The Daily Word of Righteousness

Going to the Father, #6

But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. (Hebrews 6:8)

The writer of the Book of Hebrews warns them again and again of the perils of neglecting to press forward each day.

The author uses the journey of Israel from Egypt to Canaan to illustrate his warning. The idea is (and it is confirmed by Jude) that the Israelites, having been saved out of Egypt, died in the wilderness because of unbelief and disobedience.

Because the New Testament on different occasions informs us that the history of Israel is an example of the Christian salvation, we must adjust the definition of what it means to be "saved."

Are we "saved" when we come out of Egypt (the world)? Are we "saved" when we are murmuring and growing bitter because of the pain we are experiencing while journeying through the wilderness (life in the world)?

According to the Scriptures, to be "saved" is to journey in faith and confidence throughout our lifetime, obeying God each day.

What does it mean to be "saved"? It means to continue in confidence in Christ each day of our discipleship. We are not "saved" in the scriptural sense until we arrive at the rest of God. "Rest," as used in the fourth chapter of Hebrews, means rest from our enemies. Through Christ we have overcome every enemy of our soul and have gained the moral Character of the Lord and are resting in the Father's perfect will. This "rest" is our Canaan, our land of promise.

We do not partake of Christ, and consequently do not find rest in the Person of the Father, unless we steadfastly continue in belief and obedience to the end of our life on earth.

Does the New Testament actually teach this?

For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end; (Hebrews 3:14)

We are made a part of Christ only if we keep moving forward each day in belief and obedience. This is the message of the Book of Hebrews.

We have no firm basis in the Scriptures to hope we will go anywhere when we die except to the area where people behave as we do. We will be "gathered to our people."

It is in the present life that we demonstrate our faith by repenting and truly serving the Lord Jesus. If we do this we will be saved.

To be "saved" is to be preserved from destruction during the Day of the Lord and to enter the new world of the Kingdom of God.

Coming into union with Christ (the marriage of the Lamb) must take place now—each day of our Christian discipleship. An immediate, practical effort must be made to seek the Lord's will in every aspect of our life.

Can you see the important difference between these two understandings of salvation? If Heaven is our goal, our principal task is to wait patiently until we go there. If union with the Father through Christ is our goal, our principal task is to devote every day of our discipleship to the attaining of this union. We must begin the process of transformation now.

We must become a new creation if we are to come into eternal fellowship with the Divine Fire of Israel.

To be continued.