The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Vision of the New Covenant, #4

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

An even deeper desire of the human soul, although men often do not recognize it, is the longing for fellowship with God. Adam and Eve had that fellowship in abundance. God was visible and present. Now we cry night and day for the restoration of the Presence of God.

Inheritances are easy to lose. They can be agonizingly difficult to regain.

In the beginning mankind was given an incomparable inheritance. But man did not have the experience necessary to keep his crown of authority over all the works of God's hands.

The history of the Christian Church has followed this same pattern. The early Church was given apostles, prophets, gifted teachers, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the supernatural manifestations of the Spirit. What a tremendous spiritual inheritance the first-century saints enjoyed!

Man lost his marvelous inheritance. The Christian Church lost its marvelous inheritance. Samson lost his marvelous inheritance. The prodigal son lost his inheritance. Perhaps you yourself have lost something, your health, your family, your position—something that was given freely to you at the beginning.

Why do we lose what is given to us? It is because we do not possess the experience necessary to keep and profit from the gifts of God.

How do you think Adam and Eve feel now—today? They still are alive in the spirit realm.

What if God were to put Adam and Eve back in Eden and allow them to try again?

How do you think they would perform this time? Do you suppose the past six thousand years have added to their experience? What would they say to the serpent now?

How would Samson behave if he were given another chance?

Today is the first day of the remainder of your life. How will you handle the gifts of God from now on?

It is our point of view that the "latter rain" began with the Protestant Reformers. Slowly, sometimes in great anguish, from the time of the Reformers the Christian Church has been struggling to recover what was given so freely in the first century. Line by line, principle by principle, doctrine and supernatural wisdom and power are being restored. It is an uphill climb attended by vicious persecution. Those of us who choose to participate in the work of restoration allotted to our own generation are required to fill up in our flesh the afflictions of Christ for His body's sake, which is the Church (Colossians 1:24).

Having now regained "the righteous shall live by faith," water baptism by immersion, the born-again experience, holy living, speaking in tongues, will we lose them again? No, we will not lose them again because an inheritance regained through great effort and tears is not lost easily.

The Church forfeited its inheritance immediately after the first century. As we have stated, the Church has been regaining its inheritance since the days of the Reformers. We have gained much experience because of the tortuous route we have been obliged to travel, and that same experience will enable us to keep and profit from what has been regained at such expense.

To be continued.