The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Fullness of Salvation, #15

My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (Galatians 4:19)

God has given us freely of the Divine Virtue that the Lord Jesus is. We have been entrusted with the body and blood of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God (both written by the Prophets and Apostles and also as "manna" given us through the Spirit). The Life of Christ is developed in us through the travail of the ministries and gifts of the Body of Christ.

All these Divine impartations and enablements work together to change us into that image of Christ that continually is presented to us as we seek the Lord. Sometimes we "see" the Lord during fervent, prolonged prayer; sometimes as we meditate in the Scriptures.

Often we behold the Lord through the ministries and gifts given by the Holy Spirit to a fellow saint, or through the personality and behavior of another Christian. It may happen that we are blessed with a dream or vision. Often the Lord uses a book or other form of communication to help us.

We continue "seeing" Christ, and as we do we are changed by the Spirit of the Lord into the image of God. Our mind is renewed. Divine Substance is formed in us. The Life of the Spirit guides our behavior, and the fruit of the Spirit begins to appear in our motives, our speech, our deeds, our meditations and imaginations.

We must be delivered from sin and self-will. We must be born again, and that new life must be nourished continually. We must be transformed continually by beholding the Glory of the Lord as He brings His Glory to us.

By education and training. In addition to the previously mentioned means of bringing us into His image, God educates and trains us. He transforms us by the renewing of our mind.

God educates and trains us through the Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, through the ministries of the Body of Christ, through the direct revelation of His Spirit, including impressions, dreams, and visions, and also by the experiences through which He brings us.

The Holy Spirit is the Master Teacher. We learn of the Person, the Word, and the eternal purpose of the Lord God as we allow the Lord to teach us. Many of the Lord's people are slow to learn or even unwilling to learn.

Let us pause to review the outline of what we are discussing.

There are seven aspects of the Christian salvation:

Salvation from guilt to forgiveness.

Salvation from spiritual death to eternal life.

Salvation from spiritual bondage to spiritual freedom.

Salvation from disobedience to obedience.

Salvation from Satan's image to Christ's image.

Salvation from emptiness to fullness.

Salvation from bodily corruption to bodily incorruption.

We have been elaborating the fifth aspect—salvation from Satan's image to Christ's image.

There are seven elements of God's image:

Being. Character. Substance. Function. Organization of parts. Abilities. Appearance.

There are five means of bringing us into God's image:

By deliverance. By being born again. By being nourished by the Life of Christ. By beholding the Glory of the Lord. By education and training.

To be continued.