued.