The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Great Design, #6

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, (II Timothy 2;24)

Those who have spread the Gospel by violent, self-seeking methods have disqualified themselves from participation in the Kingdom of God. The violent builders of the Kingdom have their reward—perhaps in the present world. But the gentle children of the Kingdom are embraced in the heart of the Father. God Himself is their inheritance.

Although the Spirit of God has made use of the products of violent people as they have fought one another to accomplish their own ends (all for the Glory of God, as they would claim), the true members of the Body of Christ have learned the kindness and gentleness of the Lord.

Goodness. In comparison with all other persons, God alone is good. Christ reveals in Himself the goodness, the compassion, the generosity, the good will of God. Those in whom the Spirit of God is dwelling are beginning to show this same hospitable, generous attitude toward others, being willing that all should enjoy the blessings of the Lord.

In a day filled with hatred, violence, and perversity, it is difficult for the believer to maintain a good attitude. In spite of our best efforts the darkness poisons us. We fight evil with evil. Satan is the master of such fire and we always get burned.

Evil can be overcome only with good. Not our good, it must be the good that comes from God. It is only the Divine good that contains enough power to overcome the perversity in the world.

Goodness is the ability to do good to others, even to those of whom we do not approve. The goodness of God sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. This is so difficult for us to do! But the Spirit of God is more powerful than all.

Satan always projects evil and discord from himself. Those who are filled with Satan's spirit give forth this same badness, this foulness of attitude. The presence of the true saint turns the bitter waters to sweet, bringing showers of blessing. The saint brings order out of confusion, harmony out of discord. He or she is a peacemaker. This is the way of Heaven and the image of God.

Faithfulness. God clothes Himself with faithfulness as with a garment. God is Faithful. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Faithful and True Witness.

Treachery is common in our day. The lawyers are becoming wealthy because men are not faithful and do not tell the truth. The businessman insists all agreements be put in writing because his customers will cheat him if they can.

Marriages are dissolved because the oaths of people are meaningless. Since people are lovers of pleasure and do not fear God, they will abide by their promise only as long as it is pleasurable and convenient to do so. When they break their word their excuse is that they were not being treated fairly. They expect other people to overlook their treacherous behavior.

Satan is a liar and the father of liars. How many people have ended up in Hell because they believed the lies of Satan? Satan held out to them the promise of a glorious life in the world. Instead, he led them into the flames of torment. Their cries in Hell fall on deaf ears. There is no conscience, no faithfulness in Hell.

To be continued.