The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Fullness of Salvation, #16

The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. (Revelation 4:7—NIV)

We have mentioned four methods of educating and training us in God's image:

The Scriptures.

The ministries of the Body.

The direct revelation of the Spirit.

The experiences through which the Spirit brings us.

God is holy and righteous. Those who are in God's image are holy and righteous.

The image of God reveals courage and dominance (the lion), the capacity and willingness for work and service (the ox), the wild, fierce, independent liberty of the Lord (the eagle), and the "human" traits of intelligence, judgment, friendliness, playfulness, the desire to create, humor, the love of beauty, compassion, the desire for union, and a human form (the man).

Changing our image goes hand in hand with deliverance. As we are delivered from spiritual bondage our new image is able to manifest itself. As Christ is formed in us we are brought into increasingly greater deliverance. Deliverance and image. Image and deliverance. Deliverance and image, until we stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

The process of change of image has not been completed until every point in us corresponds to a point in God. We are to be like our Father in every way although not nearly as great as He. This is pleasing to Him who has called us to be His sons, to be the brothers of the elder Son, Christ.

If we are set free from spiritual bondage, and then do not press forward into the fullness of the image of Christ, we are a spiritual vacuum. Soon the unclean spirits that have been driven from us, not having found rest elsewhere, will return to us and enter us. Our last state will be worse than the first.

God does not forgive us, cause incorruptible eternal life to be born in us, deliver us from spiritual bondages, nourish us with the body and blood of His Son, reveal His Glory to us and in us, and carefully educate and train us in His Person, Word, and eternal purpose so we may go about our business as usual, living to ourselves as it pleases us. Rather, God redeems us so we may enter our proper role in His Kingdom and do His will.

How many people wish to be "saved" so they can follow their desires without hindrance from God or anyone else? These are wandering stars. They are clouds without water. The eternal darkness is their portion because they are not willing to give themselves to God's plan for them.

They are a law to themselves, always seeking to build their own kingdom. They do not want God to interfere with their plans, and God will not interfere if this is what they truly desire.

He will invite them into His will and purposes. But upon their refusal God will give them over to their own desires to wander about in darkness by themselves, each being his own sole companion. They have sought to be separate from God and their prayer will be answered.

Satan's image has been rejected. It will not be permitted to exist among the inhabitants of the new world. Satan and all who bear his image will be shut away from saved society by the power of God. It is only as we are redeemed from Satan's image and transformed into Christ's image that we are permitted to have fellowship with Christ and with the saints and holy angels of the new Jerusalem.

To be continued.